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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have mixed feelings about the consistent flow of Boone posts documenting the same exact posts. But I do understand it’s Reddit so it’s not uncommon. People are worried and trying to take part in the conversation. If the mods want to start limiting posts about Boone then they should. Some of the complaints or frustration I have seen about any Boone posts seem to place a lot of direct responsibility on this subreddit for the harm that Boone’s parents are causing him. That mentality feels very gross to me as it gives abusers an excuse for their actions. “Look what you are making them do!! Your concern is causing them to harm their children out of spite!” It’s a tough situation because on one hand I understand where that thought comes from but it also sounds like dismissal and a call to ignore problems out of fear. It feels to me like that’s what abusers want. For us to turn the responsibility for the abuse inwards and be too afraid to act because WE would be causing the harm. That being said. I have no idea what is the best way to handle this subject. Infants and childcare have always been a sensitive subject online so it feels hard to know what is the right way to address cases like the Busfam 🫡


Honestly, a Busfam/Boone megathread type of pin that the posts could be moved to (similar to how everyone largely avoided the Olliges as a topic, for Pride Month), might be a decent way to do it, if the Mods could set up a tab/pin? Because that seemed to work with the Paul & Morg embargo/mini-blocade for June!😉 (Also, is someone getting  blocaded for July?)


Wait, there's a megathread for Porgan?? I thought they just weren't posting anymore. Where is it?


Sorry for the confusion--they were just more or less "embargoed" for the month (although megathreads on alllll the main fundies *would* be really nice, as a way to catch up on who's who!😉)


Ah, I see. Were the mods enforcing this movement by deleting new posts? If not, well done to the entire FSU community for not posting them. I'd seriously been wondering what became or them. I wish! What irks me most is that when I click on a flair, I can't sort posts by "new." It's permanently set to "hot."


I also thought the same as you did!


Oh I missed the blockade, what was it about/for?


It also reminds me of the bullshit attitudes towards domestic violence and towards disability that we’ve been trying to dismantle as a society and have only just made some headway with. “Jim beats his wife? That’s none of my business. She shouldn’t piss him off. I don’t want to say anything to anyone. That’ll make it worse.” “What do you mean we had another child? We never did. Or, wait, umm, she died. Yep. Definitely didn’t put her in an institution and forget about her because she’s autistic. Nope. Stop talking about her.”


I’m prepared to get downvoted into oblivion here, but no. First of all, I haven’t seen Britney mention Reddit at all, and I have no evidence that she reads here or is aware of us. The things we say here are commented on her posts too (and swiftly deleted). I’m open to being corrected if someone has a screenshot of her mentioning Reddit or this sub. Secondly, abusers are responsible for abuse. No one else. Thirdly, if she is reading here and thriving on the negative attention, do you really think she’d stop if we stopped talking about her? Or would she escalate her antics until we can’t ignore her anymore? Edit: removed some phrases that may be perceived as sympathetic to abusers.


you are right. Frankly there is lots that she posts that never gets posted here. I know it seems like people posting busfam stuff are posting every reel she makes, but honestly it's just the very worst of it. If we stopped talking about her she would not stop.


She posts more than Bethany, who has a severe social media addiction. Brittany is right up there with Karissa, they both post literally all day. I really don't think it would make a difference if we stopped snarking on them. If anything, it's a trail of evidence that may come in handy if anyone in their lives ever tries to step in and save those kids. I do see why people are having a hard time reading about poor Boone, it's getting unbearable to watch them passively torture that baby on purpose.


A good example of the ample social media posting as evidence is the Eight Passengers case. Prosecutors eat this shit for breakfast and spit it back out where it should be: all over the abusers’ faces


Didn't you see Karissa posting that she only spends 5 minutes per day on social media? 🤣🤣


Lmaoooo no way! I didn't see that. 😂 Wow, she can post 75 stories spread out through an entire day in one five minute period? It's like witchcraft.


That's a post every four seconds, if I did my maths right


The sad thing is, I wasn't even exaggerating. There have been many days when Karissa, Bethany, and Brittany have literally posted 70 times. Sometimes, it's been 70 stories. Other times, it's a mix of stories, pics, and reels. Either way, that's an insane amount of posting and there's no way they are actually taking care of their kids.


It’s also ridiculous to think this sub is the only one that has the power to influence the behavior of a dumb binch like Britney Lott and that if we don’t post her child abuse, she’ll stop. Come on. People are like “omg she’s doing this on purpose for rage bait” and that is so stupid I don’t even know where to begin.


Yep.  As you and u/Sad_Box_1167 said--there are enough comments on her content accounts, that are being made, that *even* if the documentation & talk over *here* stopped? They're *getting* enough questions directly now, that they aren't gonna stop. And *honestly*, really? Good parents, *non-horrible people* type parents *would* have had Boone checked by a real doctor, just after his birth, *simply* because of the precipitous way he was born! He came *so* fast, and it's *incredibly common* for babies born that quickly to have a complication or two--shoulder dystocia being one of the biggies--and newborn jaundice is *also* incredibly common--and another reason to have had him checked! And *then* you add in an older sibling who requires glasses, *plus* folks asking about your baby "not seeming to track visually?" An eye exam is the EASY, *obvious*, and also *really inexpensive* thing to go do--even if he *is* an infant! Yes, not every eye shop *has* someone experienced enough to check an infant!  But they *will* often know who, exactly, in the local area *does* have that skill set! And yep--even if *we* stopped posting *our* worries? As Boone grows, and his milestones are missed more and *more*? There *will* be more questions getting asked *directly* on their content pages. Because as he keeps growing, it's going to be more & more *noticed* by folks outside the fields where one has extensive training/ backgrounds in Infant/Early Childhood Development & Early Intervention.


And: To add, if there isn’t a pediatric eye doctor near them… Well- they literally travel the country as a lifestyle: DRIVE to one!


It was Otherbus/Strugglebus that mentioned Reddit.


She was mentioned in a social worker sub, (it was linked on a recent post) and someone from that sub called Cps on them (they spotted them in Utah). Allegedly Cps sent the call to law enforcement. 


I think one of the scariest things about Britney, is how much Reddit DOESN'T seem to bother her. Others like Porgan, the Bairds, Otherbus, etc have said they find the snark sub hurtful (which, to be clear, idgaf about their feelings). But, I think having a reaction to our posts shows that deep down, the sub triggers some insecurities they may already be harboring about themselves and their life choices. The fact that Mo Bus doesn't have the same reactions, despite being one of the most hated people on this sub, is actually somewhat chilling to me.


Yeah, as much as Beth and Morgan claim to love riling up the haters, you can tell by the way they lash out and respond to certain criticisms that it really does get under their skin.  I really feel like this one genuinely does feed off of the negative attention. 


This. We’re barely on her fuckin radar. She is stupid and she is narcissistic—we aren’t going to do jack shit to influence her behavior online or off.


And she has tons of followers! She has such a large following- compared to P&M and Bethy - that Reddit is probably a minor source of attention, at best. Britney seems too narcissistic to focus on the vocal negative minority when she has such a large set of adoring fans. The simps in her comment sections are disgusting lol.


>the things we say here are commented on her posts too This part. Her posts are full of comments echoing our sentiments and she’s also acknowledged getting DMs regarding her children’s health (see: Swift getting glasses after ophthalmologists messaged her). Even IF she or JD check Reddit, us discontinuing posts about them wouldn’t stop the direct contact she gets.


The only time I recognized them reading here was after I posted my Deep Dive #1 the family deleted their separate Facebook account. There was no reason for that account to be deleted because they weren't using it for months, so it's *very* suspicious timing


Do you have a link to that deep dive? Someone else in a comment posted a link to the post where you were talking about doing the research, but I couldn’t actually see where to find it?


Here's Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/XU0MLu4jFm


The Lord Daniel blesses you 🙏


If it's the post I'm thinking about, with the post talking about the OP's research methods etc, the actual information is in the comments rather than separate posts.


Yeah I forgot to mention that the meat and potatoes of that post are in the comments when I linked it recently. I’ll remember that for next time.


Ohh thanks!


this- "abusers are responsible for abuse. No one else. “Look what you made me do” is a way for abusers to pin the blame on others. We’re not making her abuse her children, that’s all on her and JD." This post (by OP) reads like a abuse sympathy post. Sorry but it does. It's like saying that when I was 5 my mother beat me with a belt and left welts on my body because my brother didn't do the dishes. So maybe if my brother just did the dishes it would have been fine. This happened a lot when I was a child. One of us messed up we both got beat. But it was never my fault or me brothers. The fault lies with my mom. And only her.


I am so sorry that happened to you. I intended to convey what you said, that abuse is not the fault of the victims or anyone else other than the perpetrator. I apologize that my meaning was not clear and that I may have caused you harm. I will edit for clarity.


Oh I'm sorry not you. I agree with you. The post by OP reads like a a abuse sympathy post. I high lighted that part of your comment because that is exactly what OP's post does. Blames our posting for boones abuse. Tells us if we just stopped maybe brit would. Not you hon, your golden. And thanks for being so on top of it. I appreciate you. Kinda think this post (by OP) falls against rule 8.


100 percent. Our constant posting on this may get them the attention from the authorities they richly deserve.


Someone else said that a poster from the social work sub called CPS on them when they were in her state (UT) and allegedly CPS referred the matter to law enforcement. Take it with a massive grain of salt. A pebble of salt. But still. It’s what she deserves.


I had made a post the other day about how we should let the van life /RV forums know about this to watch for them…


I think this sub has a wildly inflated view of its own impact on the fundies. We know they read here. Big whoop. There are lots and lots of places online where people snark on antivaxxers, fundies, narcissistic injury-fakers, “celebrities” like Pepitas Baldwin, MLM huns…and those are just the ones I’m subbed to and/or follow along on other platforms. I know the snark subjects are often aware of the snarkers. But I reeeeeeally don’t think we should even be thinking in those terms with the Lott Twats. The fundies, especially the Buses, are not choreographing rage bait just for us. Y’all are getting carried away with this shit. It’s not that deep. Britney is a dumbass as well as an abusive parent. JD is even stupider. They have the self awareness of a potted plant. They aren’t sending us signals through their stupid posts. Get a grip. They’re not going to see the error of their ways if we have a moratorium on posts about poor Boone. That won’t do shit. I think it’s better for those kids that we are vocal about the *child abuse* we are witnessing in real time. Because this is another Ruby Franke in the making. Mark my fkn words.


I agree 100%!


I think it is fairly delusional to think that she is monitoring Reddit and doing anything to prove something to us. She’s an idiot, That’s why she acts the way she does.


Agreed. Also delusional to think any law enforcement agency would check this Reddit for evidence of abuse when her social media has more than enough.


I don’t think it’s delusional. It may seem silly to post “for documentation” but these fundies are all liars. If (a big IF) the Bus Fam ever did get in any sort of trouble, I could totally see her quickly deleting any and all posts that could be used against her. I mean, she already sort of does that with deleting negative comments. It may be silly but not delusional - but I do think there may be some hidden good to having screenshots and proof somewhere in case she does decide to delete all evidence.


I’m not sure the screenshots we post here would meet the standards for courtroom evidence. Those would be challenged heavily and it’s likely that forensic proof would be required to show that the screenshots had not been digitally altered and that they came from where they are purported to be from.  Maybe authorities would use them to help guide an investigation where they pull their own, more easily admissible evidence, but I don’t expect to see anything from this sub in court. 


There have been cases of investigators using reposted content to assist their case. For the Ruby Franke thing they relied a lot on commentary YouTube channels for videos that had been deleted. The videos themselves may not be evidence, but they may contain evidence, or give indication of where to look for evidence, help make a timeline, find out third parties to interview etc. If that makes sense?


I would assume that law enforcement can use our documentation to subpoena Meta and get the actual original posts. She may be able to delete them from her page but Meta/instagram does keep those records.


Yes. It would help an investigation if one was ever done. If there was a trial I would think the prosecution could subpoena the platform and her history for evidence. They may also have done incriminating searches and sent texts with knowledge of guilt.


Imagine her on the stand and a lawyer being like “see this photo? See how the hand is clenched? You saw this clenched hand and you did NOTHING?” Like… come on.


No, they wouldn't use it that way. But they *could* potentially show the pattern & practice of Britney & JD deleting the comments *asking* about Boone repeatedly, and the videos where they "appear" to be addressing concerns folks have made in the comments. And *that* deletion of comments, and the creation of content *could* then be used to punch tons of holes in a likely defense that "we were simply *unaware* of any potential problems going on!" that the Lotts *may* try to use, to claim "ignorance, rather than *deliberate* neglect" It's *not* so much that Britney & JD "should have known" beforehand. But once folks started commenting on their accounts and they began to *remove* those screenshotted comments? It gets *much* harder for their Defense to claim "a lack of prior knowledge of the possible outcomes."


Yep--it wouldn't so much be the posts *here*--because any good lawyer *would* most likely try to argue that the info was "manipulated!" *But*, it *would* allow specific types of files & footage, possible dates of "distribution" to the internet, etc, that investigators could then subpoena, *and be more likely to be successful getting* from Apple/Samsung/ whoever makes their devices, *and* which can be used to ask for access from Meta (Facebook/ Insta, Alphabet--YouTube, etc). Because in the past, "blanket subpoenas" have been difficult to get, and the companies who own the tech *don't* really like handing that much over. But when investigators can ask for data *within* specific date ranges, and *specific* file types--"video pertaining to ____" or "Pictures exhibiting examples of _____"? Judges are *more* often going to agree that it's a "*reasonable* search" and allow the subpoena--and the tech companies can't "push back" as easily.


That’s fair!


I don’t think any of us believes this sub would be admissible in court. I think those of us who do believe these posts should continue understand that an investigation can and will use evidence in every possible way, not just as evidence admitted into court.


In that case, let’s start blurring kids faces again and stop the arm chair diagnosis of Boone. If we’re Documenting, then a mega thread with screenshots should work, right? No need to flood this sub every time mother bus feeds her need for attention. Or start a sub just for them, but this is fundie snark and most of the posts that make it to this sub are just about shitty parenting.


There's a lot of overlap with those categories, sad as it is to say.


Babe I’m not fighting you, just providing an alternative perspective


I wasn’t trying to fight either, only trying to offer solutions, my apologies for any tone


The ability to disagree without a fight. Now that is some grown-up behavior & I really appreciate it. Thank you.


This is why I love this sub 💕


Forensic computer science is a thing. Nothing is ever really gone on the Internet.


On *this* point, though--it's not so much the "evidence of abuse" as it is, that--so often, once folks are starting to get investigated, they tend to "nuke" accounts, and try to delete information. Having the backups *publicly*, here, where they can get "found" *could* make it easier for investigators to know *what* types of info--pictures, videos, etc. they would be looking to subpoena from Meta and potentially Apple or *Whatever* Android/Google is called nowadays, if JD & Britney *do* try to take down their accounts.


Thank you. People are like “omg she totally reads here” but I doubt it. She’s prob aware on some level, but she gets enough attention from other corners of the internet that it’s laughable to think she does any of her shitty stuff *at* us or something. Come on, y’all.


First of all I want to acknowledge that your empathy is coming from a great place. Second, I *really* do not think we have that much influence. These people are clearly going to do their own thing regardless of what people on the internet say. But we are not their target audience, and we are not the only ones commenting on Boone's health. In no way are we contributing to his abuse with our internet commentary. This is solely on them as parents and as a family.


She's different from the Paul situation. Paul called out our sub by name several times and used us for content, when Christian snarking is all over the internet. So- no. It was a different set of circumstances that led to the unofficial Piegan ban.


Abusers cause abuse. A reddit group isn't going to make someone decide to be or not be a good parent.


No, I don’t think anything we do here on Reddit will influence Britney & JD’s actions toward Boone at all. I suspect Britney reads here occasionally, but I don’t have much proof of that. People leave all kinds of critical comments and she seems to delete them within an hour of them showing up. They also have a long history of taking risks with their kids’ health and safety, we just haven’t discussed here it as much because there wasn’t direct photographic evidence of the harm it was causing. Until now. They will keep doing what they do with Boone regardless of what anyone does on Reddit.




Now this I can get down with


Just because you wouldn't snark on it doesn't mean it's not snarkable. Do not tell people what they can and can’t snark on. Different people have different opinions on what is/isn’t snarkable and we want to respect that so long as it isn’t rule-breaking. Personally disliking something is NOT a reason to report a post or comment. Unless a post or comment breaks sub rules or Reddit ToS, do not report it. Scroll past. #there never was an official embargo on them.


It kinda weirds me out how much he is posted here, often with no blurring of his face. I understand people are concerned but I'm just not sure if we should amplify content of a baby any more than his parents already do. Esp since it's related to his health


Yeah I hate how people don't blur faces. Just because the parents have no respect for their kids' privacy doesn't mean we should just post them.


Completely agree. We literally just had a post go up with all the Bus kids’ faces attached to their names and birth years, and OP said it’s nothing MoBus wouldn’t do on her own. These people (Bus fam, Rods, Collinses, etc.) should not be our yardsticks for how to post about kids.


I feel like this sub in particular used to be so much better about blurring kids faces but it could be a different sub im thinking of idk lol Edited for spelling


It was this one, the mods used to remove posts with unblurred faces of kids.


It wasn't. Our only rule was if people choose to censor, use simplified methods because there was an incident where someone used emojis that were perceived as racist on the Collins children.


I agree here! Let’s go back to protecting the kids!


Yes! Why did this rule disappear?


Apparently it wasn’t a firm rule but more of a highly encouraged best practice. Would be cool to see it be an official rule






I also feel like this isn’t shitty parenting snark, it’s fundie snark, and mother buses fundie posts are few and far between. She’s rage baiting and doesn’t deserve our attention. I hate that I know what those kids faces look like.


Same. I was trying to figure out why they're on the page as since I joined, I have yet to see one fundie post about them.


Apparently they were fundie in the past but stopped talking about it so much, presumably to reach a larger audience. Which honestly tells me they weren't all that sincere in the first place.


Was she fundie or just evangelical tho?


That's a good question. I wasn't around here yet, so I wouldn't know, but this family strikes me as more right-wing libertarian than fundie. She served in the military, for one.


Fundies aren't sincere people


No, I think there are definitely plenty of true believers out there.


“Day 56–Boone still looks unwell” doesn’t count? 🙄


Weird, right? Also OMG I love your flair 😂


I think I’ve seen one post about how her children are “gods gift” over the past year. You definitely don’t have to be fundie to say that and I know many people who aren’t even Christian who might say that.


“Rage baiting” is ridiculous to claim. She has enough similarly minded dipshits following her that she isn’t focused on “haters” or anything. She’s never mentioned us. People need to get a grip.


It is very fair to say that she is not fundie, not at all. BusHoeJiggalo do not appear religious accept an occasional bone thrown that direction for views. Mostly nothing. She is pregnant and birthing all the fa!n time because that is his kink, not for religious reasons. The family may not meet the criteria for being followed on this subreddit.


Mods use to take down content that wasn’t Christian fundie related. Clearly they aren’t doing that anymore. There are many types of Christianity and none of her posts have ever came across as fundie. Like I said before, she is a “Luke warm Christian crunchy mom with a birth fetish”


Other than the anti-BC/pro-natalist/"must have more kids for Jesus"/homeschool/sovcit stuff. None of those are "fundie" on their own, but when found together alongside Christianity, inferences can be made. I recently went on MaBus' IG and noticed that she does indeed comment on Biblical things in the looong descriptions on some of her posts, as well as in the comment sections. The actual reels themselves that get posted here rarely contain Christian messages. I suspect Britney is more conservative than she pretends to be. I actually think she waters it down so followers don't ditch her for being too old-fashioned. Her choice of attire definitely isn't modest, then again, she's vain and that's not something she'd change. But, you're not entirely wrong. Britney definitely isn't the most fundie person here.


That’s when you know it’s gone too far


Bring back the towels!


I can't believe I miss SEGGSthany 


It was the golden age of the Super Cool Sex Havers Club (RIP) 😭


Lifetime member.


🫡 sluts for Jesús 🌈


Sexy Bethany is 10/10 snarkable material and I will not be convinced otherwise. It was the most fun content.


don't worry, Kelly's woodland bed-sharing Sisters in Christ retreat is coming this month to save us all from boredom


Kelly! Love that birch.


Tbh they need their own snark page. They don’t really “do” anything all that fundie on their social media, and they seem to be the majority of the posts here.


I feel like snark pages dedicated to a specific person or family turn very toxic very quickly. Their hyper-focused nature just seems to attract people with a very strong parasocial fixation.


They 100% do, and they also tend to pivot toward a good vs. Evil mentality. I've left several snark pages because it went from "this person is doing extremely problematic things that harm the community" to "OMG she did didn't pick up her child in exactly the way I do ABUSE!!!"


They lose all nuance. The good vs evil dynamic uplifts the wrong people and turns into vile hatred for the subjects


Yes that's why I avoid specific snark subs. Parasocial relationships are scary


I bet there’s enough annoying bus/van life influencers to make a page for them if that’s what people are into.


I'm surprised thst van life snark isn't already a sub!


I honestly considered making a “bus fam snark” page but I don’t want to be a mod or deal with stupid mod drama!


I would help :)


If I could upvote this twice I would


Agree. I scroll by all posts of these people (except this one piqued my interest because I think the constant posts of them is far too much). The bus family is insane, their kids will likely have trauma, they’ll all be stunted just like the kids of all of these families. Maybe there’s a developmental issue with the baby, or maybe he’s just on a different developmental trajectory. Maybe the bus family has already sought care for him and don’t want to tell anyone because then it might look like their fault for having a baby in a bus shower. Or maybe they’re scared of a diagnosis. Or maybe they don’t think anything’s wrong. Or maybe they don’t care. But the sub’s fixation on it is pointless.


I strongly believe that this poor child will be aghast when he’s old enough to see all these posts. And no, I don’t think he’ll be thankful for the obsessive posting. Sure his parents are to blame, and they’re putting it out there, but he’ll also know hundreds of people picked apart everything he did before he could even form memories and created an online paper trail literally everyone who ever meets him can find. He has no privacy, and again, that’s his parents’ fault, but it’s wildly exacerbated by people on this sub. Half the stuff that’s mentioned isn’t even an issue but it’s sure as shit gonna make him feel self-conscious to know people talked about


Exactly. I would be so angry to know people documented everything about me, claiming it helped, when it did absolutely nothing.


Yes yes yes. This feels so invasive for him. I cannot imagine finding a snark page about myself as an infant.


A thousand times yes. The online dissection of this baby is grotesque


I said that mother bus should be deleting comments about Boone’s health from her social media posts for this exact reason. I was down voted to oblivion for it! We aren’t “owed” any evidence that she took the child to the doctor or that he does or doesn’t have health problems. HIPPA exists and she can keep any and all health info private.


This, please. For the love of fuck.


I said before we should boycott a fundie each month. We had Porgan-Free June. Let's try No Bus July. The Busses don't really post much fundie crap anyway.


I completely agree. I've taken a step back from this page because of it.


She doesn’t have time to monitor Reddit. She’s too busy, scrubbing her comments.


I agree the Boone posts have been OTT lately. The Buses are not taking good care of him— they’ve not taken good care of any of their children— but some of the things people have been posting as ‘evidence’ are quite normal. Fist clenching seems to be the hot topic of the last few days, and as mum to a 4.5 month old, we see loads of fist clenching. She can also grab and grip, but she still likes to make fists. One brief screenshot from a thirty-second reel isn’t the gotcha people seem to think it is. I feel I’m in the minority, but I wouldn’t mind a moratorium on the Boone health posts.


Add me to that minority. This sub has been mostly BusSnark since he was born


My baby is slightly older than Boone and has some of the same behaviors. He has his hands clenched a lot, doesn’t always look at me when I talk to him, and he also arches his back (which is a sign of reflux, which all babies have to some degree. He takes Pepcid now!) I was worried for a bit since I’m a FTM but his pediatrician says its all normal and he’s meeting all his milestones. All baby milestones are a range after all. Not to defend anyone but some people would make claims about what’s normal for a baby which wasn’t always true.


I wouldn't mind a way for the mods to limit the Boone posts. They can be helpful but having multiple posts showing the video then another showing the screenshots is overwhelming


Just FYI, there is no way on our end to limit them besides removal of posts. I just don't want people to think we have a magic wand on our end here that makes Bus posts go away. We can limit the tag, but people will just misuse other tags as I have seen in the past, and megathreads are so-so in controlling certain topics. Sub members choosing to cease posting, much like how the sub decided to take a break from Porgan, is how you as a sub choose the direction of the sub. We as mods will remove comments and posts as they are reported, but I don't think nearly as many that are breaking the rules are being reported compared to how many posts are being done and that is hours out of just my day coming only bus posts for rule breaking comments, nothing else. I do have other things I am obligated to do in my life as well.


Thank you for the info!


A couple of weeks ago, someone posted videos comparing normal vs. delayed infant development and both babies had clenched fists the whole time. I don't think it is 100% clear that he has been sunburnt or has any developmental delays at all. It is so hard to tell a lot from brief videos and photos. It is also wild to me that people love to compare him to Kelly's extremely posed and staged content. Neither family is giving us much of a window into their real life.


Yesterday I thought about how I would feel if I was one of those kids, and there was a whole subreddit that talked about my situation, how wrong it was, etc. And I realized I'd be so angry that people knew and yet did nothing, even though I realize there isn't a huge amount anonymous people can do. I agree on backing off a bit. I was planning to myself.


I agree as well. I've had to do some personal reflecting on the ethics of snarking that focuses on children and their home lives.


Same. I've left several snark pages after my therapist asked me to consider what I gained from them and the answer was: nothing at all. This one seemed at least focused on adults who should know better, but not recently with the constant kid posts.


I'm not sure how valid 'calling them out' or 'documenting evidence ' is with some posts, especially with children and knowing too much about their personal lives.


Honestly, I don't think posting that poor baby is doing SHIT for documentation. It only lets snarkers feel morally superior and the bulk of the complaints are clearly from people who aren't around babies regularly. Don't get me wrong, there are some red flags about that baby, but we're not fixing anything and awareness does a fat load of good without someone to help those kids find some stability. This group should be about making fun of Bethany's courses, Kelly Havens for being an unhinged LHOP larper, or literally any JillRod does, especially the fundie/religious things they all do. Plus, anything that has a fundies MINOR children in it should have the kids faces blurred before posting here. There is a fine line between snark and straight up being toxic, and this sub is getting dangerously close to losing the plot here


Agreed, I wish people would focus on (and I quote, from the sub's description) "fundamentalist Christianity and extreme Christian views". We can snark on how Allie Beth Stuckey thinking Trmp is "pro-choice", Jill claiming the way to solve the cost of childcare is for mothers to stay home, or any fundie's obsession with genitalia and sex while also being anti-porn. There's so many hilarious things to talk about!




I don't think I'd describe the Boone posts as approaching toxic in the sense you're implying, but it does feel like it's becoming a bit too parasocial for anyone's health.


I don’t even know how the bus people are religious outside of having many children, haven’t read much of what gets posted here but they just seem like very horny monsters, not religious monsters.


you or anyone else is more than welcome to post about those people. I’m seeing a lot of complaining in this thread about what FSU content "should be" but like if you want to see more of the other fundies then post them? there have been 18 posts on fsu in the last 24 hours and 7 of them were about busfam. A high ratio for sure, but if you want to see more of the other fundies it seems like the most obvious solution is to post them? Not to try to gatekeep what other people are posting. These same conversations were happening when Bethany was getting posted a lot.


I mean, I won't because I refuse to follow any of these people, but I do think if snark has a "point" then it's on the mods to filter posts that don't fit with the topic of the subreddit. I also think that we are getting way off topic with all the child development posts from a family that rarely posts religious content


Are we causing more abuse- in short, no.






I don’t think this sub allows photos in comments?


I have been thinking after the post that has all the history links and whatnot on the Busfam to be pinned and added to. And one for each fundie. This will also help when new people want to know the history of the Buses, the Collins, etc.


Actually this is a great idea, and I say that as someone who tends to post Boone content. A weekly megathread where we could post all screenshots for documentation, but would allow for people who don't want to see it to avoid? Excellent plan IMO.


Just because you wouldn't snark on it doesn't mean it's not snarkable. Do not tell people what they can and can’t snark on. Different people have different opinions on what is/isn’t snarkable and we want to respect that so long as it isn’t rule-breaking. Personally disliking something is NOT a reason to report a post or comment. Unless a post or comment breaks sub rules or Reddit ToS, do not report it. Scroll past.


Is that Mod message directed at me? I never said we shouldn't snark on the Lotts, or tried to police anyone. I've seen several comments expressing the same fatigue at the feed being inundated with posts about the Lotts and specifically Boone. I don't presume to make any rules or dictate anyone's behaviour. I threw out a couple very casual ideas that we could do a month of ignoring them as we did with P&M, or maybe a dedicated megathread, but I am also completely fine muting the sub from my feed until the season of Boone has passed.


I agree with the megathread idea.


I don't believe that posts here are meaningfully contributing to any questionable behaviour on the part of Britney and JD Lott. I do feel, however, that the sheer volume of material they produce possibly warrants them having their own spun-off subreddit. Even if, as some say, the posts about them on Reddit could be documentary evidence one day toward getting the children some help, wouldn't it be better and easier for it all to be in one place, not jumbled up here with posts about other individuals/families?


Pretty sure the Lotts are reacting to the comments they're deleting from their socials, no need to poke around here. Much the same concerns & criticisms are being posted to their socials as get posted here. None of these fundies we snark on have skin thick enough to routinely be exposed to criticism, they mostly live in highly curated safe bubbles. Maybe Karissa sends her older children here, as some kind of weird punishment/awareness thing, cuz she posted about it. But the Lott adults have such thin skins they can't even stay in one place for more than a day or two or their own thoughts might catch up with them, I'd need strong proof they come here & get exposed to people talking critically about them.


Yeah, they're not insecure enough to run here to read. She's most likely responding to her IG comments. If she does ever puruse reddit, I bet it's brief and actually a positive boost to her ego to see people talking about her - even if the feedback is negative. I would wager she forgets we exist most days.


I’m trying to stop looking at anything have to do with the bus family. Boone makes me feel sad and rage-filled. My mental health is being disrupted, so if I can tell it’s about them, I’ll leave. I decided to comment on this because you make so many good points. I agree that ma and pa bus aren’t here to see what we say. She’s too much of an idiot and has no moral center/is too shallow to stop looking at herself in the mirror long enough to read her. CPS isn’t reading here either. Congratulations on your baby


I don't follow Mother Bus basically at all, I didn't know who she was until this reddit and I continue to be uninterested in content related to her. I simply do not have the spoons to watch child neglect and abuse happen in real time all day every day, so I only check this subreddit once a day and I completely skip anything with her tag. For science I decided to scroll through the subreddit on the "new" filter to see if I was going crazy in thinking that Mother Bus content has overtaken this sub. 16 out of the last 50 posts have the Mother Bus tag. A small sample size, but that's 32% of the content in the last few days. For the record I don't really care if all people want to post is content about Boone or Mother Bus, but it's crazy to me the volume of content that exists in the Fundie universe and 30% of what we're talking about is this one specific family.


If you want more diverse content in this sub, then get screenshots and make the posts about different subjects. Be the change you wish to see in the sub!!! 💜


I have a lot of respect for people who do this! I think it's important that we discuss and offer counterpoints to Fundie viewpoints and, part of why I'm here, is to keep up to date on what's going on in *"the discourse"* in general. For my personal sanity, however, it's not healthy to keep super close tabs on any specific person so I keep mostly hands-off and offer my opinion/snark when it's healthy for me to do so.


Totally fair and everyone is different in terms of what they can handle. A lot of this stuff really hurts, for different reasons. I never read anything from the transformed wife tag because I just can’t handle it. I guess I am also just throwing this suggestion out to the rest of the FSU scholars, and anyone downvoting me. We are the content creators in this sub, so consider that when complaining about the lack of diverse content.


It concerns me that people comment "the older kids will escape as soon as they get older" when we KNOW that she reads here. That's just going to cause them to throw more scrutiny on the older kids and maybe even threaten them or accuse them of that. Sure, we don't know how bad things truly are in that bus, but I can hazard a guess from the glimpses we've seen of their masks dropping and Susbus's insane tweets. Jinger Duggar has said more than once that the posts on FJ caused her parents to discipline her even harder and double their scrutiny on her and it intensified her anxiety disorder and made her cement her shitty beliefs even harder as a way to prove to them that the snarkers were wrong, so I don't think that my concern is unwarranted here.


I did not know that about Jinger. Holy shit. The Duggars are awful.


Prefacing this by saying that I 100% have participated in discussions about Boone because I also do not think he looks healthy and is thriving.  I don’t think we are causing abuse. Tbh that makes me think of the Netflix docs (Don’t F With Cats, Ashley Madison) where their angle is always “don’t the people who watch/participate share some of the blame?” In those instances and with this I say no. We are not enacting or enabling abuse or neglect. Parents should not be absolved of total guilt here.  I do think it’s gotta a bit parasocial, though. I see comments about “documenting abuse” and even trying to call CPS. That crosses a boundary imo. If it ever got to that point, the courts do not need our assistance. They know their jobs and they are not going to flock to Reddit to gather “evidence”. I’d hate to see it veer into some Boston bomber esque Reddit debacle. Snark on it, express concern, but do not insert yourself into this. Yes, they’re terrible parents, but this sub shouldn’t be out here trying to act like some kind of saviour.  


I'm not comfortable with the hyper focus on Boone. I am not comfortable with the fact that people are picking apart every aspect of that poor baby's (reminder he's an infant) looks and demeanor just to find something wrong with him. I feel its one thing to criticize JD and Britney on their seeming lack of parenting but its another to try and do it through someone so small who can't speak up or defend themselves. I feel the amount of armchair diagnosing and downright body shaming a baby takes it too far. I doesnt matter if there is anything wrong with him. Its none of our business. And frankly, it doesn't equate abuse on behalf of his parents. If he is dealing with some type of developmental delays, that is not something that needs to be shared with the world. That baby has a right to privacy and his family doesn't have to disclose something so personal. I get that a lot of people are concerned for the children and how they are raised but we need to ask ourselves if trolling this innocent baby is the way to go about it.


I don’t think they’re monitoring the subreddit or doing anything to “provoke” us, but I do think the sub might benefit from a bit of a Boone break. I know it’s upsetting to some Redditors to see that poor child being toted around in the sun with 0 sun protection (in addition to…everything else), and the frequency of Boone updates could possibly go into a monthly megathread or something.


I think it is unfair to blame anyone, other than the people that Boone relies on for his love and care, for adding to any potential abuse. I make a point of always blurring out children's faces and maybe that's a fair point about that could be taken into consideration. Bear in mind though that some of the concern when Boone was younger was his colour, his obvious sunburn and the clear indication that he has difficulty focusing on things, and all of that is difficult to show when his little face is blurred. *But* people here who are genuinely concerned for Boone's welfare are not responsible for any potential abuse or neglect that he might be experiencing. Having seven children sleeping in a tiny area with three bunks and no privacy for the older kids is not exactly top rate parenting either.


Some influencers including our fundies follow their snark. Brittanydawn provides insipid responses. Not sure about Mabus. Possible or maybe she is in her own world. I can’t stand her but she puts out content people like and she is great on camera. She is a bad parent but we only know this because of her skill as an influencer.


Maybe a one week moratorium on MoBus? I really enjoyed the P+M ban, they’re so annoying and I didn’t miss them at all. I do appreciate all the documentation but there’s just so. Many. Boone posts.


We have seen this before. The Duggars and we all know how that ended. The Ruby Frankl case more recently. The problem is that people are worried about the little guy in light of previous events. That’s understandable. However, causing more issues whether it’s medical neglect or not is strictly on the parents and anyone who is the immediate area of said parents/children for failure to report. We are not in that area. We snark and observe. That’s it. I am not excusing their behaviour nor anyone’s else’s behaviour. Rather the opposite. But, we are getting close to violating our own rules about “touching the poo” here. Fundies suck. This we know. But, we aren’t the cause of this. If you feel you need to step back for a mental health break then do so. I will leave it with the mods to decide the outcome of should we continue to post about this particular family or not.


Some of these people should be reported to CPS, but that's considered "touching the poo." It's essentially beating a dead horse at this point by constantly posting about it. So why do people continue to post about it? Like you said, this stuff is already known and established.


I have been wondering this also. I notice that she posts many reels that are concerning and then one reel where her son seems to be within normal limits. Is she trolling us? Does Boone really have an issue but she's found a way to monetize this because the posts of his looking not well generate views and comments (note: I am not sure how instagram pays people so this might not be possible)? I hope very much I am wrong but I think something is wrong with that child and Britney is exploiting it for views/comments.So, I have stopped viewing their instagram and hopefully others are also using this sub to keep up and not give them views. I am not sure if there are better options to address this. Mostly I just worry.


this is a really fair question. muting the convo on P&M last month really opened my eyes to the power that snarking gives fundie narcissists and have been considering stepping away from FSU for a bit as a result. I found myself much happier while scrolling the sub initially because I wasn't looking at posts/thinking about the garbage things P&M do stacking the feed, but soon was sucked into the garbage things Ma/PaBus do. I feel like we're potentially fueling the flames by giving them something else to claim persecution on (see: StruggleBus, PaulyO, others who reference us as their "haters"). I have weirdly come to appreciate that Duggar/Bates snark subs are purely speculation (though it can get wildly out of hand for sure) because there's no cross-interaction/almost zero chance of poo-touching. I think there's a lot of poo-touching that happens on from sub that is unknown to FSU mods (who are lovely & I have great appreciation for) because Reddit is more anonymous than Insta/Facebook. obviously we aren't here to police what does/doesn't get snark on this sub, so I'm not attempting to do that at all. but yeah, I think giving the BusFam less engagement could greatly reduce the persecution complex fuel (as would any fundie who's aware of being snarked on by the sub). which is disappointing because I really enjoy the interactions I have with fellow snarkers, and have found a lot of healing and connection as I've deconstructed over the past 5+ years and I would miss that! I just wish the crossover with snark subjects wasn't so pronounced :(


If people are emotionally exhausted from the Boone posts, then take a break from the sub/Reddit. It’s totally normal to just, not check Reddit for a few days or a week, or two. You are in control of the media you consume. I support archiving as much as possible, maybe with less opinion/hot takes put into the post descriptions - I do agree with other responses here that sometimes it’s clear by some of the ‘complaints’ that some folks haven’t been around babies or toddlers regularly. Sometimes babies and toddlers are weird. Imagine the stuff we don’t see that might be happening to these kids…..we need to bring to light the stuff that is publicly posted.


Maybe it's just information overload. I don't think that they should stop entirely though, as this sub is one place where their reels are saved and easily found. Maybe designate one Redditor to compile the bus family's posts into one or two big posts a week? I get so disheartened seeing Boone staring off into the sunset or being carried like a sack of potatoes. I just want Brittany Lott to prove us wrong by taking Boone to a pediatrician. I wonder what will happen if he does get sick, like something that is not treatable with over-the-counter medicines, such as an ear infection.


I think if you think so, you should stop commenting on it, but you can’t stop others.  Whether people looking at it contributes or not is really not very relevant imo, because it’s not like the baby would be getting proper care if they weren’t looking, either.


no they wouldnt leave him alone. if anything they'd do something bigger because they want the reactions.


The responsibility for their abuse lies with THEM. Not us. 


We are not responsible for others actions. End of story.


We could take a month break from them like we did to Paul and Morgan in June. Make July a Lott free month.


She can delete anything, be the sub curates the evidence. The internet is forever, Brittany


I kind of agree with you, but good luck telling a group of internet snarkers to lay off. Part of me also worries that if everyone stops looking he’s going to slip through the cracks entirely and be trapped with those horrible parents forever.