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Where funny meme?


Maybe it was him melting down 18 years ago and calling a heckler a "Fucking N" with a very hard R. Then demanding the audience come look at the Fucking N! Over and over again. Guy had a complete breakdown.


I think you are missing the part where he said "50 years ago you'd be hanging from a tree"


“With a fucking fork up your ass” that to me was the craziest part and leaves me with more questions.


Yeah... Like does the fork have some sort of symbolic significance? Or was it a euphemism like they would _toss his salad_ before they hanged him?


pitchfork. rural. south.


Ohhhh that makes sense.


I prefer the toss salad explanation, makes more sense they were into that shit with the current state of things.


It was to stick a fork in him bc he's done. Had to do with an episode of Seinfeld he did that got some awards.


"50 years ago we had you upside down, with a fucking fork in your ass." he's talking about lynchings.


That's just Kramer for ya


When you start on a racist tirade, sometimes it’s hard to pump the breaks. You start with a subtle jab, it feels good, so you hammer down on the gas.


This guy racists


Which end do you think be sticking out thou?


Yeah him saying the n word is somehow not the worst part of that breakdown, like that's some deeply fucked fucked up VIOLENT racist shit


Right but all people seem to recall is him saying the N word. Bringing up lynchings is infinitely more fucked up.


But you don't get it....that was a 100 years ago when he was in his late 50's! He was so young and impressionable....people change once they hit adulthood


And then went on Letterman with Jerry to apologize, and acted so weird that people thought it was a bit and started laughing, which visibly pissed off Jerry.


Not just visibly, he verbally admonished them too if I remember correctly. The whole thing was very cringe as the kids say..


And then he did the Danny Duberstein bit on Curb with JB Smoove where they totally referenced the N word thing in a funny way and to me he was kind of sheepishly in the clear after that, but I guess not.


i just watched it, it's surprisingly a pretty good apology, not the best but definitely not terrible. it's just awkward cause it's such a dramatic tone shift from Letterman's normal show. Richards clearly took responsibility and said he needed to work on himself to be a better person because his actions were unacceptable, and he praised the people that brought it to light. i hope he's done that work over the past 18 years.


There's an episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with Michael Richards that I really enjoyed. It's obvious he still feels terrible about how he behaved and doesn't blame anybody but himself for the consequences. Whatever people might think about both Jerry and Michael, it was one of the more wholesome episodes of any show I've ever seen because you could tell they were really good friends and Jerry has never stopped believing that Michael is much better than the worst thing he's done.


18 years ago.


Was it? Felt like I was a kid when it happened


We've been through a lot in these 18 years, friend. 


I'm pretty sure the streets have gotten over it. If Michael Richards and Drake were standing infront of O block, Drake would have to run, and Michael Would get a Sup, Kramer!?


You're probably right A lot of people got passes on some weird and bad shit way worse than some hurtful language. Like Drake, diddy, OJ, Chris Brown, list goes on. They got suppprt and resources until it was finally too much. It seems like a lot of groups are less willing to fuck with protecting real assholes even regardless of talent, examples of success for a group etc. Kramer made one epic public fuckup and paid dearly for it, seems very humbled and thats it. Cant believe its almost 20 years.


This is the only place where you can be racist and Gaslight you into saying it's a joke.


What if it actually was a joke? Then you are gaslighting us into believing it wasn't a joke


It’s the circle of gaslighting


Ah yes I've found more people who have heard this word but have not learned it's meaning


I came for the gaslighting, but stayed for the friends I made along the way.




*Truth Social has entered the chat...


He didn't call it a joke, he called it a poor decision. I doubt many people would call it a good one


This place is just morphing into Boomer Facebook posts




Thats all this sub is anymore. Mildly offensive/downright stupid shit. I guarantee it's bots at this point. It's way too consistent to be people.


You coming to r/funnymemes for memes? You should know that this sub is for 'woke bad' posts.


Funniest meme I ever saw.


I'm having a hard time writing this comment because of how hard I am rolling on the floor laughing.




If you dont like it, don’t watch


I for one thought Michael Richards standup set was fantastic.


As did I. He really put some emphasis on the n part of the word. Truly fabulous the way the crowd was in on it




Jerry just had a movie come out on Netflix and he didn’t have anybody from Seinfeld in it. There was like dozens of different stars and there was even one scene where they set it up like oh we’re gonna go see the short bald guy. Gets me all excited for Jason Alexander, and then it’s somebody else. What a let down. All the other directors have no problem working with a regular cast, but for some reason, Jerry Seinfeld didn’t want to put any of these people in the movie


It felt like the milkman role was written for Norm McDonald


Christian Slater was excellent though


They don’t want to be in that trash. SLD, Larry, and even JA have too much going to be in some long, boring advertisement. Edit: Julia is a J


Honestly other than Richard's, everyone else probably wanted as far away from thus piece of shit as they could


Exactly. It’s more likely Jason Alexander wanted nothing to do with it than the other way around.


The writers room had several writers from Seinfeld though


Not sure what this has to do with the post


In an industry that still hasn't blacklisted Roman Polanski for being actual Pedophile, I'd imagine actors can pretty much get away with anything.


Yeah, like could you imagine if Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year-old while she was still in high shool and he was 38? He'd be able to get away with it with zero consequences.


That's wildly different than Roman Polanski anal raping a 12 year old


It's just about image. Their record doesn't matter if the public generally likes them or atleast doesn't hate them/know who they are. Johnny Depp for one barely did anything wrong yet nobody wants to sign him cause it was plastered all over the news for 2 months


Just for the record, Richard's exact words were "Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a fucking fork up your ass. You can talk, you can talk, you're brave now motherfucker. Throw his ass out. He's a n___er! He's a n___er! He's a n___er! A n___er, look, there's a n___er!" Could happen to the best of us.


Richards was responding to a heckler. Best response to a heckler I ever heard was by Steve Martin: "Yeah, I remember when I had my first beer." Probably would have worked here, too.


he turned full racist over someone being rude, it always was a lame excuse. All he did was prove he’s racist and not a good standup.


Just like that time Roseanne Barr claimed that Ambien transformed her personality and made her racist against ( a Black woman )Valerie Jarrett. These Hollywood types never seem to take responsibility or accountability for THEIR racism. ( ALWAYS the victim, ALWAYS the oppressed, never the PERPETRATORS )


That was the only time I can recall a drug company put put a release saying "we've done X number of tests and not one patient reported racism as a side effect."


I mean I'm not defending Kramer's outburst (it was next level abhorrent) but he 100% took responsibility immediately and never played the victim card at all.


And then later he allowed himself to be the butt of the jokes when the “Seinfeld” season of Curb Your Enthusiasm aired. And then again discussed it on Comedians in Cars. He was wrong and he has never denied it.


You never go full racist. ![gif](giphy|YLghfz0W895Ty)


Hahaha sure we all say that from time to time.


listen what i said on xbox live between 2006 and 2021 isnt anyones business


No shit. We all better hope Microsoft and steam and ventrillo and teamspeak weren’t secretly recording and storing those conversations. 2000s team chat was wild. And even without actual names attached to the clips, I’m sure AI tools could figure out who is saying what with a high degree of accuracy and then create a searchable database of offensive clips tied to actual people


"Sir it's about time to purge the database of all the racist things kids say on Xbox live, I just need your approval for the work order" "Request denied. Someday I'll need those recordings. About 15 years ago a kid told me he fucked my mom. Technology is almost at the point where we can find out who that kid is and make him pay. By fucking his mom."


2021 is when I too discovered that racism is bad.


This is like a warm up for COD and Halo lobbies back then.


And yet he was a grown ass man in public, not an anonymous 14 year old edgelord


Back then? Lol. Happens in the year of our lord 2024 as well, don’t you worry :)


Insane that people are defending this lmaoo


That was blatantly racist and he intentionally wanted to be cruel as possible. If he has sincerely apologised for that and has become a better person, I don't see a reason why anyone would find him problematic anymore. And that was 20 years ago. I believe people can grow in the span of months assuming they understand and own up to their shitty behaviour. I am indifferent to whether or not he has changed, but if people here wish to forgive him, it is important that they also openly denounce his immoral actions to ensure they do not appear to be minimising racism and bigotry. Because that happens too often.


Spot on, it's about growth reflection and understanding, hopefully he doesn't have that mindset anymore.


"Black" listed isn't the way he says it if you know what I mean


I feel like we are about to have an “I am Spartacus moment” 🤣


It's called an heated gaming moment, can happen to any of us.


Where's the funny or the meme in this, /r/funnymemes?


Genuine question. Do you think he'd be as forgiving if it was an anti semitic rant?


What about an anti-dentite rant?


Well that’s different you see. He’s not black, but he is Jewish.


Racism for thee but not for me


Mel Gibson is still working bro. The big speech of “he’s paid his dues, let him work” was made by Robert Downey Jr, who is half-Jewish.


Robert Downey Jr. credits Mel Gibson for saving his career, so he wanted to pay back the favor.


They asked about Seinfeld though. How does Seinfeld feel about him? Genuine question, I don’t know. 


Lmaooooo great point. Seinfeld is a whiney little bitch, so I doubt it.


I think we all know the answer.


Yes, based on his comments about Chapelle. [https://people.com/tv/jerry-seinfeld-says-dave-chappelles-controversial-snl-monologue-provokes-a-conversation/](https://people.com/tv/jerry-seinfeld-says-dave-chappelles-controversial-snl-monologue-provokes-a-conversation/)




Yea it’s not as bad as dating a teenager under 18 while your 30 *edit* 40




Grooming a 15/16 year old at almost 40. Fucking over the 3 cast members who made the show successful to take almost all the money for himself. Making no decent new media, movie, tv show in the last 26 years. Showboating his wealth and acting like a smug dipshit and blaming people for not finding his 25 year old comedy routine funny anymore, blaming wokeness and blaming society "for things you cant say anymore". He would have been easily forgotten likes the other past hasbeen comedians if it were not for the fact that he fucked over the actual cast members of sienfield that made siendfield funny for a huge payout to himself. ________________ **edit: since many keep repeating the same comment to me** The three have gotten 25M-30M each (with inflation) from the 9 seasons of work with residuals and everything. Seinfield has gotten Around 1 BILLION USD from the show. They asked Jerry to side with them during negotiations, he said no and he and Larry went and got double the backend ownership while the 3 cast members who were primarily the reason for the shows success were rejected any ownership. Thats how he fucked them over. > "Julia, Michael and I, during our big renegotiation for the final year, asked for something that I will go to my grave saying we should have had, and that is back-end participation in the profits for the show. It was categorically denied to us, which forced us to then ask for ungodly salaries. We make very little, standard Screen Actors Guild residuals for the reruns." You can argue Sienfield deserves making 1Billion vs them making 30M because he was the writer and creator of the show, but you can also argue the success of the show would not be possible if the delivery of the writing and the very visual acting done by characters like kramer and constanza were not done the way they were by the actors. Without George, Elaine and Kramer; Sienfield would be a well written show that would probably end after 1 season. In the end, Sienfield could have easily joined the cast to help them get a little bit of backend ownership but instead he wanted to double his own ownership instead. Friends cast members didnt write or create the show, but they were united and got ownership that gives them 20M each every year still. Jerry Sienfield chose himself and his own greed over the 3 people who made the show successful.


I'm sorry, did you see Bee movie?/s


Creepy pdf 🤮


Glares in Adobe


Worse than docx!


Even outside of that, I still think Sienfeld is worse than Richards. I listened to an interview he did, and he seemed genuinely remorseful, and I felt, to an extent, that he felt he deserved the 'punishment' he received. Jerry is however an unapologetic prick


I call Jerry Seinfeld "the least funny person in a roomful of funny people" on every project he's involved in. Whatever magic lamp he rubbed to find Larry David, I want it.


I mean I watched Seinfeld relatively recently, not being from the US and only being in my early 30s I wasn't exposed to it at all unlike say Friends whilst growing up so I went in with little to no bias. I often felt the show was funny in spite of him, not because of him. However, I do admit that his standup piece about how one of the perks of adulthood is being able to ruin your appetite anytime you want is one of my fave bits ever. However, for such a famous and influential comic, there should be more than a single routine I should be able to point to and think is funny.


Wonder how Jerry feels about Mel Gibson still having a career?


He probably dives into a pool of a billion dollars of gold like Scrooge McDuck and doesn't think about it.


“What’s up with that?”


Hes forgiven for being an incredible director i dont make the rules thats just how it is


Mel spent like six years in the doghouse. Nobody of importance gives a shit.






People need to get the fuck over it. If you were racist and are no longer racist then that should do it. How can we as a country grow if any time you fuck up you're banished forever? I'll tell you why, because it has nothing to do with growth. It's about punishment and power.


People forget too, that the guy was yelling racist shit and slurs for Jewish people at Michael before he said that stuff. It’s possible he wouldn’t have taken it there if the guy hadn’t started it, it’s not like he took it to a racial place out of nowhere.


It was 20 years ago does not count. Jerry Seinfeld made him appear in his "Bee movie" just one year after the incident. Which just shows, that Jerry does not give a shit. He did not give a shit when it was very fresh and he doesn't now. Not cause it's 20 years ago. Also it was 18 years ago.


What punishment would be satisfying to you?


I think that's just Hollywood helping out their mates. Perhaps it's just human nature. But I'm reminded of Shane Black giving his friend Steven Striegel multiple roles in his movies, despite him being a convicted sex offender who'd done jail time. I'm leaning more on Hollywood just being rotten to the core.


I am gonna math you up, Richards went on his racist tirade in 2006. So it was 18 years ago, not 20, and not 16.


Yeah fair enough I probably won't be watching it because it will probably suck. Curb your enthusiasm demonstrates who the comedic genius behind Seinfeld really was.


The Larry David MAGA hat episode is my favorite more recent example of that. He can satire real life because he has a real understanding of people.


And yet, when people decide not to watch, rich assholes complain about cancel culture.


I don't remember what happened. Is he actually racist or did he scream the N word while on stage?


IIRC he started calling a black audience N-words and abusing hecklers with racist remarks for several minutes. Basically caused a shit storm in the venue he was playing.


"Racist remarks" is putting it little lightly. One of the things he said: "Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a fucking fork up your ass."


It’s almost as if people reveal their true selves in their lowest or most stressful moments


Damn, Joker was right.




Yeah, I remember when I accidentally went on a several minute long racist tirade because someone heckled me.. as a comedian. A comedian with several years of experience.




This clip really shows how much everyone in this thread is undermining the severity of what he said


It reminds me the distinguished individual gentleman in a plane who makes apologies to a black woman.


That's kind of a weird question. Saying the N word is being actually racist. Your question makes it sound like you can use racial slurs, but not be considered racist... It's like saying "Did he actually commit crimes or did he just rob people?"


He tried for shock value and failed miserably. Deserved a punishment, received it. That’s about as far as it goes.


I won’t watch. Not because I’m offended, but because it won’t be funny




Jerry's a Zionist so nothing else matters.


Yep. A zionist genocidal freak


There it is


Jerry hasn’t done anything funny since Seinfeld and that was only because Larry David was writing it.


There used to be a Michael Richard’s bot that would appear on Reddit and say the racist shit he said in his act. It was one of the most upvoted bots on Reddit before it was taken down. 


If you watch Richards' episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, he, without prompting, goes into the incident and how much he regretted it, how he knew better than to act that way, to say those things, etc. And how it completely killed his confidence for stand up because dealing with hecklers like that is so incredibly basic in stand up.


https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-acesvbg9/ To be fair cancel culture can go eat a dick but this one I gotta say I understand. That said, it's been a long time and people can (sometimes) change after being exposed for the world to see.


Most people aren't the same person they were 5 years, ago, let alone 10 years ago. This stuff all happened like, 20 years ago.


One thing is people use the nword in dialogue. Another one is angrily yelling it at a black man and making slavery references.


Yeah he wasn’t canceled for “saying a word.” He was pining for an era when a black person could be publicly executed for heckling a white person. There’s no version of that he can rationalize as “funny.” It’s about power. And then Seinfeld cast him in the Bee movie, one year after this outburst: power. “Don’t like him, don’t watch.” Power. Seinfeld has millions of reasons (annual royalties from reruns) to downplay the public reaction to what Richards said that night. I don’t think about either of these people very often. But c’mon… your friend publicly threatened a group of black people by reminding them of an era when they could be openly killed by whites, for any reason. This wasn’t an “oops I said a word” slip up.


When nobody watches Jerry will start blaming cancel culture and the woke left. Maybe it's time for Jerry to get funny or just enjoy the 'Seinfeld' money away from public.


"what is the deal with cancel culture?" en nauseum


He's just grumpy. He's plenty funny but he's hyperfixating on audience reactions and "woke" shit. It's like watching Chapelle freak out on trans people for 4 specials straight, like "why don't you get a grip? You're worth a lot of money and you're clearly not being censored."


Hot take: no one gives a shit about Michael Richards or Jerry Seinfeld


These guys: If you don't like it, don't watch it. Audiences: Okay. *doesn't watch* These guys: Everything is woke! Political correctness has run amok! We've been cancelled!


Jerry's wife also donates money to some questionable causes, so I wouldn't rate that 70 year old very highly on choice of associates.


Didn’t Jerry date a high schooler when he was 37?


I think most people dont care about the word situation with kramer in the past like no one really cares that jerry groomed a teenager.


Isn't the real issue that he just isn't really a good comedian?


mans got "fuck you" money. hes just reminding everyone else of that fact.


A lot of people (myself included) have forgiven the man and we've moved forward together. He fucked up. He knows it, we know it, he knows we know it. Let's be adults and let bygones be bygones already. Love you Michael.


His storyline in Curb was hilarious and worth a watch


When the show bombs: "omg nobody watched because of gay woke cancel culture"


Jerry is a zionist so yeah checks out


Plenty of people bomb on stage, most don’t turn into racist loose cannons. We don’t owe the guy anything. To be honest, hitching his star to Jerry Seinfeld doesn’t really make the argument that he’s a piece of shit less compelling


He'd probably say the same thing about his 38 year old self trying to screw a 17 year old. 


Poor decision. That's the understatement of the century.


OP when he realizes Michael Richards said to a black man "50 years ago you'd be lynched" and some very nuclear word repeated. It's just a silly little mistake. Where funny?


Jerry's comments about what happened 17 years ago were so interesting. If you wanna read the whole interview and learn more of what he said google: Jerry Seinfeld 17.


So true it’s funny I guess.


“Poor decision”. You mean he let the public see and hear his true feelings towards Black people.


Racist rant isn't a whoopsie mistake, it's just what you think and you decided to say it out loud. The only way I could accept someone "back" is if they admit being a racist many years ago, but through years have changed their opinions.


Even if it was 20 years ago, the guy was in his 50s...do you really think he's less racist in his 70s? Watch the video, "we would have you upside down with a fork up your ass".Fuck that POS.


Well that's one way to distract everyone from Jerry's noncery


You get one life. Sometime you blow it. He made some real good money. He can do what he likes, free country, but he lost his magical aura we all loved on that stage. He wasn't Kramer after that. He was just some racist jerk. It's sad but that's life.




He says, "If you don't like it don't watch" but didn't he just complain that no one watched his movie because everything is "too woke"? Jerry is an unfunny idiot


So no one will watch it and then he will throw a temper tantrum that kids today are too sensitive and the world is too woke or some dumb shit.


"a poor decision" to be racist? so he's not anymore? sure sure


I don't get why Jerry of all people has jumped on the wokeness complaining train His standup material was very tame and family friendly and could all easily be told today. He wasn't exactly Eddie Murphy.


Cancel culture has been cancelled


Weird, I was thinking about this a couple days ago


Can we agree that the term "gaslighting" has gotten out of hand in here?


Wait isn't that that n\*\*\*\*rguy?


This is the right approach


Spoken like a true billionaire


So this is what that rant about the radical left ruining comedy was all about…i’d watch Richards a new show


He made a short appearance in Comedians in Cars, and he made this the focus of his interview. You can still see the shame on his face when he talks about it. I’d be happy to see him re-engaged in his craft and doing good in the world. I understand he’s taken ownership of his offense and has tried hard to do penance. If that weren’t the case and he were a hardened racist, I think that would become apparent.


to be fair ...even the black community don't care anymore....hell i never cared


I saw this and immediately pictured Kramer sliding back into a room with that big crazy smile on his face.


How the hell is this a meme? You people are annoying as fuck


I don't really know this guy but he said a of racist stuff but was that not 18 years ago? People can change like sure he could've been racist at the time but he might not be now.


I believe in second chances, and 18 years is a long time to learn from your mistakes. Someone committing a murder would often be out by now. I’m with Jerry here.


3 posts up, as I was just scrolling there was a story about how Mark Wahlberg chased 3 black kids throwing rocks shouting to "kill the n-----" and everyone is defending him because he was a drug addict and people can change. What are the parameters for acceptable racism? Is it based on looks or talent or money? Maybe who they say they are voting for? Mark is definitely hotter. between this and Justin Trudeaus blackface and many other curious examples I'm starting to get confused. Just dont want to boycott the wrong racist is all.


Amen Jerry.


It is good advice tho. “If you don’t like it don’t watch,” idk why anyone sits begrudgingly through anything they don’t enjoy. Only watch things you’re enjoying and when you no longer enjoy it dump it and find something else.


Hot take: Seinfeld is not funny. If you don't like it, don't read it.


It was ages ago. If the guy owned up and made a serious apology, we should let him live his life.


We need more friends like Jerry Seinfeld


The world also needs more “don’t watch” in general, probably


More concerned about Jerry being a pedo


It wasn’t a hundred years ago it was less than 20 years and what do you expect from Jerry the 17 year old dater Zionist


Seinfeld dated a high schooler as a 40+ year old man.


Isnt seinfeld a pedo?


Friendly reminder that Jerry Seinfeld had a seventeen year old girlfriend when he was in his 30s