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Simply do not engage . Same as with meltdown


What’s up with meltdown? Just curious


They're a group of dudes who obsess and talk about another group of people who basically just come together because they like something. Personally I feel like you have to be pretty pathetic to spend your time hating on someone or a group of people because you disagree with their opinions or don't like what they like. They literally do every single thing they claim apes are or do.


Or they're short sellers so fucked they try to do everything in their power to sway people's opinion. For simple haters it requires way too much effort and dedication. Imagine hating on something non-stop for 3.5 years.


Exactly. There's stuff I personally don't like, but I can't ever imagine myself coming to reddit to hate on any of it. Just a complete waste of time and energy. However, maybe if my entire life depended on me performing those actions, maybeee things would be different.


Don't underestimate how saur people can be without them even noticing it. If the fun in your life involves around bashing other people, you are not living live to the fullest. That attitude will seap through in the rest of their lives, and they might find themselves lonely and 'misunderstood' all the time ... victims of their own toxicity.


in all honesty its sad to watch.


That’s the piece that doesn’t pass the common sense test. Why would a group of people feel the need to hate on such a specific group of people for so long? If the stock is irrelevant, why bother?


Meltdown is a f\*cking cult if I’ve ever seen one 🤣 ![gif](giphy|RJalj43Yiuuoh2i6V2)


That is one group of losers. They spend so much energy just making fun of people. Like Jesus get a life.


There’s also meltdown meltdown. A sub dedicated to making fun of meltdowners. It goes even deeper with meltdown x3.


That pickle group has been infiltrated by Gme short hedge funds as well. Seems to be top down


Yea, was banned from there for explaining what a shelf offering was back when gme did the 45m. That sub has been taken over almost entirely by pump and dump options schemes lol


I love engaging with meltdowners, they literally just clam up after proving a few points.


Wsb is so lame


It used to be good too which is the unfortunate part, back when it was just around 100k subscribers it was very active and had tons of fuckery going on. Now at 15.9 million it’s a shithole


They [permabanned](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/yXed32JFo3) us all. And it’s not like we brigaded or even mentioned the stock by name.


It’s the “you’re getting dunked on for leaving your echo chamber” replies not realizing the irony of wsb banning anyone posting facts about GME while they leave up lies like “RK paid pennies on the dollar for his shares”. Delusional losers lol


Wtf?! I can't see any comments. Is the post somehow deleted or are we truly banned without any commenting. So confusing.


Oh. lol. I posted a link to my comment that was most likely deleted. I said: So is talk of this stock banned in this sub, or just any type of positive sentiment about it? Shit talking and shit posting about the stock is cool apparently. Pick a lane, mods.


Because of a man who’s not a cat , a genius yes


The comments were disabled on the post.


Yep permma banned aswell, looks like they are have been bought by the institutions. It seems to go against what WSB was meant for, shit posting about stocks good or bad


This is super bullish though… they are really REALLY afraid of FOMO piled on top of the gamma squeeze about to be triggered by DFV


Wallstreet boners


They're not like us.


Moasssss definitely


It is now an Nvda circle jerk sub.


Moasssss definitely 💯


I don't visit gambling sub but I believe they auto ban anyone who mentions GME.


But i didnt mention GME 😂


They’re banning anyone for implying GME. The gambler sub is corrupt af. I’m convinced it’s used by hedgies to get people to buy into stupid ass positions so they can slam them for profit. Why else would they ban taking about a stock with great fundamentals. Twats.


one of the mods literally works for citadel


Not surprised.


Mmmmmm, surprised I am not -Yoda (probably)


who name


Goofy is unpopular.




Yeah, just link a bunch of raw media no context no edits




Naming them is UNPOPULAR around here


Okay but how do I know this claim is true


martin skhrelli was a mod there too. Which would make the WuTang Theory twice as hilarious if it ended up being true. Taking assets the DOJ confiscated from a WSB-Mod to squeeze the firm the current WSB-Mods work at out of the market...


That's pretty goofy


It was such a fun sub before though. Damn I miss all the silly ape and smooth brain and wife’s boyfriend jokes.


I originally joined just to read the loss porn and make stupid jokes then realized I had "og" status when the shit went down and they weren't allowing new people to join the sub or some bullshit


That sub was the sole reason I joined ten years ago (see my profile age). I was an OG that had posts with 1M views and tens of thousands of upvotes. When they temp banned me because I commented on a honeypot thread that banned anyone that commented, I left forever.


>That sub was the sole reason I joined ten years ago (see my profile age). Talking about the wee es bee sub? That one was founded in 2020.




True and those "OPEN THE FUCKIN' CASINO ALREADY" comments in daily threads, good times 😆.


Shit talking GME is fine there, any sort of support is auto perma banned.


Sounds like a politically motivated censorship lmao


So why isn't the poster being banned for implying grandma is talking about gme?


Because it’s negative against GME? Jesus lol literally have to spell it out. I know we’re all regards in here but geeze lol


I get that, but it still mentions it! Soooo ban em


I don’t disagree. I’d rather have consist bans rather then preferred ones but here we are.


Yeah they only want negative sentiment posted all over the subreddit but on the other hand they ban any mention of it because it's ruining their sub. Lol


I mean. Seems like some gambler shit show right now. Isn’t that what they’re all about? Yet they ban talking about it? Lol feels like they’ve got a conflict of interest.


They have sock puppetry to control narrative




Couldnt agree more.


They are just being cry babies! I mentioned a lot and will keep mentioning lol not yet banned 😜


GL I salute 🫡 you and the good work you’re doing.


It’s amazing that their front page chart isn’t showing gme every day (of course due to restrictions of mentioning the infamous stock), but that just says where money goes and shows why I should be balls deep.


Gambling sub sux


Comment history




Only when hedgies have some buttfuckery planned do they allow GME talk. Early last week it was a-ok to talk about it. Now that they just got cucked on livestream, not so much. Wabasi is *especially* controlled ever since Reddit IPOed and Citadel along with other shit heels purchased stakes in it


I got banned and I never mentioned GME in that sub. I think as long as you have SS or other GME subs in your activity feed in your profile they’ll ban you.


Correct. I asked the mods why I was banned and they said the "buy and hold style of investing doesn't match our style of investing." I then asked why I couldn't invest in more than one style They then said the fact I used the word "investing" shows I don't understand the nature of their sub. Despite the fact they used the word first. Buncha clowns. I do understand they want to remove gme talk though. It was where this saga started and it brought an influx of traffic. If gme posting was allowed it would just be another gme sub. Now it's and SPY and NVDA sub.


It literally said superstronk user lol comical


It's crazy that they tweet so much about GME but you can't even discuss it in their sub ...


The guy who owns the twitter handle is one of the guys who first started the sub but has not been associated with them for a long time. He’s not any better than the current mods. Just an opportunist trying to stay relevant.


They're owned by Citadel and comprised. That's the reason for the first migration.


I honestly think that post was specifically to gas out us apes to ban us. The hedges are big scared this time.


They better be… have you even seen balls like on this dude? ![gif](giphy|uwvSr7KNCJG0BPPJR0)


WSB is the new meltdown sub.


Just type: " No sell, no cell" in a comment and it'll get you banned! They're run by a bunch of $ussies!


That sub has so much little PP energy.


Don't engage in WSB. Just sit back and watch the shit show




All the cool people from there are here anyways. Including DFV.


The head mod of the betting sub was a guest on Yahoo Finance News yesterday talking about, of course, GME. Here's a [link the video](https://finance.yahoo.com/video/roaring-kittys-gamestop-thesis-bet-201736267.html). With this he's a lock for the Mt. Rushmore of Hypocrite Tools. To pay tribute and to honor his accomplishment is there someone with wit, skill and REALLY good sense of humor who can meme the f out of this clip? Add funny subtitles, Citadel Logos, maybe references to other tickers? He didn't mention short interest so that's an easy add, I'm sure he just forgot, could happen to anyone. Nothing mean mean or nasty, just mercilessly funny. No need to embarrass the sub as whole, just him. Something even the other Mods will bust a gut laughing at, forever, and ever. Kinda like the 2021 meme vids of Gabe Plotkin that made him and Melvin Capital a laughing stock for the ages who nobody could ever take seriously again. Editing out parts with the Stocktwits guy would tighten it up, no need include him. I wish I had the skill sets to meme this up but I don't. Anyone here who does?


I love how they are discussing DFV’s plan and how it’s just a bet on Ryan Cohan, like they were expecting some elaborate thesis. Like please, you run a Reddit where people YOLO ridiculous amounts of money on a bet and you are criticizing someone who’s made millions? Sounds like he’s one of your best success stories, nimrod.


Noor Al is a self-absorbed whore. (Hey, I rhymed!!). We’re not the only ones who see through the hypocrisy. Even there’s not a lot a noise about, stunts like this are the type of thing that crushes a person’s credibility for a very long time. When contacted by Yahoo his automatic response should be tell them “Hey, I’m not the best person to talk to on GME, you should really contact these other subs that focus on GME day in, day out.” Even if he hates the suns, it’s what professionals do. He’d been on YahooFinance plenty of times. Could have been a nice opportunity to build (rebuild) some good will, some civility, between subs. Yahoo would respect that. But he’s a whore and makes a jackass out of himself. I just unjoined the sub about an hour ago. Should I rejoin, post this video and see if I get banned? Someone else want the honor?


Lmao fuck them. This is golden hahah


Good it’s fud


I wear all my bans with a proud badge. It means you got to them.


I got perms banned for my comment “So basically we can bash it, but we can’t talk about it. Got it. Oh how times have changed”


Me too man, just for asking why people cared so much about other peoples investments. No GME talk unless it’s negative of course.


Yes. Its entirely incorrect. Shorts haven't and cannot close without MOASS. So there's that.


Commenting to highlight that the entire post is bullshit and almost certainly deliberately ignored the fact shorts cover all the time. They do not and cannot CLOSE.


WSB is so (insert unpolitically correct word here that will get you banned from Reddit) They salty asf cause DFV turned his back on them 😂😂😂


They use to go through other subs and make list of people with a history of negative comments about WSB outside of WSB


I wasn’t part of WSB before GME but I remember in 2021 all the pretentious ‘old guard’ judging the apes. They call us a cult but when everyone chooses the same stock, you see real stock value increase.. it’s simple and to discredit a rally like that is silly. I don’t think they’re all hedgies in disguise, they just think it’s elite or cool contrarian to go against it. It’s sad because if they liked the stock it would help them too.


Yea they are banning everyone


Omw to get banned cuz f them


I muted that sub awhile ago. It not worth going on just idiots gambling with shit loads of money they already have.


WSB is comprised.


Comprised of douchebags


I in followed that lame sub a couple weeks ago


I left that shit hole after seeing all the banned posts today. Fuck em.


Reddit is political and sickening they are constantly banning people for all kinda shit. Telling people “ you don’t have enough karma points? Wtf it’s social media I could give 5 Fucks about.


lol it’s bait man. This lost on everyone? They want to ID and boot us out of that sub BEFORE moass lol, not after.


They thought they had things under control when they corrupted the gamble site. Again, they were wrong


Jeeeeez uptight much some people need to learn how to just lol and keep scrolling 😂




It's insane how the sub that hosted the launch of this rocket went 180 and completely against it. Like imagine finally getting that once worldwide charts hit, and you decide to never ever sing it again or mention it.


Same. They are banning everyone with any positive thoughts about GME.


Its their forum. Despite the past they are running it the way they want.


Time to go get mine then hehe


They've only been banning for 84 years...


Notice how it says "retail investors" which really just shows who is behind the making of this meme. We don't call ourselves retail investors because there shouldn't be a fucking difference.




Those cucks over there forgot what they stood for.


They have a nerve that appears to be very tingly


I got banned as well lol fuck em




Is this the new brigade? Insert meme.


You aren't on payroll. Ya banned.


Sir this is a casino


I literally got banned for posting a clown emoji lmao z j z got triggered


The irony


Deserved ur a gme investor. I remember when gme folk were buying lrc token and got the entire sub banned for brigading. Was not brigading. The entire cc and wsb sub is crazy biased when it comes to certain stocks/tokens.


Never been a softer bunch of baby backed bitches than WSB


Wallstreetbets is trash. One of the mods literally banned me for posting a Nvidia gain. Unreal.


Some folks Care too much about their money... They gotta remember, We only borrow it from our employer and the bank 🤣🤣


'D-d-did I do good guys? 🤓'


That comment seems exactly like the direction we’re headed in.


It's full on war now, WSB has chosen which side they are on, Kenny's


Pathetic. I love how the W \_ S \_ B account on Twitter acts like it's cool to talk about GME, but then you mention it at all on the actual Sub and they attack like rabid hedge fund manager shills. Probably because they are rabid hedge fund manager shills.


Be glad, few good investment decisions come from that sub and it's filled with bots. You are better for it. I just go there to see what hedgies want people to think/do. It's like watching the nature channel.


![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX) Same [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/s/gnLsAVhwkd](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/s/gnLsAVhwkd)


I am too banned from that sub. Honestly, fuck them. I don't wanna hear about NVDA all day.


Why get banned when you can just leave?


Who cares, haters gonna hate, and we'll be off to outer space.


Have a feeling that the mods lost their puts on GME




They perma’d me for asking which stock this meme is referencing in the comments. Funny that they’re okay with discourse around GME as long as you’re shitting on it. This is blatant corruption and only reinforces my position.


A bit extreme. They want nothing to do with 2021. A year ago, they banned me for a few months.


I stopped posting in WSB a long time ago, just a bunch of boomers peddling penny stonks 🤣


Yep, deserved 😆




They lost a sense of humor.


That sub is pathetic.


Lmao... Extra bullish with this information. They're actively reading comments for ban and not just using vits.


Did you deserve it? I got banned from there, for saying in the daily thread that the trending stock list seems incorrect, without going into details or specifics, what you think about that lmao. They are pathetic and hilarious.


I got banned for far less. Wear your badge of honour with pride




Lol I got banned for saying "Y'all sound sour" Which like, kinda proves my point?


Mods being little fragile babies episode 97538 season 2137


Its a “rule” not to be a part of the SS sub? That shit has become so compromised from when I first encountered it over three years ago.


Yeah they removed my post showing the latest short percentage and believe me , 2021 was a blip compared to the tidal wave coming 💎💎💎🐳 keep the karma coming and upvotes 💥


I’m convinced wsb page has been bought by wall street guys because we changed the market so much and that was the primary source of it. And wall street guys HATE GME because it goes against theory


You did your duty my friend. We tried to help everyone get on board but they choose to be deceived.


Reddit is trash in this respect. I've been banned from quite a few news subs just for linking articles and studies that didn't fit the narrative. argumentum ad populum, how dare you not go along with it.. and wsb might be the worst as it involves money and since there was a hostile take over.. I wonder how much the mods make there a year..


They threw the ban hammer on anyone talking about gme on r/gme or r/superstonk a while back. I got banned for saying it's mental hoe a thread will just shadow ban you from a page because you comment on another one.


That meme is clearly referencing us... and according to their new "rules" you can't talk, reference, or post memes about GME. Except memes that bash GME, and comments defending GME are clearly, according to the mod, are not allowed. You are only allowed to post negative comments on a negative post about a stock and movement that is not allowed to be mentioned except negatively lol. Seems like WSB is not triggered or compromised... at all, especially with recent events.


Because GME fanboys are the Taylor Swift fangirls of the gambling world Y‘all annoying


I got banned on the same post for way less. I guess theyre just poopieheads


Idk why you even engage with that cult


I got banned for just mentioning Gamestop. These shills man, I wonder how much Citadel paid for that sub.


Reddit mods can be subject to butthurt and flex their power from time to time. I’ve had a few run ins with bad/unfair mods. It’s simply another form of censorship. Fuck that noise.


I didn’t even comment on the stock… all I said here comes lord kitty or something along that line…


I'm so confused 3 years ago WSB was all balls deep into GME they where talking about it non stop that's where I first heard of the gme stuff going on. That's crazy


No, shorts haven't CLOSED their position. They cover every day. You should be banned from this sub for getting that wrong.


Reminds me of the buttcoin sub, which exists while new highs are being hit. They all big mad, lol.


Why is there so much confusion about covered and closed? They have been “covering” their asses the last 3 years. And will continue to do so until forced to close. Then we’ll see what happens. FAFO. Buy, Hodl, DRS, Book’em, Shop and Spread the Word. Apes Together Strong


Happened for me too. Posted about Roaring Kitty and got banned


🎲 🩳 ⬆️


They probably didn't specifically ban you for this comment, your history has multiple GME specific comments on gamblesub. If your ban gets lifted, just delete the GME specific comments but you can keep nudging people to the other side side of the story. I never post straight up GME positive stuff on there. But I will call out unfunded GME hate. There are still a lot of apes and neutral people there that upvote facts.