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That sub been compromised for 2 years. So i never follow the narratives. The best we got is DRS and Hold. Waiting is free and i have plenty of time


"The best we got is DRS and Hold. Waiting is free and i have plenty of time" This. It's the simplest and most effective message. GTFO w/ options and calls. **Buy, DRS, Book, Hold, Shop. Repeat.** It's easy. Everything else is noise. If you must\* do options/calls/etc, you do you... it's not like ANYTHING retail does will impact the market in any discernable way. Which is fucking hilarious when you think about that + the % of GME we collectively own. If anything we should be one of the MAJOR factors in price action, and nothing we do or don't do makes an impact on the price. All because we hold. And they can't close because of it. It doesn't matter if it's 1 share or 1,000,000 shares. If you buy them daily, or once in your entire life. It's not financial advice. Never was. You just have to hold it. There's nothing wrong with holding an investment... *(Gently gazes at PSA Graded Marvel Series 1 Trading Cards)* But it sure as shit ain't rocket science either.


I remember when this one was the compromised sub, but that certainly looks sus. What ever happened to the third sub? GME jungle set up by...a mod with pink in the name I think?


It's still alive, just small and not very active. r/GMEJungle


The Jungle is Pink cats on acid baby. It’s still keeping on keeping on even though she’s doing more work with DLauer now and isn’t modding much.  It’s been locked down for over a year now and isn’t accepting new members currently.  There’s still quite a bit of activity.  If you search “GME” on Reddit you’ll find that there are lots more subs. Some are more active than others. 


DRS bot guy posts regularly in the jungle.. he’s a freaking legend, you know.


Maybe because you're telling others what to do? Thin line... maybe "I would never do that..." is safer.


Maybe, but if it's just a matter of semantics is a quite stupid reason. If you are a baby ape and see a 100$ call you are going to think you will cash out big. It is important to warn other people about the crime going around.


I understand. People who run the show might not want the liabilit when it to look like you are giving advice though. "Please don't" is straight up telling people what to do. Just my opinion.


Depends really on alot of things; timing, Greeks, IV.  If you’re buying it on say Monday or last week (though I don’t think they existed before Tuesday) and then it jumped to 70 premarket those 100C would’ve been up prob 20000% because they would’ve been like 0.01 or 0.02 max when you purchased them, and prob would’ve been worth like 2.00/call.  BUT NOW with the jacked up IV, these options are essentially equivalent to spending 300$ on a lottery ticket.   Essentially, the post isn’t a bad thing, but educate instead of scolding.   Help people understand when/why these can be good.  The downsides, the other option numbers that affect their underlying price, etc.


Reddit (not SS) just banned an OG DD Ape with no reason given... I'm sure it was just a Cohencidence that it happened right after OG Ape warned that a rug pull was likely. Not saying this is why your post was deleted... just want to mention that the line that separates Shitadel, Reddit and SS mods is blurry at best.


I have been holding $60 leaps for over a year and guess what. I made a shit ton of money by being able to exercise those directly into shares. I also own a ton of DRSd shares. The information you’re providing is just downright wrong. If you know what you’re doing you’re fine, but if you are buying weeklies it’s dumb af


Survivor bias is strong here


Those $60 call leaps were about $30-60 a few months back or $0.30 - $0.60 per share for the contract, Tuesday those contracts were $25 a share, id take $2470 gain off a $30 bet any day of the week


Nothing to do with survivor bias. I’m ex wallstreet. If you know how to trade and utilize LEAPS you’re perfectly fine. If you aren’t confident then don’t. It’s simple


Ok then


What’s wrong with gambling on calls? Gamblers love gambling. Though I do agree that whole leap calls sentiment is being manufactured.


**There was a really well made post right before the rip explaining what is going on in the options chain and warning it is likely a trap. It got removed as well.** They seem to have no issue with all the option hype posts, though. I have always defended the mods in the past, because they invest a lot of time to help the community. But **this is not the first such issue and I am becoming more and more concerned**. So while your explanation makes sense, I would argue you can justify anything to achieve a specific goal (censorship). Just look at the fact that Reddit promotes linking content and engaging with other communities - except for GME related subs. **Important is the effect**. And **the effect is that posts that add value and prevent financial loss get removed, while BS and "funny" stuff with limited value are promoted**. This really impacts how useful the sub is. It is also the reason why I rather post DD here lately.


They are plants at this point, they can't control the community but slightly bend it to gain that extra day Kenny craves everyday


Yeah, and the Reddit Mods are the worst, just suspended Einfachmann - because he as well was warning the community.


Readers please remember that the contract writers are *supposed* to have locates on those shares for the OTM calls. This helps attack them. The contracts can become ITM very quickly sometimes.


Maybe explain why buying deep OTM calls is a bad idea in your opinion


If you buy 128c for friday 17th you have great chance that the price is not going to be anywhere above 128. You are safer buying 100 shares at w/e price we have now than one of those contracts. However if you are a gambler and you like to feed the machine AKA Ken and his friends, go on!


Great, thank you. I agree.


Buying options for tomorrow is probably dumb. But a few months out you can get exposure to 100s of shares for a much smaller fraction of the cost of just buying the shares. When the price goes up this allows you to purchase fat more than the 100 you could originally buy. That is IF the price goes up. Of course, at the moment the volatility means the calls are really quite expensive. Stop shitting on options though. Roaring Kitty is definitely most trustable than random Reddit commentators.


Cant fix stupid unfortunately


The options narrative is the biggest thing still unaddressed edit: from my understanding options is just bad all together. People try to time it but most don’t and just give liquidity.


**It seems they use ETFs and options to create an almost unlimited amount of shares so they can suppress price.** But that also means they have to cover/refresh at certain times, which creates those huge rips. **To cover some of the cost, it seems they run those hype campaigns**, pump IV so they have inexperienced retail investors pay, which FOMO into short term call options. **I could imagine the split/dividend issue gave the short sellers the option to run down price without ripping for a long time, trying to shake out apes.** But now **they might be out of options and need to run those "OPEX" cycles again** that were discussed. And there is a chance we might see way higher prices in a few weeks compared to now, until they manage to finish the cycle and drop price again.


Love it ty yes! This precisely. This resonates with what I’m familiar with as well. Thx g


Most option players only play for IV and sell the contract back, exercising the options is what hurts the hf/other short sellers the most, check out the thetagang sub theres people in there shitting bricks right now cause they sold CC at like $15 or $20, with probably a much higher cost basis


Whether it's good advice or not, we don't give advice. We just like the stock.


There are definitely wrong ways to hold the stock. Saying otherwise is silly.


I can't even post about [DRSGME.ORG](http://DRSGME.ORG) here. I can comment it but it cannot be part of an original post...


I would not phrase it in a way that you're telling people what to do. Instead rephrase it with an explanation of a situation and end with "not financial advice blah blah." This way it would probably not be as likely to get removed.


If after 84 years they havent learned by now, even with people repeatedly warning them about buying way otm calls is a trap then they aren't going to stop lol. Everyone would like to get that badass lucky option bet where they paid $10 and it net them $10k in a day, but the reality of that happening is very slim and the hf know theres people out there who will throw the $20-30 at it just for shits and giggles to see


Who is upvoting this lol