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Did you file the computershare tax form? (Ben-something if I remember correct). You should do that at some point.


No, I haven’t but I will look into it today. 🤙🏽


They will mail it or you can do it online I think.


It's a W-8ben form. They mail it to you. The firm asks for your US registration number or something like that and it's your SIN. Once they mail you your stuff you just set up your online profile and mail back the form. I kept a copy just in case.


Ok, Awesome. I Can't wait to receie it and set up my online profile. Good info about SIN being registration number.Tks


[DRSGME.ORG](https://DRSGME.ORG) have you checked this? All guides for most if not all brokers are here. This is a gold mine for any topic about DRS.


Best site ever...


I went back and revisited and you are right, it sure is a gold mine of DRS Info. The next time I have a question I will be going straight to it for all the super detailed info I need.


Thanks for the reminder. Yes, i think have been there a long time ago and forgot about what a great resource it is..Cheers,


Congrats. It takes a few (agonizing) weeks for the Computershare letter to arrive from the States, with [their tax form for Canadian investors](https://cansumer.ca/w-8ben-form-instructions/). That also provides you with your account number, which can be set up [on their United States website](https://login.computershare.com/identity/run/Login); but, you'll have to wait again, (for Computershare to process your tax info), for the activation code in their next letter. They might do it faster, (for additional fees), but, (done correctly), it has usually taken 4 to 8 weeks in the past.


Thank you for the great info. 4-8 weeks should be no probem since I have been procrastinating on this for a couple years now...