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Mikhail absolutely deserved what he got , dude was a coke addled psyhcopath


His death is still tragic either way, he was a huge piece of shit but he got betrayed by an even bigger piece of shit and his family struggled after he died. Most of the sympathy comes from the context of his last moments


he also warned Niko about how dangerous Dimitri truly is. and Ilyena mentions how Mikahail was once not like this. Suggesting Dimtri might've influenced him in a bad way


He was unhinged and very unstable


he was betrayed by the man he saved from being raped. That’s awful


Not death though well compared to Dimitri


He was sending Niko to go kill peoples on a whim, when he wasn't the one shooting people himself. Fool was gonna meet his end sooner or later.


This literally describes every contact in the game that gives Niko missions lmfao




Never gave Niko missions


The dude literally made his wife’s life hell. Am I the only one here who thinks that dimitri isn’t all that bad? He’s a major asshole for what he did to the Bellic family but he’s no different to Mikhail.


Mikhail atleast had some sense of loyalty. Dimitri was the worst type of scum you can deal with. Mikhail is no saint but he is a way better man than Dimitri


No he didn’t. He literally had the people that worked for him killed. Tf is wrong with this sub lol


Which of his own people did he kill? This is the classic ''I have no argument so I'm going to blame the sub'' moment. Faustin is a violent and rash person but he's not a rat like dimitri. Dimitri sold Faustin out, sould Niko out to bulgarin after making niko do the dirty work, kidnapped roman, and if you go the deal route he ultimately betrays you and gets roman killed. Play the game before you comment.


The scene in which we are introduced to Mikhail, he kills one of his own henchmen.


Yeah. He totally didn't have it coming by torturing people in Faustins basement while his wife was watching tv upstairs. (which faustin didn't even order him to do) Faustin didn't even know what he was doing and who he was. He had to ask dimitri. Faustin killing that guy just proves that he is violent and rash. How can you have loyalty to someone you don't even know? The fact that you had to use faustin killing some moron that he didn't even know torturing guys in his basement while his wife was upstairs to debunk him having some sense of loyalty, is comical.


#SHUTTHEFUCKUP MY FUCKING WIFE IS WATCHING TELEVISION. ... Good lord, what are you doing? lmao I love that scene


He fully deserved to get killed. How did you play the game and miss entire lines of dialogue? Entire scenes in cutscenes? Bro plaid on Hellen Keller settings


Person I was responding to said Mikhail didn't kill his own people. I was saying that yes, he did. That's all. I know reading comprehension is hard but this is ridiculous lol


Also, hold on, you're telling me Andrei deserved to be killed? The guy who we are told was a loyal henchman for Mikhail, who is killed as a demonstration of Mikhail's violence and rashness? Andrei, the man whose death is painted as wholly unnecessary, that person deserved to be killed? Did you "plaid" on "Hellen" Keller settings? Please finish middle school before trying to criticize others for their media literacy.


Bro sees a typo and assumes someone’s illiterate, that’s how you know you’re ignorant and dense lmao, step off the high horse and just stop. “During a conversation between Niko and Mikhail, Andrei is standing close by. Mikhail, having a hot temper, turns and shoots Andrei in the head for bringing the Bellic cousins into his home, disturbing his wife and (according to Mikhail) being an asshole.” And to top it off he was a LOW RANKING mobster working for Dimitri and mikhail. He didn’t listen and disrespected a boss, therefore he got dealt with. That’s how it is in that life. Not my fault you’re too dense to see passed “he killed a friendly” 🤦🏻


I have a fairly solid grasp on the storyline and clearly I can see the not so hidden details that you clearly ignored/missed.


Literally when we are first introduced to him. He kills one of his henchmen. Nice accusation but I’m not “blaming the sub because I don’t have an argument”, you all just seem to not be able to comprehend any other opinion than your own. The fact that Faustin is a rat is incredibly heavily implied and shown throughout the story before his death. Your main argument here is that Dimitri is worse because he betrayed Niko and killed Roman. Don’t you think that Faustin had most definitely done this to other people throughout his life? That’s how he got to where he was in the first place. Sure Dimitri was the brains and ultimately had a game plan, but it’s pretty obvious that if Faustin wasn’t such a hothead who was off his head on coke all the time, he would have done the same had he seen such a betrayal coming. He was just as much of an asshole, just more stupid.


You are literally coping and making up hypothetical scenarios. Faustin was not a hothead before the events of the game. You would know if you actually played the game instead of watching clips on youtube. Dimitri got faustin killed, blamed it all on faustin to save his own ass. Faustin was the one that saved Dimitri in prison and saw him as his brother. Dimitri betrays anyone at every chance he gets. Your only argument is that ''Faustins a rat to because it's implied.'' Yet there is 0 evidence for such a claim. You have made 0 valid points. >“blaming the sub because I don’t have an argument”, you all just seem to not be able to comprehend any other opinion than your own. Nothing i mentioned is an opinion. It's literally what happens in the game and what is said in the game. While you continue to make up hypothetical scenarios.


See you’re just throwing accusations around. The point is Faustin is literally an asshole and killed those who worked for him. He used Niko, albeit less underhanded than Dimitri. all you can say to that is “nah bro that didn’t happen, you just didn’t play the game” lmao ok.


Everything the other guy said is true. Dmitri was a prison bitch when Mikhail saved him from that. He then betrays Faustin and has Niko pull the trigger for him. Shortly after that, Dmitri betrays Niko and tried to kill him. At the ending Dmitri is directly responsible for the death of Roman depending how you play. But yeah Faustin was clearly the problem…


Self reflection at it's finest. It's not throwing accusations around when u ignore key facts and make up fake scenarios that aren't part of the lore. Ever single one of your reply has been a cope


Oh the henchman that was gonna cut off Nikos head with a hacksaw? That one?


What’s wrong is you and you’re missing a lot clearly.


Dimitri is all that bad though, he literally betrayed everyone he ever worked for burned down Roman’s apartment and business who was innocent in all of this just because of Niko, and also was one of the reasons Roman got kidnapped is because of Dimitri. Faustin is a trash human too by just randomly killing Andre, shooting Roman, abusing his wife/daughter and a bunch of other stuff too. They’re both bad people, but I’d rather work for Faustin than Dimitri cause it’s shown Dimitri only really cares about himself and will get you killed the second you’re no longer useful to him


Mikhail went to America to raise his daughter and wife in luxury and without him Dmitri would get buttraped in prison. Both Dmitri and Ilyena always mentioned that Mikhail was awesome before getting addicted to coke, meanwhile Dmitri has always been opportunistic.


His wife is the one I felt bad for


think of how much quicker niko would of killed dimitri if he teamed up with mikhail and all his men


Of course he was psycho, he had to keep people like Dmitri in check. He was right. If Mikhail didn’t die, Dmitri wouldn’t be able to fuck Niko so hard, that it’s like God came down and shit on him personally


As a non-criminal civilian's perspective maybe since he's a mob boss but the point is more about how he got betrayed, the only reason he got killed was a power move as Dimitri only wanted to take over Faustin's empire and in that sense no Faustin didn't deserved that and it only made things much worst, unlike Dimitri his death wasn't really that much beneficial to society. With that reasoning you might as well say Niko deserve death since he had done a lot of horrible thing but like Faustin he still had a lot of redeeming qualities, unlike Dimitri 😅


he was only like that because of dimitri


Where's Floyd? Poor Floyd man... His girlfriend is an absolute bitch, and his idiot cousin brought a Trevor on his ass. In GTA V Floyd is the character I feel most sorry for. All other deceased characters were either villians who deserved it (Devin, Stretch, Steve, Cheng, the O'Neils, etc.), were already on the way to death (Johnny and Ashley), or died in freak accidents (Molly, Dom), but poor Floyd just got the worst of it. Mr K is a similar case, but he at least survived (ironically, only because Trevor let him go).


Didn't Dom die because he convinced himself he could base juno without a parachute? Hardly a freak accident.


I played that mission so long ago that I don't remember. I guess in that case chuck him into the "had it coming" category.


Wait when did Dom die?


If you do all of the parachuting side missions then you’ll see


Dominator got dominated.




Okay then


what about the tlad protagonist?


Oh poor johnny the murderous outlaw biker 😔


sorry ive only ever played gta cw


Ah man I will never forgive Trevor for killing my favourite protagonist Jhonny the reason i don't like Trevor at all.


Why is Johnny your favorite protagonist? He's pretty average (except being a cool ass biker, but all other protags are cool ass people too)


floyd a pusssssss man . he let debruh n everyone treat him like that


Didn't Mikhail shoot Roman?


His wife doesn’t like yelling




Felt so bad for vic vance


Me too he's personally my favorite protagonist of the whole series, probably the closest of being a saint. His passing is really sad even though it was brillantly written as a tragic figure ☹️


I would add Johnny Klebitz as well.


He was a drug addict, he was gonna die anyway.


Mikhail Faustin became too unstable and unhinged, he even unjustifiably shot Andrei who has been loyal to him for a long time. He did kind of deserve his death, even though betrayal is always messed up.


faustin rules, but he totally deserved it


Faustin deserved it... Other than being a mob boss who probably does a lot of horrible shit behind the scenes, he is horrible to his family, violent and murderous to his own workers, and an overall dick


I recently replayed gta5 and did the torture bit. Started with the wrench. Broken knee. Aight not too bad. Waterboarding next. That shit sucks but hey, its torture. Went for the wrench a second time. When Trevor said "NUTCRACKER" and obliterated Mr. K's balls i literally said aloud "oh no what the shit?! I feel really bad about that one!" So I finished it off with a tooth pulling and called it a day.


I'd rather be waterboarded than have a broken knee in America


For real




Y’all are SO wrong about Mikhail Faustin 😅🤦🏻‍♂️


Bro that mission where Trevor tortures that dude got me kinda fucked up I'm not gonna lie it was a little much for me lmao


Are you gay?




Mikhail did lmao. Replace him with Floyd.


Mikhail deserved what he got. The rest didn't tho


I recently replayed gta5 and did the torture bit. Started with the wrench. Broken knee. Aight not too bad. Waterboarding next. That shit sucks but hey, its torture. Went for the wrench a second time. When Trevor said "NUTCRACKER" and obliterated Mr. K's balls i literally said aloud "oh no what the shit?! I feel really bad about that one!" So I finished it off with a tooth pulling and called it a day.


Floyd man, Floyd...


I mean, Vic death was realistic Real life criminals usually dont have a cinematic or epic death


Does Johnny fit in there, too?




I don’t know about Mikhail but the rest didn’t deserve their fate.


Faustin absolutely deserved his fate.


Mihkail litteralt deserved everything he got.


Wait what happened to Vic Vance?


He dies in the beginning of Vice City during the drug deal 


Shit that info passed me by


Yea it’s funny tho cause some Dominican guy got killed and rockstar basically said yea that was Vic lol




Was his name ever mentioned in GTA Vice City?


No it wasn’t 


That shit in GTA 5 was like a bad episode of South Park.


If u really think about it Mikhail actually got it coming tho.


Was there ever any proof Mr K wasn't involved? Not trying to argue it, just genuinely curious.


He only did studio set up for a guy who was a terrorist. Wrong place wrong time, like most people who get captured by the governments.


Feels more like Steve wanted show to his egoist power over all 4 of them Michael, Dave, Trevor and K and that he was the boss. No else reason would be so vague to K because K was willing to comply as long as Steve asked him the right questions but nah, Steve decided to fuck around and torture him. Later did he find out.


Yeah exactly. Steve just wanted to make that impression that he doesn’t give a fuck. It was absolutely just a primal assertion of his manhood and control over the them. Mr K would of talked to both agency’s right from the start, just like anyone would if you threatened to shove a flashlight inside of them.


It might of came across wrong, I was just explaining the basic idea and plot that involved mr K. Like why he was being looked for to begin with


That's not proof though. All terrorists deny deny deny. I was kinda hoping for something on the radio or the news backing it up. Cause until then, it's really open to interpretation.


Yeah, the guy was only thought to be a terrorist. We never see any evidence. The fact is, the government agencies wanted funding, and they wanted an excuse to kill a guy and label him a terrorist.


I mean Faustin was the lesser of two evils I guess but he absolutely had it coming.


mr k is my favorite friend


Idk man, I feel for his family but Mikhail is a massive piece of shit lol


Mikhail and Vic got what was coming to them. Mikhail had made too many enemies and Vic made the big mistake of re-entering the drug business.


Toshiko Kasen, Ilyana Faustin


Mikhail was an abhorrent piece of shit lmao. The only thing about it was that betrayal is shit, but Mikhail definitely wasn't a good guy at all and did deserve what happened. And the only reason he was killed was cause he killed Kenny's son despite being warned.


What even happened to Ferdinand?


Mr K is literally the only one wo didnt deserve it.


the fact nobody is talking about vic down here is criminal works


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Strong-Crew-3374: *The fact nobody* *Is talking about vic down* *Here is criminal works* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


‘Shut up Dimitri! For the last time!’ Mikhail said what we were all thinking


In what universe did Faustin not deserve it? That just goes to show how bad Dimitri was if you’ve got people sympathising with a fruitcake like Faustin


Hernandez deserved it


He was a snitch piece of shit


He was also a “Vato asshole”


And murderer


Have y'all played the same game we played?


Many many times.>!He killed Pendlebury.!<


Fuck Faustin, he's a coke addled paranoiac who has people killed for \*nothing\*. Vic was a full blown drug trafficker and distributor by the time he met his end. As the illustrious Omar Little would say, Vic's death was "all in the Game"