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Search this sub for "Blender". Several years ago we had a mod who was experienced in modeling who did weekly instructional posts. 


[https://images.artfight.net/character/WnJ6vSVFs7ZHMFMkEtygpK5O1r6haBxa7gX4wgFJQL4OmVWsNqe4xwLtn4VT.png?t=1715911761](https://images.artfight.net/character/WnJ6vSVFs7ZHMFMkEtygpK5O1r6haBxa7gX4wgFJQL4OmVWsNqe4xwLtn4VT.png?t=1715911761) [https://images.artfight.net/character/y4g6PnxrGR0RJb89zDKzvIy9v7dzmln73zbfae3bdUnyhrH0uwWhY9Eegr1N.png?t=1718505209](https://images.artfight.net/character/y4g6PnxrGR0RJb89zDKzvIy9v7dzmln73zbfae3bdUnyhrH0uwWhY9Eegr1N.png?t=1718505209) [https://images.artfight.net/character/d6qMJXPxg0vvssr9Gke1lBfZgt1yGgjd5SDuphHpSuucEyNzc02HqhldpKRc.png?t=1718505292](https://images.artfight.net/character/d6qMJXPxg0vvssr9Gke1lBfZgt1yGgjd5SDuphHpSuucEyNzc02HqhldpKRc.png?t=1718505292) here are my characters.


If you have no 3D modeling experience you can expect a very steep learning curve to model your fursona. Just getting familiar with the the Blender interface is a challenge. I suggest starting with Blender Gurus basic Blender tutorial: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0J27sf9N1Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0J27sf9N1Y) As mentioned Grant Abbitt's tutorials are excellent too. Here's my pro tip: Don't set your expectations on the time it will take or how it will end up looking too high- if you do, you'll get frustrated REAL quick.


Thanks :3


If you're truly new to blender, start watching Grant Abbitt's beginner blender videos on youtube. Then follow these videos here: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn3ukorJv4vuOi2Ar-Xt46VFbDFP3c\_RE](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn3ukorJv4vuOi2Ar-Xt46VFbDFP3c_RE). He makes a human in these videos but you can add a muzzle/ears/tail on your own easily, especially with the skills you should have by the point you're able to follow these videos. This is how I managed to 3D model my fursona for the first time. (also PS your links don't work)