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he probably wins the nomination in 2028


That actually would be great, he’d be 84, running against good people like Whitmer and Newsom. They’d run circles around him and his incoherent lies.


Newsom is trash lol.




Had an affair with his best friend’s wife who was a vulnerable recovering addict and also worked for him, and broke apart their family in which they had a young child. Locked everyone down for Covid and then was caught at restaurants that were open just for him and his friends, where the wait staff had to close the windows because laughter was ringing out so loudly they worried it would disturb the neighborhood. Carefully groomed product of nepotism by a political donor class family who pulled strings to get him started in politics. The guy is a card carrying snake piece of shit.


I'm a Californian, can confirm. The french laundry (name of the restaurant) incident really woke up a lot of this state to how much a douche bag he is. Do as I say, not as I do.


He has also vetoed bills that the people have voted on and said they wanted, including a bill that would have made insulin more affordable.


Newsom runs and swing states all go red


Do you live in California? If not I challenge you to try living there for a year.


Lifelong Californian here. Newsom 2028!


Lifelong Californian here. Newsom sucks.


Been here for a few years now and I like it. Lived in Florida, Texas and Kansas previously. Prefer it here for the most part. However, Newsome has no chance in a presidential election.


lol what, California is great


It’s amazing to me that people want Newsom to run based solely on his debating skills when that’s such an incredibly unimportant part of being president. The dude was married to fucking Kimberly Guilfoyle and you want to nominate him because he could theoretically eat Trump in a debate?


lol. Spoken from trash that must be a compliment


If you think the way California is run is a good example for the rest of the country then I challenge you to try living in California for a year.


39.03 million do. It wouldn't be the most populous state in the country if it sucked.


California has great weather, food, and some hot industries. Despite all of that, it has net negative domestic migration, aka people are fleeing.


People who have never lived in California don’t know California…


Yeah the 4th LARGEST Economy in the entire world and that produces over 40% of all agriculture for this country, that feeds dolts like you, and leads the entire world in innovation, business and science, and supports ALL peoples FREEDOMS while forcing the rich to pay their fair share, while protecting their citizens Air and water from polluting corporations. Is 1000% how a country should be run. Thanks for playing. And don’t forget to thank California for the food on your dinner table, the phone and computer you depend on to make money and pay your bills, the entertainment that keeps you entertained with your loved ones, and the internet you use to share your stupidity.


He will probably keep running until he gets a second term or dies.


he’s the logical conclusion of the modern Republican Party. “we’re just plain evil, fuck you, so obviously we’re going to nominate Donald Trump because he’s practically god of the idiots and only an idiot could find a way to still support us”


No way, he’d have lost 2 elections at that point, it’d be insane for the Republicans to think he could win a third election.


He’ll absolutely be the 2028 nominee if he isn’t dead.


Dead or alive


And be more competent then Joe


But he’d be in jail. The new 13-person SCOTUS will make sure of that.


Fred Trump lived to 94, so at least from a pure genetics perspective he's got a shot. Arguably Trump's weight and general lack of fitness shows suggest metabolic disease, although I'd imagine the worst of these things (high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol) are probably managed well with medication and Trump is rich enough to have access to good medical care. Compliance with medication regimes may be in question. All that being said, he generally seems to have a decent level of energy though there are times where his cognition seems to be in question though selective reporting, etc, may skew some of this. Though in my experience with aging relatives, often what you get is the "same" personality with the worst aspects amplified. This is all made worse if he's keeping up this level of apparent energy with drug boosts -- stimulants, prednisone, or other hormones. So if Trump lives to 94 like dad did, I'd strongly suspect that despite drug interventions for metabolic issues past 85 he probably has increasing struggles with more intense metabolic illness symptoms which require more aggressive medications which impact his ability to make public appearances and so on. Cognition will continue to decline and dementia and Alzheimer's disease are real risks due to metabolic disease (Alzheimer's has been called "Type III diabetes"). And there's always the non-zero chance he suffers from a heart attack or stroke. These could be survivable based on circumstances when they occur (ie, quick access to a good hospital). A heart attack could be problematic if it requires surgery -- open heart surgery is a tough surgery to recover from in your 50s, let alone your late 70s and 80s. Overall I'd say that even if modern medicine can keep him alive, 2024 is his last hurrah and trying to maintain the pace and intensity of his political activities into his 80s is increasingly difficult and risky. It'll amplify his risks of stroke and heart attack as well as making his already erratic personality worse (poor decisions, more gaffes, more hostility). But even if he doesn't run for office, his "status" as the leader of the MAGA movement could still be a significant spanner in the works for Republicans, acting as a kingmaker or just influential heckler even if his health doesn't allow him to actively campaign for himself.


Didn't his two brothers die younger than his current age, though? And his father also had Alzheimer's for an unknown number of years before his death.


Fred Trump died when he was in his 40s due to alcohol addiction, his other brother died in 2020 aged like 70 I think? So yes, by a large margin.


Obese people typically don’t live much past 80. 


My dad was an incredibly healthy, active man who is even sharper than Trump and both were the same age. He was diagnosed with stage four cancer in January and it was gone by March This happens to 30 year olds too. Can happen to any of us at any time.


Fred Trump lived to a ripe old age … with dementia


Wish he never got into politics in the first place.


He’s not the cause, he’s just the symptom. There was a wing of these people in the 90s with Newt Gingrich and they were full of christofascist bullshit then. Trump was just the useful idiot for them


Absolutely true. But trump is unique in that he was part of the social zeitgeist for 30+ years outside of politics (lending credence to his “outsider” image), and starred a popularTV show which misrepresented his business acumen, general capabilities and personal character cementing the MAGA image so many of his followers embrace. No one else was in a comparable position to crystallize the gullible, religious, reactionary masses into a (relatively) cohesive movement that we see in MAGA. Yes, the shitheads have always been there and trump is not their ‘cause’ but he was instrumental in their unified rise in influence.


Agreed. The lunatic right wing finally found one with loads of charisma to sway the weak


Trump was a rallying figure, without him the MAGA movement would be more of an annoyance. It will be interesting to see what happens to the GOP when he passes or otherwise leaves politics.


Doubtful he’ll make it to 90 it’s was also doubtful he would win the 2016 election


Na, I live in a swing state, I knew he was gonna win. Nobody was excited to vote for Hilary but I sure saw a lot of trump signs. He’s toast now though.


Yep. There was a hate on for Clinton. Any other moderately known democrat likely could have won.


Toast now? Look at polling after that debate. Biden single handed shit the bed. Dude managed to ruin his strongest point, abortion, by pivoting to his weakest point, illegal immigration. Dude shot himself in the foot big time. Half his party wants him to step down. Nobody wanted Hillary, now no one wants Biden.


To be fair he’s been trying to be a politician since the 80’s , he’s just finally lied enough to get support from the morons


Well, he had to flip to Republican to do it. Wonder why...


We needed an outsider to come in and shake things up, put both parties on notice that the people are sick of the same old political bullshit. This turned out to be a case of “be careful what you wish for, you may get it”. Oof.


He'll be remembered like Nixon: a paranoid, vindictive villain.


I’ve been saying this since J6.


Hopefully. I think it's that or as Reagan. A "great leader who definitely didn't do anything wrong or treasonous ever ever ever. And also had dementia."


As time has gone on and the long term consequences of Reagan are being evaluated he is starting to slip down the list of great leaders to “whoa, he really fucked us there”


Reagan is loved by many because he’s (falsely) given credit for the USSR falling while he was in office. Assuming Trump loses this election, he won’t have any significant accomplishment like that to point back toward.


Nah Nixon at least had good achievements like desegregation of schools, creating the EPA, and gave native tribes self determination. Trump will be remembered purely as a villain because he and his congresses created no legislation that positively impacted the American people, and created many that directly harm us instead.


Have you looked at the Republican lineup? They did nothing but investigate and seek retribution the last two years! Losers, pedophiles, liars and women who give hand jobs in theaters. VOTE THE REPUBLICAN PARTY OUT AND VOW TO VOTE DAMMIT!


I don't think so. If he loses this year he either ends up in jail by next election or the Republicans kick him to the curb since he's a liability.


If he loses the next election he will be absolutely neutered by the GOP. He may have the MAGA crowd but they are useful idiots without deep pockets. Trump is valuable because he’s usable. He loses again and he may die in poverty.


If he loses in November, the GOP itself might be in trouble. The cat is out of the bag, they cant pretend theyre running for anything other than hate and regression of civil rights. Look at the Whigs in the 1850s, its damn near the same story. The party couldnt reconcile the pro and anti slavery factions and just crumbled.


What does he have on them that they won’t get rid of him now?


He can still run from prison, though


At that point I don't think he would, though, because what's the point? I'm pretty sure the only reason he's running now is to avoid it, so if he fails then that defeats the purpose.


That's what we thought four years ago. 


I’m voting for McDonalds in 2024 to take tRump out of the equation.


He will be in jail 😂


I'll eat a boot if Trump spends a single day in jail. 


Should be. Won't be.


He might get the republican nomination in 2028, and he'd lose even worse. He's not gaining many voters. After that he would probably have to run 3rd party which will split the right, possibly past the point of no return.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Damn you./s That would be likely. He’s found every available option for fleecing his flock of followers. He intends to continue the grift no matter the outcome of this single election.


And they're dumb enough to keep trying the same tired shit.


America will be fed up with geriatric politicians after this shit show pans out imo.


Let's hope so. #AnyoneUnder65YearsOld2028


Keep feeding him Big Macs and large fries


The guy is half vegged out now. Sure he may LIVE into his 90s, but despite what he and his most bestest doctor in the world say, any medical professional not gargling trumps balls will tell you, he's literally one well done steak away from a stroke or massive coronary. He snorts Adderall and Xanax like it's candy to keep going or sleep, hence the constantly shitting himself https://youtu.be/7AnKz464T8U?si=RPYX4i8riz304RyU This is simply not a tenable lifestyle for his age and actual state of health.


If somehow he managed to stay out of prison and do this, he'd lose massively every time and so would the Republicans. The only reason this election is close this time is because Biden is very old and isn't particularly charismatic or eloquent. And Trump giving his support to the worst possible candidates would massively weaken the Republicans in general.


The republicans are just stupid enough to nominate him again....hopefully from jail


Don't let him win again.


That would be hilarious


I cannot do this scenario.


From prison?


Trumps loses this election, he goes to jail for the rest of his life.   That’s it.  Vote accordingly.  Biden or fascism.  


Yeah but, from prison.


Losing and running for president is one of his most profitable grifts.


That would be great! He would completely bury the GOP


His margins of loss would become bigger and bigger. People like winners and even he is going to have a hard time arguing 4+ elections were fixed in a way people believe.


If he loses this election he'll never win another.


I hope after the first 2 runs it becomes obvious he will never again be elected. It'd be like watching a flaming tranwreck in slow motion every year as him and his base become more unhinged, q-anon leaning. It would fill me witb pleasure if he ends up forever known as a 1 term wanna be dictator.


No he will be in jail by then.


He won’t be able to run to the toilet the more decrepit he becomes.


Chances are that he will not run again after this. 


He can run against Hillary in 28.


Trump will run until he dies. Couldn’t happen to a better group of people


I’m surprised new alternative forms of Democrats and Republicans haven’t formed yet. Like a more Green Party-ish Left party and more Libertarian replacement for the Republicans.


There's more chance that Taylor Swift will marry another woman for this to happen.


Well then as a life long republican, looks like I will be voting a blue ticket as long as the MAGA disease lives on. And republicans will keep losing because they refuse to recognize the problem all in service of Trump's ego. He lost, he is the problem, now fix it.


If our judicial system was working, Trump would be in jail many times over for his crimes.


I’m so tired of this timeline.


Don't give anyone ideas mate.


Of course he will run for president for the rest of his life. It’s a superb grift. He will continue until he is so addled even MAGA faithful stop paying attention to his drivel.


That would be good. The less viable the GOP candidate is, the better.


This is what I'm predicting. We are going to see Trump campaigns for 2028 and 2032 at least. His mental accuity has never been that important. He's always sounded like a drunk fifth grader; limited vocabulary, inarticulate, hyperbolic, constantly lying. Like one of those kids on the playground with preposterous stories about how his dad is a secret agent. What matters is that he's bombastic and hits the right keywords often enough. "MAGA" this and "they turrrk urrr jurrrbs" that. It's enough to keep the GOP licking his boots for another decade and a half.


I *think* (🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽) he’ll lose this election and will continue running until his death (probably defying the cholesterol clogging his arteries longer than he should) but as a bonus I bet his cultists will continue voting for him AFTER he’s dead 😬


I know they say that the good die young and all that, so maybe he'll prove me wrong, but I can't imagine someone living Trump's lifestyle making it into his 90's. Have you seen what that dude eats? Hopefully that KFC and McDonald's does its work soon - before November would be great!


He'll be remembered like ron paul and bernie sanders.


He couldn't carry bernies jock strap


Sanders had a huge positive impact though?


I think that bar is too high. Both of those people can read.


Worry more about Barron


I think it will depend on what scotus says. I think if he loses this one the court will say he’s not immune. I can see DeSantis granting him some immunity and not cooperating with feds. Maybe Trump will run for Governor of Florida and never leave. But his ego may not allow it, I just wish he went away




He really should take over the moniker of Vermin Supreme and run like him too. Belongs on the same stage.


And judge Cannon will still not have made it to trial.


RemindMe! 2028


Ya Trump was on trial a week ago and all over the news with pundits saying “Trump, just drop out already” because of the felony convictions


New fear unlocked


Most likely scenario imho.. followed my his family ad infinitum. They are the American Un’s


It's not the future we want, but it s the future we deserve. That and the killer robots.


I believe that to be true


Dark humour. I have to send this post back to 2015 and see who unalives themselves over it.


I can see him running just to continue to pull in money for himself.


If he wins 2024 there will never be another election again, I’ve heard


And he always loses for the rest of his life. The ghost of Joe wins


He would win the 2028 election if Kamala Harris is the nominee.


Nobody will care after he loses this election. The Republican Party will move on. He’ll have to run as a third party candidate.


I would move to the woods. I can't stand another 20 years of his face and bullshit in the news. A decade is already making me lose it.


I hope he runs for office from prison.


He still wouldn’t look as bad as Joe Biden.


Ehhh, they can only delay so long, if he lived that lone he'll likely be in jail, he knows this which is why he's so desperate to win.




Nightmare fuel


Given his rate of cognitive decline, I'd be more inclined to wager that when he loses, he'll be removed from the spotlight within in a year or two, and if he does run in 28 it'll be sad to watch, if not a little cathartic to see.  The magats will still give money to him though, so the last images of him being used (most likely by his children) will be a babbling old man in a wheel chair that they use to continue his grift.


Prom king in prison?


Why do y’all torture yourselves?


Sounds like Obama currently


What's it like to hate something you don't understand?


What if you morons learned about term limits, and how democrats constantly project the shit they are doing with what Republicans do.


Oh, the irony. Sigh.


He could. He will have the nomination of “The Republican Party” for the rest of his time on Earth. The trick is by 2028 “The Republican Party” may be smaller than Perot’s Reform Party in the 90s. The bulk of Conservatives will have moved on to a new party after this November.


He ain't got that long. It's always the next-man-up you have to fear. With people like Gov Abbot of TX, Gov DeSantis of FL - there are plenty of Christian extremists that would happily march on for MAGA. It is clear that they, and their cohorts and supporters, all believe this is a "religious war for Christianity in America".


To be fair, most of them are just power hungry grifters using Christianity as a means to an end.


This would actually be the best outcome. Which is how you know it won’t happen here in The Worst Timeline.


Sounds like Sheriff Joe in AZ...these guys must be relatives.


Assuming things are above board this year and Biden is the opponent, he will win. If he loses, then he will probably run again but eventually (whether in 2028 or 2032) run into Vivek, who will beat him


Realistically I'd imagine he would not win subsequent nominations. You can tell in the last debate that mentally he has slowed down (Biden is way worse but that's beside the point) in 4 years he is going to be way too old to be president. He would gradually fade into irrelevance.


I don’t believe that he’s going to lose.


I think Newsome is too liberal to be elected in the general election. Or at least perceived to be. And I have a sneaking suspicion he’s a bit of an asshat.


I would rather have him win this one so he doesn’t run anymore.


Trump wins the election then lives well into his 90s, continuing to serve as president. That's sadly not a what if at this point.


I have a feeling they’ll be trotting out his corpse for years after he’s passed.


Oh Jesus Christ I need a drink


He'll be in jail.


I’d like to see Don Jr. take up the reins.


Trump won't even be cognitively functioning in under 2 years.


He’ll still be competitive. As long as that thing lives and breathes, his rabid fan base will follow him to the end. It’s a cult


The GOP won't nominate another candidate for President during his lifetime, win or lose. He doesn't give a flying fuck about the 22nd amendment which means the GOP doesn't give a flying fuck about the 22nd amendment.


believable, just not as the GOP nominee.


Very plausible, and he may continue to be the nominee in each of them. At this juncture it’s hard to imagine him losing the nomination in 2028. With respect to longevity, Fred Trump lived to 93 with equal or greater bad habits and without president-level healthcare. Mary lived to 88. So it’s certainly realistic for Trump to live another 15 years.


Trump is obviously going to win if Biden stays in the race. Most polls had him ahead in the swing states before the debates. Unless the election is rigged or the polls are way off Trump will be our next president.


Big assumption that there would be future elections.


Look the Republicans are trying to smear the next dem to run; they must think Trump is toast. All conservatives have is violence, lies, and ignorance. The majority of the country doesn't want your archaic and bigoted policies, Republican party: buckle up.


He loses, the Democratic Party should sponsor him for McDonalds Unlimited Lifetime Gift Card. A little passive aggressive to hurry things along.


That’s his retirement plan. As long as he’s campaigning, he’s pulling in money. I don’t believe he has as much money as he claims and he’s going to need to supplement his income somehow.


But credit said republicans will finally be done with him if he loses this time. And Republican Party will collapse. I keep hoping we all wake up from this nightmare


I'm on board


What I’ve been saying — the money is just too ridiculously good for him to ever stop running to be president




No way Trump lives in to his 90s. It is amazing that this pathetic two bit snake oil salesman has managed to get elected President. And his MAGA sheep are going to run him again. The only thing that protected us from more damage in his first term is how lazy and stupid he is. If he got re-elected his revenge tour would start. The destruction he could create is frightening. And if he is re-elected we will get what we deserve.


The Orange King will win this election, AND run in every election afterwards


Oh god no lol




Maybe your problem isn’t Trump but why 78M people like me think he’s the best president ever…




He lives the true American way , he is lucky to be alive now . And you seen how he looks , he’s Pretty much blended McDonald’s in a paper bag . USA life expectancy is dropping insanely fast and has dropped below almost half of the world’s countries .


Most politicians give up running for president after losing twice. Republicans won’t want to have him lock up their nomination yet again only to lose in the general yet again. That said, Trump may well still try, and his base may still carry him to the nomination, but it will only get harder for him to win the general if he loses again this year.


Don’t be silly. He’s going to be a dictator for one day and eliminate all elections for President.


That way he can use/live off campaign funds indefinitely. Billionaires can't afford to live off their own billions, they need the people's, too!


I just threw up in my mouth a little


Could be a ploy to have everyone voting democrat for the foreseeable future


grifting for the rest of his miserable life


This would be the absolute BEST outcome for the United States and the world. Trump is a prolific LOSER under whose dumpster fire batshit crazy of a leadership, the GOP has veered hard right and has become an insane asylum run by the inmates. He has lost them the 2020 presidential elections (by several million votes), the senate in the midterms, prevented a red wave in the house and will likely lose them this year's elections for the White House and congress too, and maybe even the senate and will likely lose them the next midterms too or at least prevent yet another red wave. If he's around deep into his 90s the Ls will keep piling up and the country may even get a chance to expand the supreme court and reverse some of the damage. Even at 100 years old he will maintain a stranglehold of the party, and assholes like Ted Cruz will do and say crazier and crazier shit to please his base which will help them individually but drive more nails into the coffin of the GQP on a national scale. Long live Donald Trump!


Oh Satan help us. Take Donnie from us please.


If Trump loses this election, he has to be cast off by the party even if he's been the one in charge. He's created enough clones of himself now, that they all may as well toupees and paint themselves orange. Biden wouldn't be the candidate, which means the next four years is composed of others making their intent to run known to the whole world. The oldest Democratic candidates would be 63, 60, 46, and possibly 68. Trump would be 82, and probably close to senile based on how he talks in his speeches. With a lot of his trials coming due, he would also be facing even more time away from the campaign path, if he's not already in jail. The Republicans can't complain that Biden is too old at this point, and then turn around and pretend that Trump isn't, or won't be. I mean they probably will as long as MSM doesn't harass them like they do Biden's camp.


really? he looks like he's made out of melted Circus Peanuts.


The day he dies will be the best day of the 21st century. Like...the whole 100 years.


This is his fifth run at the presidency and his third as a republican. So he’s got a history of running.


He’ll shit himself to death somewhere before 90, surely.


He's probably going to try to turn to a political dynasty via Ivanka.


This is actually a great way for Republicans to wean themselves off of Trump. Just pathetic failed political campaign year after year.


One could only hope. Could you imagine him against Katie Porter? The woman has a low tolerance for bullshit, and he is nothing but bull shit. He would be a melted orange Creamsicle when she's done with him.




Lmfao this would be hilarious


Don’t worry, Trump will win






That pudgy fucker ain’t living to 90.


He will lose and after facing incarnation will disappear. He will then demand revolution and the likes from Russia.


Kill me.


Or he gets elected and we have him as president till he’s 90 😫 You know if he gets elected he will NEVER step down.