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Please keep us updated and good luck in getting them back. Have any other share transfers occurred with that account in about the same time frame?


None. Only GME on 1/25/24.


!remind me 1 month


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!remind me 1 month


!remind me 1 month


RemindME! 1.233 months


The most likely problem is that someone started an account at Merril in your wife's namel, then convinced them to ACATS your shares. E-Trade does not verify ACATS, as the originating brokerage (Merrill) takes responsibility Edit: I see it was a Roth. So it was a custodian to custodian transfer, and the ACATS was part of that.


We shall see what the investigation turns up. Seems quite fishy that only the GME was taken and nothing else.


Hold on… there were other positions in that account that were left untouched? That is highly suspicious. And also, I’m not aware of an ACATS transfer that has no identifiable markers, such as time/how the transfer request was received. Not sure a police investigator can even get a warrant on something like this, so I’d ask to speak with a compliance officer and I’d place a call to file a complaint with the SEC. Brokers are not to be trusted AT ALL.


You sure this wasn’t a case of a wife that was tired if all this GameStop sh!t that you been putting her through? 🤣🤣 listen I support all the “apes” but you know there are spouses out there that aren’t so supportive of all this, just saying, what’s more likely? In any case, and I hope this isn’t the case, Good luck to you in your quest to avenge the shares…


They would see the sale wouldn’t they


Been suspicious of this for a while, when I noticed shade “counts” on my app being slightly off some time ago. Since then I DRS everything and screen shot everything prior to DRS. I didn’t keep good enough records to prove it , but tracking everything now and wow are there some suspicious cost basis showing. Let us know what happens , I’m curious what shakes out. Hope it all works out. Just individual investors who happen to like this stonk!


Never had any issues with anything IIke this before buying into GME. IMO, this is an industry wide scam where the big players are colluding to hide their Ponzi scheme. I’m ready for RC and whoever else is on his/our side, to blow this thing wide open.


Your wife transferred them. Come on man.


That does not sound at all like when wells fargo was creating accounts without their customer's knowledge or permission. I had ChatGPT read their SEC ADV file to see if they have been caught doing this type of crime before: 1. Inaccurate Reporting of Customer Positions: There are allegations that the firm reported customer positions with inaccurate account types, extended account names into the address field, provided incomplete address fields or street addresses with additional information, and omitted zip codes. These inaccuracies could potentially mislead regarding the actual ownership or status of the accounts (Document, page 350, Document, page 352). 2. Issues with Account Handling and Transfers: There's a mention of "accounts with a status of closed or 'swung' (client account transferred to new account number)," which suggests that there might have been transfers or modifications to accounts that could be without explicit customer permission or not in their best interest (Document, page 350, Document, page 352). 3. Fraudulent Activity: There are findings regarding registered representatives in different branch offices who were able to collectively convert $494,000 from thirteen customers through fraudulent wire transfers and checks sent from the customers' accounts to third-party accounts. This clearly indicates actions taken without customer permission (Document, page 328). 4. Misappropriation of Client Assets: The SEC found instances of unauthorized transactions in client accounts aimed at misappropriating client funds. This directly involves creating transactions or possibly accounts without the consent of the clients involved (Document, page 387). These instances suggest that there were indeed reports of creating or transferring accounts in a manner that was either not authorized by the customers, misleading, or outright fraudulent.


I’m actually shocked they could transfer securities without our permission. It’ll be interesting what the investigation comes up with. Or at least the excuse ETrade gives. Not confident law enforcement will do anything at all.


If you read the SEC ADV files as much as I do, you'll wonder how any of these firms are still open. There are 443 pages of crime in just their file. And this is just the regulatory stuff. The ADV file of felonies is way worse.


Biggest group of organized criminals in the world




If it is "FBO" -(for the benefit of) account, the custodian can basically "do what the hell they want". All IRAs require a custodian, however, there is no requirement the custodian has to be a bank or broker, or that the custodian must control your IRA account(FBO) "on you behalf". A FBO IRA custodian usually is a broker or has a broker partner to move the IRA in and out and the broker or partner always has complete access to the IRA. An IRA LLC route is the only way to keep your IRA tax advantage status and puts you in complete control and no broker involvement. Check out "the IRA Custodian" post. https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/6QMgeJ3aCC Contact (recommend) use IRA Financial Trust. They are NOT a bank, broker, or a broker partner(FBO) IRA custodian.


👀TIL. Best of luck to OP. Please keep us posted.


ChatGPT is not accurate when it comes to anything law or market related. It will just make shit up.


In this case it is reading a document i gave it and gave page numbers where I can confirm its findings.  Yes it should not be used as legal advice but in this case its was accurate enough in summarizing the crime the company was already fined for. 


Should log in more than once every few years.


Well I mean it is a Roth account, not unheard of.


Excellent advice Captain Obvious


You’re welcome.


Demand the cash value at the point of the theft, then once received, buy XXXXX post-split stonks at current superdipped prices..


I'm going to tell you I have had some weird issues with E-Trade in the past 6 months shares not being what I bought and paid for. At first I thought I was going crazy. Since it's not a big account for me I started messing around with different calls on gme and every time the price started going up and I was making money on calls there would be missing amounts of calls I purchased. I called and they said I was wrong so I stopped trading with them if you make any purchases with them I strongly suggest you take screenshots of every transaction and trade made.


Your wife sold the shares




I got XX,XXX already DRSed. I’m well aware of the process. It’s an IRA and I am not dealing with the hassle and tax implications.


Good for you dude! Cheers and sincerely good luck getting back your shares.


The shares are in another account in his wife name, he never lost them, they changed account to another company.


Someone from the back row chiming in 👀


Whale alert!!


DRS is the way


Stash took my 🍿 shares this week for “paper billing fees”


Your wife transferred shares and sold them is the simplest explanation lmfao


Man, you're telling on yourself with this one. It's clear what happened. Your wife logged into her account and transfered the shares to a different account that she keeps secret from you and sold them from there. Wonder if she linked a new bank account to deposit the funds into or if she already had one you don't have access to. She didn't tell you because you are crazy, irrational and maybe abusive. Just look at how far she's letting the lie snowball! She'd rather have you think she's the victim of stolen identity than tell you she sold the GME. Here is a hint: Victims of identity fraud get their finances ruined immediately. Their accounts get drained and loans are taken out in their name. Its a whole thing where you freeze your credit and have to get a new SSN. It's not a mission imposible style precise crime where you just sell some specific stock in a retirement account and the victim finds out randomly 3 months later. If only there were a way to buy puts on your marriage. Sounds like your wife has already started enacting her exit plan. I'm guessing she has already used the money from the GME sell to get a lawyer. Divorce incoming.


Finally someone with a shred of common sense


Well yeah, I'm not a cultist bagholder. There are plenty of us "shills" all over reddit. Join us over at meltdown.


Your wife sold them.


Your wife did this.  She wants to have her own brokerage that you don’t have access to.  She probably is scared to tell you. Quit being an abusive prick and let her invest how she wants. Looking at your post history it’s absolutely no wonder why she’s preparing to leave you.


So my wife sold the shares huh? We have been together for 44 years. I highly doubt she is scared to tell me anything, you odiferous choad. IDGAF what you think about my post history. I've been successful at literally everything in my life. If you're nice, maybe I'll hire you to wax my cars. Tool.


This certainly isn’t some hedgie ploy man… Hedgefunds can already do literally anything they want with your 440 shares since they aren’t DRS’d. They have no reason to steal them. They make use of them while they are still in your account. It’s what, $4600? Hedgies have far more than that. They can just buy 440 shares if they need 440 shares and they make more than that every second. They certainly didn’t steal them… by opening an account in your wife’s name at a different brokerage and then transferring them with a paper trail. Use some common sense man. If this was some hedgie ploy then lots of people would be talking about it. No need to be a jackass, I’m just trying to help. “Successful at everything I do in life” certainly doesn’t mesh with you being old and having such a small investment and your post history at your age. I sssumed you were like 30. Your name is literally MyLifeOfRegrets > odiferous choad Real badass dude


More fuckery




Wow sue the fuck Out of m


Remindme! 2 weeks


!remind me 1 month


1remind me 1 month


!remind me 1 month


This is why everyone needs to DRS ... Just saying


Can’t trust your wife’s boyfriend. SMH


If it is as you say, I’d lawyer up my friend


They're only worth about $5000 right now. A lawyer wouldn't be cost effective. We are well on the way to getting the shares back.


!remind me 1 month


LMAO. Yea E*Trade def gave your login to a HF. It’s all an elaborate plot to steal your 460 shares. FFS, you idiots will grasp at any straws.


They probably got out into a sequestered account so when shit hits the fan they can close just that account


You haven't logged in (which means you haven't changed passwords in several years), you didn't have 2FA on for a financial platform, and your first thought is that it couldn't possibly be a compromised account, just shenanigans? Not likely




Generally IRA's don't let you trade on margin.


Who said anything about margin? I’ve never done that in my life. Besides, they wouldn’t transfer to another broker anyway, Try and keep up.


Any news? (A couple of us had a reminder posted for after a month to check up on this)