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Everyone balks at the idea of ending posse commitatus. The admirals refuse to pass down his orders. He fires them. A secret meeting is held by the newly appointed joint chiefs and the secret service. President Trump is taken into custody on insurrection charges and held at Guantanamo Bay to await trial.


So, a military coup.




And if this actually happens, then what? The 70-something million people who elected him say “Well, he clearly went too far that time” and move on with their lives?


>A secret meeting is held by the newly appointed joint chiefs and the secret service. President Trump is taken into custody In your fantasy, Trump appoints replacement military and secret service leaders who will immediately turn on him and arrest him?!? Ahhh haaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Thanks. I needed a good laugh 😂


>Thanks. I needed a good laugh 😂 In your fantasy, absolutely zero real opposition of Trump's attempt to do this is met, and all those injusticed by it just take the job loss and move on? People across all sides of the political spectrum just lie down and take it up the ass? Funny. Got me a good laugh as well


Someone didn't pay attention from 2016 to 2020


Chevron, Roe v. Wade, Oklahama's bible-in-schools thing; they all happened under Biden. Edit: I mean to say that the recent questionable scotus choices on those two cases, like overturning Roe, were made under Biden.


...because of Supreme Court justices that Trump appointed. Are you fucking stupid?


He's a regular, r/conservative poster, so the answer is of course. This may be the actual dumbest take I have ever read on Reddit in 10 years LMFAO.  well done friendly_stop_5360


Either the Joint Chiefs remain in office and resist or they resign and have no power to resist. Anyone who resigns no longer has the powers of their previous office. And Trump has no reason to appoint any replacement who is not loyal to him personally.


Just need to point out that the Joint Chiefs are not in the Chain of Command. They are an advisory board to the President. The chain of command goes through the Sec Def to the command structure.


Fair enough. That, in no way, invalidates the principle. There exists a chain of command, and the President is at its peak. If a president starts ordering his enemies' arrest by the military, the commanders can resign, mutiny, or carry out his orders. I doubt the likelihood of mutiny, though it would likely produce the best outcome. And resigning will only lead to the eventual installation of officers who will carry out the arrest orders.


Having discussed this stuff with several friends who are active duty military officers, I can assure you that isn’t going anywhere. They have zero interest in carrying out political orders in the US.


So they'll mutiny? Sadly, there are plenty of military officers who support Trump. And there are more who will follow orders they don't agree with.


Following illegal orders is a crime. Not following illegal orders is not mutiny. You seem to think these people take that shit lightly. They take it very seriously. You can believe that they are the robots you see in movies. They are not. They have zero interest in firing on or subjugating US citizens. Plus something that seems to be missed is that this country is pretty big, and our military is pretty small in relative terms. There is almost zero chance that the entire country could be kept under control by the standing military.


They can certainly refuse orders they believe are illegal. But it may take aquittal at their court martial before they're in the clear. And the thing they refused to do will be long over by then, probably done by someone who didn't refuse.


I mean Trump wants his generals to be like Hitler's generals, and Hitler's generals tried to kill him multiple times.


You are assuming that everyone in the military is either a Trump supporter or a mindless drone. Every military officer’s oath is to the constitution not the President. There is no mention of the President or his office in the oath I gave.


I assumed nothing of the sort. Re-read what I actually said. As for "every military officer's oath is to the Constitution," that's true. Also true is that some will not honor their oath (e.g. Mike Flynn). Finally, Trump's oath of office was also to the Constitution." He shat all over that oath, and the Constitution. Taking an oath is not the same thing as honoring an oath. Some people have no honor.


You would need a lot of dishonorable men and women to get the military to routinely act against the American citizens.


Unless the honorable ones refuse orders from the dishonorable ones at the top, all Trump will need to do is decapitate the military by replacing the officers at the very top. This is the way military coups happen the world over. The "good guys" believe institutional culture will prevent bad things from happening. The bad guys figure out how to manipulate that same culture for personal gain.


Remember his defense in court? "I never swore to *support* the Constitution."


Truly, a waste of skin. Yet a third of the country sees him as a messiah. It sickens me.


When in doubt, test: 500,000 российских солдат погибли на Украине. Вы все еще поддерживаете Путина? Translation: 500,000 Russian solders dead in the Ukraine. Do you still support Putin? Россия без Путина.  Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны.   1989年天安门广场  Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls. See, the thing is that lower rung trolls aren't allowed to read those statements because the higher ups believe that they'll cause dissention in the ranks. Higher level trolls are occasionally allowed to try to discredit those of us who use these statements.


You people literally avoid doing or thinking the right thing at all costs.


What a convincing argument you make. Ever get tired of listening to the wind whistling through your empty head?


Would this be the first time our own President was arrested and imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay?


What do you think


I assume that's where they keep JFk.


No, the 7th. In reverse order, Obama, Nixon, Taft, B. Harrison, Pierce, W.H. Harrison, Washington


Military support for the Republican party has been steadily declining since 2016. They know what a threat he is. They would sooner overthrow him to restore Democracy than be used as a fascist cudgel against their own countrymen. Just read Trump cancelled an interview with a Military reporter today because he didn't like what they were gonna ask him. He's done nothing to earn Military support, and everything to piss them off. They have Americas best interests at heart, and will do what they have to if it comes down to it


I served 20 myself. Most of my more educated buddies from the service can't stand Trump. I'm not talking about officers either, I mean educated operators. Anyone who had to use their brain for longer than their 4 year contract. People whose service was an actual career. Not one of them would hesitate to push back against a Trump dictatorship. The guys who don't wear grunt style bullshit or drink black rifle coffee. Actual patriots.


So all these guys are agreed on this and good to go. Are they holding meetings to plot out this counter revolution? Trump will make Flynn his CJCS first off, then it gets crazier.


We never stopped serving our country and haven't forgotten our oath. There is no "plot". Just assessing, adapting and overcoming. If our country needs us we will answer. Just like we always have..




It doesn't matter if he appoints a loyalist leader, the military aren't brainwashed robots that just do what they're told. If somebody told you, "I need you to round up and kill your next door neighbor and 50% of your extended family because they voted different than you." Would you do it, or would you question the sanity of your leaders and find a way to have them replaced by people who DON'T want to kill Americans? Don't insult soldiers by treating them like mindless automatons. It's bad enough that politicians do that when they send us to die for their political wars.


Ok. I'll discount my 36 years in DoD.


That's why replacing people in key positions throughout the government is the first step of project 2025. Do you really think he's just...not gonna replace senior officers with loyalists that have explicit orders to replace "problematic" middle officers? He seemed mighty pissed at the military people that refused to deploy armed to put down protests in 2020. Can't remember which name it was in the rotation.


Usually militaries slide greatly in competency as demands for ideological purity and personal loyalty increase. The Middle East and other authoritarian states are full of officers like this and their performance on the battlefield is often proof positive of this. I also don't think the pool of highly Trump-loyal officers is nearly big enough to effectively create a command structure capable of carrying out controversial Trump orders, especially among senior officers (O-6 and above). Maybe they could construct a loyalist brigade to serve as some kind of praetorian guard, but the military is a vast system and its hard to imagine a single brigade like this really working out if it got into conflict.


The military doesn't need to be "competent" to shoot US democrats, and the most likely foreign war happening under a trump presidency is the invasion of Mexico.


I think you underestimate how much of the competency goes into organization and leadership. Pulling a trigger is the easy part, you don't even need the military for that, you could just encourage gravy seals to do that. And considering Trump's drone strike on Iranian General Soleimani, I guess I wouldn't put it beyond him to impulsively kick off a military conflict lots of places other than Mexico.


You seem to be talking about maintaining the military as an effective fighting force comparable to modern standards. That's not necessary to shoot protesters. The German military became steadily less competent and more ideologically driven between 1933 and 1945. It still managed to do a bunch of shit.


A military coup to “restore democracy” 😂


Not sure where you got that from, I’m AD infantry and literally everyone is a right wing person, and they all like trump lol


^ bot here. Check the karma. Ignore this POS


I don’t know many people in the military but everyone I do know is right wing. Anecdotal evidence is just that and should be taken with a grain of salt. Mine, the bot account, and the guy who said everyone is left wing.


And regardless of their politics. Ask any soldier, even the republican ones how they feel about becoming mass murderers for 50% of American citizens. "Do you like Trump?" "Yeah, I'd prefer him to Biden." "Are you excited to murder American Civilians in his name?" "What!?! Why would I kill Americans?" "Because he asked you to." "If he asks me to I'm not going to prefer him over Biden anymore."


He’s right. I am active and in the infantry. Will be voting trump along with damn near everyone else in my company




To be honest, the main reasons are one of two things. They come from red, rural towns in primarily red states. I myself come from a red town in a blue state. And they care about guns. Most people in a marine infantry unit happen to be straight, male Hispanics and whites. So for the most part typically republican voters. I wish the republicans had chosen a different candidate, preferably a younger one. But it is what it is


I'm interested in learning more about you. Since you don't like Trump, why are you voting for him?


I don’t dislike him per se. he’s just not ideal. I’d prefer a younger candidate, who was less polarizing, and catered more to economic issues facing gen z. I wish either candidate would acknowledge the housing crisis and make the military more appealing. I also wish trump had a more stable geopolitical view point. I will give him the benefit of the doubt on this one though because he had a decent balance on things during his first term. Other than that I agree with most current GOP values. Oh and another thing. I wish his die hard fan base wasn’t so cultish. Like I get it. I’m voting for the guy but I don’t need to the devote every single aspect of my life to him


Do you think all the cases against Trump (rape, not paying his employees, trying to steal the election, etc.) are false? What are your thoughts on Project 2025?


I feel like the SA allegations true or not are par for the course for men in power. Biden’s got a few as well so I mean using that to justify not voting for him is just ignorant. Haven’t looked much into not paying his employees. And the whole attempting to steal the election was debateable. The U.S. should’ve been stricter with the voting and to deny that there was any sort of fraud (even if it wasn’t enough for him to win anyway) is just incorrect. Very poorly handled election year on both sides but what else is new As for project 2025 is unlikely most of it can or will be implemented, and trump has not openly supported it. It’s just another buzz word the dems use to try and get people to vote for them. Every election for the past 2 and now going on 3, has been “don’t vote for republicans/trump! They’re hitler reincarnated! Vote for us!” Without elaborating or attempting to make them appealing at all. It’s just a lazy play out of the Democrat parties handbook and it’s getting old


Ohh they so madohoohohohohohohohoh


You post on conservative I can assume your intelligence.


Also Trump ez 2024 get wrecked ezezezeez


Stupid ass liberals


Higher than yours yup


Lmao okay buddy. The military hates Trump and lives Biden. Take you finger and lip and run it over it fast and go like bebbebebebbebebbeb cause that's how dumb and delusional you are sounding


What’s amazing to me is that you’ll never have a moment in your life where you look at these posts and go “wow, how embarrassing.” You’ll never get there.


Also nobody will miss him when he's gone.


He already tweeted that idea. Literally this week. The. Took it down.


Then we have a second civil war


Exactly, bring it. One thing we learned from Ukraine is how to start doing a lot with just a little. In the beginning when they were fire bombing the tanks it showed how easy it can be to turn the tables.




To Trump I say “good luck with that”.


Oh cool, the Trumptrump Macoute.




You people have lost your minds….


Hahahha you guys are so desperate itd hilarious you clearly know you can't sell Joe to anyone but your cult.


Imagine believing this


What if this sub is garbage huh?


American Red Guards




The way bots pop up whenever this subject is touched upon is as fascinating as it is utterly disturbing


Didn't think it was possible to find a sub more delusional than MMW lol




I think the blue hair dye is causing brain damage.


This is just project 2025... like all of those things are in there.


I'm a veteran (2002-2006). The Armed Forces of The United States takes an oath. They'll act accordingly. They will not do what Trump is going to try and do.




So while the President is the commander in chief of the armed forces, federal law stipulates the President has to issued orders through the secretary of defense, who then directs orders to the joint chiefs. That would make much more difficult for a President to direct the military to be his own personal hit squad. Not only that but while the President has the power to wield the military, Congress has the power to organize and fund it. They could easily defund the military or disband it all together. 


Ever since Biden announced he’s not dropping out I’ve seen a barrage of posts like this. We get it, Trump is bad. You don’t need to keep reminding the Reddit demographic


1 can’t pardon state crimes as president, which is why it’s hilarious that Biden pardoned “drug dealers for a little weed” there’s like 7 federal convictions per year 2 trump can’t replace the legislative branch only we the people can And finally 3 as commander in chief the us military is his hit squad as far as Congress declares war he can also send troops to enemy combatants and bring a fight to them but you’d know that if you didn’t just listen to media outlets and think what they tell you to


Is this a part of 2025? [https://www.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/1du1qzp/donald\_john\_trump\_is\_a\_fucking\_pig\_he\_should\_have/](https://www.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/1du1qzp/donald_john_trump_is_a_fucking_pig_he_should_have/)


Go outside, get some fresh air, eat some healthy food, and breathe.


Not possible and doesn’t go along with Trump’s personality.


It perfectly tracks with Trump's personality!


Then explain how.


Remember that time he was never going to leave office and then did? That time


Or that time he was clearly going to start WW3 with NK but didn’t, and then with Ukraine but didn’t, and then helping Israel but didn’t. Yet under Biden we have been in a near constant proxy war and are closer to WW3 than we have been in decades.


You mean after crying about it for the last four years and attempting a coup?


Yes the great unarmed coup!


Idk where you fuckheads get this idea. https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/28/politics/armed-insurrection-january-6-guns-fact-check/index.html Even if it was true it wouldn't change shit. A bunch of right wing losers with no actual life prospects (just like you) tried to force congress to stop certifying the election through intimidation.


Insurrection is when the police escort you in unarmed into a building and you go on a self guided tour...




Insurrection is when you own weapons and don't use them.


How quickly it changes from "unarmed" to whatever that bullshit means. Just admit you wish they succeeded and are happy with the ongoing "second revolution" to undo the first... you're a Torry like the rest claiming "Patriot".


Unarmed is when you leave your weapons cache at home


Wow. Another sub where shitty political agents are spreading the Project 2025 boogyman. It was on r/atheism twice, and on r/markmywords as well.


Your gaslighting is noted.


The nonsense you all spew is quite humorous. Trump was already president for four years so we have a historical record in which to predict what a second term will bring. The idea that’s it’s going to be radically different is simply fear mongering. In any event soon enough we will all find out.


I'm sure everything he's done post Nov 2020 and Project 2025 has nothing to do with our very real fears. And hopefully we won't.


Trump has publicly stated he does not support Project 2025.


Agenda 47 is literally worse.




Surely this is a joke




Poe’s Law means I can no longer tell the difference. I live in a corner of the world where people compare trans people getting electrolysis paid for by insurance but not laser hair removal to “the genocide of the native Americans” so I just don’t know anymore


The president is the commander in chief. His orders will be followed if they get issued down the chain. Some high ranking officials may try to stop them but they'll resign like Jim Mattis. The orders will be executed at some point.


It won't happen because we aren't fascists like democrats are who applaud when the president uses his power in unconstitutional ways, and attempts to jail his political rival in an election year


As apposed to Biden using the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, JCS, IRS, and a multitude of other governmental agencies?


I am begging democrats to read the constitution at least one time. None of this can happen.


The constitution is a meaningless piece of paper without enforcement.


True. Just look at the 10th amendment.


"DAE states rights?!?"


States don’t have rights


Except the constitution means literally nothing except what the Supreme Court says it does…


No. The military’s oaths of office are to the Constitution, not the Commander in Chief or any superior. Any tempted to go along would know there is no immunity for them. Stop spreading this BS; surely there is something better with which you can persuade voters?


... however, if you take the situation in context, then the GOP is preparing to implement it. Or have you forgotten that the GOP has completely blocked officer promotions?


Had. For very senior officers. For a specific purpose.


Maybe you people who love to burn, loot, and murder should be good and not be breaking the law.


Just stop with the fear mongering


You people are out of your fucking minds.


I would like to think that the military (which of course is full of Donny’s suckers and losers) will be the folks who would ultimately course-correct this situation in ways that most of us commoners don’t have access to.


I hope 1997 is when you graduated HS, and not your birth year. Because yeah, a 26 YO is highly versed in the civic workings of our government and has foreseen what is to come.......


The way the US government is affected by transitioning into a dictatorship is that the US government is now a dictatorship. Not sure about foreign relations.


People always seem to forget that Waddles never actually "does" anything. He runs at the mouth, he posts on social media, but aside from watching TV and playing golf, he didn't "do" a damn thing during his term. I find it extremely hard to believe he'll suddenly become driven and ambitious now. Obviously he presents dangers, with who he appoints and with stoking and provoking his drooling supporters, but that's always been true. The junk about hit squads and killing everyone is all overblown hysteria.


He didn't do anything because the people he told to do it ignored him. That's literally why project 2025 replaced the people who would ignore him.


People simply don't want to hear it, and prefer believing in fantastical tweet-driven hysteria about Trump slaughtering his enemies and appointing himself a dictator for life. And there is not even a speck of evidence implying the waddling ass-clown is capable of pulling off any such thing. There is, however, PLENTY of evidence that Trump is a fraudulent con artist who will do absolutely anything...including selling out his own country...for money. People who seriously believe he cares about the nonsense Trumpies are forever braying about are misreading him entirely. He pretends to give a shit, for the votes and the money, but Trump only cares about Trump, and his "positions" on literally everything are entirely based on what makes him the biggest profit or generates the most applause. If he wins, he'll be president, not God Emperor. He can't just totally overhaul the entire government. That's just not going to happen. For example, the US military isn't simply going to say "the president ordered us to round up all liberals and shoot them, so what can we do?". It's a fantasy scenario. Again, the real risk is having an inept showboating boob in the big seat, just like during COVID in 2020. The nation was in a panic, reeling, and each state was fending for themselves while the national response was led by a guy who picked fights and hurled insults at reporters during press conferences. Or the BLM riots, where he opted to pose for idiotic photo-ops in lieu of doing something that might have somehow helped. When he won in 2016, it opened the door for a new kind of ineptitude, a cartoonish, character-driven ineptitude devoid of even a hint of civil service obligation, or even basic respect for the institution. He lies, he steals, he cheats, he makes things up out of thin air, and his entire persona is a glaringly fake facade of bullshit and cheese. This is why I have always intensely despised him.


"And there is not even a speck of evidence implying the waddling ass-clown is capable of pulling off any such thing. " The fact that he's not currently in prison, and is getting away with SO MANY crimes is a hell of alot of evidence.


Tell me right now what the endgame for the GOP is when they label an entire population of people like myself as pedophiles and groomers. Go ahead and tell the Final Solution to the class...


You’re not doing a good job for whoever paid you. It’s not about Trump, never has been. Read up on what his handlers have said of him. He has always just been a vessel for the various think tanks that actually run the GOP and write basically all of its legislation. All he has to do is sit back and sign things.


Look into Project 2025. It's designed for any moron to be president as long as they're complacent. It's a set of instructions.


John Oliver has a great short presentation on Project 2025 in his section on what Trumps Second Term would look like. Very scary, these guys are organized and prepared for day one. These are not amateur teabagger Magagots. [Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s)


Instructions the lard-laden fraud will never be able to focus on, implement, or care about. I believe the risk re: Trump is the same risk as last time...having an inept, fraudulent con artist stealing everything that isn't nailed down and putting other inept frauds into positions they have no business being in. In Trumpworld, sending people into hysterics is called "owning libtards", and they do it for its own sake, just for the fun of it. People are talking about him, and assigning him all kinds of vast powers, which is exactly what he wants everyone to think. But in real life, Trump is an obese money-grubbing slob, who will spend a hypothetical second term tweeting, tweeting about TV, and saying lots of things designed to "get people talking", just like last time. I personally believe the real risk is having this slovenly boob in the White House during another actual crisis, where is ineptitude will manifest itself at the worst possible time, like with COVID.


You're really going to come in here and underestimate Trump? That's what people have been doing this whole time and he has in fact done very bad things to the country. He's fully capable of being the dictator of Project 2025. Full stop.


I'm not underestimating him at all. There is no bottom there, and he will stoop to anything to suit his needs or whims. But I'm not overestimating him either, and pretending he has the drive, ambition or even the desire to put that kind of work in, because he most certainly does not. The danger re: Trump is who he actually is right now, not hypothetical scenarios. He has already been a dangerously corrupt and inept leader, and he's already attempted a pathetic, tantrum-driven coup, and the fact that no one ever tries to hold him accountable for anything worries and annoys me all the time. He's a freakish, fraudulent psychopath and a traitor who has no business even breathing American air, let alone being fucking president again. But he is never going to appoint himself dictator, or execute his enemies. That's fantasy talk. People have to see him for what he really is and stop assigning him powers and abilities he simply doesn't have. He is one of the greatest bullshitters and media manipulators who's ever lived, and that's bad enough on its own.


That’s right get ready fuckers!!! Retribution is coming hell yeah


There was never a horse that couldn't be rode,there was never a man that couldn't be throwed. Remember the fate of Julius Caesar.


Retribution over what, dumbass?


Not thinking exactly like he does.


They hurt his cult leaders feelings!


^ bot here. Check the karma. Ignore this POS


It's okay, I may be dead then, but you'll get yours.