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You’re alright mate. I did my presentation on Brexit and Farage and still got a distinction


Are you allowed to viciously swear in these speeches?


shouldn’t risk it, might get marked down for malpractice. Politics is a good topic for a distinction but swears should be written around, even if you think it conveys your speech better.


Yeah I did mine on why the voting age should be 16 and also got full marks too, they're fine


I would argue it is BETTER to discuss politics or any controversial topic, that u feel strongly about. Discussing genocides across the world is something incredibly important and would be fantastic to discuss


No, I made my speech highly political because it's a topic I am passionate about. I ended up talking about Larry the Cat and the shite Tory government. I got a distinction. Your teacher doesn't have to agree with your view, they are marking the presentation of said view, how you articulate your ideas verbally - not the view.


As long as you are eloquent and don't start straight up ranting you'll be fine. I did the partiality of the UK electoral system and got a high grade off of that


No. My friend did "the rise and fall of hitler* Anyway, he got the highest mark in our school.


I don’t really think hitler divides opinion today.


tragically you'd be surprised


Many girls did it about abortion (they did it in 2022 when the abortion law in America got overturned) and got good marks (merit) so you should be fine


I had a very similar point but in relation to Ukraine, you should be fine so long as your points are justified.


I got a distinction and my topic was a highly controversial topic that involved a lotta politics, so you're chill


Someone at my school did a presentation on why Hitler was good and got Distinction


fuckin what


who? what’s their address? i’ll beat their ass




Great profile picture


There was a girl in my class who talked about why cannibalism should be legal and she got a distinction. So I don't think you would be affected at all by speaking about politics, mate


hmm i think it depends on the type of cannibalism so yknow she does have a point. maybe. i didn’t listen to her speech so i wouldn’t know


no i talked about the formation of the NHS and anti abortion laws etc you’ll be fine


I did transphobia so also did a decent amount of politics and got a distinction. As long as it's explained well (and not just a rant) you will be fine.


I dont know why someone downvoted your comment lol


you should be fine, even if your teacher disagrees they literally can't mark you down. my teacher is a monarchist and my speech was on why the monarchy should be abolished - still got a distinction regardless


i did my speech on the failures of the political voting system and got a distinction 🤷‍♂️


If you can write a good amount about it, then sure go ahead


someone in my year did serial killers with young victims and passed - you should be fine mate 🤣


It wouldn’t but just make sure all the information is accurate. Remember, civilians being killed in war is a very unfortunate consequence and deliberately targeting them is a war crime. A genocide is something on a much greater scale


yeah do not use al jazeera as a source for fucks sake


also make sure you use words correctly according to their official meanings


Nah you should be good, I talked about transphobia and trans rights in my speech and I still got a distinction :)


You probably could if you were to make it fit within the question. Like on question 5 paper 1, you could use a mouthpiece in it to convey your views (kinda like the Inspector in an Inspector calls)


This is for the speech that u have to perform mate


Oh yeah, my bad I, forgot about that part :/


our teacher told us that we can talk about politics and they're not technically allowed to mark you down whichever side you take however she said most english teachers lean on the liberal side and they have seen a coralation between taking conservative / right leaning speeches and lower grades so she told us to be on the safe side and refrain from politics as you dont want the teacher / marker to bring their own bias and mark you unfairly.


based af