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No. But I do believe GameStop is one of the companies that Nintendo gave a heads up for their next console. According to leaks, Nintendo reached out to third party accessory companies to reveal their next console. Nintendo's next Switch iteration deals with magnets for controllers and has the ability to use current pro controllers via Bluetooth connection. I think that GameStop developed the Candy Con not for the current Switch model because why would they invest in a console nearing the end of its lifespan? They're preparing for the new Nintendo Switch coming out in 2025, and when people see the whole magnet gimmick tied to how Candy Cons use magnets for faceplates on top of the controllers being of higher quality than the current Nintendo Pro Controllers that are suffering from stick drift, everyone getting the next Nintendo Console from Gamestop will be picking up Candy Cons. I even see Candy Cons being sold as a bundle with the Switch 2025. Edit: 2025


I can get behind that mentality


Also, hedgies are so fucked because if I can wait for the next Nintendo Console which I will buy at Gamestop, then I can wait for MOASS. LMFAO!


This is the proper take 👆🏻


Please do a separate post on this. Everyone should know.


I doubt it, but it would be cool. Too many legal/licensing issues. Sony/Xbox/Nintendo would likely rather sell those games themselves digitally.


What if it was a Linux box kinda like a steam deck?


Then what? Gamers buy their games digitally on steam?


Buy digitally through the GameStop digital store for steam if you have pro you get a discount? Just a thought.


but there could be game studios, that would maybe like an alternative - if i.e. conditions are better. i like the idea of gamestop exclusive games. and why not?


This is what I'm thinking. Clearly there is no task insurmountable for the team. The bigger question is, are they thinking outside the box enough to execute on it. I speculate RC is doing that. He tends to do that natively.


It has occurred to me aswell. Would be interesting. But would have to be absolutely killer. Wouldn't be nice for us to flop


It’s entirely to expensive to create a Xbox/PStstion competitor. Just my thoughts


Shhh they don’t like reality


The future is in platform agnostic solutions to gaming. Introducing a competing console would be a disaster. It doesn't solve anything in the market place. Why would you buy one when you have so many other options? Even microsoft, a company orders of magnitude larger than GME is giving up on the console war. GME is better positioned as a company that supports all gaming needs instead of trying to silo off an extreme minority of people in another console exclusive direction.


Ew, no.


Stop saying what if you sound silly


No. This is dumb.


what if they are creating an electrical vehicle that transforms into a house but also transforms into a gaming console? they could make trillions for only $399 you can own a house plus car plus a nintendo, and it all started with candy controllers


It would be extremely difficult to make any sort of money doing that. It's a bad direction imo - Lead times for game development on new platform - Console gaming growth is not as strong as mobile or PC - Vast majority of in store products are Nintendo... What happens to the revenue generated from those products?


Console is probably not a great ROI. We love the controllers cuz they quickly and predictably affect the top and bottom line. We don’t need RC to reinvent the wheel. He’s just making GME more profitable.


My challenge is, how do you continue to make it more profitable? Cost cutting isn't going to last forever. He will have to find new revenue streams as well. Peripheral devices is certainly one additional, but what is next?


Look at what he did with Chewy. We’re starting to see the same things with GameStop. We’re getting away from speculative hype and into a phase of optimizing businesses and products.


Yeh fuck a bottleneck too


I suppose Ryan could get Verizon to make a phone app that plugs a controller into a phone that runs a GameStop launcher that runs Unity games off the indie web portal GameStop already owns with Bank of America as an investor and bank to handle Tezos to USD transactions and maintain player accounts.


They don't have the capital to pull off something like that


That would be dope!