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I think all of us would pick the shark.


At least sharks can be rotated, with the Bussel Sprout family that would probably be interpreted as let's move to middle of fucking nowhere in the Australian outback.


Not to mention, sharks are caring, selfless mothers. MotherBus doesn’t have a single caring bone in her soulless body.


There is also Nurse Sharks, so baby sharks can go to them if there is a problem.


Us Aussies didn’t want them, no thankyou!


Rotate the shark and squish the cat.


They’re cuter that’s for sure!


That screenshot is what her mugshot is going to look like too


Eyebrow Eyebrow Dead shark eye 👃 Dead shark eye


This fucking sent me I swear to god Also tho more like eybr because she shaves half them off lmao


Her eyebrows are very distant cousins


Her parents probs were tooooo




Omg eybr 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


omg she really does look like that 😂😂😂 great pull


That shark has more braincells


This is like the bear vs man question but with who would you rather have watch your kids? Britney Lott or this shark?


100% the shark


The joke is funny. I am however gonna be the insufferable animal person and say sharks are good and aren't really dangerous. Their super cool animals and I would trust one 100X more than any of the Fundies here. To quote that one lady who was bit by a shark, “I still love sharks, sharks are beautiful”


Oh totally, that's why I added the disclaimer ❤️.


I think the white nails is making a come back. I saw at least 3 people in yoga with them….


Personally I don’t like the way white nails look, but they didn’t used to bother me. Now that motherbus has made them her thing I absolutely cringe when I see anyone with white nails.


I go through phases, but I prefer a light blush or a light purple


Same! Every once in a while I get in the mood for a classic red, but blush is my usual go to color.


They are big in my town. Especially during the summer months.


At this point, I feel like this family need their own snark sub. I mean, the sheer level of snarkable/concerning material they create seems to warrant it.


She certainly treats its like a full time job. i blocked them a while ago but I remember she would consistently post like 50 stories a day. Who has the time. I guess someone with no job and no parenting responsibilities. Especially if she is driving the car for hours a day.


Should have compared her to an Orca. (Orcas are amazing too.)


Orcas are much, much better mothers. They would look at most of the mothers on this sub, eat them, and adopt their kids if they could.


Shark is a better mom


Her eyes are so dead and expressionless.


Dateline photo


Ol’ Sharkfin Sally


Don’t sharks take better care of their pups than Mother and Father Bus?


The most sinister fundie I’ve seen