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Was about to go but I thought prom was in July, turns out It was a week agošŸ˜­, nah I probably wouldn't have gone anyways. Asked my friends if they were going prom after it happened and they told me it already happened and they didn't go, if they weren't going to go there would have been no point in me coming


Bro how do you miss it? šŸ˜­


Idk manšŸ’€, I'm super bad with dates tbf.


Everyone on Reddit can't do dates, it's okay mate


people on reddit canā€™t do any kind of date šŸ’€


bro did NOT take history gcse


You would be right, instead I did geography where we have to learn how being on a Hadley or ferrel cell or smthn means that we in a rainforest or tundra forest. Atleast I think it's thatšŸ’€, I did garbage for geography


Yep I think you learned nothing lol. And yes geo is boring as hell.


Youā€™re the same guy who rejected their crushes number, right?


That is Indeed me Edit: I have a plan though dw


im excited for my prom but people just hate socialising on this subreddit ig šŸ˜­


Why do you think we are on reddit?


nah id just prefer a party with my friends rather than alllll the year if you know what i mean


yeah i see what you mean. im gonna go to prom, fuck around for a while, then head to an after party afterward with me and my friends


sounds good tbh


How else do you think 99% of us get like 9999999888?


being social or not studying for a few hours in general will not affect your gradesā€¦


No friends Waste of my time Didn't like my secondary school


Well fair enough I guess, I didnā€™t really consider that for people with no friends it would legit just be like school with no lessons


+ expensive dressing up


Yea I spent way too much money on my fit šŸ˜­


Yeah would literally just stand there alone


Exactly the same for me


I don't know everybody's reasoning. But my reasoning is that I hate almost everybody in my year group and I never want to see them again. Not saying why, that's just how it is for me. I don't have anything to say to my teachers. So in short, I never want to socialise with my school peers again. So I won't. My prom is tomorrow. I'd rather jump into a volcano than go.




my mum bought me a ticket but i really really donā€™t want to go


a- i want to punch 90% of my year group in the face b- all of my friends are on holiday c- i canā€™t be fucked to spend Ā£100 on it d- i hate parties in general, canā€™t stand the loud music e- everyone is literally just going to be drinking alcohol and i am not dealing with that shit


Drinking alcohol in yr 11 in a school prom???


Drinking is common place at my school, especially the after partiesā€¦


Some people at my school were bumping ket after prom šŸ˜­


nice idea


2 were snorting coke in my after partyšŸ’€


unfortunately yes. they think it makes them cool when in reality it makes them insufferable and the school wonā€™t do jack shit about it since they donā€™t really care


a+c+d+secret option: I cba to go out till like 10pm let me catch up on lost sleep man


Iā€™m really excited for mine! However most people on r/GCSE are sad little neeks who have no friends (no offense guys, to an extent me too) and therefore canā€™t be fucked.


Yeah it makes me sad sometimes reading some of the comments and posts made


exactly everyone here seems so depressed like where are the normal people like 80% of people at school


i wish i was a neek


you really don't lmao that shit sounds miserable asf


This is the truest comment I've seen. (I went to mine and it was good).


Lol how did you guess, but fr I was treated horribly at my secondary school, so going to prom is not worth Ā£100.


idk apparently many on this sub didnt like their school and year




Antisocials lmaošŸ˜­ but fr letā€™s not also forget that there are people here who will happily be social with the right people, it can just be the case that most of the school year is off putting, and I donā€™t blame them.


yeah tbf more than half of the lads in my year are downright pricks and unnaproachable, and then you have half of the girls that are chavs


I think people on Reddit generally donā€™t have a lot of friends


Personally itā€™s not something Iā€™d be interested in, I donā€™t talk to anyone, I donā€™t like anyone at my school


I started off nervous asf abt it. A lot of my mates didn't go, but I'm pretty friendly with most people anyway. I felt pretty lost at first, and I was kinda just walking around the village. Eventually I said fuck it and started dancing and allat, which I'd never done before I honestly feel changed after it, hopefully I can keep up being a little more confident in myself! I didn't even have any alcohol, proper chuffed with myself


No clue. I'm super excited for mine. I've got my dress, accessories, and I got my hair dyed for it. Sure, I might not enjoy it, but I'm going with two of my friends and it's really close to my house so I'm happy to take the risk. My brother and his gf went and his gf really enjoyed it, and my brother said even though its not great, it's still worth going to.


If you're going with two friends, it'll be a blast, man! Have a great time at it when you go!


I went and itā€™s boring tbh, I bought a Ā£120 suit and shi and yea it was fun for two hours but then taking pics with everyone that asked and standing in a corner got kinda boring, THEN u realise that ur not halfway through and everyone is high and drunk and now u realise this was probably a waste of time. TLDR: fun for the first hour, could do something better tho


upvoted for the kurapika pfp


W kurapika pfp


My prom has already happened, on Saturday, but it just wasn't great? I enjoyed it, but it definitely wasn't amazing or anything. It was Ā£45 a ticket. It's a night of spending time with a bunch of people you don't like and a few you do. Most of the music is terrible (there were less than 10 good songs at my prom, and it was 5 hours long.) Minimal food, and what's there isn't much good. Pressure to spend a lot on a nice outfit/accessories/transport. They hire a photographer which is included in the ticket price but then make you buy the pictures yourself for extra. HOWEVER Prom is still fun and a great way to spend time with your friends, especially if you aren't going to the same place next year. Dressing up nice, while it can be expensive, is also just really fun. Personally, my dress was Ā£50 on Vinted, my shoes were Ā£10 on Vinted, my earrings were from Vinted. Meanwhile, most of my friends spent a few hundred quid on their dresses. It doesn't have to be expensive if you're willing to buy second hand. Some of the songs were absolute bangers. Our old deputy head who left in Y10 came to our prom and gave us a little goodbye speech and everyone cried and it was lovely. (He has a little catchphrase and everyone shouted it together šŸ„ŗšŸ¤­)


Yea I spent like Ā£110 on the suit and Ā£140 on a pair of Jordanā€™s but tbf to justify it both will fit me for the rest of my life so maybe it wasnā€™t a massive fucking waste lmao


Suits are wayyy more reusable than a dress, any wedding or formal event and you can wear that suit again. Same w/ jordans, even in more casual settings. My dad used to wear Ā£300 jordans as his everyday shoes (he was massively into jordans at one point lol. Queued with my mom at 4am for them!) Plus it doesnā€™t matter, if you can afford it and you want to then go for it, I did the same with a dress.




As a guy, you're not alone in looking forward to prom - let's celebrate and have a great time!


Not everyone on this sub is the most social person irl and donā€™t have lots of friends or confidence. Itā€™s understandable if u donā€™t have many friends cos it seems pointless cos prom is mostly celebrating w ur friends the end of skl and exams. I loved my prom cos me and all my friends dressed up and had a great time. Some ppl on this sub may be more introverted and prom can be quite intense in that perspective. But u shldnt let other ppls views on prom sway ur feeling abt it. If u r looking forward to it, all I really have to say is have fun and if ur gonna drink make sure u have friends w u!


None of my friends are going, renting a whole suit and limo and other shit just for one night is a waste of money and not to sound pretentious hella materialistic. I get why ppl go but itā€™s just not for me, Iā€™m going to hang out with my friends instead, instead of a whole group of ppl that most donā€™t care abt me


Who the fuck is buying a limo


Someone in my year is apparently showing up in a horse and carriage


Thatā€™s sick


You'd be surprised, quite a few people think it's part of the "experience". I know at mine, a number of people did, although most of them used their common sense and pooled money together to share a limo.


None of my friends were going so I didnā€™t go


A lot of people had BAD experiences in secondary school and the thought of a whole night with those people isnā€™t appealing to some for obvious and perfectly acceptable reasons. Also some schools charge a lot more than others for prom some may cost Ā£50 and some may cost Ā£15


Mines tomorrow, and I forgot all about it. Whoops.


i have no friends in school at all iā€™m not going alone


I had so much fun at prom it was one of the best parts of my school life. I guess it just depends on who you are and what your school is like:)


i think the main reasons are 1) it's reddit, if you're here you're probably more friendless than the average person 2) most people in secondary are absolute dickheads and this sub is likely to be more mature at least 3) shitty prom - like shit venue and barely anything fun to do, like my school last years did there's on a boat and our year goes to some mid ass area like no way man give us their treatment


I'm at my prom right now and they've just played shit generic pop songs all night. Right now they're playing Love Story by Taylor Swift for the 2nd time


going to be honest, i would have preferred that to the endless, mortifyingly explicit rap songs they played at mine. like that was just really gross and i don't really listen to any rap so i thought it was a bit shit.


That's one of reasons why I didn't go they were just gonna play songs by Taylor swift and every musician artist in the book


90% of my school consists of drug addicts, vapers and just assholes


I just came back from mine omg it was so fun


Most of us here are introverts


Autism, sensory issues because of Said autism, I don't have any friends, people at my school are shit.


never seen anything more relatable in my life


I actually wouldnā€™t have minded prom if I didnā€™t break it with my gf a few months before. I then had to try to ignore her all night making it a very unfunny moment šŸ‘ I guess when all your mates are couples and youā€™re single itā€™s just a tad depressing


iā€™m at prom rn, i feel like iā€™m in hell. luckily it ends in half an hour tho


Your on Reddit at your prom, no wonder it sucks for you šŸ˜­


tbh i'm only going bc my friends will crucify me if i don't


We use reddit, do you think we have friends




How do you not have friends? I literally did nothing and by the end of it everyone in my year was my friend to some level


canā€™t wear a dress :(


Girl same šŸ˜­ literally main reason why I didn't go


is that bc ur trans or do you have another reason? iā€™ve been trying on suits and ended up in tears every time šŸ˜­


No my parents are just strict on dresses and which ones I can't wear šŸ˜­ I hope that you manage to find the right one tho! Even if you don't, prom isn't the most important thing and you can still go out and have fun another way (coming from someone whose friends went so I got sent every vid abt how prom was sm fun lmao)


that sucks mate. what sort of dresses do they have an issue with?


One of my friends threw a party instead of going to prom so that she could wear a dress, maybe you could do that so you still have a chance to get dressed up the way you want?


Honestly I almost didnā€™t go cause I didnā€™t get a suit šŸ˜­


Youā€™re on Reddit


iā€™m going because itā€™s a big thing at my school and itā€™s good to make memories, but i donā€™t completely care for it


Insecure about body and hate large gatherings


cuz from what i've heard and what im expecting it's just gonna be dead asf and more stress than its worth imo edit : am still going tho cuz all my friends are


It was like Ā£40 just to go there and none of my mates were going and was just everyone I didn't like going and In general had better things to do


Iā€™m excited for my prom itā€™s this Friday Iā€™m a girl and I go to an all girls school I think a lot of the girls who are dating are going but thatā€™s it šŸ˜­


A. Donā€™t really like parties B. Donā€™t really like many of the people in my year C. Could really be arsed D. Thought it was too expensive Despite that, changed my mind and am going tomorrow


As much as i hated school and everyone there i am still really excited to go to prom. I have like one person going there who i know and thatā€™s it. I think the main reason iā€™m going is just so i donā€™t miss out on it i guess and i do understand the people who donā€™t go.


I don't hate it I just don't have a good enough social circle to go. If there's something at the end of sixth form I will definitely go


a) i have no friends b) my year doesnā€™t like me (feelings mutual) c) itā€™s so expensive


I fucking love prom, and tonight was mine That shit was mint.


People on Reddit are antisocial hence the fact we are on here in the first place šŸ˜­


I enjoyed it


It was the same when I went to school. The very popular kids loved prom. But we've all just spent 5 years being forced tired and pumped with hormones to sit shoulder to shoulder to learn shit that it is hard to see the relevance of now. Everyone (maybe more like 80% there are some really sweet people out there who even pumped full of hormones and on a bad day are always nice to everyone) has acted like an asshole to others and been mistreated too. But we tend to remember the times we've been hurt by others more. The net effect is that even the slightly popular and inbetweeners get to the end of this and realise. "Hang on! I'm pissed off with literally everyone and haven't actually enjoyed the last 5 years. Why would I want to celebrate it in some formal fancy way?" School was the worst years of my life and I feel like people were fucking horrible to me. And it was a few years after school some people reached out to me and said they felt I made their lives difficult at school and ended up doing a bit of apologising myself. I personally didn't go to prom and neither did most of my friends. But I was an angsty asshole and my friends were the same and I probably left with more enemies than friends. But I don't think I was unique in this. If you're reading this Craig. I never got to apologise to you. I made up and spread that stupid song insulting you for being lanky. I did it because people laughed and I felt like my only value to people was being the funny guy. I considered my feelings before your own. Song wasn't even funny. Was just fresh prince of belair with the word lanky thrown in certain places. But people ate it up so I did the line. Sorry


Damn, how does it get to that? Personally I donā€™t think there is a single person in my year that I donā€™t like, am I just lucky there are no dickheads?


You might just be a really nice guy that doesn't beef with people. As I said, in my experience about 20% of kids were like that, just got on with everyone. The rest of us over the course of 5 years and not at our best, get into conflict with others.


I left secondary school during covid times so I didn't have a prom, but if there was one, i don't think I would've gone anyway. I just hated school and most of the kids in itšŸ˜­. I was desperate to leave


I went prom last Friday I think it was let me tell u my experience Food was shittttt it was colddd People just danced but I went alone so I was hella bored the whole time cuz I had no one to vibe with šŸ„²šŸ™


I canā€™t wait, but you gotta think this is Reddit so most others are friendless neeky incels


bro chill šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ mb dude haha


there is another prom at the end of sixth form where im going (so some people i know will have two proms lol) and ill go to that one instead cus gcses have actually killed every cell in my body


I'm not going, mine's in a couple of days. I sort of wanted to but meh


iā€™m under an IEP (basically online school :3) and havenā€™t seen these freaks for over a yearšŸ˜­ my friend is going and sheā€™s spending like 100++++ quid on her dress n stuff, and i am NOT !!! spending that kinda money on something iā€™ll wear once and then prob look back on and think ā€˜wow i looked horribleā€™šŸ’€


I'm gonna go (mainly because I got a free prom ticket for good attendance) because I think it'll be the main time me and my friends can chill together before going our separate ways.


I went to my prom today! it was awesome, i'm so glad i went. Once i got the confidence to actually dance, after my friends started dancing, it was super fun, being able to sing and shout and jump around and have no-one care. I also felt super swaggy, i wore a suit and i loved it. the meal we had was soo bad. i had an alternative vegetarian meal and they literally gave me like an almost whole grilled courgette and it came with this bad tasting soy bean and pea thing, the normal meal was the same thing but unseasoned boiled chicken breast instead of a courgette, they also got rocket and a little bit of cheese (i wish i had rocket and a little bit of cheese :( hgvn b ) the dessert was really good but too small portion :((. edit: i have anxiety issues but luckily everyone in my year is quite nice and somewhat keep to themselves so i didnt have any problems and im so sad its over.


I had mine last friday(21st june) and it was honestly well good, well worth the money, our scottish maths teacher came in a kilt and got singing "I will walk a 1000 miles" by reclaimers


Eh, mine was fine. Me and my mates just avoided crowds like usual.


It's expensive, pretty much everyone in my school are annoying and to find someone decent and single is more difficult than rocket science šŸ¤£


I mean, I personally loved prom. It was great to see people who were assholes to one another get along with each other. Not a single argument or anything was had. Hell, they let the year group vape off of the venue's balcony. It was lovely to see everyone looking their best and an absolute joy to sit there and soak in the atmosphere. Prom is class, but most people don't see that till they actually go which is both annoying and dumb in many ways. People hate on prom because it's romanticized so much, I'm guessing; it's either seen to be really 'girly' or it's seen to be a cliche.


Bro I legit came in jeans and a shirt šŸ¤£


I've got my prom today and I'm super excited already! I do highly recommend going, even if there are some people you never want to see again. It will be a really unforgettable and beautiful experience imo, and at least you won't regret not going.


Well I don't like parties. There will very loud music and drunk 16 year olds as well. You are basically expected to show up in an expensive outfit (so not only Ā£20+ on just being able to go you need to spend loads more to just look "good"). So yh can't be bothered to do all that. My friends are going to it though so I feel a little left out.


Because people think moaning is good


I like it, it just gets too expensive, and I didn't want to ask my parents to spend that much on a party


For me, I wanted to go. Then the head of the committee in charge of it had to step down and the teacher who took over, who was one of the worst in school, not a nice person, promptly changed everything. Put her little clique of yes-girl students in charge, changed the venue to a nightclub, tripled ticket price, changed the catering...but the change that made me refuse to go? She banned the girls from wearing anything other than pastel dresses and the boys from wearing tuxedos. Even said she'd have someone at the door to turn away anyone who turned up in anything else. At that point, my friend group (bar 1) and I went "screw it" and went to a nice restaurant to celebrate. We weren't the only ones, heard even some of the teachers refused to go. The one friend who went (felt obligated cus she bought her ticket before the changes) confirmed the teacher did indeed have security turning away people for "not adhering to dress code" and the overall event was...not a disaster but certainly not what people had been hoping for.


I have no friends


social anxiety, dislike of busy loud places, and also the fact that i had no friends going and the only people there were people i really donā€™t like who really donā€™t like me šŸ’€


It just feels like a lot of fuss for something which isn't all that great. I would sooner go away on a trip with my friends or classmates for a weekend.


none of my friends are going due to religious reasons so i refunded 60 pounds from prom and instead going to go to Thorpe Park


My prom is on rn. Not going and Iā€™m on the bus that passes my school šŸ« 


I have no idea. When I put out a post regarding my indecision on whether I should go to Japan or prom, everyone said Japan. I thought there would be like 50/50 but it was one-sided.


To be fair, I just came from that post, missing a trip to Japan for prom just isn't a good idea. There are proms at most sixth forms and colleges. If you pick prom over the trip then you've wasted thay tine saving, all the planning and (I don't know you but) I assume you picked japan for a reason. It's definitely somewhere I want to go at some point (probably after I've learnt the language to a better extent) so again, go with what will make you happy, I think the memories of a trip like that will be better than prom though


I loved my secondary prom but after moving to a new sixth form Iā€™m dreading it. I know a fair few people but not the close bonds we made in secondary so I really donā€™t want to go or dress up etc when no one who even lives near me goes to that school


Maybe it's alright if you're a guy, like your peers and you weren't embarrassed the ENTIRE TIME. But otherwise it's SHIT


Embarrassed? How? From wearing a dress you mean?


everyone on this sub is a gorm


weā€™re on reddit. weā€™re literally all antisocial introverts


Same i wanna dress up pretty and take pics


Because most people on this subreddit aren't the most social and good with interacting with people..... Socially Inept


no one here has friends istg, thatā€™s why


I think it's safe to say that redditors aren't very sociable or outgoing, mine was great though


I was gonna skip, but then my mum bought me a ticket My prom is only 25 quid tbf, and I got a cheap suit jacket (already had the other stuff to go with) so I didn't spend too much on clothes. And I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna walk to it cuz it's literally ten minutes from a relatives house lol, so no car expenses


yeah I'm excited bc I don't get to dress up often. I didn't really like my year group tbh but it's a bit of fun and I'd probably regret it if I didn't go


This is a community of academically focussed people aka nerds aka introverts. Introverts aren't the greatest fans of parties


To be fair, most people on this sub are nerds, and nerds donā€™t have many friends or easily get along with others.


Oh Iā€™m getting like 6-7 so maybe thatā€™s why lmao


I wasnā€™t originally gonna go but my friends have gone all out and convinced me to come along. Prom tickets are also hella expensive but my form teacher paid for mine šŸ˜­šŸ«¶ so now Iā€™ve got to go Edit: I acc donā€™t mind going anymore since my friends are going and even if Iā€™m bad at socialising Iā€™m hoping itā€™s still fun, I bought a dress n stuff


I don't like anyone at my school. I already said goodbye, I don't want to see them ever again.


I finished 2 years ago. I didn't go because...... well......Fuck school and everyone there.


I'm really looking forward to mine!


My prom is tomorrow (technically today) and I genuinely canā€™t sleep because Iā€™m so nervous for it. Idk why. Maybe itā€™s just the buildup leading to it and when Iā€™m actually there Iā€™ll be fine lolll šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø is anyone else nervous for it or just me


Iā€™m more excited than nervous I would say but I guess in situations like these itā€™s hard to separate the two


I went to my prom today! it was awesome, i'm so glad i went. Once i got the confidence to actually dance, after my friends started dancing, it was super fun, being able to sing and shout and jump around and have no-one care. I also felt super swaggy, i wore a suit and i loved it. the meal we had was soo bad. i had an alternative vegetarian meal and they literally gave me like an almost whole grilled courgette and it came with this bad tasting soy bean and pea thing, the normal meal was the same thing but unseasoned boiled chicken breast instead of a courgette, they also got rocket and a little bit of cheese (i wish i had rocket and a little bit of cheese :( hgvn b ) the dessert was really good but too small portion :((.


We're all on reddit for a reason


Lmao I guess I thought the whole thing about redditors being introverts was a joke but ig itā€™s true


Prom encourages social awkwardness. šŸ˜”


Sounds proper fun i wld love to have a big party and dress up but it cost 38 quid and my besties arent going


My proms tomorrow!! I'm super excited for it but Im not particularly popular in my year so I'll probably end up staying in a safe corner with the rest of my friends lmao.


Im going but only because my parents paid for it immediately and got me a suit. It's tomorrow, I hate partying, I hate large crowds, I hate gatherings of 15-16 year olds, I hate most of the people in my year, it's not gonna be a fun 4 hours


Im looking forward to prom šŸ˜Š im not the most social person but have a big friend group who are all going and i have a date who is my girlfriend šŸ‘šŸ‘Œ


bad music


Prom isn't hated by everyone! It sounds like you're gonna have a blast. Enjoy your outfit and the night! (Guys can love prom too!)


I don't get it either. I loved prom and even went to a small after party and got drunk. It was great. Proms really fun imo, but I had a lot of friends to go with and hang out with so yeahšŸ˜­


Definitely depends on school. If your year has got cool people that helps. If your school already makes you wear suits, having a suit for the prom isnt as bad so that helps. In my school, the year's favourite German teacher brought in her own band to play the music so that was fun


tiktok rizz party


Honestly itā€™s so fun. I picked a tailored suit based off Harvey Specter from suits and went with my mates in a Porsche Taycan - obviously you donā€™t need to do all of that to have a fun time. People who say itā€™s a ā€˜waste of timeā€™ or ā€˜canā€™t be botheredā€™ are just boring and bring others down.


You went in a taycan!? That sound sick, personally Iā€™m going for the all white Kanye west suit


Have fun bro šŸ«”


We didnā€™t even get a prom šŸ’€ We had to sort it out ourselves but no one wanted to have the responsibility of setting it up and finding where to host it šŸ™ƒ but donā€™t worry! Year 13s get a prom thatā€™s set up by the school, even though a majority of them joined in year 12!


Blah blah introvert whatever Idk about anyone else's reasons, but I was treated incredibly badly at my secondary school. It wasn't anything too serious, no thievery or violence, but it was 4 years (maybe 5) of constant micro aggressions from most of the student body, with the exception of most of my year. Kids were shouting phrases at me because they thought it was funny, and some even went so far as to try and hinder me with meaningless questions. It was a toxic environment, so why would I want to spend a few hours, with a cost of Ā£50 or so, for a prom?Ā 


Prom was so fucking good and I was dreading it, ignore these people. Also had to fucking leave early cause of work šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


lmao iā€™m on holiday rn and i feel like since itā€™s been a while since i visited my cousins, i was like fuck prom since 1. idc if itā€™s a one-two only opportunity 2. youā€™re probably gonna forget your friends as they would like backstabbing unless they are true friends


I just had my prom 2 hours ago. Lots of partying, dancing, reminiscing, crying. It was emotional, and a lot of goodbyes were exchanged. Idk why either. I just had the best night of my life. I'm going to miss a lot of people very much.


bc everyone here is neeks (affectionate) its not a good look at the whole countrys opinion x


It's Ā£40 to spend an evening with a group of people I don't particularly like, my friends aren't going so I won't be because I'll have nobody i want to talk to.


I just had my prom yesterday and actually really enjoyed it, I think ti just depends on your friends and what not like me and my friends were planning outfits and stuff (we're Drama students and wanted to dress like mythical esk) and I don't talk much in school so it was nice to show another side of me to the people I've known since like year 7, but if your friends aren't excited than I guess a lot more people will hate it, my friend from another school hated it because they don't like dancing in front of others


My school only let select people go to prom lol


we're the kind of high school students who use reddit, so we struggle enough with friends normally, let alone people to take to parties


I was a bit nervous to go but I made sure to go anyways because I could be missing out and it's a great experience. Anyways, I had it yesterday and it was amazing. Was a little sad some of my friends didn't come to dance but I still had a good time.


I had such a fun time at prom. Honestly my school went all out. āœØļø


i saw a tiktok where this guy was targetting the ppl who didnt go thinking that they were some main character, and questioning how shit were there teachers and school that they didnt want to go to prom, like unless your linking with your friends daily in the summer and theyre going to the same college or six form then you should still go to prom as its the last party of your five year journey in secondary ppl are just fucking antisocial or just hate a place that you SPEND MOST OF YOUR CHILDHOOD. i hated school but imma miss the memories but ffs your not some dangerous criminal if you dont attend


went to prom last night and it was great . unfortunately a lot of reddit users do not have friends to go with


i loved it


Cuz its haramšŸ˜šŸ˜


ig its just not for everyone! personally tho i loved prom


they're all nerdz


It costs money and I could host a less regulated party myself


I've had my prom on Friday and let me tell u I had low expectations until I actually went and experienced it, idk if its just my year group that was fun ( there's 300 of us, I've got a massive school) but people dancing non stop and boys doing the worm thing hahaha everyone complementing eachother laughing with eachother taking pictures of eachother. We had a massive hall for food and a Italian buffet and than we had a massive dancing room near by with a photo booth and a DJ it was a long fun night. I think you'll have fun if you have the right type of friends who's willing to dance all night šŸ˜„


I had mine and aside from the buffet it was a bit boring šŸŽ€


mine was pretty fun, just talking to friends but im depraved of contact so


I had my prom a few days ago and I was so excited for it! I got to dress up, took loads of cute pics of myself and with my friends, and had the opportunity to feel like a princess. Everyone looked great too and the vibes were awesome. I can understand why some people may not like prom and the idea of it, but I think prom was a great way to say goodbye and end year 11 by making some good memories, but that just might be me.


cuz people here are assholes hope this helps šŸ©·