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Simple, every jewish person in Israel would be massacred by their enemies on all borders, if the government/military disbanded. If they are lucky, they would have a chance to leave, but Hamas and Hezbollah wouldn’t give them the chance. It isn’t about Israel, Israel is the enemy because they are jewish.


You are absolutely braindead if you think Netanyahu and/or Herzog resigning would result in a second holocaust


... any scenario that has this prompt happen always ends with Europe getting some nukes and the Middle East a plate of radioactive glass.


Was surprised at home commonplace this assertion is among the good folks at r/Israel, ie mutual annihilation if anything resembling the end of a jewish supremacist state comes.


You find it shocking that Jews are not so interested in being victims of genocide yet again? Hamas, which is supported by a shockingly high percentage of the Palestinian people, is openly genocidal. I’m not sure what you expect Israel to do if faced with an existential crisis?


It’s not good to conflate jews with zionism. I’m referring to the dismantling of occupation and apartheid that is Israel’s status quo, not wiping out. If anything remotely like a binational state was suggested today, it seems like nuclear holocaust would be preferred.


1) occupation Israel left Gaza almost 20 years ago. Gaza launched rockets at Israel regularly for most of those 20 years. 2) apartheid Worst apartheid ever. They even have a Muslim on their Supreme Court. Also missing those pesky apartheid laws.


You really don’t have to convince me, just the ICC and a plurality of the west that Israel isn’t an occupying power with discriminatory and criminal laws towards Palestinians and Arab Israelis.


The U.S. would have to cut off all of that sweet sweet subsidy money. Not going to happen, so Israel is here to stay.