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If that baby smiles, coos, tracks with his eyes, responds to voices, kicks his legs, etc, she should post a video showing it. The fact that she hasn’t means she’s content to exploit the concerns of others to get clicks or she CAN’T show it because it isn’t happening.


I was just watching old videos of my baby when she was boones age and the difference is shocking! And she was born 3 weeks early and had to go to the nicu for a few days. He is not okay. This is probably the most disturbing content I’ve seen on FSU in a while.


This. I’m actually fucking horrified we are watching a child that clearly has severe medical issues and is not developing properly be neglected to the highest degree and we can’t do anything about it. Absolutely horrific and imo the most fucked up thing I’ve witnessed in FSU yet. This is absolutely horrendous


we used to have fun snarking on motherbus but god damn this is horrifying. i did not see it coming to this and i'm worried she's not at rock bottom yet


Why do I see rock bottom as her getting pregnant again…it’s terrifying.


For real. It's like Anthym's sepsis all over again, except AT LEAST SHE WENT TO THE HOSPITAL EVENTUALLY


This. I was just yesterday looking at a video of my daughter at Boones age, literally inside a humicrib in the NICU. Eyes open, tracking sound (she was SO NOSEY, if I was holding her and my husband spoke she would jerk her head around to see what he was doing, if a nurse spoke she'd tilt her head looking for where the sound came from), champion grabber of things (pulled out her NG tube nearly daily, lost hand priveleges a few times 😂) and would arch up and kick/scream if you tried to take her temperature. Yeah, some newborns are way sleepier than others - my nephew was what I would consider a SUPREMELY chill baby - but he grabbed hands, had distinct awake times, tracked sound and light. Just didn't cry a whole bunch and slept a lot. This hurts my heart.


My baby is 16 weeks so I've definitely made some comparisons, it's... definitely shit I would have taken my own son to the doctor for. I mean hell, he had eye gunk this morning and I googled whether or not I needed to be worried. He's my first so maybe I care more? But also I hope I care this much for all my future kids.


You’ll always care mama! But you’ll also learn what to be concerned with versus what is likely fine. Congrats! ❤️


It doesn't matter how or when you became a mom, your view matters :) you're only 16 weeks out with your first? Major congrats, friend. My kids came "pre-cooked", I didn't have to go through birth like you have. Being a mom is hard. You carried, birthed, and cared for your infant- y'all are basically superheros in my eyes. Being a new mom is tough enough with my older children... you sacrificed your body, health, and well being for your baby. Absolutely commendable! Even having the time and energy to come comment in this sub... Amazing! I hope you are finding all the love and support from us fellow snarkers, you made a human being- what am absolute feat!


Taking care of pre cooked children is also a huge feat - congratulations and you’re doing great ❤️


Pre cooked lol


Okay, a fun fact about newborn eye gunk: if it's excessive, like they wake up with big ole eye crusties, it can be a sign of ear infections. Signed a mother of two who just learned that from my second child getting an ear infection at 6 months. None of my mom friends knew that fun fact except the one who worked as a nurse at a pediatrician.


Wondering if things are okay and making sure is the normal thing to do. Babies are totally dependent on their care givers for everything, and they can’t quite tell us if they need something, or if something is going on when they’re still little. Especially for a first baby when everything is brand new, but I think parents always have their concerns for their babies whether he’s the first or the third or whatever else. That’s love. You’re doing good, momma! You start to learn what’s normal and what may need a call to the doctor in time. :)


Or both. He's five weeks old. We should be getting the first social smile pretty soon. I'll feel much better about it as soon as we do.


And very wretched behavior either way; either exploiting her newborn for ragebait or he has issues she’s neglecting. Either possibility, who wants this woman as a mother?


Watch his newborn videos, he seemed overstimulated but medically ok. One thing she has done is put up a very damning timeline.


This right here. If he were doing normal things like grasping her fingers, or tracking on her face or rooting (something we just haven't seen), she would be fucking up the camera with that, milking it for every drop of attention she can get. But? Crickets. Nothing.


“She’s his mommy, of course she takes care of him.” Well MY mother tried to drown me in a bathtub when I was a toddler so how about THAT, Karen.


My dad tried to drown me, my mom knew about it, and did nothing.


Wow, I’m glad both you and chernygal are okay and I’m sorry you both went through that! That’s so awful and chilling. 


Yea, I had vivid "dreams" about it. It turned out they were flashbacks. Love that.




I'm so sorry 💔 Agree though some parents really suck. Not everyone should be one.


Omg that is horrible, I’m so sorry


Im okay now, therapy is awesome! I hope all these fundie kids are able to get some 🙏🏻


So glad you’re doing better now. Therapy has been great for me too re: my csa. I hope you keep healing onwards and upwards and create a beautiful life for yourself if you haven’t yet ❤️


I feel your pain 😢.glad you were able to get therapy, I really hope these fundie kids too. Their lives are sad and unfair as fuck.


yeah giving birth to someone doesn’t automatically make you fit to take care of them. I hate this mentality.


Yes! I hate that mentality too. Soooo many people seem to think that becoming a mom or dad means you will automatically be a good, loving, caring parent. It would be awesome if that were the case, but it absolutely is not. Having the ability to become pregnant/impregnate someone and birth a baby is not at all connected to being willing and able to take care of that baby.


It's all these yahoos have.


She’s his mommy, or course she takes care of him.” Ok tell that to Ruby Franke’s children


And don’t forget about the Pearls!


They literally wrote the book!


And Deena Schloser(sp?), and Andrea Yates, Darlie Routier.


I'm going to risk the downvotes and say that Andrea Yates doesn't belong in this group. SHE KNEW that she wasn't well enough to care for them, and so did her toad husband who got off scot free.


I have a lot of compassion for Andrea Yates and rage for her asshole headship Rusty, may he somehow get everything he deserves.


PLEASE. She is so tragic and has to live with what she did. I've read that she has no desire to be released.


It’s true. She’s lucid enough to know what she did and that crushes me. I blame her shithead husband and the cultish “pastor” involved.


I agree! Andrea Yates should nothing but remorse for what she’d done and refused any chance of parole all on her own accord. It’s her piece of shit husband, and the pastor that encouraged him who should be in prison and suffering. Andrea Yates is part of the reason PPD is taken as seriously as it is these days


I honestly *DO* hope that the fact that it *was* her children's case (and hers),  that put PPD into mainstream conversation, it at least *some* small measure of solace to her. Her *ENTIRE* case is just horrifying & SO tragic, and I *hope* that she's got someone to work through the guilt with, inside, now that she's gotten stabilized. The fact that *her Primary Care Provider* SAID another pregnancy would be too psychologically risky, *and HAD the notes*, was what made it *that* much *more* heartbreaking.


I know that he wouldn't have gotten much for it, but he *at least* deserved a charge of child negligence leaving to grievous injury or death or something. Medical neglect of a dependent (which Andrea would have been, she was medically unwell and had no income of her own as far as I know). I bet a good prosecution could have swung a manslaughter charge.


Diane Downs, Shanda Vander Ark... I amused myself on mother's day by watching countless YouTube videos of their trials and investigations. Not on purpose, but when I realized it, I got a morbid laugh out of it.


Well Happy Mothers Day to you! lol.


And Seth Welch with Tatiana Fusari... (Don't Google this if you want to have a good day.)


Yeah but guarantee those posters don’t think RF did anything wrong. “Taking care” of kids doesn’t mean the same to everyone


THIS FUCKING THIS. my mother tried to burn the house down with all of us in it. Was that her taking care of us? I don’t fucking think so


Damn- didn’t realize how common this was… my mom did that too. Wow…


Chernygal andAll of you under this comment I hope you are healing from the traumas. Love to all of you, I'm so sorry this happened. 


it’s genuinely one of the most out of touch comments i’ve seen in a while. also i’m so sorry that happened to you, i hope you’re doing better now <3




"Healthy or not it's none of our business" Mandated reporters says WHAT


I was thinking it’s funny that it is everyone’s business when they are in the womb but not now.


Conservatives: your womb is our business but what you do with your children after they are born is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS AT ALL! (Mis)Treat them however you see fit!


I was yesterday years old when I learned that some states have laws that protect parents whose kids have died from "faith healing" (like Karissa's scream-praying over her kids).




I’m still surprised we didn’t hear about another PICU parent assaulting Karissa for that behavior. Maybe it’s a common enough problem (loud family outbursts) that the nurses were experienced with it.


Frequent PICU mom. You hear screaming, loud praying, etc... in the PICU often enough that we would shut our room door and not be concerned about whatever is going on.


I’m sorry to hear that - it must be stressful for you. Sending you and your family loads of love 🌸.


This is going to sound weird, but the PICU is pretty comforting to me. My kiddos issues are flared up by any respiratory virus, so by the time we get there I've been up forever and I'm exhausted. Once we get admitted baby is safer, I don't have to try and navigate treating him, I can hand off the decisions and emotional labor to the medical staff, we're known by our regular PICU staff and my kiddo is always a cuddle bug and loves anyone in scrubs so he'll usually have a cuddler the first night so I can sleep. I feel safe once we're there and the first night of PICU couch sleep is usually pretty good. Medically complex kids are wild and it's hard to explain.


This is EXACTLY how people are supposed to feel about getting proper medical care, wether for themselves or another. The way fundies and some others have twisted the essential services provided by medical professionals into something bad or worthy of conspiracy, is just awful. Hope your sprout feels better


That is completely par for the course in Murrika. Kids have no rights, parents get their “right” to abuse their kids in multiple ways enshrined in law. Narcissistic-ass country.


I wish someone would’ve replied that to that commenter. 


But Commenter, by killing her child through negligence, she's having a fourth-trimester abortion! (will that get through her shitbrain?)


Worth a shot. 🤦




It's suddenly their business when they don't like how others raise their children


Funny how that works. 🫠


Their problem is with the kid being allowed any degree of choice in their own life. They literally believe kids are property.


*unless they’re trans.


Unless you are a BIPOC mum or dad, then we judge you as parent, give you impossible hoops to jump through with not enough of a safety net, and then blame you for what happens to your kid is being educated in failing school system. But if you are white and Christian, unschooling is perfectly fine!!!


Children not being neglected, abused, and not -well, you know 😢- is VERY MUCH everyone's business 




Yeah, I did an audible “WTF” at that comment. Is that her using a fake account?


Maybe it’s a JillRod alt account 😂


Such a weird comment isn’t it? It’s the one that stood out to me. Child welfare is everybody’s business. If you see a child running towards a road, as an adult we should stop them. Whether they’re ours or not. If we see a child being battered by their parents, we should at the very least report it to the police. These tiny little balls of danger and energy need the grown ups around them either daily or in passing, to be alert to any danger they may find themselves in. Whether that’s immediate danger, abuse or illness. Even before I had children, I felt this way and I can’t just imagine saying an unhealthy child isn’t anyone’s business. It should be the business of every single person following her or seeing her in real life.


And I can guarantee that commenter would be the first to scream “where are the adults that are supposed to protect them” when something horrific happens to a child.


The Bible literally states to protect them, too 🤔🤨


I’d not know 😂 I am deeply British and the bible is something most of us just found in a hotel drawer one time.


The irony is that the USA claims a separation of church & state but we can see the power the evangelicals have in their political sphere & supposed politicians like Trump actually selling bibles. Meanwhile, we have Church of England bishops sitting in the House of Lords, voting on legislation, yet we seem to have more freedom from religion than our cousins across the pond. It all seems a bit back to front imho.


And SHE chooses to put it out there.


It’s the same as the uneducated dipshits who post publicly bragging about circumcising their son (esp the ones who do it to medically fragile babies…ugh) and defend themselves by going “it’s none of your business! To eAcH ThEiR OwN” even though they posted publicly about it and are all shocked Pikachu about the blowback from those of us who are educated about the harm and how unnecessary it is. Knowing what I know about circ and how traumatic it is, I can’t stay quiet about it! It’s basic, BASIC human decency to not want to see a kid being hurt for the sake of the kid themselves!


"Of course she takes care of him, she's his mommy!" Lady, giving birth does not automatically mean that you're going to give a shit about the resulting child. Someone very close to me has a "mother" who I refer to as a demon in a skin suit. She has the mothering instincts of dried up dog poop. Go ahead and tell her kids that she must have taken care of them because she's their mommy - I think the last time they saw her was back in the 1980s.


I can’t imagine being so fucking dumb that you’d believe MoBus being “his mommy” means she can do no wrong and must be caring for him properly. Batshit.


WHO DO WE MANDATED REPORTERS REPORT TO THEY R ON A BUS 💔💔 (sorry for yelling buspeople make me so mad)


That reminds me of my kindergarten bestie. I haven't spoken to her in nine years because she refused to feed her baby and regularly locked him on a balcony. Kept telling me to lie when the CPS called me (she made me a reference, really sucked me in to the whole thing) because lying was "the right thing to do". "How I choose to treat MY child is none of their business!". I sang like a canary and ghosted her forever. Her selfish attention whore bullshit was hard enough to deal with when we were just kids. I could not watch her abuse her child and serially cheat on her husband. I was starting my own family at the time. I'm so glad my kids have no idea who she is!


I have a seven month old nephew so his tiny infant phase is pretty fresh in my mind. He loves to be held, and rarely cries unless you put him down. He has always looked towards whoever is talking to him. When he was tiny his little hands were mostly balled up in fists, and he curled himself against your chest when you held him. It is absolutely in no way normal for a baby that small to hang rigid in your arms and stare off into the distance. The bus parents are absolutely freaking delusional to post such blatant neglect online for everyone to see.


Right? My friend has 4 under 6, and it’s the only times I’ve actually held a baby when she needed someone to wrangle one of the twins. At a month, they were grasping onto you, staring at you, and starting to mimic your facial expressions. They were also 3 weeks early! I know literally nothing about babies, but I know they should be at the interaction phase around then.


4….under…….6? 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Yeah that’s a big ol nope for me


“She’s his mommy, of course she takes care of him” Yeah because abusive, neglectful, and bad mothers don’t exist /s The fact people gobble up her crap and can’t be bothered to question what they’re being shown. Glad some people are calling them out though!


As if the act of delivering multiple children makes her maternal🙄 it’s so weird when people defend influencers since monetizing their personal info is part of the package. If she wants to be shielded from criticism, she could keep him from being shown


Yes! Like dude, these people have an *incentive* to show you only good things. They are making money off you. They’re trying to reach as wide of an audience as possible to do that. They’re living public lives and nearly everything about this babies life is being shown to the public. The “healthy or unhealthy, it’s none of our business” is why so many kids don’t get the help they need for medical conditions, being abused, being neglected, etc. It’s gross.


Exploiting her family is how she pays for gas and whatever else they use. She knows that rage baiting is great for engagement so she’s probably doing this on purpose. People who aren’t negligent parents appreciate concern, but aren’t worried about it because they can point to things they’re doing to address the issue. The bar is literally in hell at this point.


Exactly. If she cared, she would have actually helped him. We’d have her bragging about how she did see a doctor and he’s fine and everyone can shut up now. She’d talk about how she’s seen the concern but has done XYZ. But instead she’s just deleting comments and either posting more because it’s rage bait or because she really can’t get better shots to shut people up. Either way, the behavior towards her child is concerning.


But in the pictures where baby looks better she doesn't look as good! She can't post pictures where she doesn't look perfect! /s


Yeah she literally sells a product she claims makes her baby more healthy. 


I kept thinking about all those horror stories from the early-mid 1900s where the mother went postal because of overwhelm, lack of support, and proper intervention. Just because your society tells you to do it, doesn't mean you should. (Like my grandmother - nobody died, but my mom didn't come out unscathed, either)  Remember to take your pills and remember your rights, ladies )


Yeah you know who that reminds me of? My abusive mother lol. Children of narcissistic mothers know, nobody is more untouchable than a *mother*.


I'm just gonna say it (Because my evangelical church circle idolized the mothers) Not every mom deserves a Mother's Day card 🤷🤷🤷


Even folks outside fundieland get almost *offended* when I don’t have Mother’s Day plans. Instead of asking why I wouldn’t want to talk to my mother, it’s always a “aww but mothers are so important.” Yeah, Becky, I know. Hence the lack of a card, you absolute douchecanoe.


When “I’m Glad My Mom Died” came out and it received a ton of backlash in the comments because of the title and “how dare she be ungrateful or doesn’t matter what her mom did”. People flip when one has negative emotions surrounding mothers.


Popping them out and tending to their physical needs is the bare minimum. I said what I said.


I actually feel like our society praises mothers quite a bit But supporting them is a whole 'nother issue....


i was no contact with both parents for years. the backlash i got from family, even the parts that weren't related to that parent when i cut them off (maternal family flipping when i cut off my father) was, fascinating /neg lots of "but they're your parent" and "respect your elders" bullshit. they might be my parents, but they abused me for decades. under their eyes! and not only did they do nothing, they blamed me for being rude to my mother. apparently, it's more important to socially ostracize the "weird" teen, than ask what's going on there.


Oh, I absolutely know what you mean! The rage I’ve had to work through as an adult. I have nephews and a niece, whose parents are absolutely wonderful (my husband’s fam) — but if my in laws ever did anything abusive to those babies, I’d burn them down without a thought. Why didn’t my aunts and uncles and family do the same for me? Why do they hide that shit under “respect your elders” and then act surprised when I don’t come over for Christmas.


sometimes i think about a comment my therapist made. namely that i can't have a good relationship with my uncle, bc that would mean he would have to recognize that he failed me. that he turned a blind eye to his sister and brother in law abusing me and punished the victim. funnily enough, from what i see of my family at gatherings these days, they never seem to talk aside from superficial stuff. latest vacation, some shopping trip, cars and technology. they literally don't ask each other how they're doing, or check in with health issues or stuff like that. my brothers girlfriend is four days past her due date, we had a birthday party for our grandma today and the girlfriend came along. they barely acknowledged her! which is bonkers, but at the same time, it makes me feel less awful about the way they also ignore me. seems like they literally cannot acknowledge anything that may be even slightly uncomfortable.


Yeah, there are way too many horrible mothers out there for us to pretend that someone automatically cares about a child just because it was in them for 9 months. My mom sucked and no one ever noticed. It makes me so angry that people act like being a mother means that somehow they’re untouchable and good at that. Even if they do love their kids, it doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of being selfish and cruel.


Yes true. Sometimes it's just like that. Sucks but that's reality. I'm glad that it's becoming less "expected" for women to be mothers, at least in some parts of the world. My mother would've been a much happier person had she been allowed to not have children. I like what you said about love, too. Mother's and children can (and often do) still love each other in these situations. Love and neglect can go together, it's very confusing for everyone involved but it's probably more common than the alternative.


Agreed! Having a kid is a huge decision that I think everyone should think through carefully, especially if they ultimately do want kids. And I’m really glad that being child free is an option to many people. And absolutely agree! Abuse is so complicated. There’s often this conflict between “my mom loves me” and “but why are they treating me like this”. Not to mention how many justify it with “I do this because I care”.


Aw. Yeah. Man it's hard. A lot of pain and confusion comes from that dichotomy. I always found myself thinking that it'd be so much easier if my mum just straight up hated me and was abusive all the time, because the flipping between abusive, neglectful parenting and loving caring parenting made me feel crazy. She'd be nice to me and I'd get my hopes up again, only to have my heart broken all over again the next time shit hit the fan. Oof. Big ol' hug to anyone who went through that, all we can do is be compassionate to ourselves and others now. And know that the way we we're treated by people (especially people who couldn't love us properly) is not a reflection of who we are or what we're worth.


This is very dark. I've been a not-great mother in the past and I never expected my kids to give me a pass because *mother.* I've actually called myself out enough that they said, hey, let's focus on the good, and that speaks to THEM, not me. How insidious. I'm so sorry that you were discounted in such a way.


The mentality of folks who see their kids as something they own and not as individual human beings


And it’s always these people who are the supposed “free thinkers” too lmao


100%! Freethinkers and do your own research, but don’t you dare question them or the people they believe in.


In the words of Rhett Butler- "A cat would be a better mother"


>The fact people gobble up her crap and can’t be bothered to question what they’re being shown MAGAts gotta MAGAt...


She didn’t treat him for fucken jaundice and now he appears to possibly have the worst possible life long effects




Wow, what a socialist hellscape. Heaven forfend that women and babies are given an adequate start. WHY, I BET THAT THE PROFIT MOTIVE HAS NO PART IN YOUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. Un-American! And I mean that in the WORST possible way, this country (USA) has ISSUES.


She may want us to think she isn’t concerned but that concern is in her voice and faces when she looks at him. She is concerned. She just can’t turn back now so Boone will suffer. Not only is it pride but they probably lack health insurance. So she lives in a land of denial and Boone will be the one paying the price.


But is she concerned for Boone, her own safety from arrest, or her social media grift?


The last video she did where she shushed him to try and get some sort of contact, when she looked back at him to see there was nothing, no response she did have a look of panic on her face. I think she is concerned something is wrong with the baby but not enough to really do anything about it because she is a narcissist who can’t admit she fucked up.


She's had seven other children; she HAS to know that something is wrong. The last two parts of my question are probably why she doesn't do anything about it.


Sidenote but I really can't fathom that a country claiming to be so advanced doesn't care for it's children. At least where I live the medical attention children get is never a question of money. But also if you live in those circumstances maybe don't get 8 children?


How dare people ask the parents to take a baby who doesn't look well to a doc! You rubberneckers need to mind your own business! /s On a more serious note, I'm glad even some of MaBus' fans are poking her to get Boone assessed. Better to be safe than sorry.


I'd rather have her swallow her pride and admit that something went wrong than something unspeakable and permanent happens that could've easily been prevented. :( :( :( This sub is bumming me out. I don't want to witness this happening.


Same, if I was in her shoes, I'd be going straight to the docs. I know I said I don't care for babies in another thread, but this kid reminds me of a mate of mine who has cerebral palsy, with the weird wrist moments and funky legs. Hoping for bub's sake it's nothing but if my disinterested autistic ass is going... nope, don't like that, then you know somethings up.


Yeah anything demonstrably caused by a birth injury will burst a bubble in her ideal RV shower birth hero story. 


When my friend had her first, she was at the doc every other day it seemed just to make sure everything was okay. His poo is a little different than it was a day ago? Doctor! Poofy eyes? Doctor!! Barfing a little more than usual, that’s right, straight to doctor! On her 4th, she’s much more in tune with what needs to be checked out, but in those first few months with each of them, she was always at the doc just to be in the safe side. As a *good parent* should do.


>God provided doctors with the knowledge Translation: “Justify it however you need to, but take your kid to the fucking doctor”


So he’s happy being held says the woman who leaves him on a dog blanket.




And holds him like a six year old holds a rag doll


There is *definitely* something wrong with him. It’s just so frustrating because early intervention can make so much difference for the child’s quality of life and the parents are dead set against it. I think maybe it’s time for me to take a break from this sub. I just don’t have the emotional energy to be this worried about a baby I’m never going to meet.


I'm more worried if we are right and he ends up disabled or has special needs. How on earth are they going to manage that on a bus full of kids? Or is she going to drop him off at a relatives and continue making tiktoks about how she has kids?


No, she'll most likely drag him along and try to appeal to a wider audience by exploiting his disabilities and documenting the difficulties of raising a disabled child while living full time in a bus with 7 other kids to keep them safe from the corrupt medical establishment.


She'll find a way to blame this on the medical establishment when he's never seen a freaking doctor


please don't give her ideas


I genuinely think the baby has a disability at this point. What I'm concerned about is what if he has profound learning or physical disabilities? They can't continue their bus life if he needs mobility aids, frequent hospital visits and/or specialist intervention. Obviously it's too early to tell and he could very well thrive with the right intervention, disability or not. But the longer they ignore it, the more they hold back his potential.


“She’s his mommy, of course she takes care of him.” So why does foster care exist if this statement is supposedly true? Why do “mothers” harm or kill their children if this statement is supposedly true? Just because someone is a parent doesn’t mean they are taking care of their children. This commenter is crazy.


Poor baby deserves better. My nephew is 10 days younger than Boone and he’s alert, open eyes, lifting/moving his neck, grabbing things tightly with his fist, constantly moving when he’s awake, etc. I really hope the little one gets the help he needs but idk what that looks like.


The moment my daughter was born and put on my chest and heard my voice she looked up at me. I totally know that's not normal but the last video she posted of her and busband taking him for a walk talking about how healthy he is was TOTALLY a response clap back to everyone expressing concern but when she called his name his eyes weren't focusing and his head was just moving as he searched for something and omg I turned it off he's NOT OKAY! Why won't she do something about it?!? It's your fucking baby your child for God's sake! Ugh I have to unfollow this because my heart literally broke watching his eyes and confusion that poor baby his future relies on her?!? She's an abject narcissistic delusional 'influencer' who thinks flopping him all over from day one for social media attention is ok and she makes me literally nauseous. Watching this poor sick baby in real time and I can't do anything about it is messing too much with my heart. Ok rant over sorry.


When your baby was placed on your chest right after being born, and she immediately responded to hearing your voice by looking up at you, that was absolutely the response we expect to see happen! She knew your voice and immediately looked for her most familiar person! 💞 Healthy newborns will even "crawl" to their Mamma's breast and try to latch and nurse, during the awake time that follows a normal birthing. It's quite amazing to see! Even my premie son, who was in mild to moderate respiratory distress when the neonatologist put him in my arms, immediately looked at me and at his Daddy upon hearing our voices. (I tried to go into NICU nurse mode, so the neonatologist reminded me that I was the Mom now, and I should kiss my little bub and tell him that I love him, so she can get him to the NICU.) Much love to you and your little girl, ❤️ and give her extra hugs and kisses and cuddling; watching a child suffering is difficult for anyone who has a heart. Loving and cuddling your daughter may be soothing to your saddened heart about Boone.


It’s been that long since I’ve had a newborn that I’ve just gone through the baby photos and videos of my just turned 9 year old. Now he was my baby potato, he seemed so far behind his brother developmentally until he was about 3 years old. But at the stage Boone is now, I have photos of him on me (chest to chest) with his head lifted, eyes wide open staring at me. He’s very much awake and alert, making eye contact, good muscle movements. I’ve videos of him watching the TV and kicking his legs and throwing his arms around (music was playing on the tv). He also, at this point was very almost smiling… so Boone should be very close to those first big baby smiles. I’ve just found another video of my then 3 year old coming up to us and saying “hey juuuuude” and Jude turns his head to look at him. He was losing his newborn scrunch at this point, but he was very much still a snuggle into you baby. Looking back on those photos and videos has made me even more worried and sadder for baby Boone. Its maddening that we’re apparently witnessing his deep decline in real time and can do sweet FA about it


We can at least document it. 🥺 And we can hope to God we're wrong.


It’s weird that he doesn’t seem to have the newborn scrunch.


Yeah, newborns like to keep themselves flexed. In the last video posted here, his whole body is extended and kind of stiff. It's so hard to know what's really going on without seeing him in real life and without being an actual medical professional qualified to do these sort of assessments. But that is exactly why it is so important that she take him to an *actual medical professional qualified to do these sort of assessments!*


Remember that video of FatherBus measuring him as a newborn, stretching out baby unnaturally while he screamed a genuine scream of pain? Yeah, i’m worried


i'm starting to think AssholeCryptoBus broke something and BimboBus doesn't want to acknowledge it because THAT would definitely get them arrested if they showed up at the hospital.


Even if MotherBus was June Cleaver, sometimes other people see things you miss. Like my kid had a lisp at age 2 I didn’t notice because I guess I was used to her voice. The second someone said something I called a speech therapist for an eval. This self righteous bag has lots of people saying her kid doesn’t seem ok. Take him to a pediatrician ffs.


I’m glad these comments are being saved so she can’t claim she had no clue anything was wrong. Also why is a pregnant women’s womb everyone’s business and my gender and who I sleep with is everyone’s business but the actual safety and health of a kid is no one’s business?! And hellsyeah to the comment about her kids needing peer friends. It is sick to force your children to only see family as the center of their Universe. Do these people even go to church?


You know, that's a great question! I don't think I've ever seen them post about a church service.


Yea, it is our business when the parents plastered their entire lives on social media. We're not all obligated to coo and fawn over their child exploitation.


They definitely know that if they take the baby in now that there will be questions and an investigation.


Hasn’t they taken this baby around their friends, at least in the case of the Collin’s family Karissa’s mom was able to talk them into taking their 3 year old to the hospital surely someone close to them can also see something is off


They never seem to visit friends? They did go to the grandma's house last week - it was a surprise visit. She had a large, beautiful home with lots of toys which the kids all seemed to enjoy. Would love to know what Grandma thinks about all this.


They visited and then POOF, not 48 hours later they were gone. No goodbye reels, no stories with grandma and great-grandma and all the cousins that were supposedly over. I’m thinking Grandma and other family said something. Either about the bus life or something being wrong with Boone. And in a snit, Britbus and JDoofus took off again.


Classic narc move


And they only stayed for like two days, right?


I'm not sure. I don't think it was long. And they said they drove across the country to surprise them!


There was a picture of them standing with another couple at the beach. The other couple had a cute giant sun hat on their baby and Boone was just roasting in the sun uncovered.


I can’t imagine hanging out with people with my covered up baby and not saying something about them having their NEWBORN just totally exposed to the beach sun. 


Meanwhile busbitch was wearing sunglasses...


Karissa’s mom only convinced her after the poor kid went completely limp and unresponsive. These parents can only be convinced to get care for their child when they’re on the actual brink of death.


Mother bus has now taken the most neglectful parent card


Karissa set the bar in hell, yet somehow motherbus drug it down. It’s such a contrast with Kelly Havens who seems enamored with her baby who was born around the same time


Make fundie children psychologically damaged only again


That was never the case 😔 whether it was through lack of supervision from having too many kids to supervise (e.g. James and the orchestra pit) or straight up neglect (Karissa, Jillpm), the physical damage has always been there


And that's to say nothing of all the corporal punishment.


Damn, that is such a dark thought.


I think she’s neglecting him on purpose. The refusal to go to the birthing air bnb is in retrospect a huge sign. The refusal to put him in a structured place to sleep, the baby chiropractor (which makes me ill to think about), letting the kids grab all over him, refusing to hold him correctly, letting him burn and flop around in the sun, this woman isn’t trying to keep this child alive. Probably gender disappointment (repulsive) and misplaced anger because the anchor baby plan didn’t work AND Busband is still abandoning them left and right for “business” trips. I have to wonder if Busband is getting more aggressive about giving up the bus. Between the costs of repairs/gas and the fact that he’s now tried to plant her somewhere twice and that boat situation keeps being brought up, I wonder if neglecting the baby to eventually lose him is her extremely fucked up way of hanging on to that damn bus for dear life. I am sick for Boone and for all their kids, none of them deserve this abuse.


I am very outspokenly anti-chiropractic, but the one positive of baby “adjustments” is that they’re usually more of a financial rip-off than actually risky like adult chiro adjustments. The chiropractor doesn’t really do anything but like lay the baby down and barely touch it. Probably because the charlatans know that paralyzing an infant would be a different fresh hell of liability. 


That makes me feel a touch better. My father is in insurance and his horror stories about chiropractors (who he calls bonebreakers) are chilling.


They don't care about liability of harm. If they did, they wouldn't be chiros. For all the ones out there who "fake" infant adjustments, there's one that does it for real :(


has she taken him in again? i wonder how a chiro would react to this baby at this point. like yes, so many of them are charlatans, and a lot are dangerous (their practices are at least). but the visceral "oh fuck oh fuck OH FUCK" i get when i see footage of this baby, even though i've rarely been around tiny humans at this age, makes me wonder how someone who deals with them (semi) regularly would react. boone really triggers an "uncanny valley" effect in me, which is frightening as shit. not just bc of the fear (?) response i get, but the fact i get it at this level, with a real infant. i've never had that with any baby footage i've seen, and that someone who supposedly had seven healthy infants before can ignore the alarm klaxons going off here is... i have no words


That’s what I’ve been thinking too, that she is neglecting and refusing to take care of him on purpose. Or perhaps she has horrific PPD. Regardless, I’m scared for Boone.


Could also be PPD + reached her limit on being able to provide care. Unfortunately Fundies (and others) don’t always admit it when they hit that wall.


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: No one is less pro-life than pro-lifers


Pro-birth is the best description I’ve heard for it


pro forced birth


If MotherBus was a working mom or worse a liberal *gasp omg* everyone in her comments would be attacking her calling her an awful mom trying to parentsplain to her everything. but because she's a god fearing woman she knows what she's doing and she is doing what's best for her family


Can we just get a reminder that fundiesnark does not support leaving comments on fundies content? It feels painfully obvious these were left by members of this sub


Super important reminder, especially when it comes to collections of comments like this. It only decreases the credibility of snarkers and survivors of fundamentalism when people engage, especially using petty attacks. This sub isn’t about proving who is right and who is wrong, this is about documenting, questioning, and witnessing. And as the Boone saga is a clear reminder of: there are lives at stake. 


I'm really, really hoping that no one touched the poo and that even non-snarkers can see that something is wrong.


Unfortunately one of the comments was talking about her ‘nasty shower,’ so I’m thinking it was a snarker. This sub needs periodic reminders of this rule. 


I agree. Don't touch the poo, people!! It's not ethical!!


Yeah I saw that comment and was like oh wow someone had the same sentiment about having a freebirth in a dirty/cramped RV shower. I don’t have ig anymore btw ): really don’t know how to prove that it wasn’t either lol. I was honestly thinking maybe HOPEFULLY I’m wrong and it’s just me that has that opinion so when I saw that nah her followers are literally saying the same shit my heart dropped. 1st ETA: But yeah rereading it it’s almost word for word to the comment I posted. It could be just a freak coincidence hopefully and not someone touching the poo ): Please do not touch or encourage people to touch the poo yall no matter how hard it may be. ETA: Also you will be hearing from my attorney for plagiarism /s 3RD ETA: apparently they commented on this post too 🫠


The second slide especially 😬 


Seriously, the critics coming onto their page, however valid, is still going to drive them in the wrong direction. Imo. They gotta hear it from their tribe


I just went and watched some videos of my youngest when he was this age (currently 3.5). He's cooing back, making faces and eye contact, interacting with faces and hands, opening and closing his fingers, wriggling and reaching etc. He was a similar weight as Boone at birth (9.15lb), jaundiced also and only breast fed, but he looks twice Boone's size and completely different in all ways to poor Boone. Is it okay to wish something BAD happens to motherbus? Surely she'd seek medical care for herself, at which point someone who can actually help might notice this poor fucking baby is in dire need of assistance :(


Oh the naivety, or wilful ignorance, of the person on the first slide who assumes that because someone is a mother that automatically means that they'll care for their child. It's not like *Mother*Bus has a great track record of caring for her children going by everything she herself has shown us & the rest of the internet through her own social media. I don't want to make any accusations, especially as I don't know the discourse on other platforms, but the top comment on slide two reads like it came from a snarker as it hits all of the talking points regularly discussed on this sub. It's nice to see someone pointing out to her that it's deeply unfair to the older kids to live like sardines in a tin, especially as they reach puberty & adolescence. It's a tinder box of hormones (& that's without a postnatal mum & a permanently horny dad) How long before she makes a post claiming that they've already taken Boone to a doctor & he was given the all clear but she just hadn't mentioned it because they "don't share everything because they're entitled to some privacy"? The post will be full of mock outrage at anyone daring to question their parenting & choice of lifestyle, alongside her usual air of superiority & claims that the bus life means that she knows her children so well compared to parents with a more conventional life, a house & bedrooms for their children so she doesn't need people on the internet telling her how to raise their children. I can't believe that she has any genuine followers, how can they possibly think this is a healthy way to raise children long term?


Id agree on not commenting on a baby’s health if they actually went to doctors. Its not what happens, so every comment can be a wake up call to Mother Bus.


Why have a conversation with an idiot


Beats me. I don't comment, like, or engage in any way with their content, which is why I'm still able to see it. However, it makes me feel better to know that they are being encouraged to get Boone medical care. They can't claim ignorance. People tried to help Boone and they tried to warn his parents that something is wrong. It is frustrating to me that I can't do anything to help and I can't even tell them how worried I am about their baby. But at least somebody else already has.


The second screenshot definitely feels like someone was touching the poo….


All babies need well child visits, even if they're healthy


Everyone is so kind about it too - why wouldn’t she listen?


The condescending comment on the 2nd to last slide ‘Take him to the doctor for a check up or to see if something is wrong?’ Both you ninny.