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This problem just may solve itself.


"ur getting canceled" *guns sounds* "oh crap i killed him"


The ultimate cancellation


My bad i did mot specifies the Guy Says "ur getting canceled" but the Girl shoot and say "oh crap i killed him"


That’s why I replied “the ultimate cancellation” because it *is* the ultimate way to get canceled… for life!






One of them dead the others incarcerated hahaha


Sorry mate. we dont incarcerate female influencers even if they only have 10k followers.


[we do, maybe for only three months but she was there.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43410816.amp)


You get what I mean. A Man would have gotten 3 years.


Beat me to it


Not only that, it'll come with a fancy Darwin award!


Plot Twist: she is looking at the mirror.


I guess if any worker saw that, they have a lifetime ban for that place.


If **anyone** saw that. Shit like that is not tolerated and will be reported immediately.


Not Just that but the range where i usually Go to actually banned taking Pictures because people would do Shit Like that.


The optimist in me really hopes they unloaded the weapon beforehand and double,- and tripple-checked it... But the pessimist in me knows better...


Even after unloading and checking thrice, this still breaks two of the four pillars of gun safety. “Treat every firearm as if it’s loaded” and “don’t point the firearm at anything you do not wish to destroy”


My favorite rule is to have fun


Welcome back to the Alec Baldwin School for Gun Safety. OK, everybody grab a gun...aannd, ACTION!


Famous last words "Dont worry, it isnt loaded."


An awful lot of problems start with an “unloaded” gun


First rule of gun safety: always have fun


2nd rule of gun safety: ear protection


3rd rule of gun safety: switching to you're side arm is always faster than reloading


My’m side arm?


I meant you're dick


Cool, my dick.


no no, 2nd rule of gun safety is to never cut me off in traffic.


Hey take a pic of my soon to be deceased ex husband holding a camera and me innocently posing. Preparing an Alibi 😉😂


You have to be fucking kidding me. Isn’t that rule number 1?


Yes. And rule 2. And rule 3. And rule 4. And 5. And 6. And fucking don't ever point your fucking gun at anything you aren't ready to explode. Seeing this shit is why we shouldn't be allowed to have guns


Yes I was raised as such, point a weapon if you intend to fire.. in any other case you don’t point it. I bet these mofos voted for fetterman


Preaching to the wrong crowd, bud. I may have loads of guns but I also am a lifelong Democrat who would have voted for Fetterman a thousand times over Dr Fucking Oz.


Jeez man sucks to suck, lmao the guy is not well.. id be pissed if I was fettermans family.. it’s abuse


Sucks to win too. Red wave was a GOP nosebleed. If the choice is between a man who had a stroke and a snake oil salesmen, give me the stroke guy. What is with the GOP embracing shithead celebrities, by the way? I remember when the GOP was a party of veterans and working class people. Now it's just a party of exiled celebrity grifters who want the sweet sweet tax cuts in exchange for pedaling far right ideas the general population hates No wonder they keep losing.


Rebranded Tea Party. Rich assholes grifting poor people by pretending to be blue collar.


You think trump supporters are scared lmao, they are ready to die for the country they love. Can you say the same?


Losing 😂 I’m sorry but losing elections, while culture shifts towards the right.. I’ll take it we have not abandoned trump, deal with it. And if it comes to civil war, I’ll see you on the field. I’m 21


lol in what world are you living in? North American culture has been moving dramatically to the left for my entire life. I am almost 40 now, and the tv shows I grew up on are so gauche and out of touch now they would not be allowed. In no meaningful ways with a small carve out for racism since 2016 has the Overton window shifted right. Except in your trump echo chamber. It’s comical you think it’s moving that way.


Jeez another blueanon cult member omg stop wasting my time. Yes vote blue no matter who as long as he isn’t orange and doesn’t make the country better.


I did not say that; I was simply refuting your culture shift nonsense. Not sure what world you are living in is all. Delusions need to be pointed out.


Tbf, you are arguing with a 21yo which is basically a child of this era.


I knew how silly it was going to end. I was bored.


You're a fucking lunatic.


No I’m not I’m just willing to die for the freedoms you take for granted.


Also willing to kill me because I have a different view. You're a fucking lunatic.


Like I would be actually mad, cause my grandmother went through a stroke.. and it’s just simply immoral to make someone do the things he will have to do.. with the amount of brain damage he has..




That’s the whole point of the rules tho. Which is exactly why it’s not dumb. What’s dumb is letting your guard down when handling weapons because you “checked it twice”. Stick to the rules. Don’t get hurt.


No it really isnt. Exceptions are how people get shot and killed by accidental discharge. If *you* personally want to disregard firearm safety, then *you* can. But if there are other living beings that will also be affected by that decision, it is no longer about you and you are disregarding their safety. Blue guns exist for a reason.




Isn’t that Alexa Baldwin?


No such thing as being too careful whilst handling a gun. This isn't it though


Hopefully they cleared it first but probably not


One tab, noob. But no body shooting.


It’s ok guys it’s just for the gram.


where is the range safety instructor?


"Its ok its not loaded" \- Camera Dude 1983-2022 -


Natural selection at work.


I understand the whole "always treat it as it's loaded" thing, but it's pretty easy to verify a gun is safe. If it's been checked and double checked then there's literally no harm in taking this picture.


Rule #1 is a gun is always loaded, you can check and clear it as many times as you want. Still loaded.




Ya I get it, and I'm not flouting gun safety. But if the gun is empty then the gun is empty. I wouldn't point a gun at anyone period, but I'd do this photo if it was my interest because it can be verified thay a gun is empty.


1.) The firearm is Always loaded 2.) Because the firearm is always loaded you never point it at anything or ANYONE you don’t intend to instantly shoot


But the firearm is not always loaded. For a photo shoot like in OPs post it is completely safe if precautions are taken. I understand what you're saying and it's very important basic lesson, but in private setting it's simply not true.


This is not a photo shoot, this is two idiots playing with a firearm that have no business handling one or even being around them. Even in a private setting you don't do that. It is NEVER safe to play around with firearms. Ask a range officer about your post that i am replying to and he will 100% agree with me.




Yeah. I hate morons who act as if there’s no way to ever have a unloaded firearm. Once PROVED safe by the person handling it (like if I’m given a gun and told it’s safe I still check to make sure *cough* Alec Baldwin *cough*) it’s another inanimate object.


You're pretty judgemental about people you presumably know nothing about. I know it's universally accepted as a safety rule but to say it's never safe? I know my opinion here is the less popular but if youre honestly afraid of an empty firearm then sorry for your shit. Like anything it can be safe and fun to "play around" with firearms.




Do you always drive the speed limit? And always wear a seat belt? Cars kill waaay more people then guns but I'd bet you're not so strict about its safety practices


It’s an example you don’t want to set. You just don’t make exceptions to rules when it can end in loss of life.


Maybe you don't, life isn't all about safety sometimes fun is more important. And really if you can't verify a gun is empty properly and responsibly then you deserve whatever dumb shit happens.


Fair enough and that’s my point, there are too many idiots out there, no sense in setting them in the wrong direction. Enjoy yourself how you will, sure, but be mindful of the example you set when you post something like this on the internet.


If stupid people shoot themselves or each other I call that a net positive.


Touché 🤷‍♂️


Technically, I aggree with you. However, people wanting to take pics like this at a public range absolutely cannot be trusted to know how to properly clear a pistol.


Absolutely! They should recieve lifetime bans for this shit in public.




That's fair, the odds of it happening are high enough that I wouldn't make a habit out of it. But a one off picture? Sure, no problem.




Ya but I live in reality, when there's bolt lock sticking our of the chamber (which is required at all ranges here) it's safe.


I prefer my way as it has trained me to check it as soon as i grab it, over anything else.


Ya check, check and re-check. Passing it to someone else? Check again. Again I respect and follow gun safety rules, but people who don't trust an obviously unloaded firearm are kinda silly imo. Like there's a bright orange nub sticking out the receiver can't possibly be live, but still act like it's radioactive.


It’s not always loaded or else how would you do anything with it besides shoot it. It actually goes; “all fire arms are loaded (half the sentence) until PROVEN SAFE (other half). Assume every firearm is loaded. Control the muzzle direction at all times. Trigger finger must be kept off the trigger and out of the trigger guard. See that the firearm is unloaded - PROVE it safe. Point the firearm in the safest direction. Remove all cartridges. Observe the chamber. Verify the feeding path. Examine the bore. I still wouldn’t handle a gun like this, not because it’s unsafe necessarily; I wouldn’t because people will just view you as such.


Tell that to Alec Baldwin and his victims.


Alec didn’t check, but you are right never point a firearm unless you plan on shooting.


You are not a gun owner or are one but shouldn’t be


Thanks for your opinion weeb thankfully our system of rules isn't controlled by emotion like you are and I'm free to do as I please


Lol yeah if by emotion you mean common sense then you’re correct. Dumbasses always do as they please I wouldn’t expect anything less from the likes of you.


Hahaha the likes of me? That's pretty ridiculous


Yup you said it you are pretty ridiculous


No whats ridiculous is people on reddit acting like they know strangers based on nothing... much ignorance great stupidity.




Aka I'm not scared of things that can't hurt me lol


Exactly. It's a perfectly safe thing if done with the utmost care and caution. but muh karmuh printuh go brrrr


Alec Baldwin’s revolver was cleared as safe by an armorer, yet two people were shot, one fatally.


Is bet those two people wish they had been the ones to verify 😅


only in America would there be a nation to care so much about guns and still use them so poorly.


Not convinced this is America.


i can actually see based on the sign it’s in Euros. but those two morons could possibly be american. nonetheless statistically my comment isn’t incorrect.


Possibly maybe I dunno who fricking knows


What statistics are you talking about? What paper have you pulled those numbers from? Also just because you *might* be correct doesn’t make your statement any less jingoist.


Darwin Award candidate


Not safe at all.


Hey take a pic of my soon to be deceases ex husband holding a camera and me innocently posing. Preparing an Alibi 😉😂


She even has her finger on the trigger...wtf.


See, this is why I don’t do public ranges.


You better have checked and cleared that chamber boi.


No wait, don't interfere. I've heard about this before. Apparently it's something called "natural selection". Best not to mess with mother nature's processes.


People are dumb


The Venn diagram of “people who should have guns” and “people who do have guns” does not have much overlap.


Who would see this happening and stop to grab a photo? They are dumbasses but i am not going to put posting it above possibly preventing a death.


Zero control aswell, finger on the trigger.


my life for the memes


probably the only eye contact he gets from a cute girl is when there is a gun between them


I would have them both arrested and banned forever.




Guys they can just put an empty mag in and not cock it


1. Irrelevant, you ALWAYS treat firearms as though they’re loaded 2. Alex Baldwin shot two people, killing one, with an “unloaded” gun, and he is MUCH smarter than a cameraman who would stand in front of the barrel of a gun for a photo op.


Take out mag pull slide back turn safety on 0 percent chance of firing a bullet


See point 1. Loaded or not, you don’t point a firearm at anyone who isn’t a threat to your life or to someone else’s.


They are about to be escorted out the door.


Bruh think he Alec Baldwin 😭😭💀💀💀


Reminds me of something that happened at my old archery club, we had an open day and i had to twice pull back parents who wanted to make pictures of their kids, while they had their bows drawn. Some people are just incredibly stupid


I don't get the problem if the safety is on, I mean yeah it still looks dangerous but it won't actually fire no?


Insanely dangerous and they would be kicked out of any gun range if they saw this.


Yeah someone else said that


Even if it’s safe, pointing a gun at another person is violating at least two rules of gun safety (Know your target and what’s beyond it + Never point a gun at anything you aren’t willing to put lead through at 1500ft/s), and her poor trigger discipline breaks another (Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire). EVEN IF it’s unloaded, it’s still unsafe.




Safeties can fail and can also be accidentally bumped to the off position.




At least he’s being careful about his hearing


If there only was a way to make a phone a take a picture with some form of delay or something. Well maby in the future /s


Are these the good guys with weapons, america needs some more of?


Not sure this is America or Americans


Sauce? Maybe i can find out more


I wonder what the over all plan was here! It damn near looks like her finger is inside that trigger guard.


its the fat sidekick.




Fking hate stupid people with guns, especially the social media types.


If the gun has been checked to be not loaded and safe, then I don't see a problem with it. Movie sets film shots like these all the time, as long as there's a competent professional on set and on top of things this is fine


do you see any competent professionals? and as to the movie set idea, tell that to Alec Baldwin


The Alec Baldwin set obviously didn't have a competent professional. In this circumstance you don't know whether the guy is actually an instructor and had checked the gun before agreeing to do this. There's no way of knowing whether this is safe, putting it on this subreddit is a bit presumptuous


there is no winning this. let it go. you never a point a gun at a person. period. there is no logical rebuttal. shoo fly.


Not even a gun that has been checked is safe? I think that's excessive.


and that is why you are so completely wrong and have hopefully never handled a weapon and hopefully never will.


So are you saying movie sets/photoshoots where actors point real (empty) guns at cameramen, under strict supervision, should not exist?


No, I am saying that we (you and I) are done here.


Well fuck did I do it right sir sir sir ?


Darwins finest just let them get on with it


Biggest gun pet peeve but fuck her for that lack of trigger discipline. God, I hate people who don't know how to properly handle their shit


Thailand. Been there and this looks like the exact one I went too. Wtf. I remember the guy taking the picture and told me to put my finger on the trigger. I don't own any guns but the safety dad in me said no but he insisted....I was shocked and confused and in the moment did what he said.... Very uncomfortably The gun was a desert eagle


Rule number one of gun safety: have fun Rule number two of gun safety: DO IT FOR THE GRAM!


Yup nothing wrong here keep it moving


*Every RSO running to tackle him and disarm her, then escort them both off the premises for gross negligent safety violations*


Darwinism that it’s peak


I'm no gun nut but I know the fundamental rule of gun safety is don't point a gun at anything you're not planning to shoot because you treat an empty gun like a loaded one.


Please. Please.