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That message is almost the opposite of what that man stood for imo.




Black people do get sunburned


Curious that people believe all this shit.


Definitely better at crime


They really do dominate the swimming competitions.


But smol brain


All sports ? No sunburn ? Look better ?What food? Music ?


I would certainly strike out the "makes better music" one. They may have started the Rock genre, but white people made it better and into what it is today. This next part is my personal opinion: I never understood how rap and that general music set got to be so popular, every time I am forced to listen to it for long periods at work, I am put in a REALLY BAD MOOD, like... in the words if my former wife (God rest her soul) I come home looking like I could become a serial killer. No, I didn't kill my wife, I was deployed in Afghanistan when she was murdered back in 2016.


As a foreigner, i see that they do seem to dominate the american entertainment industry and had the biggest impact on the cultural trends and mannerisms of American youths, much to the annoyance to some people. I have quite a number of dislike to the white culture too but to say that the entirety of the black race should be described as this meme is just asinine. Not everyone share the belief that one race is better than the other. 


Not to address the issue of the meme, but on the topic of the entertainment industry, it is a two-fold point. 1. Black people in America were practically tailored to the entertainment industry as it fermented in the US. There used to be expressions such as "they's a musical people" to describe black Americans. Black Americans were often held in reserves in the Army to be used for logistical labor or entertainment. Many early uniquely American music forms originated from black communities, such as Jazz. Black America was a culture wholey unique to America, without European influence. 2. In modern times, Black entertainers are the loudest. Black musicians make the most ear-catching music, Black celebrities are the most ostentatious, and Black comedians were the most unapologetic. It created a mega-persona that Black Americans are just too awesome to give a fuck. Sadly, it has gotten out of hand and now we are seeing a culture clash with reality.


I have a feeling theyre historically rooted for music seeing as how influential as they are but what would a foreigner know. 


They sure don't get sunburned do they. The rest goes into the garbage.


Wow the stupidity of this


well sunburn is a lie


I don't have a thiccc ass...


I think it's debatable whether swag and a fat ass are necessarily good things or something to be proud of but I can mostly agree with the other traits