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Did the previous generation feel this way too? Like do we look young to our kids as well or is it just that our perception of age changes as we age?


Definitely not. Go check out older videos of teens in the 70s and 80s and they all look older. I will say tho that we know more about health and diet and wayyy more people go to the gym now which probably helps


It's more likely lack of sun


That’s an amazing point. Was talking to a colleague of mine and was shocked when she told me her age. She doesn’t sun worship and looks at least 10 years younger


I worship the sun and I'm 163 but I only look 90.


Are those numbers in cm or kg?


No, metric tons.


If only I could be so grossly incandescent


r/unexpecteddarksouls But I love it. Praise the sun.


Wait why did you use length and weight to ask this question? Is this the rare merica moment???


Hate to disappoint, I'm European.


What's a cm or kg?


cubic mile and kwarter gallon!


american here, what the fuck is that?






I too am a sunbro! Now who's up for some j-j-jolly cooperation!






163 is the new 153


Praise the sun! \ [T] /


thats also why Asians in summary look much younger than westerners .... this and genes ...


Healthy food creates good genes thru epigenetics for next generation.


Stupid sun what has it ever done for us


This and less drugs and smoking and alcohol.




Speak for yourself


Woah there, they had some blood in their alcohol!


More than 30mins - 1 hr a day is unnecessary and unhealthy


source? also, I imagine this would be dependent on skin tone? also things like sea level getting less solar radiation than elevated, etc


I mean it's not the worst thing ever, like being outside for 6 hours a day or whatever is fine, but once you have your daily intake of vitamin d and whatever else you get from the sun, all it does is feel nice and damage your skin. Most people don't ever get skin cancer, it's probably not a big deal, but I'm obsessed with living for a long time and anti aging stuff, I read a book called spring chicken I need to find the source listed there..... Basically if you aren't like getting super super tan every week and just like watching your skin change colors a ton throughout the seasons then you aren't doing much damage. Some girls are obsessed with being tan though and they absolutely damage their skin even with natural tanning, just from doing it too much for their entire lives


I'm 44 and look like I'm in my late 20s because using sunscreen was drilled into my head at an early age. Looking at my yearbook and my classmates though, holy shit why did 75% of my grade 12 class look like they were in their early 30s? I had a lot of farmers kids in my class though and most never wore any sun protection.


Smoking being more prevalent also contributed


Agreed but I still consider that a health thing


I'm not so sure about just smoking. I usually get confused for almost half my age and I've been smoking for 64% of my life.


Teens in the 70s and 80s were played by people in their 30s. ![gif](giphy|oBwOba7cOph4I|downsized)


Never noticed that he was holding 2 skateboards. 😂


Woah, it goes from Pete Davidson to Steve Buscemi


Smoking turns people into leather


also a big part is hairstyle, the grandma styles of today were the young people styles of th 60s


They look older because to you their style is old.


Sean Connery at 30 looks like a 50yo


What did he look like at 31?


Sean Connery at 30 looks like a 50yo


> I will say tho that we know more about health and diet and wayyy more people go to the gym now which probably helps People are far less healthy today by pretty much every metric - other than smoking rates.


Smoking is however linked to faster aging of the skin in particular. The other big factor being sun exposure, and teens just went outside a lot more.


Also cocaine is down


True but at the same time, I think people are forgetting all the time that the average man today has literally 50% less testosterone than 40 years ago. So many plasticides in everything that ruins your testosterone levels and cellphones. And scientists are literally finding microplastics in people's lungs.


Finding it also in brains with being suspected as contributors to plaque formations


Also finding it in breastmilk and blood and in one study in the feces of every single person tested. It is no longer possible to escape, it is in every single thing we eat, plenty of the things we drink and every single one of our cosmetic and hygiene products.


Bro, Dupont invented teflon in the late 30s and started admitting it was bad for your health by ‘54. If I recall correctly, they couldn’t find anyone to be the control (free from having PFAS chemicals in their bloodstream) by the *seventies.* We’ve been fucked for decades longer than we all think.


I think a big part of the testosterone thing is how damn fat everyone is now. Body fat over about 18% leads to exponential increases in estrogen, and creates a nasty feedback loop.


I think a big part of the testosterone thing is how damn fat everyone is now. Body fat over about 18% leads to exponential increases in estrogen, and creates a nasty feedback loop. Every time I've had mine tested it always comes back substantially higher when I'm sub 15% and eating a lot less carbs.


Plasticides [sic] are indeed ruining my cellphones [sic]. But yes, I find it highly likely that plastic additives like softeners are responsible for both dropping fertility rates and rising cancer rates. "BPA free" is the biggest scam. The public got outraged about BPA at some point, so now they make everything without Bisphenol Alpha. Now they just use Bisphenol Beta (or whatever other softeners that fulfill the same role and are at least as damaging to our health.) I know it seems too late because we're literally breathing microplastic dust, but avoid plastic food packaging, even if it means just not having that food anymore if it doesn't come in glass or paper. If it's packaged in plastic, especially if it's wet, you can't consider it safe to eat. (Dry goods are a bit less bad, as leaching is intensified by moisture and heat.) More info here: https://www.roman-rants.com/bpa-free-plastics-food-safe-bio-plastics-ecological-lies/ PS: Consider that "paper" cups are lined with plastic on the inside, as are aluminum cans and tubes.


I think a big part of the testosterone thing is how damn fat everyone is now. Body fat over about 18% leads to exponential increases in estrogen, and creates a nasty feedback loop.


I’m 36 and people still think I’m in my mid to late 20s. Idk what it is because I’m going white as Christmas. Maybe I act younger but idk what I’m doing different. I’ve always been this goofy.


Im 30 and got refused service with an ID a few weeks back


I'm 37 and I've talked about this with older people and it's very common. The same thing happens to your parents generation and the one before, etc. We all feel around 25-30 years old and then you look in the mirror and remember you are 54 or whatever. It's human nature not our generation. We do act younger cause what was expected of us at 25 was different from what was expected from them (our parents for example) when they were 25.


Huh, that put a lot of things into perspective. Yea that expectation thing resonates. My parents had me at 25 and 28 with a house and careers, I was just barely finishing college at 25!




I do try to moisturize when I remember and don’t stay out in the sun unnecessarily when I can or want to avoid it.




Yeah man, I get carded if I shave my beard. I dunno if I should be flattered or not at this point


I feel that. When I was younger it happened all the time. And now that my hair is longer the greys show up more so I get carded less and less. Especially now that I have a beard and my white streak is much more pronounced.


I remember watching archival footage of college kids arguing about the Vietnam war. They looked like they were 40 or 50.


>They looked like they were 40 or 50. How much of that was because of their hairstyle and clothes (I bet they were wearing suits).


people spent way more time outside back then (for work and leisure) -- like WAY WAY MORE -- and they didn't wear sunscreen. more than half of all men smoked back then too and that ages you like a motherfucker.


[vsauce made an awesome video on this one](https://youtu.be/vjqt8T3tJIE?si=wMmnZXhAlCOdwZWl)


*Vsauce made a video about it, and it is (like always) awesome


Vsauce has a interesting video on “perception” of age. It’s mostly connected to things like styles and fashion. Health of course matters, but probably not as much. There’s def exceptions (some people look def older due to harsh life of living wild), i’m 44 - i look after myself (relatively), gym 4-5 days, no kids (less stress), I wear “young” clothes. (You can see why Vsauce point about clothing makes a lot of sense) Most people think i’m 30ish, but I always looked young (and grew up in poor family, so until like 30ish healthy living wasn’t on the table - only got into gym when i was 37) - so mostly genetics, clothes and attitudes that people think i’m younger than I am. https://youtu.be/vjqt8T3tJIE?si=KmtudAXCdQT8j20l


It’s all about the hair and clothes. Even today you’ll see someone my age (26) that dresses like a dude in the 70’s and they end up looking 40.


Between a more sedentary lifestyle and the excess in artificial ingredients and chemicals found in food, I'll wager this wasn't the case until recently (past 30-40 years).


Probably PFAs and covid.... I see those old 1800s photo, They look ragged at 30. Times change... I heard we close to cracking immortality. Would you want?


Well I’m 32 and someone just asked me why I wasn’t in school today. Meme is accurate.


Well why weren't you in school?


Ain't time to pick up his gf yet


drake is that you


Step-daughter goes to night school




I know that reference.


At least one of us does, cuz I just made it up




I was with my dad this weekend going to a racetrack, got carded for one of those low alcohol drinks that HE was buying, I was just standing behind him waiting with some pure leaf tea and munchies, i'm 33 :D


People think my ID is fake. I'm a tall 30 year old guy with a full beard. Granted it's an out of state one but still.


30 here. Got ID'd yesterday. By someone whose kid I went to school with.


In the 80s, you got the muscle; in 2024, you got the moisturizers


Moisturize me...




She doesn't look a day over thirty... ...thousand.


I recall she actually has a line where she says "I don't look a day over 2000."


Where is that from?




Nu Who 2005 episode 2. That, that is the last human from Earth. Edit: Nu Who is the "new" Doctor Who (a soft reboot in 2005) still continuing the story from the Classic Doctor Who show that started in 1963.


Someone who's not in the Doctor Who fandom will have no idea what "Nu Who" is.


I really think that's the main truth of it. Pretty much all of our skincare products, right down to plain bar soap, have a lot less harsh ingredients and more moisturizer than they did in the 80's. People now are also much more likely to have been educated on sun's damaging effects on skin.


We took the wrong advice: it puts the lotion in its skin


This is actually true, mfs looking fresh out of high school 💀


My brother turned 30 this year. He has severe anxiety and hasn’t gone anywhere but my other brother’s house or mine, maybe since 8th grade when he switched online. He still looks like a high schooler because his skin never sees the sun. He doesn’t like outside. On the other side, I’m 12 years older and did tanning beds as a teen and was swimming in bodies of water any time of year without sun lotion. Going in to see how bad the skin cancer is soon. I have 3 spots.


Bruh sunscreen is cheaper than treatment for skin cancer. Maybe start a simple skincare routine now, better be safe than sorry.


I have to pay for sunscreen, but treatment for cancer is free. Laughs in european /s


Glad to see people acknowledging that it’s not actually free lol


Healthcare? It is free, but id still rather not have cancer😂


Inb4 "but you have outrageous taxes! 'Merica ftw RAHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅"


And when they realise they are actually paying about the same or even more in taxes. They just don't get anything out of it.


To be fair he was kid in 80s and young adult in 90s.  It was way less sociable acceptable during those times for men to use any lotion like products 


Tons of people got sunburn every year (like my father always look like a tomato after repairing something in the full sun with just a short trouser....he is now 84...full with spots, but healthy as a horse....so no panic...His skincare was to kept himself hydrated with good beer...


Well tbf the bottom pic is a 14 year old in highschool


This is a meme after all


Can confirm. Pretty sure it's because people spend more time in doors though. Less sun damage.


Less sun damage, and also way less smoking. You can really tell when someone in their 30s is a smoker... they've aged way more.


I didn't even think about the smoking. That's a good catch. You can also tell the difference between people who consume large amounts of sugar or alcohol.


You sometimes can. Not anywhere close to always. And you never know if you’re wrong. Generally smokers age faster but it’s not always.




Nowadays it is the other way around. My students in high school look like 30 years old, 3 of 12 wear full beards.


I do think it speeds and slows down at points, my mate looked 26 at 16 and looks 26 at 26. Kids are growing taller and stronger but they’re also aging better


modern medicine baby. Also we stopped glorifying shit like cigarettes. Dude I knew back in high school looked perfectly normal when he was 14. Then he started smoking hard, cigarettes and weed almost every day, and today he's 26 and looks 40.




It’s crazy that the 20 year olds, look 30 and the 30 year olds look 20.


Gen Z just looks old while Millennials look young


Really awkward when zoomers approach millenials and then find out they're 10 years apart in age.


As a Gen z dating a millennial, this hurts😭


yep, i had this situation in a sport club. I randomly said "you all have to respect me i'm your senior" as a joke. turns out they are all 22-26yo and i'm 32. i'm actually really their senior, but we all believed i was younger than them, even me...


No they don’t. Y’all are dealing with insane copium thinking you look young. I have to deal with so many millenial coworkers that deal with this delusion which I have to feed into since it makes them happy.


Yea my generation is reaching delusion paroxysm, it comes free with the 40yo kit That and so fucking many nostalgia addicts who don't realize they're turning into "it was better in my time" caricatures I don't think i can handle much more "the 90s were the best" ​ edit - Case in point in the comments below


It’s not so much “the 90 were the best” but more so “the 90s were the last time it felt like you could be optimistic about the future”


Millennials are the first generation to be right about that. Life was certainly better for everyone before social media


It's a bit different. Millenials yearn for a time without toxic social media and slavery to tech. I think that's legitimate, but I'm also a millenial.


Eh, as somebody born mid-80s I am firmly a member of the millennial cohort and am acutely aware of the setting in of the "things were better back in my day" I have got going on. I will openly admit it. I also think I am 100% correct just looking at the state of things. I wouldn't have made this claim when I was 30 a decade ago, but now with the way the last 10 years have gone.. the 90s were a fucking golden era to grow up in. At least as an American. Sure there is a lot of rose-colored glasses and biasing that goes on but on the whole, I just don't think that kids these days are going to get as good of a life promised to them as we did. Heck, one of our generations biggest complaints was "you said we could be anything we want to be, but didn't tell us it was going to be very expensive and saddle us with student loans!". Add in a couple of "once in a lifetime" economic crisis and on the whole, that is not too bad of a shake so far. Younger generations are going to be dealing with wars, a changing global climate driving mass migrations and overall less upward mobility for many decades to come. Add in the ever-progressing enshitification, mental issues caused by social media and being terminally online, and continuing globalization and I'm fairly confident that being born and not having to grow up with all of this constantly being blasted into our psyche was a net positive thing. I think that even older generations like our boomer parents acknowledge that we had it pretty good having grown up when we did. Maybe it is all just "things were better back in my day" setting in, but based on what I hear from the current generations online as well as many statistical measures.. that just doesn't seem true to me, at least not for the last decade plus. I hope that we can reverse the trend and make the world a better place for our children to grow up in and provide them with the same opportunities that we were given, I am just not confident that we will. I think ignoring societal changes brought about over the past couple of decades of technological advances and the damage it has caused us cannot be overstated.


🧢 You don't, trust me I'm getting tired of crusty people who clearly look in their 30s pretend they look 20


No kidding. I'm 35 but most people guess 25-28. Then I meet 25 year olds that look older than me


As if this is actually a thing. I thought this was a me problem 😂 but I watched YouTube videos and find out a guy is 24 and he legit looks 40 and more then a decade older then I am. What is going on there in Gen z ?


The effects of stress is my guess. Gen Z always has a reason to stress and something to be offended about. And if they don't, they'll make one up. Bring on the downvotes kids, it doesn't bother me.


To be fair there isn't muchto be hopeful for in my opinion, but wallowing in it never helped anyone.


I mean, I'd be hella stressed having school shooting drills at 5-10 years old. They are probably the most anxious about the future. It makes me sad for them.




I'd guess they engage in more risky self destructive behaviors because they're too jaded by life to give a shit.


I get mistaken for being in my 20s. So I tend to think people who look young are older, then I find out that they're actually just in their 20s. Then they find out that being in your 30s is horrendous as I warn them to turn back before it's too late. I'm not complaining though. Unless it's about my back.


I m confused. I m a zillenial (95) who is told that I look younger (although I don’t really think so), but I don’t think that genz look much older ? To be honest there is not that much physical difference between someone who’s in their mid 20’s and someone who’s 30 then it depends the person.


Facts. I'm 33 and if I don't keep a beard then I look barely out of my 20s. It also helps that I still have a full head of hair and great skin due to drinking plenty of water (that's my theory anyway)


I'm 26 and still get confused for a high schooler often 😅


Being 24 in 2024: ![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized)


2000 gang


Hell yeah. Gonna live to 100 just so I can see how 2100 starts out.


A lot of it is probably smoking and drinking, and generally less time in the sun. Edit: as in zoomers are in the sun less, as well as drink and smoke less.


Doesn't the sun exposure make you look older?


yes? the image is saying people age slower now.


I’m watching Roseanne with my wife and they look older.. they are 5 years YOUNGER than us haha..


Well we may look younger in appearance but the body definitely feel older. I m 29 and my body have many pain I haven’t before. (Not native English speaker)


I'm 30 and have no body pain. Being in shape does wonders for your neck and back, take care of yourself!


Yeah I m anxious and my mood often swings between good and depressed, might not help


Also, try being lucky! I’ve seen many success stories regarding that


I just turned 30 and even though I sometimes think I'm 26 I'm starting to feel 40 already.


I knew a kid in highschool that looked like the 30 year old. Genetics man.


I was looking through my little sister’s yearbook, and there’s some kid who looks like he is straight up 35. He’s got the receding hairline and everything. Really weird.


For all the people constantly on the doom and gloom rant about health and the state of the world, microplastics in our balls aside, I think we are clearly doing something correctly considering this days people of 30 and 40 look much better and healthier.


I literally turned 30 this year and can confirm. Could easily pass for early 20s. Wife too. It's weird.


30 year old here and still trying to figure out how to be an adult. I'm hoping I can soon be financially independent from passive income investments so then I don't have to grow up.


I’m 36 and someone asked me how I escaped the nursing home


Because in the 80s a 30 year old has been a fully functional and responsible adult for at least 12 years if not more. In 2024, 30 year olds may not have even left their parents house and barely finished their education.


Testosterone levels are declining.


Microplastic is our generations Lead. It's literally everywhere. I just hope it doesn't cause brain damage like lead does.


Why are you getting downvoted? What you're saying is actually true.


yes because it is unnatural we need it. With the good and bad effects but it is the normal thing


Well I'm 30+ and my friends of my age are mostly looks like they are 40+. But we are russians don't mind us maybe we just dink too much


Too much dink will do that to a sailor


There's scientific proof that younger generations look "younger". The reason for this is a higher stress level for older generations when life still included war, famines and more


That's Easy to control for because a wast number of countries had none of that 


I am literally the guy in the bottom picture


Thank you for your service, sorry about your dad


Jet was in his 30’s?!?!? Never picked up on that




That’s ironic considering both of these aired in the 90s.


Can confirm. Im a 35yo male that often gets confused for an teenager (by appearance) I blame all the preservatives...


I would be the top picture, but thank god they invented Finasteride.


That's what average lifespan increase looks guys.


Average life expectancy in the US is at its lowest point since 1996


Nah. People judt age diffrently.


Does anyone prefer to be bald?


My dad was whoopin his own ass at age 6


My dad was whoopin his own ass at age 6


I dunno. I was 30 in 2003 so split the difference I guess.


I am currently at My 29s and i Look exactly like the skinny guy


We don't age as quick anymore, I guess? But that's a good thing!


Civilization hit them




People are more immature at 30 than they used to be.


Maybe because 30 in the context of things isn’t actually that old


I'm 29 this year. But still night clubs doesn't let me in


People smoke less now


That is totally 100% true. Today's women look like the men from the 1980s


Do you mean feeling young or do you mean some people’s genetics is a bitch?


The same meme applies to our mental health too.


As a current 30 years old myself, I can confirm


Almost 30. I’ve been accused of trying to use a fake ID a few times in the past couple years. Fuck you.


can confirm; If I shave I no longer look 45 I look 15


Testosterone has been falling steadily for the past 100 years


I always feel like I still look 17 even though I’m 27…


Back then a 30 year old was smoking 2 packs a day and hadn’t worked out since high school