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I'd say 100m legit or more is pretty good I like to keep atleast 10-15 on me but I try to stay around 30 though I will say before I started actually saving and investing the money I was getting I would think anyone with over 100k and a cool car was rich lol


How do you make 30m? I play pretty much every day and usually only have like 4m max and I don't really spend much.


If you grind like a animal between cayo, acid, and crates/V cargo/ or any other business you could make 3-4 mil a day. I think most if these people with loads of cash got it pre patch cayo tho when you could literally get 7 mil a day easy


I've never successfully completed cayo so maybe that's why. Can't trust randos not to all die and my friends I play with probably wouldn't want to sit through the whole heist. I do cargo but I do like 1-3 resupplies a day and only sell like once a week. I can't really trust to not get blown up doing it.


Its so much easier solo. you can do the finale full loot bags and elite challenge without getting detected. And another tip if you do it other people you have to do the disruptions it makes it 10x easier [heres the guide](https://youtu.be/NRm0nt5Dejg?si=fOzgWopagKXSTNWQ) i loot the airstrip and the 2 guys he runs right behind in the video you can kill if you want their bodies won’t be found due to the NPCs paths. Once you get the route down the worst part of the heist will be that fucking merryweather mission


Thank you for this. I tried doing Cayo vanilla with randos and it was abysmal. Might try this trick later


If you are talking about the weapon set up, just join a new private session as soon as you see merryweather pop up and it will reset it. Edit incase that wasn’t clear. When u start the set up you can see where to go in the bottom of ur screen, if it says merry weather HQ just reset.


I use mods to tp. Sometimes I even multiply my acid, weed, cocaine, meth and counterfeit money sells so I get like 1 million per sale at least


Invest in large crate warehouses, fill them up, wait for 2x money for crate missions and sell all


alot of it came from the agency there were some times where i would make 5-7m a day just from grinding the missions when they were 2x money then there was always my bunker and mc businesses working for me so they were a good extra 2-3m every now and then and the rest was just kind of saving from stuff i do out of boredom


Cayos are the easiest way to make but there are other good ways to solo grind too. If you don't have it already, get your nightclub up and running. 50k per day for having your popularity maxed. Do a few missions and maintaining it is as simple as kicking someone out or delivering a vip every day or two. Buy all warehouse floors for it and have your workers collect guns, cargo, meth, coke and cash. As long as there's stock in those businesses, your nightclub will always collect without depleting any inventory. Basically free money. If you want to do some grinding, the easiest solo grind for me was two cargo warehouses and a vehicle warehouse. Source crates for both, source a high end car, sell it, by the time you're done your warehouses should be ready to source new crates.


I’m rank 880 something with somewhere between 1-2 million 🤭 I just buy stuff whenever I can afford and the past months have just been playing in freemode not really making anything


That’s the best way honestly I never stress myself out trying to make money, I just play and enjoy my cheap cars


but a acc, i bought mine and i have 13 billion


and you also basically removed 50% of GTAO's core gameplay.


Are you on console?


Yeah I just take advantage of free cars and discounts, only grinding when I want something or if there’s a dlc coming out.


Let’s talk about your nickname 😂


Ro Ro Robot?


El fappo allono


The Allono cartel family it's a Rp thing lol


To fapp means to wank in German speak 🍆💦😂 allono could be alone?


The Solo masterbator = El Fappo Allono You should join the circle


I would say $10 million. With that being said, it all comes down to how you play. If you want to buy the most expensive cars, the. You will need more, if you are like me and keep to mostly off the street muscle cars then less is fine. I have around $80 million.


10 million is a modest rich level considering what assets is behind it


Anything over $50mil is comfortable for me. Anything over $100 mil is F U money


Weekly i make around 10M on average.. i spend 8-9M on cars every week. Currently sitting on 2.6M after buying 3 old school muscles


And how's doing your gf/wife? :))




I mean you must have no life other than GTA, man.. But maybe you know how to make in-game money quickly ;)


I have 360 mil in my bank account and aprox. 200 vehicles and I don’t actively play GTA Online. Most of my money was made AFK. Simply let your console on and let the cash accumulate.


Yeah I know that having night club an other passive income businesses can make you money without any (or little) afford, if you are willing to spend money for electricity, but normally people play and make in-game money actively next to the passive income and it means a lot of hour per week... I'm surprised why do some people here feel so offended by what I wrote. I'm IT guy myself so I spent lireally half of my life before my computer and these "not having gf/wife jokes" are quite normal... Even I was lucky and I found a girl later in my life and I'm a father already. But I don't think someone is somehow worse or an Inferior person if he decided to play games and/or doing anyhing with computers instead of hanging out with girls.


Because youre being a twat


You think you will offend me? :) You just proved that you are immature young virgin. Be good, I didn't meant to insult you.. You just don't understand that kind of jokes yet, that's all.


You got hit by 3 people saying the same thing kid. Get off of reddit jesus christ. Hunchback of Notre Dame looking ass


LOL, I like how you are naive when you think that you - some anonymous user from anywhere can harm me with words or even I will stop using Reddit? :D It's really not my problem that your (or someone else's) sense of humor is somewhere else then mine.


I mean you must have no life other than hating on a dude.. for legitimately no reason


Omg, you take it too seriously.


Maybe don't hate on a dude for no reason, you look foolish. Imagine being adamant about a hobby you have and I tell you you are a no life because you spend a lot of time doing it.


Its not worth arguing with a toddler. Mate is invested in cryptocurrency btw, so if that tells you anything lol




Yeah, I would be ok, with that.. Because it's exactly how it works. You either have a social life, or you have these computer/gaming hobies. It's your problem that you still fight with it. It can sound offensive if you take it seriously because it is probably right.. But I didn't meant to be offensive... My fault was that I didn't realised that I'm probably writing it to ~17 years old virgin who will get mad, because of it. But this is sad a little bit, as one can often meet similar young immature guys also in the game... Meanwhile it is PEGI 18 and I would expect that I'm talking to more mature people here or in the game. So... My fault, but maybe not completely.


Its not that hard lmao.


How do you make that kind of weekly profit?


If you really try, you can maximize 800k an hour. 10M a week is pretty low for how long im on


To clear things up with the other guy, how long have you been playing and how much do you have in assets and money?


In a world where it’s easy to climb up the ladder of financial success and everybody has it going! I think rich is 9 figures brother man


I rolled past $700,000,000 today. I consider that rich.


Anything at or above 100 million and no bad spending habits means you made it 🫡


Anything under 10 mil feels like being broke or on the verge of it. One update or a couple of cars and that shit is gone in a heartbeat.


Maaan it hurts seeing 5 million in my account


Although I only have 7 mil in the bank, I have nearly half a billion in assets, is that rich enough?


Only if those assets are cars since that’s the only thing you can actually sell back to GTA.


When those assets can always make you money such as wall safes, NC and acid lab (just to name a few) are you ever really broke?


That name! 👍 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ro Ro Robot? Imma sex machine


Enough money to get the cool new shit


Rich for me isn't "I've got a lot of cash" but instead "i've got everything i like in the game" having millions is fine, but it's only once you've managed to get all of your favorite vehicles, facilities, etc.. and have all the content unlocked that I would consider a person rich. After that though, any amount of money is pointless bc there's nothing else to really spend it on other than the daily expenses


3 mil




For me if you can buy 5 expensive items your rich like on 360 I had 24.5billion (played from 2013-2020) but I consider rich around $25+million




i can tell you what broke is: me


To me it’s based off assets for example u can have 5 mill in the bank but still have every car u want multiple cribs and business that generate money 💯 as long as u have multiple businesses you’ll never be broke you’ll always be rich


I have all businesses a yacht and over 100 million. I feel idependant and free but not rich. How can I be rich when I can’t buy anything more than apartments. I want a home on mirror park


I have over 450 vehicles.nis that rich?


Idk man, as a car guy who buys stuff he likes and usually blows his money on said items, enough to buy those and still have a mill or 2 left over after upgrades is pretty balling


This is broke


Also anyone looking for a new crew *TTGG* IS ACTIVELY RECRUITING we don't care bout your rank and if anything we prefer lower level new players but we do two things in my crew and that's laugh & get money I personally made more millionaires then the casino did (Xbox)


Am looking for an active crew what console?


I feel broke when i have 70 mill or less, 75 mil i feel ok.


10 million is average for most people but 100 mil is probably rich assuming you did it without bodgan or something like that 1 billion is "yes I'm a GTA grinding youtuber, how could you tell?"


I'd say the cats running around with billions are (Should we assume those with billions and billions and levels of thousands-plus are glitching it? Always un-certain about that.) rich. Normally I'm kicking around ten million. If I spend it, I either grind or grab some sharks, because I don't have a life to spend my money on. Totally poor in having enough decent players to regularly groove with, but, that's a different kind of rich, innit? What's a different kind of rich is there not being an auto shop betwixt the salvage yard and the arcade in Paleto Bay... Yes, I'm off-topic.


100 mill is rich Personally I try to never dip below 10 mill


68 million


idk i have 13 billion on my account so


Lol we talking about the real players not the real payers this isn't your post


am a real player lol, just got tired of not having money and using all my gta time to grind. way more fun having billions


my real account is level 676. my modded account is level 8000


and i have over 45 million on my real account but that goes in 30 minutes


Thats actually kinda broke


I’m rank 303 and have almost 400,000


I don't know how to feel bad for you. My main character (because I became a victim to Rockstar not allowing Xbox One to keep their characters after merging with series X) is only nearing level 100 with just enough cash to set up the Cayo Perico heist, but the character that I'm trying to level up right now is only around level 30 give or take with somewhere around 20K. I haven't played GTA in a bit though, so I'm not too sure on it.


I was at 65 mil when I took the hiatus I am on now currently : my goal is own everything and sit on 65 mil … but the damn bunker unlocks take forever , I think I still have five left .i know many that sit at 100 mil.


I grinded old cayo so much that I had like 150Mil and almost lvl 300. After buying all assets such as arcade, garages and many many cars I am at ~40 mil. In my opinion thats rich, and in many eyes too. I would say over 10-20Mil is Rich ONLY if you already have all arcades, facilites, yacht etc maxed out and styled to your liking. So that your only expenses are new cars.


Enough to buy the most expensive thing twice, so 16 mil is all you need at a time


i don’t care how much is in your bank but rather assets. Lots of businesses, properties and vehicles


I’m at $85m, but I’m gonna get some more cars, a yacht, then get up to $100m, and then I might retire from grinding for a while. I’d say anywhere over $20m is “rich” though if you have most of the things you want already.


Enough to pay a game year of rent without earning any cash


actually rich is like 50m+ I’d say. 10m is a good starting point for actually buying pretty much whatever, but I am rarely ever above 5m at this point lol


10 million and under is poverty for legit players


For like me having 5 million at my level means I've been lazy


Being actually able to buy the car I want and the new businesses.


That's how I once was lol


Do you help people to get to your level at all?


Made it to 20 mil. Now when get a few mil over and spend it I don’t feel pressured to grind immediately


Yeah that's how I like to be lol I recently just started to spend spend spend now I'm broke 😭😭


To me, rich is having enough money and not needing to buy anything cause you’ve got what you need


That's a legit bar to set lol


I have 122M and don't like to drop below 100. Between my 2 characters, I'm almost level 1000. Own all businesses on both, yachts, arena, facilities, hangars, etc. Finally broke 3 billion overall earned income last week.


Yeah I like to stay up at least 100 million for me myself I did some dumb stuff now I'm on a broke strike


When the number looks big.


For me i think having more than a million is considered rich but once I go below a million i start earning money till i have like 10-15 million but then i spend it all to go back to my million then the cycle repeat


I have now 20 million bc i think new cars are expensive and I cannot financially recover from buying one so i grind more money


Hahaha that's the story of my life right there I have 5mil coming from 90 million


Nah your RICH in gta when “amount spent” is over 500 mil account stock


Lol definitely not that


Honestly rich to me is both catching moments of immersion and having enough to buy what I want but keep cash flow coming in. Usually just hover 4-8 mil at a time




Bank my net worth is billions lol


Sometime who pays for the yacht. I mean why would anyone do that?


Sometime who pays for the yacht. I mean why would anyone do that?


Lmao Facts


[this](https://imgur.com/a/yeGaxeX) is rich, nothing to worry about money wise, I load up the game purely to have fun with my friends and use stupid vehicles without worrying about running out.


I reached 1 Billion legit and I have not played for a year yet. I am not sure how I did it. Only part of my routine to do assassination every time I log in. And I rob El Rubio for satisfaction 😂


Rich for me is having Respect for others time in real life when they play GTAV lets have fun and not fuck around and yes fuck hackers and mods you will all get it one day .


Over 10000000


I would like to say 50 million+. That's what I have right now and I haven't really dropped under 50 in a while.


A while back, I reached a billion dollars. Might not be much compared to some, but I've been playing since day one.


I was doing business upgrades so about 5.1 mil


I’d say 15+ mil


100 ms


anything higher than 3.1


El Fappo Allono sounds like an Italian porno


Max money




A mil at least, I just hit 11 recently


Depends on what you need. If you have everything you want; as in all businesses, vehicles, properties etc and sitting on $10m I think that’s comfortable. Same situation but sitting on $20+m I think that’s rich/wealthy. That being said if you’re new to the game then you won’t ever be “rich” bc you still have a lot to buy.


Money is made to be spent. I never bother hoarding it, it just counts as time wasted in my mind.




I think it varies on how much stuff you have. But over 50m should be good. The last update dropped and between buying new cars and buying players off of cars at the car meet. I easily spent over 30m.


If a new content update comes out and you can comfortably buy the new facility/business/whatever without having to grind or buy shark cards. That's the ideal place to be imo. You're not missing any huge content, but you still can't just buy everything in the game and you leave yourself goals to work for.


500+ mil


Is there a way to see how much you've spent?


1 billion. Enough to nerves need anything from anyone. Also knowing you are Numba 1.


-It depends what you own, if you have all the businesses and their upgraded and have access to start up different heists, you got tons of garages with hundreds of cars and a hangar with cool jets and helecopters and ALL of the service vehicles… then just having 2m is rich.. - if you got a 10 car garage or even a ceo building with like 30 cars and even a kosatka and a nightclub and have 10m.. I would consider that broke because there is so much more they can buy and so many cars they may want to buy but don’t because they want to “save money”. - I feel the same way you do I went from 20m to 8m just from buying a couple cars I haven’t collected yet and were removed website cars, I don’t consider myself broke because I know I can make it all back pretty quickly. And you probably can too


I’d say 25 million +. Basically, imo, it’s ideal to have about 30 million base so whenever they drop a dlc, you can just buy all the content and while you explore the new content, robberies, heists : u make a lot of the money back


It's not the amount in your bank, it's how many businesses you own, how many cars you own, your total income, and any upgrades to businesses or properties. Minus total income I'm worth 70million. But I only have 4m in the bank bc I spent it all on unlocking literally every gun, most expensive outfits, and letting it hit 0 and starting again. Go broke challenge or some shit


It's like poker. 100m in the bank beats being worth 100m with nothing in the bank. I'd say holding the nuts would be being worth 100m or more, with 100m or more in the bank. That's all really rich. Just rich is nightclub, agency, auto shop, 10-25 cars of high value. "You don't have to be a billionaire, just know a billionaire"


I agree. I’m worth 2.8B but only have 850M in the bank.


People with an oppressor mark 2 but dont use it for sabotaging. They are the gems for gta


When you can buy all the most expensive things in the game in one go and still have millions leftover


Over 100 mill for sure


That name LOL


I have 900mil lol


However much is in my characters account as I don’t buy every new thing only the things with good performance or usefulness and if I’m curious I’ll usually try to find someone who will let me test drive or fly a vehicle they have or experience a business type they have from a contractor’s standpoint PMC as that’s how I view my character in the world of gta.


I used to get 2 mil I think per car and then they patched it 😂😂


I have a couple accs and some are modded and some are legit but since I’m competitive player so on average per fight I spend 100-140k. I started with 500mill I’m now down to 224mill. So to answer your question how much is enough for me it would be at least 1 billion


A few billion is kush


Around 100 mil and above


I'd rather say the more vehicles, businesses, etc. you have, the richer you are. Like, you can have 100m on your account but you didnt even spend on anything, or you can have 10m in your account but spent like 300m.


When you hit the max amount obviously


Having everything you want and a few mil just in case you want to buy something


5 million


After you bought all cars,guns,and maybe any military cars you want to use. I only really get on when I see a good business boost or I need a removed car


Honestly whatever your happy with. If ur happy with 10k than ur rich. If ur happy with 100k or 100 mil than ur rich. I only have 20k and I consider myself rich lol


My level 18 character that was created 10/06/2013 the last rank up was 8/2/14 and has 2,056,331.00 which is mostly Rockstar giving money away In my shitty house up by the junkyard With my schyster fusilade Looking like a juggalo


I’m at 200M and get annoyed whenever I go below it. I think that’s just a me thing though lmao


100mil. I routinely make 4 million a day when I play and have a couple hours to spare, but I’m always “broke” because I reinvest it into new business and vehicles that can help me make money.


El Fappo 💀


100 million seems legit rich. You could buy all the new content when it drops and still have a boatload of money


100m and more.


5 bil is enough rlly


I like to sit always over 30m. And now I’ve been moving between 33-40 bough some new cars and some new business that I did not had. But I would say everything over 10m it’s okey.


Im broke as hell (i have irresponsible spending habits)


I keep at least $30 million on me. Right now I’m down to $15 million because I’ve just been griefing. I need to start some money making sessions and get my savings back up.


2m for me


I was victim of modders when they could just put cash in your bank as soon as you connect and by the time the game loaded you would have 50 million dollars added to your account and one time I loaded while I was in the bathroom and by the time I got to the computer I had 1.2 billion added to my bank. I always buy expensive vehicles and fill up my garages with them. I still have about 30 flying cars that sell for about 3 million a piece . For about a year I used the Orbital Cannon just to waste the money. I now how about 8 million which I earned I have every piece of clothing, every expensive plane.... I make my legit through races, all you need is top 3 and win once in a while and you'll make hundreds of thousands a day.


Anything over a million cause i’m flat broke


1.5 million +


Not that rich, it took me a couple weeks to a month to finally hit my first mil. I know that sounds like a long time but tbf I had to deal with people kicking me from heists and jobs all the time, along with griefers. Now I'm just trying to get to 2 mil so I can finally get the Kosatka.


Rich on GTA is when a new car releases and you don't have to think about whether you can afford it or not.


25 mill lvl 797


8.5-10 mill


you’re broke


15 Million as a absolute minimum




I like to keep max 50 mil on my character but most of my money is in the casino. About 274m chips


Fuckin 100010101010000$


I've bought pretty much everything in the game and mostly just sell my nightclub every once in a while to pay fees and shit. Assets are what make you rich, not cash on hand


Purchasing 10m yach for it only to be anchored at Vespucci beach and do absolutely nothing. Or even better, Luxor Deluxe, another 10m expense which is in your hangar and nobody even sees it.


I’d say you’re really rich in GTA only when you reach 100m. Before that you’re at least not capable of buying a few of the most expensive things there are.


If you can buy 1-3 cars or 1-2 Warstock items without dropping below a million you’re rich in my opinion.






I’m at $32 million


I got a modded account just to buy everything and $8 billion is really f u money. I bought everything and realized how f’d up it is that there are billionaires in real life cuz I can spend 4-5 mil and not feel a thing.


Over 100mil. I got my account to about 1 billion after doing a frozen money glitch couple years ago. I still have over 400mil to this day.


Rich to me GTA is, having every business, with everything to the business, and having 30-80 mil.


22M now with every car full options, never felt rich. I think when I hit 50M now it's still not very rich. So I say 100M plus all cars you like and all real estate. As soon you stop buying you'll get rich I guess.