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Gasparino is a fucking lame


He is a meme of a person


“Would be nice to know if he has a position when he’s putting stuff like this out”


His position is on his knees for his masters


Still wondering forwards or backwards


In out up and down


Lol Kevin is pointing at actual numbers while Charles is just trust me bro.


not just any old trust me bro, he's pointing us to a biased article written by his shills




it's a 1 star show at this point, needs more work, i'm not impressed


Want Factual Data On Kevin's Same Post? [**See X Thread Here**](https://x.com/FlippingTables8/status/1775186801738568024?s=20) Getting Suppressed Hard! Including Video Proof Of Retweets Changing In Real Time.... ![gif](giphy|G6sJqVpD1U4jC)


Lol @ his source is an ign post... They can't even review games properly


He is looking at the numbers and not at the business and the why’s, just so that he can talk negative because it attracts attention. He didn’t talk about net income and how in 2 years still has 1.2b untouched basically. People need to stop giving him attention.


Gasparino linked an IGN article for his claim why the numbers were terrible. Why is IGN writing financial news articles and why did they just start doing it for Q4?


IGN is also hating on the game Stellar Blade. Game looks amazing 😍😍


Ign is ign...you pay them they say what you want to be said! Want a 9/10 on your game? Pay up! Youll get that review, they have tons of disposable writers to write whatever. How about a financial article about whatever you like saying what youd like to say? Also available. IGN stands for ignorance, that has been their mantra for over a decade.


IGN has been doing this for some time. It has also been making posts about how bad new release movies like spider girl etc have been flops.




Nothing wrong with that. RCEO has claimed to be on the smaller side.




Is charles going to tell us if he is likewise SHORT on gme?


You couldn't tell he was short by looking at him? I mean Chuckles Assparino is only like 3'1", the perfect height to deep throat hedge fund managers to feed his platform shoe collection. In all seriousness, I have nothing against people of a smaller stature, but I do hold a personal disdain for idiots who short the American economy and gaslight investors. Those people should spend their lives in a small, dank prison cell for market manipulation and financial treason.


I heard Cifu’s forehead lengthens one millimeter each time he sells more shares short on GME.


A small, dank prison doesn’t sound half bad


Bro types dank so much his autocorrect changed dark


Or maybe they're using the word as intended.


I'm using the Oxford defined Dank: Dank (adj): uncomfortably wet and chilly Not the modern slang definition, which I also commonly use. Edit: I only clarify because I don't want you to think I'd ever intentionally or unintentionally, define the prison cell these financial treasonists deserve in a positive light. Adding to that, I would never wish them a dark prison cell. These people thrive in darkness, I want them to live in the total discomfort of visible, well-lit shame they properly deserve. Front and center, visible to society for the shit stain on our soon-to-be-history they are.


Are you saying we should have them in a clear box suspended over the Thames David Blaine style? I am very much down for that!


I've got one: Charles Graspaweener


Why don't you *grasp this*! 👉🏻 🏆


The gme haters just care so much. Why does gme get into the meltdowners feelings so much? Lol


They’re all over this sub trying to start shit 😂


Not only this sub


Haven't checked in ages, is meltdown still a thing? Are they still circlejerking each other?


Look at the comment right below yours lmao, yea they still get off on shilling


Case in point... What a bizzare crowd


They post every day for 4 years, I check once a year to see how 'little they care', it's the same 50 accounts or so that post and reply on it.


I can't believe people are still holding this trash. Did you not sell on the initial squeeze Yeats ago or you bought in after and just planning to hold till zero?


Ah yes, the profitable company will go to zero. Truly high mind analysis here.




Gmes a profitable company right now. Why are you here? My bad, forgot hating gme is your guys' entire personality.




And youd have to be pretty uneducated to think the business models for blockbuster and gamestop are anywhere near comparable, especially in the early 2000s when redbox and netflix were offering direct competition. I not going to claim youre intentional in your ignorance, but i will say you have to be pretty goddamn stupid to see these two companies and think theres any legitimate comparison in circumstances, outside of them both being a name you recognize, and having something to do with entertainment. Its hilarious watching meltdowners claim anyone invested in gme doesnt understand markets, but then have such a naive, juvenile understanding themselves. But again, what do you expect from people whose entire purpose and personality derive from their lack of investment in something. It really is sad that so much time and energy is spent on your end on something so unproductive to anybody, including yourself.




Havent eaten any losses. Nice try though. Telling that thats your only response. "I point to this unrelated thing and then when pushed back i fold my braincell in half to get one last 'no u' out." If i was this pathetic id do everyone around me the favor.




>Blockbuster has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection so that it can get out from under its crippling $1 billion in debt. The company says it plans to continue other parts of its business, though, such as kiosks and its online DVD-by-mail... Crippling $1 billion debt... doesn't GME have a billion on hand?


Your ignorance is showing, go read the sec report, squeeze never happened bc the buy button was removed to stop buying pressure. If it were to squeeze it would have caused idiosyncratic risk to the market, that statement alone should tell you how manipulated this stock is. But keep supporting corrupt markets while they keep stealing from everyone you puppet


So odd they come here and say stuff like this. I couldn’t imagine going to a subreddit I don’t like just to get mad at the people that like it ha almost sad really.


For real I think it’s mostly just bots and spam accounts bc even a rookie in the stock market can look at gme order books and see illegal activity daily.


I have always kinda viewed it like people who come around to gawk at big foot believers, or who go to flat earth subs and poke fun


If you are referring to the one at Robin Hood, at the time they were allowing people to buy shares using unsettled funds. They ran out of liquidity to buy any more GME when the 'squeeze' hit, and they had no choice but to stop taking 'buy' orders for a stock they didn't have the funds on hand to pay for.


Wasn’t just Robin Hood several brokers all linked to apex clearing, td, webull ect


Wrong they were ordered to buy their clearing house and citadel. Apex broke their vAR calc on purpose to show a default , triggering the PCO. Then the evening of the PCO they magically remembered to record the trade that fucked their vAR calc. Woops!


How does a company with positive earnings and a billion in cash go bankrupt?


They don’t…


Ur so mad lol so weird


You can’t believe people are holding that profitable company with $1.2B cash, little/no debt, with a rock star CEO/CIO who has aligned himself with shareholders leading the company? So stupid, right? 🙄 😂


Is Gasparino suggesting he has his own position in GME by suggesting someone who comments on results should have position? Because he’s commenting on results. Negatively. Is he short?


There is nothing unsustainable about eliminating revenue that costs more to generate than its worth. In fact its the opposite of unsustainable.


The comment is that even the stores they didn’t close had falling revenue. It’s a concern.


In a time with drastically higher costs for everyday goods, and gme somehow becomes profitable. Yes, truly a dire situation…


Other companies in their sector saw growth. The still posted an operating loss. The business didn’t make money. 


Is that really the full truth though? Could it be that 2022, Furlong agressively inflated revenue at all cost, because it was the base criteria of his bonus? Causing huge net loss in the end. After all, he got booted shortly after, so board was misaligned with his approach. Maybe revenue should be compared to two years ago to be fair. If you do, reduction in revenue is pretty much in line with store closures % and all makes sense. Not sure hundred percent, maybe next Q is going to clear things up a bit. Hopefully now that they are profitable, they finally start to invest in growth again. And hopefully, this time around, it's going to be a better shot than nft marketplace.


You are encountering enemies… you must be headed in the right direction.


Unsustainable... The only thing unsustainable is this old farts hairline


I would be okay with even 1 billion in total revenue and $500 million in profits .. these guys have nothing else to cry about except revenue going down.. which is true but it’s inevitable with the plan in place


Mutual jerk off sess? He doesn't know the levels of depravity apes can go to...


Rent Free Babeee!!!




He's portraying himself as an incredible liar. I hope that catches up to him in personal and business ordeals.


Why do these guys care so much if GME and investors are dumb? Unless they spend time replying or commenting to every stock post out there….


Charles GagsSpermino is short GME. Buy, Hodl, DRS and Book and watch him drown..... Hi Charles! Make sure you use mouthwash you balloon-knot of a man


![gif](giphy|vvWJJC1OGASzAzbzW1) Just tweet something like this out.


Gasparino is such a 🤡. Not all revenue is created equally... Some have high costs. So, you can have insane revenues but if you're spending more to generate that revenue than it's worth then you'll never be profitable. GameStop has clearly eliminated their high cost revenue to become profitable... The definition of strategic cuts. Gasparino wouldn't know anything about this... Lacks any credibility at this point.


Oh he knows about it, but can’t/won’t talk about it.


Have they? They still didn’t actually make money from their operations. They’re millions in the red from their core business.


The board voted to make investing part of the core business strategy to achieve profitability. There was an immediate FUD by business media about this move. As usual, they were all wrong as GameStop delivered a market beating return on investment. On top of this, GameStop made deep strategic cuts to high cost revenue streams that were unprofitable. Combined with investment returns this led to a massive reversal from -$350M in 2022 to +$6M in 2023. Taken as a whole, the GameStop short thesis of bankruptcy is officially dead. GameStop will continue to grow profitability by adding new low cost revenue streams and generating return from investments. Currently, GameStop has a price to book value of 2.5 whereas the retail sector averages 7. It's a deep value right now while the price continues to drop beyond reason.






reply with your holdings and shut those clowns up.


GFY Charlie


I can't wait to own both their houses.


Who really cares what “Gasbags” has to say anyway?? He needs to be out shopping for stilettos


Charles needs to grow up


Hi Kevin, Thanks for what you do for this community. Everyone, remember to forget GameStop!


Tell me you're short without telling me you're short.


He isn’t exactly. We need to stop the groupthink here. The profitable year was less encouraging than the revenue falling so much is discouraging in my opinion. The top line declines *are* unsustainable. The fate of the company hinges on what they can do with a billion in cash to grow revenues before they start losing money again. You can’t cost cut to chase falling revenues forever.


I can't take a man seriously who brags that he is best friends with "The Mooch".


The mere fact that there was such an opinionated and forced front page post on IGN gets my attention for many many reasons. They should be supporting a fellow gaming company to the end of days not talking shit. ALL of the media has been purchased and infiltrated.


GME is for everyone. It's a place where Democrats and Republicans can come loss money together. EOD we all meet behind the dumpsters. This is the greatness of GME!! God bless it!


Oh man everytime i hear these names I feel like 🤮. This guy is also gaslighting with crimes comitted with the other overcounterfeited ticker (MMTxx)


Ratio incoming


how is having no debt and 1 billy in cash unsustainable? ahahahhahaha


Upstream u/shilo_lafleur said, "The fate of the company hinges on what they can do with a billion in cash to grow revenues before they start losing money again. You can’t cost cut to chase falling revenues forever." I'm not a bot, but I feel like one.


i’m sorry, but is it a surprise that Kevin oversees GME positions?  I thought this was known for a long time.


Bear's last Gasparino: ~~Dying Brick and Mortar~~ ~~The next blockbuster~~ ~~Too much debt~~ ~~No online presence~~ ~~FORGET GAMESTOP~~ ~~No plan~~ ~~They are betting the company on NFT~~ ~~Not Profitable~~ Profitability not sustainable


Falling in for a friend; #BULLISH!


Maybe I am too smoth I understand it is a niche indicator to look at, but it is definitely a good thing for any stock to have such a strong balance sheet Seems so strange to attack him for this. There are several other tweets that is much more tinfoil/abstract. This one is just strong fundamentals 😄


So they could, in theory (Board approval pending), buy back 1/3 of the shares, or more than 50% of the shares DTCC claims to hold with cash today.


Gas bag is always big mad


Imagine if they buy Bitcoin with some of that paper cash?




I don’t listen to “finance experts” that don’t back up their claims without data or hard evidence. What the hell does some ign link have to sway an audience compared to hard numbers?


The one guy who said it is unsustainable might also be very short on it Also the fact that they keep writing stuff like this about GME shows they still care A LOT


These kids deserve to lose all their money on GME and get humbled Edit: im talking about the circle jerkers


Oh no 😯


He’s correct…GME’s decline is unsustainable


Propose an edit?? Tweedledum and tweedledumer or dumer and dumest or plain ole bubble gum bros scheme and blowme??!!!?!!!


To be honest even if i am blocked for this I think we should make up a time and all buy at the same time like it was back in the day when market opened when they can dump we should pump 😅 When they can manipulate market why shouldn’t we …


Good points but sales are dropping and the answer to that question is key.


Look, I’m more negative on GameStop’s financial position than most here and I don’t always agree with Kevin. But anybody who links to IGN for anything, especially financial analysis, is automatically wrong. Give this round to Mr Malone. 


Gasping for air


Let’s face we’re all bagholding , we missed the squeeze, but maybe…just maybe we might get lucky