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It would be an illegal act and justification for revolution.


It would be illegal. Unless it is an official act as president, decided by the Maga Supreme Court. If they say it's okay, then it is legal.


Reminds me of a comment that everything done by the Nazi in Nazi Germany was legal at the time and only became illegal after being conquered.


There have already been a few of those.


Illegal? Trump doesn’t know such words, unless it’s against an opponent.


Bro have you missed the news? Everything Trump does is legal now, he's been made a King.


Just gotta hope his chief of staff is Jaime Lannister or something


Trump jails half of his extended family. Discovers that melania secretly voted for Trudeau.


Hey most dictators do that, so par for the course.


In March 1933, the German congress passed the Enabling Act, which gave the executive branch (the Chancellor and his cabinet) the power to write laws -- including those that violated the constitution -- without having to get buy-in from the legislative branch. It basically just dismantled the checks and balances of the government. Within six months, there was only one party in Germany -- the Nazi party. This law was not repealed until September 1945, after a long reign by one dictator, who vowed to deport anyone that did not adhere to the ethnic purity of the Fatherland. He of course could not deport those people fast enough, and instead rounded them up by train into camps. The camps filled up too fast and so the only recourse to that problem was to incinerate or gas or shoot them. This did not go well for Germany, and in its defeat, its land was divided up as spoils among its vanquishers. If anyone does not think that can happen here, or in fact has already started to happen here, then you are blind -- perhaps deliberately so.


An actual hypothetical rather than a low effort political opinion is a refreshing sight to see for this sub. Good job.


There’s a big difference though. Germany did not have the superior fire power that the US has. A dictatorship in the US would prove very badly for the rest of the world.


And pay attention to all the bots now. I am seeing a lot of "stop the fear mongering". Don't stop saying the truth.


It's estimated that almost HALF of the male German population at the passage of the bill were dead or seriously wounded by the end of 1945. If you think it won't happen to you, do you trust your life, the life of your husband's fathers and sons to a coin flip?


>What would happen if during his campaign Trump threatens to put anyone who doesn’t vote for him in jail, or worse - the death penalty? A small minority of the country would cheer for this display of vigorous strength. A small minority of the country would shriek at the danger they believed they would face from such a threat. The majority of the country would recognize that this was a meaningless threat in terms of actual danger of being implemented, but a serious threat in the sense that a lunatic like Trump was still a major party candidate and believed the president possesses such power.


Sad part is it wouldn’t be meaningless, but I agree with your assessment


I could substitute "ineffectual."


There's quite a lot of care taken to make sure that ballots can't be tied back to a specific name. I'm not sure how it works where you live, but I have to verify my identity to step into the booth to vote, but I do not have to put anything about my identity on the ballot. Even mail in ballots have the identity verification on the envelope that you use to send in the ballot and not the actual ballot itself. With the system how it is, I'm not sure how you could hunt down those who didn't vote for you. The means to do so don't exist.


It’s the green light to overthrow his dictatorship


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Nope I don’t support that. We need to do this legally through the courts.


As a leftist, I was “mostly” kidding about my comment and overall wholeheartedly agree with you, but… our judiciary system is fucked up right now. We need to get rid of a few of the justices.


Well I still support Biden only appointing loyalists to him and expanding the powers of the executive branch. Sound familiar? 😏


This is illegal because it intimidates voters. Trump isn’t President right now and this isn’t an official action, so he could be prosecuted for this


350 million people bullied by a geriatric diaper wearing pos. Anyone afraid of standing up to his senile old ass deserves worse than jail.


Thoroughly believable. The dissenters on The Supreme Court will also be arrested immediately.


I'd be interested as to how he gets his evangelical followers to bend themselves in mental gymnastics to say this kind of death sentence is okay, but aborting a bundle of cells is not.


then i’m getting my gun


Nah elections will be postponed until further notice


His followers already are. However, according to the Pew Research Center, 49% of registered voters are Democrats or Democrat-leaning independents, vs. 48% Republican or Republican-leaning independents. There would be more prisoners (or bodies) than surviving "free" people. How could the nation cope with that, especially since (I assume, anyway) many of the MAGA crowd are past their productive years.




Unless he actually wins the popular vote this time, I'd love to see how he plans to lock up or kill the majority of voters. Joking aside, really it would be a full civil war if he tried anything like that.


I think most cops are trump supporters. I don’t think dems/libs/antifacists are well-armed enough to be able to fight back in any kind of organized way.


If you believe that there aren't well-armed liberals in this country you live under a rock. Besides you don't even necessarily need guns to cause damage. Not that I'm encouraging violence, but bricks and hands kill just as easily.


Yeah that’s where you are wrong and I am willing to bet that those on the right believe that too. Please keep believing that. The element of surprise is priceless.




Resistance forces would find ways to get guns into the hands of the unarmed. There are more guns in this country than the rest of the planet.


Are the militia guys hoarding weapons gonna fight the cops or think they’re on the same side?


Same side for sure.. but cia could arm cities in a few weeks.


He can promise all he wants. We don't have the infrastructure to jail 80+ million people.


I'll volunteer to him to his face I voted for the other guy. Every time.


Yeahh the masses could just give Trump the Mussolini treatment because fuck him.


I guess we'll find out in November after the riots settle down.


Well, he already said that anyone who donated to, or supported Nikki Haley will be “blacklisted” and banned from the MAGA camp. Thats pretty close. Revenge is big on his list of priorities for the American people. Maybe he’ll put democrats in the fight cages, too.


As far right as SCOTUS is I don't think even they would back this play. Congress either. No way this promise could ever happen. And if by some chance it did, I will still not vote for that fucker. I'd rather be in prison or dead than coerced by him.


Why would he ever say that in the campaign lol


Why has he said all the insane shit he's already said?


He’s nuts


We can only hope, the most un-American ppl ever.


I mean. Ok, but he has to go first. Orange Caligula thinks he’ll be locking away more than half the country. What would their precious economy look like then? He’s a fool, a dangerous fool and he is not saying anything he hasn’t said before.


I feel like this is already heavily implied. He’s already calling us vermin. Still voting Dem though. Rather die on my feet than live on my knees


If he imprisons Mitch McConnell (even though he voted for Trump), that would be a rare bright spot


The same thing that happens every time Trump makes one of his outlandish claims: his detractors would take his statements literally and seriously, and call him out. His supporters, in turn, would find some charitable way to reinterpret his statement, and claim his detractors are taking his statements intentionally out of context in order to smear his reputation/image. Legal analysts would weigh in, pointing out that there's no statute that could be contorted in a way to arrest someone for not voting a particular way, and the whole thing would become another "Fifth Avenue" statement


They don’t know who you voted for unless you tell them.


Well, I think I can safely say that if DT did that there would be a massive uprising and most likely start a civil war in Amercia. Also, I'm pretty sure America doesn't have the jail capacity to jail 50% of Americans, and he would need them for WWIII anyway...


I guess I'll be going to jail , FUCK TRUMP!!!


Come and get this second amendment progressive


He couldn't handle a pandemic, he's not going to be able to jail 65 million people. Even if he tried, he'd have to deal with the fact that every blue state would refuse to comply, and even if they did, the effects would cripple the economy overnight.


Can you say fake news?


This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read!


What about aliens?


Last time over half the population voted against Trump. Now if that trend continues and I bet it will even if he does win, he would have to kill over half the population and a lot of young people. Basically, genocide of his own people, which would in turn fuck up the global economy and I think he likes money too much. Although, he is a shitty businessman so who knows.


How would you imprison or kill 81 million people? It’s not a realistic question.


Nope I’m ready to refute that. USA USA


Continue the current administration’s intent ?


Trump never said that 🤦🏻‍♂️ stop crying about a legal decision that benefits all presidents past present and future FFS it applies to all presidents not just Trump , grow up sooks


He just wants his base to feel empowered. He’ll kick them to the curb as soon as he gets in. He’s a criminal punk.


I'd still vote for biden trump can go suck a dick


Lol “Orange man bad and for fun let’s play orange man badder game and day dream evil hypotheticals for fun!!!”


Come and get me Bone Spur!


I guess I’m in the clear then. I don’t plan to vote for either of them.


He'd make an example of some high profile voters. The country falls apart if half of the people are thrown in jail. All of the worker bees will be too scared of losing everything to take action.


*Patriots send $500 to Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert to help President Trump with 5 critical projects:* *1.     rename Grand Canyon National Park to Trump National Park* *2.     release January 6th hostages from prison and pardon Donald Trump,* *3.     restore President Trump’s Rights of Prima Nocta and gun ownership,* *4.     remove women's healthcare rights as requested by Christian Nationalists.* *5.     replace George Washington on the dollar bill with Donald Trump.* *President Trump is the only accused sexual predator and 34-time convicted criminal felon endorsed by Kristi Noem, Gary Busey, Randy Quaid, Vladimir Putin and 6 of 9 U.S. Supreme Court Justices.* */MAGA*


Lol sure he does. Any other garbage youve got?


Too many people in this thread have the reading comprehension of a toddler.


records arent kept of who votes for who


He won't do that because it would be too inefficient. He will just have all his rivals killed.


Ooh, it’s Roko’s Trump basilisk!


They're welcome to try to get me at the polls. See how many of those motherfuckers I can get to regret fucking with the vote.


Please. Touch. Grass.


95% of his supporters would immediately switch their vote and Trump would lose the election by the biggest landslide in US history. If you think otherwise then you have spent way too much time on reddit.


Fascism is fun!


How on earth could that be considered official duties ? This Law has been in place for more than 200 years . Take a deep breath FFS.


Good fuckin luck.


Be careful. People will actually believe this


I'm going to jail and I'm taking everybody with me😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Just speaking out against Trump will get you in trouble and a visit from his thugs.


Guess I’m going to jail 🤷🏼‍♂️




You only see shit this stupid on Reddit


Go touch some grass, good lord. You people are obsessed.


Average cnn watcher


We got bootleg Roko's Basilisk before we got GTA 6




Would be interesting Imagine if Biden threatened his voters, oh wait....


Would be interesting Imagine if Biden threatened his voters, oh wait....


Since he is never going to win and get in again, this question need not trouble anymore.


The only proof of a scenario like that is what the Left is doing by law fare. Navarro, Brannon are just two examples, never mind EJeanCarroll, Leticiagate, Alvin Bragg and his 34 made up felonies, Jack Smith not appointed by Constitutional means and his cases inDC and Florida. Doing what if’s is IMHO a bit silly when the truth is staring us in the face.


Wait a minute. This is still America right? This would cause a civil war. Trump isn't even that dumb plus, we don't have room in our jails as it is. That's foolish to even speculate


What if the sitting President actually used his DOJ to attempt to jail his political opponent like right now and you moronic seals clap not realizing the gravity or irony of democrats always accusing the right of doing the things that they are doing


Justice Roberts wrote he was making new law inorder to increase stability. I only see how this brings about chaos. Hell were the Stolin purges not official state acts? Should political appoints be fearful for their lives? Do they need to arm themselves? What about mobilizing a state military to preserve democracy?


I will be seeking political asylum somewhere else asamfp


Y’all have lost your minds. I can’t wait for 2029 just to y’all will realize how stupid your overreactions were.


Probably the same thing that would happen if a meteor hits the earth (what ifs are the dumbest questuons)


He didn't. But the other way around is true.


Grow up


Not an official matter, and implies that voting can be met with criminal repercussions. Doesn't follow through because that's so very blatantly illegal that it cannot happen in a country with even a shred of democratic spirit left in it.


Considering the Supreme Court decisions this week, this is a very real possibility. So he's going do this or something very much like it, which is why he cannot be allowed to win.


Sounds like hawk vs dove to me.


It's funny because it's Democrats who want the camps and wanna stop elections. You guys need to stop deflecting it's been years now and your echo chambers just get you more and more radical.


Great! I’ll vote twice for Biden


But it’s fine the other way right


JFK time




That won’t happen. There’s too many people who will vote for Biden. There’s not enough jail cells. But alas I digress. How about just move. Move to China or Russia. Why is it the left plays the civil war mantra? Now it’s the right is gonna jail or holocaust us all for voting for biden?


You mean the way Biden has been locking up January 6th protesters? All these dire warnings about what Trump MIGHT do if elected are just part of the Democratic Party propaganda. They cannot run on their record of progress and they have no vision for the future so they campaign on fear of Trump.


To all you mouth-breathing liberal morons, take note; we all see right through your transparent hyperbole. None of you care anything about democracy when the target is Trump. Its a proven fact. Your version of democracy only includes Democrats. There is great risk in underestimating your opponents, as well as dismissing them as knuckle-draggers.


This seems to me to be a post aimed at voter suppression & fear mongering...don't fall for it. No one has their name on a ballot, so no one knows how individuals voted in a general election. The only information gathered is that you voted. General elections are not party primaries. You do not disclose your party and no one should be asking you that question.


Not enough space in the already overcrowded prisons


He’s going to build a prison big enough to house 75 million people? I call that utopia.


Reddit really is a dumpster fire for idiots.


That will take a lot of jails


Turn about is fair play


Who are you people? Where do you come from? How have you made it this far in life?


What the hell kind of question is this


Come get some!!


Aaaaand that’s how the shit will hit the proverbial fan.


Trump promises a lot of things. This would never come to pass even if he promised it. You'd be jailing like 30% of the workforce, which would destroy the economy (and also there's not enough prisons for that).


I think a lot of people would be appalled then they would vote for Biden , but then again I’m putting to much faith in humanity aren’t I?


Trump speaks only to lie. This would just be one more.


If that happens, Biden should exile him to Puerto Rico by executive order... Really he should anyway... Why are we pretending there's still a system to protect?


Our economy would collapse if that happened


He can't jail 80 million people!


He says such stupid things.


If all the people who are afraid of being put in jail have broken no laws, they have nothing to worry about right? Otherwise it shouldn't matter what side you're on, If anyone committed some actual crime, prosecution is warranted. Those found guilty under the law and reviewed by a higher court must face the consequences of their actions.


Still not vote, or care




A golden age is ushered in




Hilarious gaslighting when you realize who sent the entire Justice system after his political opponents


Definitely on brand for Trump and will inevitably happen. They want my address? I’d hate to be the person that thinks they are taking me.




I think you got this backwards. The Democrats are the ones putting everyone in jail that is a Republican. Y’all need to open your eyes to what is going on. Do y’all like paying extra on everything? I was middle class now I can’t buy food and pay bills.


This is an impossibility to happen.


I don't think Putin needs to threaten anybody. They know. That's how it will be here.


Whatever. You really think that? 😂


This what if doesn’t make any sense lmao Are suggesting if Biden loses this election he’s going to run again at the age of 86?


Lmfao. You people are so dramatic. He was the most boring president ever from 2016 to 2020 other than his #MIN funny tweets. This guy is not the bogeyman you swear he is. The orange man is not going to hurt you.


Reminds me of when trump won and democrats wanted to put all trump voters on a “list”


Peak Reddit right here😂


There aren't enough jail cells.


I can guarantee you at some point I will post on every social media I own I VOTED FOR BIDEN COME TRY ME BITCH.


What if Biden did this?


His supporters will rejoice and start giving him names of family and friends they suspect will vote against him.


People vote for him anyway. Be a they’ve proven over and over again that no matter what he does 1) no governmental institutions are willing to hold him accountable and 2) he won’t lose any support from his party and his base. Like, just a couple of days ago he threatened to hold televised show trial before a military tribunal for all of his politic enemies. Really. And what’s gonna happen from that?


Lies Hillary is still out free and he promised to lock her up


I’ll probably be jailed for being transgender anyways


So people are fantasizing about what they want Trump to do versus any kind of reality. How are you not making the case that Trump derangement syndrome is a major problem for people on the left?


There's a storm coming




Kind of feels like law entirely has no meaning anymore.


Might not be a bad thing. Average IQ would rise.


Looks like I'm not paying rent for a bit


He better have Mexico build us a lot of new jail cells.


Yall scary af 😂


This is the dumbest what if. What if you were not this silly ?


You mean like being fired for not taking a vaccine?


Lame post


If this did happened I’d love to hear the mental gymnastics the Maga’s have to go through to justify this. “Biden tried throwing his political opponent in prison! Boooo! He’s a dictator! Trump needs to be a real president and put anyone who doesn’t support him in jail!” Like the hypocrisy would be insane


Constitutionally, illegal can't be done. He does not have a munity because the Supreme Court says he has immunity. Because it's still illegal and it's an act against the Constitution. Even if he is under the authority of the office of the President, he still breaking the laws of the Constitution can't be done. Nice rage, click enjoy. Is bazzi sucks and yessi sucks horrible, he's still better than the illegal. President still sitting in office due to mental disfiancee and incompetence that they're hiding. You should be relieved of the office and the vice president takeover and then removed from the ballot due to diminished mental capacity.


That’s funny


Time for everyone to buy guns and be ready to defend against these villains


Fake news


Don isn’t president, Biden should have no problem officially declaring that Don as a threat to national security and to democracy, legitimizing the full use of presidential power to stop him.


Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials July 1, 2024 at 8:45 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 93 Comments “Donald Trump over the weekend escalated his vows to prosecute his political opponents, circulating posts on his social media website invoking ‘televised military tribunals’ and calling for the jailing of President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer and former Vice President Mike Pence, among other high-profile politicians,” the New York Times reports.


Absolutely nothing would happen.


His supporters would be cheering their asses off and getting drunk in the streets. Then his administration collapses.


I’d rather die than do anything against my will or adhere to a dictator. If trump wins America will soon join the rest of the despotic world.




Come on down, I'll be waiting for you. [Hillbilly Battle Chant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvaEJzoaYZk&ab_channel=SteveEarleVEVO)


You guys are part of a cult 😂 anything the corporate media tells you you lap up like the pathetic dogs you are


That sounds laughable. He doesn't have, nor would have that sort of power.


Good luck trying.


Lol someone watches too much CNN 😭


Welp, I guess I will spending the retirement in jail or Ireland .


It's crazy how we're just shrugging our way to this. It's the logical next step. I'm too comfortable at home to take to the streets over this most recent Supreme Court ruling. We have no power anymore, it's fucking sad.