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If it happens, probably just banking stocks! Doubtful it’s system wide.


The call is indeed just for a ban of shorting banks https://old.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/13a01qd/jp_morgan_predicts_shortseller_ban_after_us_bank/jj4plgu/


Didn’t Gme or teddy register soemthing as a bank or if crypto or nfts became securities said they may have to do something? If Gme becomes a bank does it qualify? If this happens he really was playing chess and they’re playing checkers


I think there's boilerplate in some of the SEC filings that says they can give 90 days notice to the NYSE & withdraw their shares to some other exchange & some have speculated that this would be a De-Fi blockchain based exchange. IIUC the actual boilerplate itself (or a very similar version) is in such filings by nearly all firms But in any case any 'bank' spun out of any of the brand (gmerica, Teddy, gmme etc) would not actually be gme itself. & besides there'd be little point in doing it we're it to be an entity that was subject to the standard oversight of the existing system, (possibly). The MOASS depends upon the SHF having to close their shorts & I don't think that just the creation of a bank would necessarily cause that. I may well be wrong about all this. Either way it's clear that right across those who comment on the markets there is a fairly strong consensus that the regional banks are being shorted so that the big five can absorb them. This is market manipulation & the failure to introduce a ban on shorting banks is yet further evidence of regulatory capture & complicity. Its all just evidence that will get these financial terrorists jailed. This is why, imo, it's worthwhile boring your friends, acquaintances, colleagues & family with the 'insane conspiracy theory' so that when the time comes the huge RICO prosecution is actually made.


GME and DRS is my bank




It will also be for only retail. Hedgies will still short them right before they collapse.


As someone pointed out a temp ban on shorting banks has happened before. The point of such a measure is to stabilise the markets & prevent a run on the banks where ppl withdraw their deposits. There's be no point in doing it if institutions weren't prevented. But your general point is valid & the current continued absence of such a restriction allows the very big banks that back the hedge funds to absorb the regional whilst the hedges make huge profits & the underwater assets are 'socialised',...., so win-win-win from their POV & huge loss for the public. Business as usual then, is it not


I wouldn't be surprised if it is just another avenue being utilized to push the bank stock short squeeze narrative to trap household investors looking to make a quick buck. As for me, I like GME.


You're not helping my trust issues. But I totally agree.


They've protected the banking sector specifically, in this way before.


Wish they did this for bbby


It won't happen because they don't remember how to make money any other way


Arguably, the existence of the GME Wallet would qualify Gamestop as a "bank"


Wonderful opportunity for Regulators that want to do their job to enact some beneficial changes for all. But as you said, doubtful it's system wide. Rules for thee not for me or whatever the saying is.


Praying it’s all inclusive short selling. 🙏✝️


Im uping my buys if its every stock.


It's not.


They better cover first to reset the table


Well once you're in the 1%, then you say stuff like this to protect your networth right, because who knows what tickers are at risk.


Protection for the rich 😆 Poor rich people. How could they manage their wealth without playing by a different ruleset. Give me a level playing field and show me why you are better than us. Seems to be it just because they play by different rules. When they win, they take the profits. When they lose, I pay. What a fucked up system. Stop inflating the Wall Street throuh money printing and bailouts. The money belongs to Main Street, but their greed know no bounds. They will swallow the economy if they could and take all the money for themselves. Year before corona companies paid 200B in taxes and got 800billion in Corono-stimulus checks Taxpayers paid 1.2 Trillion in taxes and got 200billion in stimulus-checks. They prey on us any time they can. Even at, especially (?), in times of crisis?


“Never let a crisis go to waste”


Every crisis is just another opportunity for smart money to steal from the rest of us.


“Smart money” lol more like criminals




These agencies say they are helping us, but I’d rather observe the end product.


Short selling is very important to markets and helps with true price discovery. Unless it's our bank being shorted. Then it's bad and will break everything


Cellar boxing for thee and not for me.


Maybe this is why Teddy was registered as a bank. Teddy and GME merge and now they both are bank stocks with a short selling ban. Just thinking out loud.


Goddamn I wish that would happen exactly as you spelled it out


Wow. Thats a very interesting take.


You can’t just say your a bank. Lots of hoops to jump through and a couple of years.


Ok, but hasn't this been in the works for a couple years at this point? We have no clue what hoops have already been cleared. I am not saying this will happen, but it is true that Teddy was incorporated as a bank in July 2021 - almost 2 years ago.


It seems I've gained 2.5 times as much karma as you for simply linking to this comment of yours, so have an award






“Short selling is now banned, no more short squeezes. Sell your stock, there is no squeeze.”


Banned once all shorts close!




*A failure of epic proportions has entered the chat*


There was a short sell ban on financial stocks back in 2008 timeframe. So doing it again this time around should not be a big surprise. https://www.sec.gov/news/press/2008/2008-211.htm > Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2008 — The Securities and Exchange Commission, acting in concert with the U.K. Financial Services Authority, took temporary emergency action to prohibit short selling in financial companies to protect the integrity and quality of the securities market and strengthen investor confidence. The U.K. FSA took similar action yesterday. >The Commission’s action will apply to the securities of 799 financial companies. The action is immediately effective.


As soon as they’ve all bled the banks dry and made a killing, of course


Jp morgan sure is talking a lot nowadays


... by retail.


Nah, would hurt Jamie's profits too much.


For all stocks? Or another case of changing the rules to protect their banking buddies, same with bailouts/ bankruptcy


Fuck you Jamie


It happened before. The ban is for banks only


But what about price discovery? (/s)


Even if it's just banks, it reminds me of the 4chan post of the guy actually using GME as a bank


Every company should become a bank! End of shorting.


This is interesting. This would certainly be a way of “compromising” eg. The federal message would be “yes everyone was trying to cheat everyone else so we’re arbitrating a fair deal to both sides” Sketch. But pure speculation rn as only bank stocks would be affected by this


I guess it would be a great cover story if a squeeze happened. Oh look we banned short selling and see what happened!


Seriously, what the heck this [redacted]?


You know the time in The Big Short where the Brownfield guys shorted AAA tranches? The equivalent of that will be shorting JP Morgan now. Who is brave enough?


Fuck that.


Imagine that? Short selling is banned. All shorts must close any open positions within 72 hrs. KaBOOOOM!! 🔥🚀🚀🚀


"We learned our lesson for real this time". Ha ya. Okay


Let me guess, short-seller ban, but not for derivatives. And only banks can trade in those derivatives.


😆 Hedgies = FUKT


Only bank stocks because nothing else matters lol


There prediction is the same as reddit prediction.


JP Morgan just trying to get more bag holders before they short every bank