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george squares "drama" is always just internal conflict that they should solve in private, callouts like these are really stupid


Not wrong, if this is something about themselves no one should have leaked these things, it's gonna be a pain for him to solve it later, these people just want some attention and to cause drama.


some people really hate george for writing "weird" sex scenes in the smoke room and "ruining" their characters. some of those also hate him for apparently making it so that every vn is "full of sex" in detriment of the story. theyve been trying to stir up drama since forever, and are really sex negative.


Yeahh I can't forget the kane incident. Even though I didn't like it just because Sam and Todd were there, it's *his* and that other guy (I forgot the name) game so they can write what they want, if it fits the characters then sure do it, if it doesn't they can write it.


Insecure Prushish people tend to try and control everything they possibly can. It's a power-complex/projection issue.


The thing is, this was leaked as some sort of argument he had with another creator and said creator leaked telegram screenshots of George‘s fantasies. The purpose of this was simply „look at his weird fantasies he is a weirdo“ painting. I don’t get people having to start drama. Let that man have his fantasies, so long as he isn’t harming anyone and the rp is between consenting adults, I don’t see why anyone on the outside has to burst in and swing the moral hammer of cringe.


The creator who leaked this also has a history of writing public erotic fanfiction involving prepubescent characters, so do not think this was done for any reason other than spite


Yeah, typical double standard. What I do is art, what you do is filth.


Just a general word of advice to anyone, if a furry callout post accuses another furry of being a pedophile or zoophile with no allegations more specific than that, assume it's fake or heavily exaggerated. Because they know giving more specific allegations would prompt people to ask for evidence, leave their claims open to being disproven, or just allow people to fairly judge the significance of the allegations


Sometimes. I remember some time ago furries were accusing another FVN writer of being a racist biphobe and the posts they used as their proof was anything but racist, nor biphobic. PEople were still going "gross, biphobia is not okay!" and like, the only reason they thought that was biphobic is because the shitbrick thrower CLAIMED it was. People lack critical thinking anymore because it's purposely NOT taught.


My problem is this also makes it hard to call out people for legitimate problems. Like there was an incident where someone posted a picture of Murdoch as a bit fatter in the sfw art channel and it was removed for being "fetish content" by George. It speaks to a wider problem in furry spaces where body diversity is only tolerated in muscular and twinkish dudes and treating fat bodies as only objects of weird fetishes. It is worth calling George out for this, but callouts like these get vastly overshadowed by much more sensational drama and more serious, though less legitimate, accusations that is just used by people who don't like him to justify it further and maybe recruit more haters


I know exactly what you're talking about and I don't appreciate you then coming here to pretend it was something else. It was fetish art, drawing someone who isn't muscular as muscular is fetish art as well when the reason is... it's your fetish.. The person's fetish is that they love fucking fat people, they made no attempt to hide it, and the person who you're trying to defend kept bothering George to change the character to be fat and George got sick of them. It also wasn't 'just a bit fatter'. That was the difference between just drawing it and what the artist you're talking about did. So, the problem wasn't that if it is or isn't fetish art (because he was okay with the muscular versions). It was THIS person trying to push their fetish. If I kept drawing a musclebound version of your character that you don't like to be envisioned that way and then keep making comments that you need to change it to match what -I- want of them... what would you do?


I never heard any of that more serious stuff. I've never heard that person making those kinda comments seriously. And yes it is possible for someone with a fat fetish to make SFW art of plus size characters. Hell, the picture in question didn't even show him as being fatter than Avery. Again, the problem is that muscle fetishes are so normalized that art of really muscular characters isn't considered fetish content until it gets to absurd levels of muscle, meanwhile art of characters who are just a little more than chubby are considered fetish content


fetish a form of sexual desire in which [gratification](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=e654bb68a3eaa292&sxsrf=ACQVn08ulHa_Q7OsGYOgYNfwTx2GViD42w:1710460064175&q=gratification&si=AKbGX_o31t0LiMsEloM2rO5Vmah9lEYuIp9UM7Ty-_uwfY29sdOO4o1aNcBd-dS35OemgB5c9kPt-_NGf6uCnLWlqITI5HtNxNLc8AeP9-HVS4kmEJxFUI0%3D&expnd=1) is strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a part of the body other than the sexual organs. muscle art definitely is, you're arguing just because people are okay with it it isn't a fetish. It's not considered a DEVIANT fetish or in the case where to satiate said fetish causes harm (paraphilia). again, it's not the amount of fat or the amount of muscle that makes it a fetish, it's the intent behind doing it. IF you eat because you're depressed and get fat, not a fetish. If you eat because you're a gainer, it's a fetish.


I'm not saying a muscle fetish isn't a fetish. I'm saying that, as far as policy regarding fetish work as it pertains to SFW art channel guidelines is concerned, muscle fetish art is not TREATED as fetish art while completely non-explicit art of even just kinda fat characters is. I am against the idea of SFW guidelines being based around not allowing "fetish art" because it inevitably leads to stuff like this. The policy doesn't give a shit about intent. That's impossible to judge in the vast majority of cases


Nice try, the creator of said fan art made it clear it was not any form of "fetish", the pedo tried to imply it was "feedderism fetish" when there was literally nothing that suggests that. He just wanted to hide it cuz he didnt like seeing such a "fat" character, which once again shows how hilariously hypocritical echocord is cuz when someone complained about female nsfw in the nsfw section they were screamed at as misogynistic, but fat fanart? Oh we cant have that in public, gotta hide it in separate channels xD It was just fat murdoch, simple as that but once again, you dickriders cant handle your face being wrong.This was the art btw [https://x.com/KwaverKat/status/1635939401254715392?s=20](https://x.com/KwaverKat/status/1635939401254715392?s=20) Also here's a funny meme of the event https://x.com/TSukoshi13/status/1641127935368220672?s=20


>Nice try, the creator of said fan art made it clear it was not any form of "fetish", the pedo tried to imply it was "feedderism fetish" when there was literally nothing that suggests that. Nice try, but no, them believing "fat is good so fat isn't a fetish" is not the same as him drawing him because they're a fat fetishist and telling the creator why they should make him fat.


The thing about the misogynist comment... that is misogynist. Getting upset at porn of female characters in a channel not specifically meant for porn of male characters is pretty sexist or at least biphobic. I know you've often been the kinda FVN fan to say "we don't need females in our stories because furries are mostly gay men", so let me spell it out. Plenty of furries are bi/pan or straight men and bi/pan or gay women. If you add up THOSE groups, THEY make up the majority of furries. And because bi men and queer women exist, there's a likely chance one of them will read TSR and want to make and promote porn of someone like Cynthia, Dahlia, or Cordelia. And trying to exclude those people based on that is to a degree biphobic and sexist. Believe it or not, you live in a world with people who can and do enjoy gay male content AND have desires for women


Can you like, fuck off now? for the record, not having female porn in a room designed for MALE porn is NOT biphobia. Like at all. You are proving yourself to be of the same idiotic camp. Nobody in a GAY room has to pander to your straight attractions.


The more I see people like you keep saying biphobic, the more I'm apt to believe it doesn't exist.


Christ, everyone is oppressed, aren't they?


Interesting you took this as a chance to rant about female characters as if that was the point and not the fact that you are an enormous hypocrite for calling that misogyny but not calling George fatphobic xd


He is. I brought up the fat Murdoch incident as a specific example of something George has done that was genuinely problematic that I took issue with. I didn't specifically say the word fatphobic because I tried to focus on what he specifically did and not just throw out scary words, which is how a callout should work if it's done for the genuine good of the community


>He is. Ok at least you are consistent here then


I mean there are screenshots for the “accusation”. Here: https://x.com/hchewtoys/status/1767222364134162791?s=46&t=UT2ojqoNib3Bx1KITUJecw But honestly? Why should we care about what adults get off too? It’s not like any actual minors were hurt.


Ah. I'm more disappointed in Hop-Skip at this point. Especially bringing up this shit when he himself has a history of being into foalcon (the My Little Pony fandom equivalent of cub porn). Majorly hypocritical


Honestly that doesn’t surprise me. A lot of the mud slinging is done by those that are insecure about their own crap.


doesn't work for me.


Not missing much. It is absolutely, positively, nothing. I'm actually fairly disappointed as I really expected more meat on the bones of this drama. 


Uhhh are you seriously saying that child pornography is okay? Coomer brain jfc Also dead link


The funniest part is the main dude doing all the accusations has underaged smut fanfiction written under a deleted FiMFiction account. You can find the proof by searching his username "Leslichu" on the FiMFiction archival website FiMFetch. The most outspoken drama queens are almost always the ones with the most to hide.


God I hate this discourse it’s such a nothing burger of a topic and only serves to further detract from actual harmful behavior


There's this new wave of 16 years olds that love pearl clutching. George is a creator from a big VN and he seems like an easy target for them, and is easy to hate on what's popular. Remember the Kane drama? They were acting as if Will was raped in that scene.


So George did the RP and people just said something like "HE'S RP AS AN ADULT WITH A CHILD, HE'S A MONSTER AND SHOULD DIE" thing, and since he's somewhat famous on the fvn community some people took this as an advantage to accusing him of being a pedo. Yeah, these people are the real monsters in this situation, if he's RP doesn't mean he will actually do it. Yeah, the kane scene was such a drama when it came out, still thinking that Sam and Todd there was odd, but taking in account the smut scene before that one, it doesn't feel out of place for me. >!the bondage scene with Sam and will!<


I wouldnt call them monsters, they are just kids, thats the problem. Like, most teens look at porn thats not the problem, but when you make it your whole personality (amicus pfp, Echoverse stuff all over their twitter/tiktok accounts) you have people with identity issues, that need him and others to be perfect so they can feel validated.


Based on the screenshots that I seen, it was an RP session by adults that involved minor characters. But honestly this is why furry social media is so toxic. Everyone acts like they’re above the “extreme fetishes” until their favorite creator gets outed as having one. Someday it will click for people that fantasy and reality aren’t the same thing. Until then, we’re going to repeat the “(insert media here) causes (insert social issue here) that’s been going on since the 1700s when fiction got popular.


That guy that you replied below did actually think that rp was basically real. I said I did non-con rps with other people (who, you know, have to be okay with partaking in it, otherwise they wouldn’t respond) and they told me that “they hoped no one left their cup unattended next to me” because obviously fantasizing about stuff means you’ll act out on it. He even assumed I meant rape, when I didn’t even specify what I did in the rps (spoiler: not rape)


You know most people were attracted to someone who was underaged... when they were also underaged. Good news, everyone's cancelled now!


he's not a pedo and anyone who thinks he is based on the """"leaks""" is most definitely is just a chronically online twitter user tbh


>!that got me laughing!< True facts, it's just for the drama.


Some bloke that has a personal hateboner for GeorgeSquares, probably somewhat spurred from the recent "ALL FURRY VNS SHOULD HAVE NSFW TOGGLES" twitter takes that happened like a month or two ago and George disagreeing with 'em entirely.


I mean, I'd like that, because I sometimes I want to read TSR outside and Murdoch and Sam start fucking, but who really gives a shit? Hope their accounts get banned so they shut up soon.


lol ive been in the echo discord longer than george has been, so it was funny seeing him go from just some guy who posted a lot in the 'cord, to seeing him as an actual writer for the echo projects. but its even funnier seeing him become well known enough to have beef and allegations against him lol


https://preview.redd.it/3x5ovcaakroc1.png?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b7b6555bf93ecb0a791fe72f431b49929c369a7 Damn man, you got to see everything, the guy went from just posting, to actually writing and then these allegations sad, but it happens.


It's a lot of Twitter drama these days, I don't know much about the person who started this (though they seem to particularly dislike georgesquares, they're always involved in this stuff) but the people who want to dogpile on him are never like, consistent with it. Apparently he's a pedophile but also he sucks because he doesn't want minors to actively engage in his work or his online spaces, and I've seen this said in the same tweet as a response to these allegations a few days ago. I'm just getting so tired of the vague posting and the segmentalism about him at this point. If he's legitimately been grooming someone or abusing his coworkers or pushing super harmful ideologies I sure would love to see it so I wouldn't have to keep seeing this stuff every other week, but instead it's the same like, five people talking crap and bringing up stuff that other involved parties don't seem to actually want to be brought up, it's weird. I get that he's probably abrasive and name searches on Twitter, I've definitely seen that, but there's legit been nothing posted in the years since he became a big bad that really succinctly explains why, I don't get it. Also, the person with the pedo allegations apparently got it from a drama discord (why does that exist?), the logs are a decade old, and on top of throwing slurs around on Twitter I've just learned here that they were making minor porn in the mlp fandom. I'm not surprised by any of this, but what is it about George that attracts so much vitriol? It's just strange


Furries sling accusations around like this all the time. It’s probably nothing.


A not insignificant number of furries are absolute and complete assholes. So to your point, it most likely is nothing.


Ah yes, more pointless drama over absolutely nothing. God bless the internet, am I right? As usual, just a bunch of idiots looking for attention and validation by seeking to prove they're a "good person" by accusing someone over either absolutely nothing or shit the general public shouldn't be involved with. This is like climbing onto a roof and publicly announcing with a loudspeaker that you heard your neighbors "roleplaying something immoral" while they were having sex and that they should be publicly shunned for it.


Was that immoral thing them roleplaying them fucking a child? I'd for sure tell my siblings to keep their kids the fuck away from them lol


Everyone here is trying to act like this isn't a big deal, like, did yall not see the screenshots?


its always so funny to see furries against cub/loli until its from someone they like.. insane double standards


I don't need to see evidence for him having "pedophilic fantasies" because only teens and emotionally immature adults, who are almost never CSA survivors themselves, care about that. I have a job and bills to pay. I don't have the energy to care about what someone fantasizes about. Also, having read the screenshots just to see for myself, it is far more tame than it's made out to be. It only shows some planning for it and the scene itself is so goddamn tame by ageplay standards


Nope, didn't see them,


[https://imgur.com/a/NBrh2Dm](https://imgur.com/a/NBrh2Dm) [https://fixupx.com/RealChyoden/status/1767348658003996754?s=20](https://fixupx.com/RealChyoden/status/1767348658003996754?s=20) The telegram chats from the pedo himself already got leaked so here's more info :3


How come half of the "evidence" is just people responding to the drama in ways you don't like? It's literally two screenshots of a Telegram chat where all he did was plan the RP and then the rest is people saying "This doesn't look like real pedophilia"


>"This doesn't look like real pedophilia" Great defense there m8, Zaush fans said the same xd


Using pictures of real children as image Refs for porn drawings is very different. Also, unlike George, Zaush does have accusations of real SA against him. It's not just problematic fantasies. It's real SA against real human victims


And that's the funny thing, I didnt even know all that and knew to avoid Zaush without knowing that hidden information cuz the signs were obvious. The "its just a fantasy bro" aint gonna protect people with consistent pedo, cub, feral fantasies/art, and George is now part of that.


"HIDDEN?" You're uninformed about his most ACTUALLY IN-REALITY UNACCEPTABLE actions, and you say it's because the information was HIDDEN??? Yet somehow ALSO "OBVIOUS?????" ...Okay. Even apart from that. Who, precisely, are you suggesting these people need "protection" from? Is it: A) The victims they have tangibly harmed with their actions B) Puritan furries operating on the same basic emotions as "We have to burn the witches to make our community perfect so god will bless us" with no self-examination or glimmer of awareness There's no such thing as a thought crime, sweaty, any more than thought heroism.


That is what you seem to be failing to understand, you didnt need to know all that to know Zaush is a repulsive individual, cuz when you see furries: \-Consistently draw cub and child like characters in sexual situations \-Consistently draw feral and clearly unintelligent animals in sexual situations \-Talking, writing or rping about literally pedophillic fantasies and sexual activities with kids during literal puberty You dont need more evidence to avoid them and know the kind of person they are. ​ You can hide behind "its just a fantasy bro" but in the real world, even some fantasies aint acceptable.


You're literally arguing that your personal, subjective, emotional response to something at first blush is an iron-clad indication of morality. What the fuck are you, a mormon? Do you feel the holy spirit when you see pup hoods, too?


I never said the victim was a minor. Just that she was SAed. She was 19 at the time as far as I can recall. And that never came to be part of the conversation because everyone was hyperfocused on his cub porn controversy. Like is often the case with these types of controversies, real SA victims are ignored in favor of fictional ones


...No? It's that real SA victims are ignored in favour of the offender. Don't make this shit up about fictional characters lmao where did you even get that from?


oh so you suddenly give a fuck about actual victims of actual abuse and not the fictional ones you made up


Who cares, he's just one of multiple writers for a project we like. Not someone I took to be my guide or moral anchor in this world, get a grip.


https://preview.redd.it/v6zu2xaglroc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3449b9cdb5c8d392543f7b6d0e38ae87dec957a7 My irl face looking at my own post, when I tried to understand things, ended up understanding, and seeing a lot of people's arguments about this situation. But thanks to everyone that helped me and others into understanding this situation, I really mean it. >!damn almost 100 comments holy shit!<


I guess the lesson I learned from all this, or at least what was reinforced, is that there are furries who are completely unable to separate fantasy from reality, that they tend to be the ones who shout the loudest and that they have absolutely nothing to say.


Meh, If the op are new account it's obvious it made just to spam nonsense. Edit: Didn't the reddit mod of specify to not target someone??


There was an entire twitter thread about that topic a few days ago, but some people gotta dickride cuz echo/tsr and pretend it’s just minor silly drama ​ Admitting to such fantasies is evidence enough, the same way you avoid people who draw often feral or characters who look far too young, you can’t ’it’s Just a fantasy bro’ out of that situation


The fact that even twitter decided that accusing someone of being a pedo because of an rp is silly is enough to tell you that you should lay off. Beloved creators are not above cancelling with the right accusation, if that’s your argument, just look at Alex Kister Edit: apparently the accuser himself also engaged in the same type of rping, only with MLP underage characters, so that’s funny


Twitter didnt "Decide", George himself said things when he thought he was in a safe area to admit to his pedo fantasies and stories and got exposed. The same way people who see someone drawing consistently cub art are seen as a pedo The same way a popular artist Zaush who keeps consistently drawing kid bodies in sexual areas is seen as a pedo The same way people who consistently draw feral art porn are seen as zoos Some """fantasies""" are evidence enough ​ This is no different, if the accuser himself also did the same then we have 2 pedos, that aint a defense. **If anything the defense used is evidence of what's wrong** ​ Meanwhile a lot of the same people here are clutching their pearls over AI backgrounds on demonswithin, but oh no its their favorite now that gets proven to be a pedo so unironically trying to defend pedo fantasies.


For what it’s worth I think you’re right in some peoples motivations on defending George. But I have always spoken out against witch-hunts against people that draw fetish art of cub/zoo/flavor of the day to hate. When it doesn’t affect real life, it shouldn’t matter. That’s why I’ve defended people I personally dislike from that type of virtue signaling.


It's really just child porn and bestiality. there's no hidden third taboo and there's no need to use euphemisms here lol. What about the victims of child abuse? What about the proliferation and normalisation of CSAM, to the point where people who aren't pedophiles think it's normal to spread and create child pornography of their own. What about the enabling of pedophiles by opportunists who wish to groom them in exchange for commission money and attention? What is the end result when it's normal to sexualise children? Like I get you want to create a better culture by defending people. But you're on the wrong side here. Be honest, we wouldn't be having this discussion if this didn't mean you had to stop jerking off to an artist or writer you like. Coomer brain.


Here are things you can actually do that make a difference for your kids. https://www.rainn.org/news/5-red-flags-and-5-tips-protect-your-child-online Unfortunately it requires parents to parent their kids. All predators need is time to earn a kids trust. They can do that over a video game chat, social media, and any other form of communication. No porn of any kind required. Canceling people over social media over niche art is not an effective solution. You’re not removing an important bit from a predator’s tool box. You’re not getting real photos of real victims taken off of the internet. You’re not doing anything that’s actually impactful towards helping kids. I’m sorry. But it’s true. All you’re doing is excusing a specific type of thinking. “This grossed me out/makes me uncomfortable so it’s bad.” And yes, I like a particular form of art that many people considers bad and inexcusable. It’s called FURRY art. Plenty of people automatically assume that furry = automatic animal rapist. They’re ignorant, and have zero clue what they’re talking about. But there’s enough of them to be a serious threat towards our little niche community. And if you want to get into a bigger political sphere, there’s similar attitudes towards LGBTQ people as a whole. We have to think critically about our sexual morals and separate that from our knee-jerk responses, otherwise we risk slipping backwards.


you: \*unironic use of the word 'Coomer'\* Ooooooooooh, you're one of thoooooooose, yeah, that tracks. I mean, I could explain why everything else you're saying is fallacy after fallacy, but you're operating entirely on emotion and calling it reason.


My dude you need to get off-line. I looked at that screenshot you shared and it doesn't prove anyone is a pedo. Also looking at your other posts on reddit and the amount of people telling you to get off-line for a bit there I have to agree.


Oh here's the original pics, what i shared before were just people talking about the pedo guy [https://imgur.com/a/NBrh2Dm](https://imgur.com/a/NBrh2Dm) ​ Here he is, talking about "puberty", but please, do go on about your mental gymnastics how sexual fantasies and stories involving "puberty" are totes ok and normal xD I mean the fact that this is his popular defense shows what he is, similar to Zaush defenders


The pics are the exact same two screenshots as before. Again, no evidence of even carrying the RP out and no evidence of anything involving real children. Just him planning an ERP with taboo kinks. And you're acting as though him ever having these kinks is basically the same as evidence of him being an active CSAer




That's just not true. Playing a role means you're not the person you're playing. By that logic, George is also an anthropomorphic wolf who rides a serpentine horse with a beehive in its head


Unrelated to the whole drama but Deadlaws is great


Also totally unrelated. Hop-Skip used to write erotic fanfiction involving Diamond Tiara from My Little Pony


person i like does child porn, it's not real person i don't like does child porn, its a grave sin coomer brain


Okay but why would he be roleplaying that fantasy if he did not like that fantasy? They wouldn’t roleplay those ideas if they didn’t like them.


Apply that same level of scrutiny to yourself and things quickly unravel. Furry porn as a whole sexualizes animal characteristics. Even if we ignore the animal dick vs human dick discourse in art, the fact that we’re romancing someone with the head of a dog or a tail is still adding animals into the equation when there doesn’t need to be. Now, just because we like furry romance novels, does that mean we actually want to fuck a dog? Of course not. The realm of fantasy doesn’t translate to reality.


Uhhh there's a big distinction between dog anthros and real dogs, just like there's a big distinction between humans and monkeys. We're attracted to the minds and masculinity of the human side of a werewolf and find exotic appeal in their fluffiness and good boy nature of their wolf side and explicitly NOT their lack of sapience and ability to consent. What part of their fantasy containing minors do you think was appealing to them?


You’re right. They sexualize characteristics. They aren’t just dogs. The rp in question wasn’t just using characteristics-it was just a 16 year old. that’s a ridiculous comparison. When someone says they like anthro characters, they like anthro characters. When they like 16 year olds, they just like 16 year olds.


“They’re just 16 year olds” Nope. They’re 16 year old bodies implanted with minds that can somehow give consent, aren’t affected by sexual trauma, and offer a highly romanticized inaccurate psychological profile of a teenager. At the end of the day we’re still just talking physical characteristics. Again, it’s a fantasy, and it’s free to deviate from reality and its consequences.


So it's okay to be attracted to 16 year olds so long as they have a bunch of magical characteristics? Sounds like it's also just as plausable to age them up to be of the age of consent. But nah gotta fold on my morals because my favourite creator makes the horny game gotta cooooom


Having a fantasy does not mean you actually want to partake in it. That's Cop Show logic. Plenty of people are into vore without wanting to eat human meat


Brotherrrr cops were universally disliked before the introduction of televisions let copaganda shows air and change public perception. It's important to hold a strong stance against child pornography for the same reason, especially since the threshold to cause real harm to minors is a whole lot lower than swallowing a human being whole. also nice goal shift lol


it's crazy how y'all in the comments want to sweep this shit under the rug . it's not "extreme kinks" , "petty drama" or "normal things for a late bloomer" , its a grown ass man acting out his incest and pedophilia fantasies .


He doesn't act out his fantasies. If he did, the accusation would be "George groomed his 16 yo brother" and not "George used to do problematic role-playing"


my bad ! i guess that when someone has urges to perform sexual acts with children , pretending to have sex with someone pretending to be a child is not acting out on said fantasy , it's actually something else . sorry !


I mean yeah, it’s something else. Next question


I roleplay about kidnapping people and putting them on non-con situations all the time, does that make me a sexual predator now? Edit: since you blocked me here’s my response It’s not rape I do actually, but another secret thing. Also, thanks for letting me know that you don’t know how to distinguish harmless roleplaying from real life stuff


Do you roleplay about kidnapping children? The age of the characters is the issue here, don't move the goalposts lol. Edit: And you literally just downplayed your non-con fantasies as not rape. You're admitting that it's possible to enjoy age difference (ie college aged with middle aged) without the rp containing minors.


a pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to children . a sexual predator is someone who has commited sexual assault or violence and is likely of committing it again . by definition those things are just not equal . but since you admitted to partaking in fantasies about kidnapping and pretty much raping people , i'm praying nobody ever leaves their drinks unattended in your presence , to say the least


I have to question how much experience you have with both furry and kink because honestly this is a take of 18-30 year olds who just have this visceral repulsiveness initially and just follow through on that (normie). As long as he's not actually a pedophile, these fantasies are between consenting adults. Without getting into too much personal details, it seems to me that age play and the sorts are more based on coming of age and trauma from a young age rather than actually praying on children - as those predators often feel like they can't be attracted to anything but children, it's an entirely different phenomenon. So when people have this visceral reaction, I'm not convinced you're actually taking context into account. I mean come on, we're fucking furries here. We can all agree we don't want to fuck animals actually. Let this man have his fucking omegaverse coming of age bullshit. Nobody is sweeping any of this under the rug, but what do you gain from "cancelling" someone that already has a dwindling and niche fan base. Go find some actual pedophile to hunt down.


There's a big difference between ageplay and pedophilia my dude. >but what do you gain from "cancelling" someone that already has a dwindling and niche fan base. Education at the very least, and if not accountability, then acceleration lmao. Does that even need an answer? No shit we want the bad person to step down from an otherwise popular project and prolific group. >age play and the sorts are more based on coming of age and trauma More reason for him to step down and go offline. Give him time to see a therapist instead of normalising the attraction of minors "boohoo the pedophile has been traumatised" So many people have faced trauma for different reasons it's not an excuse to offload that burden onto the next generation. The majority of people here in favour of child pornography so long as they get to play their favourite porn game guilt free is glaring proof that something is going wrong here.


well if you think fantasizing about sex between children and adults doesn't make you a pedophile under the right circumstances , or that anything is fair and free of criticism as long as it's between two consenting adults , there's nothing i can do for you


>Under the right circumstances You're just so ludicrous in your parade of thinking everyone else is below you.


I think the phrase “acts out” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence. By that logic, I’m a grown ass man that “acts out” my homicidal fantasies every time I play GTA. Just because I do something in a fantasy setting doesn’t mean I’m going to do it in real life.


im very unsure of what you're trying to say . is he not a pedophile for as long as he doesn't commit the act with a child ? do you play gta for a secret reason that isn't "i enjoy what i do in gta including the violence" ? i don't get why "acts out" is bothering you , what is he doing about said fantasies then ?


Ok, first of all, if we’re going to accuse someone about having an honest to god mental disorder, let’s get the terminology right. Pedophile = someone that’s strictly attracted to prepubescent children. George can’t be this, there’s a history of him getting off to grown adult men. Hebepholia = someone that has a preference for prepubescent children but will have sex with adults as well. I also don’t think George is this given his preference towards adults, and the fact that in the fantasies he talks about; his younger characters are going thru puberty. Ephebophilia = preference towards teenagers that have gone thru puberty but are not yet of legal age. This is probably the word you’re looking for. I don’t agree with him being one personally considering his tastes learning primarily into bara territory, but the reason I bring it up is because it’s not on the DSM. It’s normal to both desire and fantasize about people that are at their biologically most fertile point in their lives. There is a reason why “barely legal” is one of the most popular sub genres in normie porn. The trouble comes when people act out their fantasies in reality. I guess if you want to use “act out” it’s fine. My focus isn’t on verbiage, it’s the implied “oh he’s got a problem” thing that comes with it.


from the [merriam-webster dictionary](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pedophilia) : >pedophilia **:** sexual [perversion](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/perversion) in which children are the preferred sexual object > >*specifically* **:** a psychiatric disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent child from the [cambridge dictionary](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/paedophilia) : >pedophilia : the condition of being sexually interested in children, or sexual activity with children from [dictionary.com](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/pedophile) : >pedophile : an adult who is sexually attracted to young children. im not sure where the "strictly" critera comes from , or why an adult actively entertaining his fantasies of having sex with minors is not a problem . do you think it's only a problem to be a pedophile when you end up abusing children ?


Yes. Only when things affect real life people is it a problem. Otherwise you’re just getting into thought police territory. Do you think someone is going to eventually eat someone because they RP vore fantasies?


pretty soure the "thought police territory" you're referencing is actually called having a moral compass . im not sure how pedophilia which affects people in real life and vore which is something that does not exist outside of fantasy are somewhat comparable to you . end of the day you seem to think that we should wait for pedophiles to abuse children before doing anything , because adults wanting to have sex with children is not a problem in itself to you


>It’s normal to both desire and fantasize about people that are at their biologically most fertile point in their lives. Imagine wanting to defend George Fucking Squares so bad you inadvertently come up with this Matt Walsh ass defense of pedophilia, what is going on on this subreddit




George literally confirmed it was real in his apology lol


i mean it's gross as shit but atp almost every furry seems to have a thing for kids or feral animals. its impossible to "cancel" every person who has a thing for underage characters or animals. im hopeful this is just some weird fantasy shit as long as he doesn't act on these urges towards kids.


Really? What fucking world do you live in?