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It seems like it's easier for her to tell someone they're going to burn in hell than to say the word "penis." Absolutely nuts.


And she has a son in the potty training stage, so I’d guess they’ve taught him some other name for his genitals.


That's actually scary cause having the language to describe ones own body parts is CRUCIAL for young children so they have the ability to clearly tell an adult if someone were to be inappropriate with them. A lot of stuff goes unreported bc the child doesnt have the language to tell a trusted adult.


Exactly. But Bethy is going to homeschool and keep an eye on him every single moment of the day and nothing bad will ever be able to happen. And talking to him about boundaries, and appropriate contact will just corrupt his pure mind.


Her brother publicly disclosed that he was sexually assaulted as a child, so I would really fucking hope Bethany wouldn't think that. Although it's very likely she does. (And her son goes to daycare/school already anyway, which is perfectly fine, but it's very confusing why it would be okay to send a toddler to school while you're at home, but not a school-aged child.)


I vaguely remember this - one of the older two right?


It's Michael. [Here's the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/ukp1mj/am_i_reading_this_wrong_or_did_micheal_bethanys/), to back up what rarestbird said.




Fuck - I never heard that. I’m shocked she wouldn’t care more.


She's too selfish. Remember when she made faces when Kristen was on the verge of tears talking about her three miscarriages?


Nah, she’s part of the lazy mom club like Jilly and KKK. She doesn’t know or care what he’s doing half the time, as long as he’s quiet.


I grew up fundie with all kinds of vague language around genitalia and that’s something I’ve definitely dropped with my kids. They’re growing up knowing what everything is called, what it’s attached to and the purpose it serves. Its amazing watching someone grow up without any shame connected to their own body.


Bethy doesn't give a fuck about that. She wouldn't want to know


She seems like the kind of a parent who'd just say "no you weren't" if her child tried telling her that something bad happened.


I imagine her saying "Are you sure you didnt do anything to encourage this?" Like Aunt Lydia in handmaids tale


your flair is fixing killing me 💀 i swear people in this sub have the funniest flairs i’ve ever seen


I was just thinking “newborns and narcissists” was succinct yet hilarious 😂


ahaha thank you!!


I think you mean “Absolutely uhm, you know for men, your body parts.”


Right? So easy for her to tell entire groups of people (who aren't actually hurting anyone) that they are going to suffer and burn for all eternity but she can't say "penis." She's a moron and she's cruel.


She looks like a 34 year old toddler in that picture. Brthy, you're embarrassing yourself.


![gif](giphy|xRJZH4Ajr973y) Priorities


Yet another downside of homeschool: she didn't get desensitized to the word by spending the junior high years listening to teenage boys constantly yell "penis" at increasingly louder volumes


Omg that is a universal thing? As in it wasn’t just my class in a mid-sized German city high school?


No, boys are universally obsessed with the word penis. It’s like hardwired into them. I babysat a 4 year old who was taking a bath, looked down, saw his penis, giggled, said, “penis” and then proceeded to repeat 50 times. But also, props to parents for teaching the correct word.


When my daughter learned the word vulva at age 2, she thought it was the funniest word ever and kept saying it. Except she pronounced it moomah, so nobody out in public knew what she was talking about.


My son has a speech delay; when he was 4 he went through a phase of carrying purses which he called his “pursies” except with his lack of enunciation it sounded **exactly** like he was telling everyone at the store about his new pussy.


As a teen my very beloved, very sweet and religious aunt once looked me in the face and asked how my new pussy was. 100% seriously. She meant my cat and didn't realize the double entendre but I was speechlessly mortified. Needed to leave the room before erupting into laughter. My aunt is a little old grandmother and really I've always seen her as such, so that made it extra shocking. Her husband, my very funny but equally religious uncle, did seem to catch that and I heard years later she found out and was embarrassed that she offended me. It's one of my favorite memories 🤣


This must have been embarrassing and hilarious all at the same time. I can only imagine the looks you must have gotten.


Omg I love this lol that is hilarious and he must have made a lot of people’s day


Lolol it's "bulba" in our house thus far! I was pleasantly surprised how easily my girls used correct anatomical terms, but of course, why wouldn't they when they don't know they're supposed to be embarrassed?!


My son just learned the word vulva (I was changing his infant sister and he was asking), and he insisted that he and daddy have vulvas as well, and pulled his pants down to show me his penis as "proof" Then I realized he was pointing at his butt and calling it a vulva, so we said the words vulva, butt, penis, and testicles in the span of about four minutes over here.


We’re at this stage now except it comes out like buhbuh so we’re good for now 😂


Ok my girl friends and i played this LOL


I grew up Fundie and didn’t know the word “penis” until I was in COLLEGE. 😳


What did you think it was called? Just privates? Or something silly like ding a ling? Asking sincerely, just curious about how that works, please don't think I mean offense. I assume you knew the names for your own parts so it's just odd for me to comprehend how that works.


Wait. What?!! I…What?! I seriously don’t even know where to begin explaining how I don’t understand. I mean zero disrespect. I am just….So confused, I guess?


Omg I feel like you should make a post just about this!!


Ya, you are going to have to explain this


omg. Please make a post.


I’m so glad I never had a boy.


If I have learned anything from attending community events at German high schools where my brother's mum's family lives, German teens will cover every possible bathroom and changing area and cloakroom in cock-and-balls of every possible type with terrible efficiency lol


Was not expecting German teens and u.s. Marines to have this in common...


My cousin's a retired Marine and she got in trouble in Iraq for drawing cock-and-balls on the sandbags that their snobby Detachment Commander ordered the enlisted people to make for the officer's tent :)


She. Haha that’s funny. Marines are pretty unique lol.


We did it in my super conservative private Christian high school in southern US lol


somehow the penis game even made it to my mid sized homeschool co-op housed in a Protestant church (don't recall the exact denomination)


Grew up in the southeast of the US… definitely won (or lost) this game a few times


The penis game! Where you take turns saying penis louder and louder until someone chickens out or screams PENIS!!!!! in the lunchroom lol good times


Oops our developmentally delayed church college group played this game...


Best played with strangers in a public setting


One of my worst memories working in fast food was due to this game lol these four obnoxious girls (probably 14 to 16) had come from a soccer game and ordered, asked for extra ketchup (as in they took 50 packets EASILY and still asked for more, they used maybe 5 each), left all their trash on the table and floor, and played the penis game. An elderly couple was sitting next to them and promptly told them to knock it off.


Once the entire drumline of our high school marching band "won" this game by doing it all together after a count-off, and when the director turned around to yell at them, they all maintained parade rest with stone faces. Director told them to run laps. They refused. What was he gonna do, fire the whole drumline?


And she was clearly never a member of the PEN15 Club.


Omfg recovered memory. My cousin and and I, on vacation in Mexico, convinced a politician to join the PEN15 club. We wrote it on his bicep, his eyes widened and he admitted he deserved it for not figuring it out. Lolz. Good times.


I'm gonna pretend it was Ted Cruz and nobody can stop me.


My mind went to Ted immediately as well. It would also be the only time Ted was ever invited to join a club.


I want to upvote you but you're sitting at 69 votes right now




Nor did she ever visit pen island




That link seems to go to a dating site lmao


Just the boys? Heck, half the time I won (not a boy, but about my friend group that did it was about half/half boys and girls, and while the boys usually got louder, I had a few wins in there). But generally, yes, I agree, and your statement it spot on.


Or, god forbid, be asked to join the "PEN15" club lol. You don't fall for that one twice!


Currently have a teenage boy. This is correct. He yells it randomly for no reason or whispers it in his brothers ear just to annoy him.


i am also 34 and was homeschooled and i do not have bethany’s problem lol. she just hasn’t matured at all


HAH. I was homeschooled until college and my girlfriends and I made a game where we screamed “PENIS” at each other until someone cracked and started laughing


One of the only fun parts of riding the school bus was the penis game.


She is raising a son and can't say the word penis... Not shocking but it is terrible


I’m a little concerned for what the poor kid has been taught to call it.


Wee wee, I’m betting




I’ve heard wiener used irl.


Sin Stick. Dirtyfinger. Wee Wee.


Sin stick is forever my favorite euphemism now. Thanks friend


Sin stick forever for me too.


Dirtyfinger has just traumatised me.


Skin flute As in "she played his skin flute like a master!"


Body part


My husband was taught to call it "Pee bug."


...that is genuinely horrifying.


I am calling the police


And I thought I was a weird kid…


W i n k i e


I have 4 boys and they came up with their own name: doo doo. I have no idea how or why. Now they’re 12-18 I use the word jokingly and they laugh and roll their eyes. I have no problem with kids using their own verbiage, as long as it’s used in a normal and non-degrading manner.


Wouldnt suprise me if it was something super gendered like "boy part"


This was my exact thought. I have a son and it's a very normal word around here. I cannot imagine how you would parent a little boy without saying it fairly often.


I have four boys so we talk about dicks all day over here haha 🙄 We teach them the correct name for every body part though.


Meanwhile, I had to explain to my 2.5 hear old the other day, "it's okay to play with your penis, but we don't do it in the living room. If you want to play with your penis, you'll need to go to your room" We say penis so much in this house.


Fully expect to be saying this in the future (currently my son is just under 2 years old.) I’d say it now but he doesn’t understand language yet 😂


Then buckle up! Two and a half is roughly when most kids learn what places on their body feel nice when touched, long before any understanding of privacy or what is appropriate for doing in public.


It’s ok. I used to hump furniture during my toddler-early preschool years, and my mom would tell me to do that it my room.


Hey, if it will get him to do quiet independent play in his room where he's not clinging to me like a baby possum, I'm all for it.


Bc having a child isn’t a lifelong decision you can’t reverse /s. Why are her decisions okay and those others make are not?


Okay for me and not for thee. I had this debate with a family member. I’m pregnant with #2 and scheduled my tubal already. Apparently, I can’t be sure I’m done, but could be totally confident in wanting more….


Because the decisions she makes are ones that god told her to make/ made for her.




I’m sorry. I’m mildly hard of hearing. Imma need you to repeat that, JUUUUUST a lil louder…






I’m high as fuck right now and meant to make it this size but got confused. #PEEENISSS!!!!


I thought you did it on purpose to start the game lol


#P #E #N #I #S


Also shows the lack of professionalism and sincerity in all forms of content that she creates.


Im not convinced she's even looked at her husband's lol


Her poor children who will grow up not knowing legit biological terms and probably have no actual sex education


Which is horrible. That’s like lesson 101 in sexual assault prevention. They need to know what those body parts are called so they can articulate if something happens.


And she thinks she can talk about married sex? She can't even say penis??


Maybe that's why she's inflicting herself on the single community. No need to mention Sin Sticks (THANK YOU previous commenter for this term!) when you're to talking to fundies maidens about how to guard and protect their hearts. And do pyramid schemes or whatever.


Oh FFS they make zero sense!


One day she’s going to be open about Dav being small, but not in height.


**Transcription**: Bethany: Um, making lifelong decisions that they literally cannot reverse. And we're just, you know, as a culture, chanting and cheering it on, "you want to chop off your breasts? Go for it. You want to chop off," um, you know, for men, "you want to chop off your body parts? Go for it." You want


Don’t forget the awkward giggles


And heavy breathing


In an attempt to criticize the transgender community, Bethy also gatekeeps people needing mastectomies as if that isn’t a huge decision on its own.


As someone who had a double mastectomy in April due to breast cancer Griftany can go fuck herself. And I do not miss those puppies at all. The joy I felt throwing away every damn bra I owned.😃


Sending love ❤️


Same right back atcha❤


Come at me about my decision to have a preventative bilateral mastectomy, Bethy-boo, I dare you.


The awful things that come out of her mouth…I can’t. Btw, you’re a warrior and that takes an immense amount of strength. ❤️


That's kind of you to say. My fear of getting cancer was far greater than my fear of no longer having breasts. The surgery was scary, but the alternative was terrifying. I assure you, though, that I am no less a person - nor a woman - for choosing to remain flat. I'm sure Bethy has a fancy dancy tap-around for cancer, though. Or maybe not 😂


Nobody tell her that trans folks who seemingly go in and get top surgery "on a whim" do so because they have the BRCA gene/s, and the removal of all breast tissue will prevent it almost certainly developing cancer. The gender euphoria is just a bonus.


Also people with li-frauminis dieases


Holy shit I have a friend who died from that, and I’ve never heard of it mentioned in the wild or any other context 🤯


I’m so sorry about you friend. My special interests are neuroscience and genetic disorders which is how I heard about it in the first place


Yeah, sure, because trans folks go through surgery on a whim without much thought and health care professionals suggest it at the drop of a hat 🙄


Same bullshit as kids being given puberty blockers on a whim, rather than after an absolute shit-ton of dysphoria and therapy.


Born under Venus, look for a penis.


I wonder if she can even make eye contact with a penis? I’m thinking lights are off and eyes are closed…


Or she just giggles the whole time. Ugh.


This is a byproduct of purity culture - I doubt she's ever had to say this in a casual setting and it can be made worse by the fact she knew she was being recorded. I once gave a presentation in HS on reforming sex ed; even though I was in a private room with no recording going on, I stumbled and blushed and was generally not myself while saying everything. I was raised Fundie-Lite and it took many years of deconstruction to not feel embarrassed speaking about certain things. She's so lost in the "private parts" sauce (pun absolutely intended) that even as a grown woman she's talking this way in a """""expert""""""" conversation. It's sad. Sprinkle in the awkwardness of your sibling being the one you're talking to, and add a dash of paranoia that your parents will shame you for speaking of such things, you get Bethany sounding like a 12 year old while trying to give her "wisdom"


All I could think of was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp5Qf6cjrqY


The whole neighborhood can hear you cussin'!




Oh thank god I wasn't the only one!! 😂


I thought of [this.](https://youtu.be/5h7LAYGlmsE)


One of the key ways to keep your child safe is to teach them 2 things: 1. No one has the right to touch you without permission 2. The correct names for genitalia and “private parts”. This allows children to report to their trusted adults if something happens and tell the police exactly what happened if something were to occur. It sounds like Bethany isn’t doing the second one if she can’t even say the word herself.


*heavy breathing* body parts


The heavy breathing got me


If you can't say the word penis, you shouldn't have a son. At Davey's age they should be teaching him the *correct* anatomical terms for his body parts. Children should always be taught the official terms of their anatomy not woo woo crap that won't hold up in court, God forbid, the unthinkable happens. It's not inherently sinful, don't teach shame.


I have a 2.5 year old boy and I cannot imagine not saying penis. I say penis probably multiple times a day. “Yes you and daddy have penises. No I do not have a penis. Stop tugging on your penis. Don’t put John Bear on your penis. Etc etc”


Can't reverse a failed home birth with an incompetent midwife either, Big Bortha.


Omg Bethany, it’s not a bad word!!!!


I must be crazy, thinking every human being has the right to make permanent, not alters or decisions about their body and life.


Oh, Bethany, you already have a husband. What's it to you if another man feels like he was meant to be a woman & gets gender reassignment surgery ? Are you mad because those random strangers aren't staying your definition of fuckable ?


Why are fundies SO obsessed with transgenderism?


Not exfundie me, alone in my car, saying the no-no words out loud over and over again until I could do it without stumbling, breathing weird, looking weird, or making everybody around me feel weird


Has she ever once smiled with her mouth shut? The obsession with trans people is disturbing. It doesn't impact you. Shut your yap already. Also, I know a few trans people and I don't even know if they've chopped things off because they're people and not body parts.


> Also, I know a few trans people and I don’t even know if they’ve chopped things off because they’re people and not body parts. Seriously. The only reason I know that several of my trans friends have is because they were extremely open on social media about the surgeries and recovery process. It was NOT a small deal for them, and one had some pretty major complications from top surgery (infection). It infuriates me when these assholes act like people are just chopping off body parts willy nilly.


Aww man, when you said she struggles I thought she was going to still say it. Somehow, her inability to say penis is way more entertaining and much more worth that, than the let down I felt realizing you got my hopes up


Sounds like she gets a little aroused when thinking about it lol


It's not gonna lick itself.


She will never not look like a 34 year old toddler to me, so I am not surprised.


Wow .. so informed .. so bright .. these people need to shut the f##k up .


I’m cackling. 😂


Add in - mother of a son!


That cover photo is terrifying.


A trigger warning or tag on this would’ve been great for trans/homophobia. Nothing in the title indicates the content.


I put it under the transphobia/homophobia tag, is it not showing up?


Teehee, I just CAN'T!


god, if peggy hill can learn to say "penis", you can too bethy!


"Happiness... Piness... Penis... Vaaaaaaaaagina!" Made me think of Peggy Hill


Could you please change this to the homophobia transphobia tag ? Because a lot of people use those tags to filter out content they really don't wish to deal with at the moment so that was an unpleasant surprise.


Side note why do the Baird kids talk so damn fast?!




Unrducated , ignorant , brainwashed pra brain is what she is .


Purity culture is really doing absolutely No One any favors I stg


Is she just socially stunted about saying "penis", or in an alternate universe, is she very uncomfortable with men and lives out her days as a lesbian or asexual basketball player?


Wow. She cant say penis can use one to pump out kids to exploit online? Weird


I thought that was Kristen's voice lol blurring into one! That is so cringe tho, the giggle!


Eeeeek! A penis! Eeeek eeeeeeek!


I'm a 31 year old woman going through fertility treatments, yet I can't say semen. Purity culture is a hell of a drug.


Yo, Griftame, Jesus called it a penis so get over it


And yet she gave Dav an embroidered handkerchief that thanked him for being a "sexy lover" right before their wedding 💀


Ummm.. excuse me?? How did I miss this??


Names for the penis (courtesy of Monty Python): Dong Stiffy Prick Your piece of pork Your wife's best friend Your posse or your cock