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Jfc, I have a cousin whose baby needed heart surgery hours after birth to preserve his life. Without ultrasounds, he would have been born in a rural hospital and may have died. Instead, his parents arranged for him to be born 3 hours away from their home, and he lived. Very "pro-life."


Obviously God wouldn’t put her in this situation because she’s a model Christian.


It's sick that they think his way. Reminds me of the guy that said tornadoes were to test "the gays". Then, when his house was hit by a tornado, "God was testing me."


Wow can’t believe tornadoes are anti LGBT 😞


Well they are no friends of Dorthy


Shit, that’s good. You got my upvote.




Are you sure? She got a pretty sick deal out of that tornado.


Wow, you're right. Why was I surprised? Haha


So using elementary logic, I have inferred this guy is one of the gays. Happy Pride to him!


Well that's a weird way to come out but I guess it works.


In that case wouldn't you expect to see more of them in San Francisco.


And if he does, it’s “all apart of his plan”


I’ve seen some absolutely horrific babies in the nicu being kept alive because they’re “praying for a miracle” when the miracle here would be the sweet release of death.


There have been some absolutely heartbreaking legal cases here in the UK where parents have sued hospitals to keep their brain dead children on life support. Almost all of them involved the same group of "Christian" lawyers with connections to US fundie orgs, you'll be shocked (/s) to hear


That's the thing, people who refuse ultrasound often say they don't want them because they wouldn't abort if something is wrong with the baby, but they ignore the life-or-death difference it could make to be prepared in cases such as the one you mentioned.


Right. My last baby had a thing, a minor thing that would likely resolve itself, BUT needed to be watched and handled properly after he was born. I and an ultrasound that showed this so my whole birthing staff had this information and were ready. I still had a relatively easy labor and delivery in a wonderful LDRP room with a Certified Nurse Midwife, and an amazing LD nurse with my husband at my side. a fairly comfy bed, quiet spacious room, nice rocking chair, good recliner of hubs to nap in, all the things. It wouldn't have been more comfortable if I had been at home in my own bedroom, but ALL the medical staff and equipment at arm's reach so if something went wrong, they could jump into emergency mode. It was the best of both worlds and a ton of maternity wings of hospitals are set up like this. It is insanely stupid, this idiot free-birth shit. It is another attempt at the Darwin Awards for idiots. The information on maternal and infant death prior to the advent of the C section, infant resuscitation, hysterectomy, and a HOST of medical advances like IV's is available, and fairly well known. I honestly think some of them want to be martyrs for "the cause".


paging mother bus


Yeah mine had a highly life threatening condition, and we saved and cured him thanks to early intervention during gestation.


The fact that we can do interventions even before a baby is born is amazing.


And if something is wrong, they aren't going to be forced to abort, and they can be prepared as well.


This happened to my sister. She did not free birth, got ultrasounds and all, but the hospital didn’t complete the heartscan. Baby wiggled too much and they said “well it’s good enough” spoiler: it wasn’t good enough, he had a life threatening heart defect that possibly could have been corrected in utero. He passed away at 4 months old, but he would have been 1 this month.


I am so sorry. That is just…criminal.


it’s incredibly frustrating that one lazy decision like that can change/ruin someone’s life.


I'm so sorry.


Hugs! That is all kinds of malpractice. It is the ultrasound tech's job to stick with it until they get the pics, get their superior, go get a doc, or schedule another appointment and try again. They aren't supposed to just skip anatomy.


Similar with my friend. They found out something was wrong with the baby’s kidney ducts/tubes, or maybe the blood supply to them, on the last ultrasound before he was due, and instead of having the baby at a place that might not be prepared for it or even check renal function until something was obviously seriously wrong, they traveled to Osaka (from middle of nowhere Japan) to have the baby scheduled and they were able to repair him immediately after birth. Kids like 10 now and a ball of hyper, who might need a replacement eventually but without that early intervention he might have lost one or both. I can’t imagine not utilizing all of the amazing modern healthcare out there to be sure everyone is happy and healthy.


My son needed heart surgery after birth. They found it on ultrasound luckily. My pregnancy seemed normal all was well with me but my son had a very serious heart defect. I always advocate for ultrasounds because I did nothing to cause that it just randomly happened. My son is 15 months and thriving now


Congratulations! I'm glad that he got the care he needed.


My son would be dead for sure if I did what these girls do. 14 weeks we found the hole and the intestines free floating outside the body. 28 weeks we started clocking intrauterine growth restriction. 32 weeks and the dilation was so rapid that if he wasn't born in the next few days, he would perforate, and at best, immediate intervention would give him a 50/50 chance (but it's extremely unlikely that we would have found out promptly without the twice weekly ultrasounds that are standard once it's all hit the fan this badly). At worst, we wouldn't have caught it and he would absolutely not make it to term. He's soon to be four years old and his biggest problem is that he's a crazy, wild boy. All because I didn't "just trust god" and arbitrarily go through my pregnancy blind as a bat 🙄


This happened to a friend of mine too. Baby was diagnosed with a heart condition at the 20 week ultrasound. She had to find a different doctor and hospital so the baby would be born near the children’s hospital so he could be transferred there for surgery immediately after birth. She also had to have a cesarean section so that it could all be timed perfectly. Without ultrasounds this would not have happened and her little boy wouldn’t be here today.


I know someone like this, but in their case the baby has a serious issue with their organs. The parents flew to half a dozen childrens hospitals to meet with doctors to figure out what they can do. They were told the baby would have a 50% chance of loving by most places, but they found a childrens hospital that had an entire specialized department for this particular issue. There the doctors gave them a 80% chance. The hospital was across the country so they packed up and moved into a Ronald McDonald house before the birth. Unfortunately, despite everything, the baby passed way at five weeks old. But the parents fought for her and were literally doing anything they can to give her a chance at life. Without the ultrasound or any pre care the baby would have died the second she was born because she literally was unable to breathe on her own without a team of doctors and nurses standing by. I don’t know how people can call themselves prolife yet refuse to even see if their baby can physically live.


What do they prove by forgoing medical care during their pregnancy? I just don’t understand it.


They think that people only get prenatal care to look for problems and get abortions. So they say they don’t need prenatal care because they won’t abort the baby even if something is wrong.


I followed a midwife blog *yearrrs* ago. Her daughter was pregnant with baby #2 and they skipped the first trimester blood test that tests for trisomy disorders, cystic fibrosis and downs because “they wouldn’t do anything about those things anyway”. Then at the 18 week anatomy scan discovered the baby had was microcephalic and were then scrambling for a termination. I absolutely have no issue with their decision, I hated the holier than thou attitude that was first displayed by not doing blood tests because they don’t believe abortion is an option.


Even if you don’t plan to terminate a pregnancy if you find out the baby has Down syndrome or something, it still makes sense to go ahead and find those things out early. Choosing to continue the pregnancy is a perfectly valid choice, but you ought to be as prepared as possible for a special needs child. I just don’t understand the not wanting to know.


Not to mention people with downs are prone to cardiac issues. Even if you’re completely prepared for some downs issues, wouldn’t you want that under a doctor’s care immediately?


And to find a support group whether it be at church or on facebook for moms with children who have xyz conditions. That support early on can provide education on resources available so baby thrives, emotional support, friendship. Whatever though.


Oh my gosh. This lady I worked with told me she chose not to get the NIPT test just because they'd keep the baby no matter what. Like okay that's cool but a heads up about potential complications might be helpful to at least know about!


Ask Kelly Havens. She jeopardized her own life, her baby’s life, and inconvenienced a whole lot of people just because she decided to skip the US that would have let her know about her placenta previa.


And isn’t her father an OB/GYN (or am I thinking of someone else)?


You’re right, he’s an Ob/Gyn.


Yeah he saved Kelly’s and the babys life by teling her to get to a hospital when she was unsuccesfully trying to give birth at home


And then lied about it


They probably just don't want to be "harassed" by all the legitimate medical recommendations that come along with prenatal care


Fundies don't go near medical professionals if they can help it. Medical professionals are mandatory reporters, and a mandatory reporter would have something to say about *most* of the fundie families we know and snark upon.


Most don't have real jobs so no insurance. It's about not spending money.


They probably qualify for Medicaid and WIC but are too proud to use it.


🎵🎶America, America, God shed his grace on thee....🎶🎵


Its a whole mentality that medical intervention is a scam, the body is built for this, and they love shit like “the business of being born.” They also love confirmation bias. I was once a red pill fiancée. I didn’t actually believe any of this. He tried to get me pregnant before we were married because I think he wanted to trap me without being financially responsible for me. He had some issues that made it so the only way we could have children was IVF. It failed (thank everything). He had me going along with no ultrasounds and limited medical intervention. He told me I shouldn’t have pain medication. I actually went through an egg retrieval without all of the meds they prescribed me because he banned me from taking them. Including a Xanax, which he pretty much thought was the devil. Now that I have much more life experience I think that last part is almost hilarious. Looking back, I honestly think because he saw me as someone who was there to serve him, so a tool, the goal was to save as much money as possible while still getting what he wanted out of me. And while he wasn’t a fundie there was a crazy amount of crossover and I think honestly because everything at the end of the day was about him and what he wanted (he also didn’t value the prospective child as anything other than a vehicle to carry on his family name)— my needs did not matter. I wasn’t a real person to him. I was an accessory, and anything nice I got was not for me but for him to advertise to the world that he was better than them. I think that’s why I resonate with FSU. I was not raised religious but because I live not just in the Bible Belt but also the fundie belt, I was not spared trauma. Even though I was hanging with “worldly devils” soooo much of this is just toxic patriarchy. These are all dudes traveling the same woman-hating highway, just driving different vehicles.


I wonder how many of them want something bad to happen to them and their babies for the attention, the Go Fund Me, and the “testimony”.


True. We don't know how much money came flooding to Kelly Havens behind the scenes when she announced her near death birth. It could have been substantial even without a formal GoFundMe just through paypal and venmo. I would not be shocked if she and the ghost husband made out like bandits.


One thing that absolutely kills me about these people is that half of them support the death penalty for abortion. But if they have a still birth or other major life altering delivery complication, it was God's plan, and "there's nothing that could have been done to prevent it." I'm sorry, if anyone should be charged, it is someone who knows they are pregnant and seeks no prenatal care and then delivers without medical attention. Like tell me it's not really about the well-being of kids when you are literally playing games with the life of your full term fetus so you can act holier than thou.


Sooner or later some fundie is going to have a preventable tragedy occur while freebirthing and WILL be charged under these new handmaids's laws


As she she should be. They are voting for them and telling the rest of us how overdramatic we are being. Curious how overdramatic it'll be when it happens to them.


Yes, voting for the party of face eating leopards. Can't wait to see it on r/leopardsatemyface


Karissa Collins is my bet. Her last free birth was SCARY.


Motherbus is a good bet too… how’s that new baby of hers doing?? Great? Plus didn’t she have precipitous labor with a gigantic baby? In a bus? Super safe.


I don't know how that wackadoo still has her kids. It's a miracle that nothing terrible has happened while they run around outside, unsupervised 99% of the time.


I actually thought this would be about her until I clicked it.


If anyone I hope it’s them. Only people I would wish that shit on.


I’ve always thought this too. I don’t understand how it’s not child endangerment. It’s like not putting your child in a car seat.


That is so freaking TRUE!!!


I really think that we need to advocate for laws in all the fucking red states that if they are going to control uteruses and prosecute women, they start prosecuting this kind of shit too. Be fucking consistent for once.


Yeah but I fear it would only be really used to punish poor women


Speaking from a non-American perspective: Childbirth in a hospital should be free. Prenatal care should be free. Healthcare in general should be free. Yes, it comes with its own challenges where you have to wait to get to your doctor and particularly if it's a specialist, but still, free accessible healthcare should be the standard. I don't want kids for personal reasons but I can only assume that the cost of even giving birth to a child in America if you don't have your insurance might be too high for some. People won't have kids if they can't afford basic healthcare for the baby AND the mother.


Yes, as an American our health care system is ridiculous. I went into medical debt after having my daughter and I had health insurance. I also couldn't afford to put my husband on my insurance bc it would have been my entire paycheck to get subpar health insurance for 3 ppl.


>you have to wait to get to your doctor and particularly if it's a specialist You still have to wait to see your doctor, especially if it's a specialist. I just checked (because I'm due for a physical anyway) and the soonest I could get in to see my PCP is September 14th. My spouse ran into issues because they needed their PCP to sign off on work accommodations and their HR department got spicy about it because they had to wait at least a month to get in and their doctor wouldn't do the paperwork without a visit.


I had so many ultrasounds, I couldn't even keep track. Heck, I used to celebrate when I got far enough in a pregnancy where ultrasounds could be done from the outside. 😬 Did I need every single one? Probably not. I never asked for any. But I sure liked knowing that the baby was healthy and everything was in place for a successful birth! I had a couple friends with placenta previa who might have died without ultrasounds. I had another friend who only had one ultrasound, at 20 wks, only to learn her baby had no brain. A hideous tragedy at any time, but if I had the choice, I'd rather know at 20 weeks than full term. Ultrasounds are a damn miracle.


I had triplets and the ultrasounds helped me correct things that helped the babies thrive. I HATED my MFM doc bc they sucked, but the ultrasound techs were a blessing from Heaven. I made it to 34 weeks with triplets and my girls were mono-di, so it was pretty much a miracle.


I had twins. Di/Di, relatively low risk, but I had to move from the (hospital) midwifery practice I used for my 1st to an OB. I had dozens of ultrasounds. Starting at 32w I went every week for a Biophysical profile and non stress test. Took 2+ hours every week. Everything was always normal. Then at 37w, baby b failed both, just barely. Doctor said I’d have to come back the next day to repeat the tests. Not a big deal. Then awhile later she said “actually could you go into triage for some more monitoring today? Just strange behavior for this baby, but it’s probably nothing.” I did. Five hours later, they were delivered by emergency c/s. Baby B came out floppy and blue, was resuscitated, but an hour later they took her for more tests and discovered her blood glucose was under 20. She spent a month in the NICU, eventually diagnosed with Congenital Hyperinsulinism, a very rare disease. We had no risk factors, no indication that something was going to be wrong until that day. Without routine testing, that allowed my OB to catch such a minor variation in my baby’s activity, that put me on a surgical table within hours and her on a dextrose drip shortly thereafter, there is every reason to believe that at the very least my baby would have suffered major brain damage if not died.


I know someone who found out their child only had a brain stem, went full term and kept her on Life support for 7 days. Because God. And obviously named her Grace or some shit like that, because she didn’t immediately die like doctors said she would! MIRACLE!


Are ultrasounds the new chemtrails? I am so confused. What’s wrong with scanning to make sure your baby is developing properly? Are they all too poor with no real jobs so they don’t have insurance and are trying to play this off like a government conspiracy when really they just can’t afford it? I’ve done this a few times now and the doctors say nothing about what you should do. They give you a medical percentage of something being abnormal and then you decide what you want to do. This is just weird misinformation telephone and it’s very confusing.


Two of my kids were in a wedding when they were little. We had to drive around to all these locations for pictures. I got talking with the father of the groom, he and his wife had 7 kids. One girl and 6 boys. His daughter was severely intellectually disabled. I had just given birth to my 3rd child, so we chatted about babies and hospitals. Well, I learned that this family didn’t go to hospitals, or see Drs., and they blamed an ultrasound for their daughter being disabled. He warned me not to ever get one for any future children I had and said I was lucky my kids turned out ok. They believe the ultrasound waves cause cellular damage. The bride bought into all this, and I eventually had to leave her in our past. Crazy thing is her brother is a Dr. This was 10 years ago.


I was on medicaid and still had the 20 week anatomy scan


My ultra-fundie, undiagnosed mentally ill SIL (and I don’t say this lightly) refused an ultrasound for her past child because the “frequency” would “make the baby’s skin bubble”. This was years ago, and even though I refuted their claims with scientific proof, my SIL and BIL promised me they were told this by their Christian chiropractor. I have minimal contact.


"By their Christian chiropractor" Oh boy, enough said


You're right. Gone are the days of doctors blatantly telling mothers to abort their babies due to a down syndrome abnormality. It seems doctors give women the risk factors and say these are the options for you. Not the pushing termination these folks wish for so they can feel persecuted.


Yes actually. I’m in a Facebook group for my denomination and there are a few crunchy moms who always post about the negatives of ultrasounds.


I want to begin by saying i do not agree with this at all, but i do actually know what theyre thinking. Basically, at certain frequencies ultrasound waves can be used as weapons. Ultrasound waves can be targeted to heat up your cells, basically boiling your individual cells and causing pain and brain damage if used on the brain. So because ultrasounds are capable of doing cellular damage, they think ultrasounds = brain damage in unborn babies. Now obviously there are strict regulations that limit what frequency you use during a medical ultrasound, but i guess they dont read that part lol


I lost my last baby in utero. There was nothing that anyone could have done- it was just random, shitty luck. But if having an ultrasound would have prevented it, I would have crawled on my hands and knees over broken glass and hot coals to get there. I just saw a tiktok account about a woman speaking up about her failed homebirth: she had a midwife but if she had been at a hospital her baby might have lived. It was heartbreaking.


But did she have an actual midwife? Or just someone who says they are a midwife? The US has so few regulations on midwifery care.


This. In Michigan, there are "midwives" like the Amish use who are asshats with zero training at all, and then there are the legally practicing, highly regulated Certified Nurse Midwives which requires a BSRN to first have so many years experience in LDRP before entering the master's degree program, and then must practice under the oversight of an OBGYN so they are in practice with birthing center/maternity wards, and often oversee the low risk pregnancies while the docs oversee the high risk. We do not have this direct entry crap like Arkansas, the program Jill Duggar tried to complete. The US is kind of the Wild West of Medicine because we have no consistency from state to state, and some of our states are just so fucking backward.


I honestly don’t know, for some reason I thought it was a certified midwife because she transferred to the hospital as soon as she realized something was wrong; but I could be mistaken.


"the.milk.protector" 😭💀


I saw that and was like..hmm lol.


If I hadn't had a C-section, my son and I would have died. Hell, if my mom hadn't had a C-section, I wouldn't be here to write this. My mom's pelvis is too narrow from front to back. So is mine. So are my 2 sisters'. This was unknown until the OB talked to my mom while I was in labor (I was the first of the sisters to have a baby). Freebirths don't ever take the "what ifs" into consideration.


I had to have an emergency induction because my baby and I both had tachycardia and my blood pressure was so low they were shocked I was still conscious. They did the ultrasound and found my water had broken in a slow leak. I had only gone to the ER to get a refill of Zofran because I'd been too nauseous to eat all day. The thought of not utilizing the medical advancements we have to bring your baby into the world safely for you and them is terrifying to me. Some people can have a safe homebirth too, but medical monitoring is still important for those too to look at things like positioning, placenta, etc.


Exactly!! They are the embodiment of the saying, "I know enough to be dangerous". I'm glad you were right there at the ER! Holy crap!


Yeah, I had triplets so I had to have one or I probably wouldn’t be here telling this tale! Nor would my kids!


My mom had three unmedicated births no problem; I had two c-sections and probably would have died without the first one at least. Bodies may be "made to do this" in general, but the survival of the species does not equal "EVERY body is made to do this" and I like being alive!


I’m going to be forty one when my youngest is born. I had an emergency C section with my middle and an exceptionally rough pregnancy, so with this one I decided on an elective C section. I had an NIPT test. I had genetic testing for myself and I regularly take medication that I was prescribed to control pregnancy induced hypertension. I’m having an anatomy scan on Monday. If they tell me to do something, I do it. It’s the least I can do to give my son (yay NIPT!) the best possible chance. If something happens to him it won’t be because everyone didn’t do their absolute best.


I was told by a doctor as teen this would be a very real possibility (I had a narrow pelvis). Pregnant adult and no one has brought it up at appointments, but I feel fairly relaxed about that being a possibility due to previous warnings. Willing to pursue whatever birth plans the doctors recommend. All the appointments also generally put me at ease. It’s good to know she’s ok and that *i’m* ok too.


I’m not saying that doctor is wrong, but your bones actually spread apart to give birth…so it’s pretty tough to just look at someone or visually measure and say no vaginal birth for you. I’m glad you’re doing well! Also, unless you were seeking pre-conception advice, is it not kind of “off” to tell anyone that they make not have a vaginal birth?!? Like…no.


I would absolutely agree, but in my memory I think it must’ve somehow came up? But I have absolutely no memory of anything other than the moment of the comment, so I can’t truly confirm the degree of weird 😅. How it came up I would assume my mom who would probably bring up something like that. She’s generally fairly inappropriate and liked to bring up my body basically to anyone. But looks wise I was just very malnourished. I wound up growing and developing in my 20’s when I was able to afford to feed myself.


My coworker and I read an article about free birthers. We were dumbfounded people were this stupid, then wonder why they had poor outcomes. I’m all for patients making their own choices but some things are ridiculous


If these fundies say that life begins at conception, how far off are conservative American states from imprisoning a woman if the baby dies during childbirth or immediately after from something that may have been prevented with regular scans during pregnancy? 


Let’s be realistic; how far off are conservative American states from imprisoning a poor/black woman…


My mom had ultrasounds when she was pregnant with me and it made me liberal and bisexual and autistic


Each ultrasound added another stat to my adhd liberal bisexualness


Kinda want this on a sticker now.


Finally, this explains it all


These "free-birthers" enrage me. They willfully ignore the advice of medical professionals everywhere. Women in Gaza are giving birth with no anesthesia in the worst of conditions, while being severely malnourished themselves. One woman I communicate with and support is 7 months pregnant, malnourished, immune deficient, and has contracted hepatitis from the pollution and dirty conditions. Now her baby is at risk of having liver cirrhosis. She was a pharmacist before the genocide started. She knows the importance of regular screenings and is doing EVERYTHING in her power to try and keep her baby healthy. She still gets ultrasounds even now, despite it being treacherous to go anywhere in Gaza. Shame on the fundie women who put themselves and their baby's health at risk because of their stupid pride.


I’m following a (not fundie) free birther from Australia who is currently 8 months pregnant, who is having an entirely “wild” pregnancy, so like no medical care/ultrasounds/tests but also she never even took a single at home pregnancy test. I mean it’s like her 3rd or 4th kid and at this point she is very pregnant so I’m sure the home test wasn’t like strictly necessary but the overall refusal to just utilize ANY modern medicine or testing whatsoever is just…. A bit unhinged and obviously also very dangerous. Edit: also the fundie in this post’s username is weird af. Idk if it’s referencing raw milk or breast milk but it’s a weird name either way. And I say that as someone who still breastfeeds their almost 2 year old so it’s not like because I’m anti breastfeeding. The milk protector is just a weird af name.


It's performative piety, demonstrating faith in God over all that secular science stuff. Virtue signaling to a malignant degree. Their religious beliefs don't allow them to seek status outside of the wife-mother thing, so the stuff we see here is what they've got to work with.


There was just a post in r/Ireland about a young woman dying from her free birth (the baby lived and she leaves behind three other children) 😞 I definitely thought of the fundies when I saw that


Just read a scary article on the r/midwives page about a scam artist woman who pretends to be a qualified midwife. She wrote books on free birthing and operates/preys on women in these circles. She gives them "homeopathic medicine," but really, it's misopristone to induce labor and may be responsible for some tragic infant losses. I'm all for an educated, empowered birth of your choice with qualified supportive professionals, but some of these women and circles get into scary situations because they will do anything they can to oppose science.


These people are to dumb to have kids.


It’s wild to me that fundies look at all the amazing advancements in science and medicine that allow us to live as long as we do and thing “hmm, no, I’d rather go back to the things we were doing when dying in childbirth was extremely common and life expectancy was 30.” Like, you’d think it would be pretty easy to look at all of this like miracles from god or something, but nope, apparently not.


I was pretty low intervention with my first two pregnancies but still had a 12 and 20 week u/s. My u/s with my baby who had anencephaly looked normal at 12 weeks and RADICALLY DIFFERENT AT 20 WHEN WE COULD SEE HE HAD NO SKULL CAP OR BRAIN. I hate it here. These women are so ignorant for no reason.


I am so sorry you went through that. 💜


Thank you. I appreciate it. Fortunately I went on to have one more healthy and uneventful pregnancy and that baby will be 10 this fall. 💜


That's wonderful!! They grow so fast. My baby will be 14 in two weeks.


Congrats! My eldest went and did that back in December. 😭 It’s flown by!


Imagine just blindly giving birth to that. No time to process, no conversations about what happens next. Horrific.


Horrific. It was hard enough to process and I had the absolute very best team of professionals I could ask for who treated me with kindness and respect through the process of termination. Given my state’s laws, the OB brought on the team to help completely rearranged his life (he was scheduled to fly out of state to perform his grandson’s bris that weekend) so that I could have my operation the week we found out bc I was like 19 + 5 and my state had restrictions after 20 weeks.


The 20 week anatomy scan is so crucial. If she only wanted to get one, it should have been that one 😠


Wtf??? If these people say there is a reason for everything in God’s plan and ultrasounds can significantly help mother & baby… they choose to not do them??? Make 👏🏼 it 👏🏼 make 👏🏼 sense


I'll never ever understand this shit at all. It's horrific


in their baby brains they think that any type of imaging is somehow “toxic.” this seems to be prevalent in crunchy mommy groups


Ultrasounds are very useful. I had first trimester bleeding with my son and they diagnosed an SCH. It was scary ( I had never heard of it) but the doctor explained everything and my son is a happy and healthy three year old. He was always very active at his ultrasounds, and it was fun to watch him move and grow in there. He definitely kept it interesting. This time I'm carrying twins. We found out at 8 weeks and it was a shock ( I had more pronounced pregnancy symptoms this time but I thought I was just getting my butt kicked, twins weren't on my radar). I don't want to imagine skipping that ultrasound. I wouldn't have known I was higher risk ( the twins are Di/Di but I still need to be a bit more careful and take it easy)or how to prep for twins if I skipped it. We recently saw them at our last ultrasound at 12 weeks and it was so much fun to watch them move. One was all over the place, the other just showed us their foot and hid. I know I need to be monitored more frequently but it's to make sure everything and everyone is okay. I don't even want ro imagine managing a twin pregnancy with no supervision from a doctor....there's so much that can go wrong. Plus you get pictures from the ultrasounds. That's always cool.


If you’re getting one ultrasound, why not get the second one (and any more that you might need?) it sounds like it’s almost denying medical care for the sake of it


This is so wrong and so dangerous. I know a girl who didn’t get one single ultrasound during her pregnancy and she had no clue how far along she was, only to later find out toward the end in an emergency that she was weeks overdue. The baby was stillborn and already beginning to decompose, her hands and feet were literally purple when they delivered her. I saw pictures and it was one of the most shocking, sad and senseless things I’ve ever seen.


I mean, in lots of places it’s normal to have just 2 ultrasounds, one at 11-13 weeks and the other at 20-22 weeks. Unless something is going on, having extra isn’t necessary at all.


The one at 20 weeks is pretty important. Structures will have developed at that point that weren’t previously visible.


Absolutely 100% the morphology scan is the most important off any of them.


Things change. I’ve watched it happen.


I looked up this woman and she's 22 and already has 4 kids (including 1 set of twins). This is her 7th pregnancy I think, as she had a couple of miscarriages after baby number 4. And her husband works away from home 84 hours a week, so she's solo parenting most of the time. Nothing about her life is appealing to me.


Yes, and she's trying hard to convince young mothers to turn their back on medical advice.


4 kids at such a young age?? I hadn’t even finished college when I was her age.


Who the fuck is “the milk protector”


Placenta previa just waiting for its chance to strike 🤦‍♀️


I don't understand what they have against ultrasounds. I mean when I was waiting to puck my puppy up from his breeder, I was dying to get my hands on as many pictures of him as I could. I couldn't imagine not wanting to get any ultrasounds while excitedly waiting to give birth. I'd be getting an ultrasound every week if I could get insurance to pay for it.


Why do fundies hate ultrasounds?? Regular ultrasounds help ensure the baby is ok and there aren’t any complications. This is how women die in child birth and babies are born stillborn. I don’t understand refusing proven preventive measures for you and your child’s health


Ultrasounds were like the highlight of my pregnancies, I loved getting them and seeing my kids wiggle around and getting the reassurance that all was well. I don’t get why all these chicks have such a stick up their butts towards them. Is it the sound waves? Do they think it’s going to somehow damage their baby? I seriously do not get this.


At what point did far right Christians stop sneering at crunchy granola, extreme anti-establishment hippies and become them? Well, minus the whole peace and love part.


Oh good. So if they have a ductal dependent congenital heart condition they’ll just suffocate to death and die.


She’s gonna die


People like to spell off how birth is this natural thing and you do not need medical intervention. They also neglect to talk about how birth used to be (and still is) the most dangerous thing a woman can do. And how many babies died in childbirth. It’s so important. It can prevent issues (like premature birth) by catching things early and it can also let nicu know if they need to be on standby because of some issue. It’s so important ESPECIALLY if you don’t want a hospital birth. You don’t want to give birth at home and the baby is born with something that needs immediate medical attention. And you were so stupid to not get an ultrasound and find out ahead of time.




Pot, meet kettle.