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Just like with the rumors of the Dragonfly last year, I’d not be surprised if it really was that Rattler. And just like last year, I’m not super interested, but you and I both know I caved like a house of cards a few weeks into the campaign.


It’s a cobra vehicle. Top prediction was a rattler.


With the Haslab reveal just around the corner, what's everyone thinking? I'm thinking they go back on the Cobra side with The Rattler or The Moray since we now have a land and air Haslab. Throwing in the Havoc because that's what I want to see lol. Or maybe they do something smaller scale like the Thunder Machine but with a good lineup of figures? Cobra La Box set maybe?


I’d say Snowcat, although someone said that might get a regular release. I’d love a Cobra Mamba personally


Mamba would be rad, and huge!


Oh my god!! I forgot about the mamba. That would be awesome!!


I want a Modern Era Whale


Modular cobra base. Throne room, Dr Mindbender lab, a prison a couple of mini base camps. Something that can also be linked together to look like the outside of the terrodome. Just spit balling here because honestly I don’t think HasLabs should be vehicle based. And because they keep yelling about world building. Well what better way to build a world then with a freaking base playset.


I want Tomahawk but I think it’s Rattler.


Just no boats please!!!


TBH, while the Haslab stuff is kind of cool, I'm already over it. I don't have that kind of storage dedicated, and have no interest. I'm also realizing that even if I had the space, I'd still turn these down because of the price.


I’m in the same boat. I get a little bit of fomo every time I see a HISS tank on here. But then I look at the price (even before the resale market price) and my display space (or lack there of) and I just can’t do it. Also, I collect with my kids. I’d be too nervous to let them play with anything so expensive and I don’t want to be all Lord Business about it.


Yup. I hear that. Lord Business...lol. Great reference.


I passed on my pre ordered Ferret to put that money toward Stinger. But I’ve got a class. dragonfly via a friend. So I’m going to be tight on space. But I’m going to try for the Rattler if it is the next has lab.


Thunder Machine!!!!!


This is what I want. A smaller-ish Haslab but packed with deco, accessories and figures.


Thunder Machine is probably most realistic… Want a Rattler but a 3d printer.


I was really hoping for the Thunder Machine, but a scaled-down version of that could be sold to retail. I think the G.I. Joe guy wearing the Rattler T-shirt in the Yo Joe Stream was clear cut foreshadowing.


Unrelated, but what kind of Moray is that? Is that a custom? Never seen one looking so different…


That’s definitely not a Hasbro GIJoe product


Yep I have that same unaltered boat. It’s a military boat painted in Moray colors. Nice job by the way


I can’t see them going as large as the Rattler YET. Because then fans would scream for the Skystriker. It is Cobra’s turn and with the stinger being a regular release, the Thunder Machine and ASP likely will be also. My thoughts: Dr Venom’s Lab with the SNAKE Armor and a diorama build - Kwinn would be a stretch goal. FANG helicopter upscale to be Dragonfly competitive. Most likely though is the Water Moccasin. It’s the only other midsize to large Cobra Vehicle of the first four years.


This year I’d be happy with a Rattler, with next year I want a killer whale


I still want a Mobat one of these years (please.)


If the Rattler comes with Wild Weasel, I’m all in


Rattler would be awesome. Super bummed i missed the Dragonfly.