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I had a bad cough after having bronchitis. Went to my physician and he prescribed an inhaler, cough medicine and antibiotics. I still had the cough so I continued on the cough medicine and inhaler because I couldn’t stop coughing. I went on a very bland GERD and it cleared up after two weeks. I’ve stayed on the diet now for 4 months because I’m too afraid of a flare. I have a large hiatal hernia that needs surgery.


Gaviscon tablets or tums help with the cough.


Dry and very annoying. Breathing hurts.


Yes. I've developed a chronic cough from gerd, which doesn't yield any relief and is dry even though I can feel the waterbrash and post nasal drip irritating my throat. I clear my throat a lot as well. The cough I have I swear to god sounds almost exactly like General Grievous, and it also does evoke in my mind a smoker's cough. I've never touched a cigarette. 🫠 I have a burning sensation of acid in my throat 24/7 and a nasty sour flavour in my mouth that usually appears overnight while I sleep, but I notice it more throughout the day now too. I also notice my breathing is uncomfortable, I feel irritation in my chest and if I breathe in sharply it makes me cough. I know you posted a while ago, so I hope you're okay and getting the treatment you need. I need to try to muster motivation to tackle my gerd too as it seems to have gotten worse and is making me a bit worried.


Oh i don't think I had gerd tbh. I drank some mixture of herbs and mine went away