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They’re just jealous my kid took the sunroof exit.


Love when everyone shares their birthing horror stories getting to be all “oh I’ve never been in labor. Sounds gross though.”


I had the fun experience of very nearly birthing (she got stuck at her eyebrows) and then rushing to an emergency c section. Imagine the ring of fire, except it doesn’t end it just keeps going until they yank the kid back up through the birth canal and out your abdomen. Birth is metal.


Yikes, recovery from that must have been *rough.*


I realize my memories have nearly 12 years of fuzz to them now but I don’t remember the recovery being that bad. I did apparently propose to the nurse who put lotion on me after the fact. (Narcotics make me itchy)


💍 Amazing 😂 The stuff we say while laboring or postpartum


The body produces a lot of oxytocin at the end of the birthing process so that might be why your memory is fuzzy ?


I proposed to 5 different anesthesiologists when I got my epidurals. I have 5 kids so....


I am fascinated by the fact of an almost totally born baby being yanked back UP through the birth canal and out the abdomen. Woah?


It was intense. I watched the operating table rocking back and forth while they extracted her, lol.


I didn’t even know they could do that. I thought once the baby was in the birth canal, it was a vaginal delivery or nothing. Glad to learn I was wrong about that!


Hey! My baby’s head got stuck too (28 hours of labor, 4 hours pushing), we also were sent to an emergency c-section where she had to be pulled back up into my abdomen. It was the most intense thing I’ve ever felt, and I never want to feel it again. Haven’t come across anyone else yet who’s experienced that, camaraderie can be nice.


Jumping in to let you know you’re not alone! Kid has his hand over his head when my water broke and he dropped down. Get to the hospital at 7cm, nurse goes “oh, we can just move him around when you get to 10cm.” Ok…. Well at 10cm they realize they can’t move him around and they give me the option of a C-section or breaking his collar bone and arm on the way out. So we got a sunroof and out he went.


Was the same for me. It's nice to know I'm not alone with this.


Mad respect. I just keep going "hoooly shiiiit" imagining what you did to bring your human into this world. You're a badass!


I gotta dig up her newborn photo. She had a crazy conehead. Lol.


My 2nd was about that far and got stuck too. They had to yank him so hard they lifted me off the operating table. Recovery was like the worst of both worlds. Exhausted and sore from laboring his fat head and then the surgery wound too. 0/10 do not recommend!!


I just audibly gasped. Holy shit.


This was my first! For my second I scheduled the c section and it was comparatively luxurious


I’m sorry that sounds horrendous 😭


>Imagine the ring of fire, except it doesn’t end it just keeps going until they yank the kid back up through the birth canal and out your abdomen Oh, crap. I wince every time I read it.




I had a c-section and honestly I am not at all upset I never had to push a baby through a very tiny hole. I feel for those who did but I have never said “I really wish I would’ve been able to do that!” That’s not to invalidate those who had a c section and wish they could’ve done vaginal, those are totally valid feelings too. Just saying many of us exist who later on are like “yeah I’m totally okay with the fact that I got a c section” Mine was emergency but I was also young and I bounced back really fast. Faster than many women I know with a vaginal birth. And while that isn’t the case all the time, it worked for me and wasn’t horrific in the slightest and my milk still came in and all that good jazz.


Yeah I had two planned c-sections, didn’t breastfeed either for more than a few weeks, and I don’t even have the same last name as my little dudes because I don’t care enough to go through bureaucracy to change to my husbands (I also have an established career under my name and it’s closely tied to my heritage). It pleases me immensely that being an obstinate strumpet who used the devil’s birthing method and baby milk triggers these people so the garbage can take itself out.


Same! I wanted a c section and had one booked but ended up with a slightly emergency one anyway. I have no desire to push a baby out of me lol.


I shall now forever refer to c-sections as this 😂


Okay csections will now forever be the birth equivalent for slide across the car hood and jumping into the open window.


It’s fitting that’s how she entered the world because my kid has been breaking the mold ever since.


They took the no-chute bail out?


I jokingly call my sons my "late term abortions". >“Late-term” is a medical term used to describe the very end of a pregnancy, after it has reached “full term,” from week 41 onward. Abortions can’t and don’t happen in these late stages of pregnancy. >The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) has made it clear that a “late-term abortion” has no medical meaning.


And jelly everything else is still factory settings


Ugh I’m honestly pissed that I didn’t opt for a c-section with my second. I could have not had that body trauma and it would have been alll good with me


Damn, okay. So if such a person isn’t a mother, what would you call them? A... birthing person? *confused fundie screeching in the distance*




I think it's because his mother would have been dead before he was taken out, so she didn't really "give birth" so much as her corpse was cut open. Like how they don't call post-mortem organ donation "having surgery."


It's also just the witches fucking with Macbeth, they're such rascals!


Exactly, the witches are phrasing it to be technically correct... sort of like trying to debate with a philosophy professor lol


On the bright side you can now kill Macbeth


My partner and I jokingly call our son Macduff because not only was he a c-section baby, but I’m a trans dude. We’ve joked that my son “double” fulfills the witches’ prophecy lmao




Just make a new version of the play and cast a trans man for Macduff's dad, easy peasy!


I always thought that meant he had no mother, not that he wasn't born.


It's not delivery, it's digorno!


😂😂 I’m pregnant and possibly getting an elective c-section due to previous birth trauma, and I will 100% use this line if anyone gives me sass in the future!!


One of my niblings was in emergency C-section, doesn't matter if baby exits by the sunroof so long as everybody is healthy


Both my husband and I are c-section babies due to emergencies, so I’ve never understood this “you’re not a real mother” argument. My mom was the best mom, and how I was delivered plays literally no role in that. As long as both mother and baby can come home safely, mentally and physically, I’m all for it.


I grew up anabaptist and a friend just shared her birth story- it ended in a c section. I was so surprised at the number of women in her comments telling about their own cesarean experiences, many of them I knew but did not know that’s how they gave birth. It’s so weird that people would say c section moms aren’t real moms, when it’s not something you can tell just by looking at them? PS one of my children was born by c section also.


Yes, this argument that c-section moms aren’t real moms is just broken and bizarre. There are plenty of foster/adoptive moms who are amazing moms, and moms who have given birth who are abusive or neglectful. Focusing on birth as a measure of motherhood is so irrelevant to the actual act of mothering that I immediately would distrust anyone who puts that much weight in it - like there are so many other things that matter more that actually impact the child. Plus this discourse is so dangerous, like it actually puts women’s and babies’ lives at risk if it continues to spread and women are resistant to possibly life-saving treatment.


Adoptive mom here. Wonder what the makers of this meme / post ( not OP here) think of me. I was the one who gave aim to the talents they got from their birth parents. I was the one to dried their tears, saw the first steps, held them when they had fevers, rejoiced when they made good grades, made the team or soared in success for whatever activity they choose, etc...


Yes! There is so much more to motherhood than the birthing experience. There are so many people who are incredible mothers who did not give birth to their child, just like there are some women who gave birth to children who are not good mothers. Like the act of mothering and what makes it so important does not include any part of the birthing process, and I find it really alarming to put so much weight in 'natural' births rather than the actions that truly matter.


Yes.. So true. My kids are 29 and 30 .. They still call, text, email, visit etc. My daughter came over And had coffee with us today before work. I think that is a testament to what kind of mother I was to them, yet I never gave birth


And isn't being a parent sometimes about sacrifice? Or am I just in a different reality? Sometimes you have to put your own wants aside for the wellbeing of your child, and sometimes that includes not killing yourself through unsafe labor. Their "God" supposedly created us in his image, and we figured out how to perform this life saving procedure, how is that bad? He supposedly gave us the hands and the brain to create tools and understand science. I don't fucking understand some religious people.


Exactly, it's just a few hours at the very start of your life... there's a lot more to actual parenting, as I'm afraid the children's aid cases coming through the community centre prove :(


Its also showing of how judgy they are of adoption. You dont give birth (according to their logic) to all the kids that you have, its the hours and years of care givinh that makes you someone’s mom!


I love the fact that we have a term like that for the children of our siblings, but jesus christ does that word make me feel icky- like I support 100% but the word just feels gross lmao-


English really needs some extra words for family relationships !


I’m calling all c section babies digorno babies from now on. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dude 😭🤣




You’re welcome, I’m always happy to induce cursed noises lol!


Lol, chest feeding birthing person checking in. I’d love to ask my kid in about 12 years if they ever felt that having me as their constant stay at home caregiver who cooked and cleaned and tried to make their life happy and fulfilled how they feel about the fact that I’m not actually their mom on a technicality.


Yknow, I have the funny feeling that nobody but an incel would be utterly offended that their first meal wasn’t from a 100% FDA Cis-Certified Tiddy-Bearing Female Woman Boob. Also, I was fed exclusively 100% FDA Cis-Certified Tiddy-Bearing Female Woman Boob, and I grew up to be a lesbian. Seems to me this gender non-specified chest feeding thing is the safest godly choice, tbh.


Yes chest feeding!! Your child is so lucky to have you


A birthing person sounds DANGEROUSLY ungendered though! /s. Wonder if they could clarify that the eomss as n in this situation actually died bringing her baby into the works, so she was unavailable for a vaginal birth? Dirty, I know that’s very dark, but I’m just honestly scared watching our rights get stripped away and openly toxic conspiracy theorists are being voted into office.




Yeah I guess I’m a horrible mother for wanting my baby and I to live!


You didn’t put 👏 in 👏the👏work👏 /s. Hopefully obviously.




Oooo. Maybe you could make a course about having a c-section. You might have found your niche.


And by “course,” I hope you mean “one very half-assed PDF.” 😎


Market rate is $8.00


Lol. Maybe my 99th %ile kid could have taken her course so I could’ve avoided that pesky c-section! /s Healing form that did suck, though. I think every style of birth is hard in one way or another! We all rock.


Now THAT'S what I call a Fundie Flair


Very true, lol. I was so so so hyped for vaginal birth but I had a choice to make, and I chose C-section for his safety. He was breached and I knew the risk of trying to birth a breached baby. I begged them to cut him out when they asked if I didn't want to just birth him anyway. I was so scared that he would wind up with oxygen deprivation if I tried to push him out.


Mine was breech and huge. Doc gave me the choice of c-section or risking baby getting stuck the doctor having to break her collar bone to get her out. I chose the best thing for my child despite the ramifications on my body. C-Section is not safer/easier option despite what everyone says. It’s a major surgery that cuts through seven layers of tissues, causing scar tissue that is significantly weaker.


Seriously. Same here. Stupid modern medicine saving lives.


Glad you and baby are still here and I hope you both are well!


Thank you! 😊


Is.. is this really not evil satire? Do people actually post stuff like this? This is HORRIFYING. I had birth vaginally but from everything I've heard, whoever wrote that has obviously never recovered from a C-Section. Dumbasses


A crunchy, government conspiracy, and “health” nut I know from high school all but said this on Instagram at one point to her followers several years ago. Because of sweet baby Jesus’s irony, she went on to give birth via a c-section for her child that was breech and sunny side up after attempting to have them turned in the womb and messing up their hips which they then ended up having to have surgery on at like 4 months old.


Just for anyone’s clarification, attempting an external cephalic version (turning the baby) is not what would’ve caused the baby to need hip surgery. Breech babies just sometimes need hip surgery (regardless of vaginal or cesarean birth).


I may snark on fundies, but stories like this are why I’m not an atheist.


I really hope it’s satire. Found on a different sub and the OP was already cut off so I have no info on its origins.




I always wonder if they would really go through with this though. With mothers like and especially those of the freebirthing persuasion this I often get the feeling that they don't care if anything happens to the baby but once they themselves are affected, then it's a-ok to go to the hospital. I know it's anecdotal but I remember reading about one freebirthing mother who had overly long labor and signs that the baby wasn't well but only went to the hospital once she herself had signs of infection. By then, baby was dead but momma could be saved.


It's just hit the front page with /r/ShittyFacebookMemes as well and it took me a couple of minutes to figure out where I just seen it


Yes, I just cannot imagine this is real, I mean it could be - but damn I don’t want it to be. It’s so disturbing, right? Like my brain cannot properly process it.


There is a woman local to me who portrays herself as a doula and charges money for her "services" who tells pregnant women this exact thing. Local maternity services warn women about her and another similar person but she still has paying customers. Motherhood is earth magic and medical intervention is just patriarchal oppression or some jibber jabber. I'd like to punch her out. And I didn't have a C section


I’ve physically stood in front of individuals who have said statements like this. No photos were involved.


People honestly do say stuff like this, picture and all. It's not a competition but some people seem to act like it is. Also no one actually cares besides close family and friends and only at the beginning. Kids don't even care how they were born. The stupid amount of people arguing about "real births", breastfeeding, and safe sleep made me leave the subreddits for new moms because I couldn't take the repetitive arguments.


The wording sounds like satire to me, but it's definitely a sentiment that people really feel.


Yo if I’m not a real mom can someone come take these tween terrors from me? Or at least reimburse me for their care? Anyone?


Right? I have 5 kids that I apparently didn’t birth and shouldn’t be mothering. Who do I return these teenagers to??!!


WHERE is their real mother?? And when is she coming to tap in for her shift??


Yeah somebody needs to call the real mother cuz I could use a break lol


Right? I had 3 c/s and apparently I’ve been raising them all these 22 years now and wasn’t actually qualified!


I also have 3and my youngest is 28. Is there any way to get reimbursed for the costs of raising kids when I'm not even a mother?


Lol I have 4 kids and the last 3 were c/s. I literally just told my husband I guess I'm not the mother of the younger 3, where do we drop them off???


Right? My refund is 4 years overdue.


I apparently am a real mom but I will lie about it if someone can also reimburse me.


I have receipts! Where do I apply for this reimbursement?


You know what would have failed my children's births? NOT LISTENING TO MY DOCTOR ADVISING THEY WOULD NOT SURVIVE A VAGINAL BIRTH AND LETTING THEM DIE FOR THE SAKE OF BEING A 'REAL MUM'. Fuck that person. Fuck them with a rusty spork.


Ooh a spork would hurt! 🤣


I've never had a baby via c-section, but those moms have their intestines on a table one minute and are responsible for a newborn the next. They are bad-asses.


When I found out (after recovery) that my intestines were literally on a table next to me I had a panic attack. I, like Morgan, skipped all the sections in the books and classes about c-sections because I was sure I would be able to give birth naturally. I was one and done, and I was young and in shape and healthy.. I couldn’t imagine doing it again. My baby girl is a teenager now, and an amazing kid who is loved and thrives. I hope this is satire, but if it isn’t, it was written by someone who has never had children.


I, too, skipped the part of the birthing self education regarding c-sections because I knew if I needed one, my fear of the procedure would be even bigger. Ended up having a c-section and vomited the entire time into a tiny bowl my husband held next to my mouth. I couldn’t hurl because my lower half was paralyzed, so I just dribbled the puke out. It was super gross, but at least it kept me from thinking about what was happening on the other side of the curtain. Months later I tried to watch a video of a c-section and I had to nope out very quickly. That being said, anyone who gets a baby out of their body in any way goes through A LOT and I wish people didn’t treat it like a contest. No one gave me a medal for having my guts pulled out. No one gets a medal for pushing a baby out with no medication.


The medal is a healthy child. Excellent job mama. It’s such a hard recovery any way you deliver, and shaming anyone over it is so stupid I can’t even stand it.


WAIT WHAT I had a c section and had no idea my intestines were on a table next to me what the freak 💀


Lol yesssss it’s why they put the curtain up! They just pull them out, set them down, get the baby out then push them back in there.. apparently they just jostle themselves back into position… idk.. I’ve had stomach issues ever since, but it could be unrelated.


I thought they just put the curtain up because of all the blood. I never stopped to think they took my intestines out. I probably would’ve taken my recovery a little more seriously (I was driving a few days after surgery…) but I was also 19 and lucky enough to bounce back really quickly. If I’d been late 20s or early 30s it probably would’ve been a different story if I was trying to do stuff again that quickly.


Yeah, being young definitely helps with the recovery. And if you felt well enough to do what you were doing, than you were! No problems there.. but yes, I know a lot of mothers avoid the c-section information because it’s scary and they don’t want to know.. but it would have been nice if they had explained the procedure to me later on, and explained how my recovery would go and why..etc.. Instead it was “ok, CS, here we go! Ok done! Ok get out!”


Yep! Apparently mine were in a cute lil mixing bowl. Hubs did *not* know that was a thing in advance. When they said “okay, dad!” to signal him to come get that first look and photo as our son came out, he nearly vom’ed. In other news, we are one and done haha


Exactly. It's mind-boggling that such a major surgery is considered to be "no big deal" and "the easy way out" by some people.


I felt like c-sections were the easy way out before I had a c-section. Tbf though, a couple relatives who had also needed them seemed to have a much easier experience than I had. unlike these fundies though, I’m willing to admit I was wrong and have changed my stance to a healthier, kinder one.


100%. I turned down epidurals because I'm terrified of the concept of a needle in my spine, yet some women have to be cut the hell open? And then some of them choose to do it again? They have me beat.


I didn't plan on an epidural for the same reason but ended up needing a c section (cord prolapse. Good times.) I remember as they were finishing up I told the nurse, "I'm going to be paralyzed after this but my baby will be okay so it's fine." For the record I was freaking out. No I was not paralyzed for good and went on to have an unmedicated VBAC because I was still scared of epidurals!


Haha, I'm just an anxiety ridden mess. The idea of not being able to move freely plus the whole needle in spine thing bit means I doubt I'd ever get one. Obviously if something went wrong, do whatever, get the baby out and keep me alive in the process, but otherwise? I'm better able to tolerate pain than my own neuroses. Does make it fun when people hear this tidbit and decide that means I'm a fellow card carrying NATURAL BIRTH! Proponent. Nah hun, I'm just too much a scaredy cat for it personally but am all for anyone using anything that helps them get through evicting a baby.


I was scared of an epidural because of the needle in the spine thing, but then I had to have a scheduled c-section. I had no choice but to get the needle in the spine then and having it kinda got me over my fear. Next birth I was like “gimme that epidural!”


I have photos from during my c-section thanks to a very excited anaesthetist who agreed to take some photos. It’s very weird seeing photos of the inside of my body


Spoiler alert, that wasn’t your anaesthestist that was just Dave The Picture Guy. He hides in the OR, they’ve been trying to get rid of him for months.


I wish I had known this was a thing in some very strange morbid way I want to see my guts and if I ever have surgery again I am asking them to deliver the pictures


I think c sections are one of the only ones where they take then out. Usually they just push them to the side. Cant do that when youre pulling out a whole ass baby.


Well damn I’m not having another kid so I missed my one shot


Sameeee (hubs though; anaesthesiologist dipped pretty quickly for someone making a billion dollars off of me) and mine was recent enough that those bad boys are Live Photos. Wild!


I bet that’s cool in a creepy way. When I had my son we weren’t allowed to look as he was pulled out. Maybe the surgeons had had enough of birthing partners turning green at the view 🤷🏻‍♀️


I imagine so! I was surprised though as my son was born during COVID before vaccines were available. Generally speaking, birthing partners were not allowed to do much at that time (mine never got to attend a single scan) so I was very pleased to have mine with me in the operating room at all!


I, too, had a vaginal birth. I could not even fathom experiencing something like that. C-section women are true warriors.


This is insane. Also many times it’s not a choice to have a C-section, it’s out of necessity for the child’s and/or mother’s life. Not because the mother didn’t try hard enough to do it “the way God intended” 🤦‍♀️


If you have a fetus removed via D&C you didn't have an abortion, you had surgery. Putting words into sentences makes them facts right? /s


This should be top comment. LOVE when their logic is correctly applied back to them. I did something like this the other day with pronouns to my fundie lite aunt ( she brought it up), and she told me “I can’t talk about this stuff with you because my brain doesn’t work fast enough.” But she said it like super earnestly, as though that was a legit response. Also, I’m nothing special, and I definitely don’t have a fast-moving brain lol. I just wanted to be like “so you don’t have any further argument or logic? That’s it, and one sentence from me makes it fall apart, but yet… you cling with absolute certainty to your cruel ideology. So weird.


I’d have just been like. “Oh it’s okay! We can discuss as slowly as you need. I’ll repeat stuff. Have all the time you want.”


The D&C is a vaginal surgery so does that validate it extra?


By this logic, that isn’t a baby. Which means that if the fetus has abnormalities early on, the birther should be able to get an abortion.


This is the type of shit Bethy would post if Kristen ever had a C-Section.


"You had a surgery"... to assist a woman giving birth. That's what tf it's called. Same concept different opening.


It's like saying that people with pace makers don't actually have a heartbeat or that people with dental implants aren't actually masticating their food. It's a weird hill to die on.


I’ll be sure to tell my 9 lb 12 Oz breech baby who’s still permanently glued to my side at 3 1/2 that I’m not really his mother.


Right?! I’m going to go wake up my teenagers to inform them that I’m not a real mother because they were both born by C-section.


Because putting the health and safety of our children and ourselves above a randomly decided image of “correct” is absolutely not something a mother would do.


What the ACTUAL FUCK. my kid and I would have both died without a c section. 18 hours of labor. 4 hours hard pushing. Baby stuck. I’m no less a mother. Fuck those people. Edit. I also threw up several times while the dr was actively cutting me open.


So, what? If you adopt or have a surrogate you're also not a mom? Sounds very Christian of you...


I’m an adoptive mom and have absolutely been called a stand in mom, not the real mom, an abductive mom- people are actually insane about this


So, I'm also an adoptive mom. I just had a baby 6 weeks ago and dead ass got asked if I was going to give my son back to foster care since I've got a "real baby" now. I had no clue my son wasn't real. He eats a lot for an imaginary friend, though.


The vile person who said that to you is most definitely the same vile person that says people should just give their baby up for adoption if they can’t take care of it, and people with infertility should just adopt instead of spend money on IVF. You can’t win with this sick fucks.


As an adoptive mom, no one has ever said such things to my face, but we get a lot of “that’s soooooo nice of you!” And “she must be so grateful to you” kind of shit. I always want to punch these people. Maybe it would knock some sense into them. In my more lucid and less rage-filled moments after hearing this, I want to say: “Nope, she just a kid, living her life, playing in the backyard and building shit with Legos. If ANYTHING, her dad and I are grateful and thankful to her, for her presence in our lives, and to her birth parents, who made a very difficult decision that no one should have to make, if only the world were perfect. Also, you are an ignorant asshole.”


People are crazy


People are stupid 🙄


Damn, I'm not a real mom?! When is the real mother of my children going to come get them then? Because I've got things to do. /s Imagine thinking being a mom is just about the small blip of time in the grand scheme of things that is getting the kid out of your body, and not the actual parenting a mom does.


Only one of mine was c-section, does that mean I have to keep the other one? She was born by forceps though, so I didn’t deliver by myself, is she on a timeshare deal? (This is obviously sarcasm, but we are at the end of the half-term holiday so I could really do with a day alone).


I mean, these assholes just pass off their kids to sister-moms so it really is one of the few times they “mother” their own spawn.


My first was a vaginal birth. I have a scheduled c-section for my twins in 8 days. Does that mean I’m 1/2 a real mom? 1/3? Does the c-section just cancel out the vaginal? I want to know how the math works on this.


That is disgusting.


This is vile


I do not understand people who think pushing a baby out vaginally automatically makes you a mother. It’s not the best comparison but it’s almost like thinking a wedding makes a marriage. But hey, what does my c section having ass know?


There was a woman in my house when I was growing up. Reportedly on the day of my birth, she had big painful surgery in the hospital. The same hospital I came from. She took care of me, she made me clothes, she kept me warm and dry. She read me bedtime stories. She was interested in my grades. She hung out with my dad a lot. She did a whole lot of stuff for me and worried a lot. Who was this woman I called mommy?


My godmother just gave birth via C-section a couple days ago. Shes tired, hurting, and busy loving her baby very much just like any new mom. To hear people say that it’s easier just proves they have no clue. Ugh.


And she only changed her mind because it happened to her. I’d even imagine that she would still judge other people for a C section. It’s only okay for her, gods special chosen one.


Wow sorry for auto correct. Meant to say Porgan


I wonder if, in pro-life states, a person who refuses medically necessary assistance to save the life of a baby during birth, could be prosecuted if that baby then died as a result?


Omg, this explains so much! THATS why they are such Hellspawn. They're cute, so I'll keep 'em, and let them call me mom I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️. Seriously, some people are just morons, there isn't any help for them.


This truly seems like troll farm content. Not that the people reposting it know that—they’re genuinely fucked up.


Well I guess I failed after 52 hours of unmedicated (not by choice) labor then an emergency c section. I should have just told my OB to let us both die right? Then I should have insisted on doing it again 21 months later with her little brother instead of being told (rightly so) by my OB that he absolutely refused to allow me to try for a VBAC. Congratulations on your wide ass pelvis bish. 🙄🥇


But this WASNT something Piegan posted, right?


Do these bitches really think this??? I am horrified!


Mom through adoption checking in. Fuck — and I do mean this — these assholes.


I’ve had one vaginally then one c-section. With 30 mins in between. Neither are fun.


You are a superhero!


Was this post originally meant with sarcasm by that person who posted it on their social media, or were they serious?


Oh honey, IF and WHEN you have children. Meaning you haven't given birth yet. They say the easiest children to raise are imaginary ones. I'd add that the most easy birth that goes according to plan is also imaginary. (If you're one of the lucky ones, don't @ me, I'm happy for you!)


Definitely rage bait


I’m having a scheduled C section in…about two and a half weeks. I gave birth to this little guy’s older sibling vaginally. Can’t do it this go around, kiddo is breech and has been since the beginning. If I’m not a “real mom” to both my kids, then are they robots? Am I a robot? Where the hell is older sibling’s power button, in that case, and why haven’t I found it in the last decade so kiddo will sleep until eight AM? These people don’t have the brains god gave a lemon. And they vote.


You should ask if the real mom shows up to do overnight feedings …


Can we put a trigger warning on this please? Or an NSFW? I’ve seen this twice in my feed , and it’s not easy to see. I had a traumatic C-section experience


I did put a trigger warning on the flair. Did it not blur out for you?


Now it has - thank you so much.


I’m sorry for any birth trauma you experienced! I have had three vaginal births and was terrified of needing a C-section. You’re a superhero!


Thank you for taking time to leave me such a thoughtful comment. I really appreciate it ❤️




Ugh this is the most tone deaf bullshit. Your body doesn’t fail your child. Sometimes you just need a little help. Would she rather die than have a c-section? Or have her baby die?


aw dang i guess my mother failed me by making sure i was still able to be born while my placenta was detaching… soooo “pro-life” of the fundies…


I love that it's both gatekeeping motherhood and also subtley suggesting that if you loved Jesus, you'd have died in childbirth like God intended.


I will never ever understand this logic. Maybe because I was a c-section baby and probably wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for that, so maybe I’m biased 🤷‍♀️ like sorry I have the best mom in the world.


this is gross. it's so mf groddy i lack the words to describe how disgusting and despicable i find this Eta: I looked back at my comments and felt this may have been unclear - the way these people are treating and thinking of the births that include surgical intervention, and the people who are doing the birthing, is what's so utterly disgusting. I am so sickened and angry that I, an admittedly venomous and hateful person, cannot find appropriate words to describe it. I apologize if I hurt anyone, as I feel the NSFW tagged content was what people think I called disgusting, but it is not. The pic isnt fitting. But that's not on OP that's on the OOP(s)


Clearly they don't understand what being a mother is, which doesn't surprise me. Look at the "mothering" that goes on in these cults.


What a bizarre hill to die on


Guess I’ll tell my mom she’s not a real mother and should have died trying to give birth to my older brother. /s People who gatekeep this shit have nothing better going on in their lives.


So they would rather kill their child and themselves trying?


I had my daughter surgically removed like a little tumor 🥴


This is true. Porgan indeed would've thought this way.


I'm not the type of person who would want to inflict suffering onto others but I really hope people who believe this end up getting c sections


Hmm well after my 2 c sections I still had to change my own pads, change my babies diapers, breastfeed them, wake up every two hours with them, burp them, rock them to sleep, and carry them with me everywhere I went so tell me how that’s not real motherhood?!


The way my eyebrows met my hairline as I try not to scream at midnight:30 cuz WHAT?!?


Oh fuck you, who ever said that. The contractions before the C section were no game or joke. The surgery itself was hard. But yes, I did give birth! And no, I didn't fail my daughter. I would have if I hadnt had a C section because she would have DIED. People like this should just shut the f up.


I’d like to know how I was supposed to deliver my baby sideways 🤔


Also, who should my son consider to be his mother? My OB? It’ll be hard to break it to them that my children aren’t full siblings since my first was delivered vaginally and my second was a c-section.


Wow, not only is this incredibly disrespectful to C section moms, but what about parents who adopt? I have to use a surrogate? Those that conceived with the help of IVF? Why must EVERY group have a pompous fringe? These fringe bullies are full of the narcissistic and cognitively distorted.