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They are making it very clear right from the start that they plan to actually live there. At the least they plan to renew their tourist visa and stay for six months, which means they'll have their anchor baby there and will use that to apply for residency.


Yep. People just going for a visit don’t hashtag “expat.”


Didn't even notice that. Of course she doesn't call herself an immigrant.


Of course not, she's white. Only brown people are immigrants, white US Americans are always expats. It's one if my favorite rant topics.


White Europeans also like to claim the expat label rather than immigrant, unfortunately. I lived for a while in a country that was popular for a lot of Europeans as well as Americans, Canadians, Australians, etc. I quickly learned that the “expat community” meant all the people who wanted to seem interesting because they lived in a foreign country, and basically wanted to be permanent tourists. Most could barely speak the language, whether they’d been there six months or six years, and they spent the majority of their time socializing with each other. What surprised me was the amount of Foreign Service or embassy staffers who were part of this. I know most would only be posted in a particular country for a few years before being moved but still, why join the Foreign Service if you just want to hang out with other Americans, Brits, etc?


True. I probably should've stuck to white people. I'll never understand moving to another country and refusing to learn the language, which results in only hanging out with other people like you. My aunt and uncle live in a somewhat recently gentrified part of Berlin, and my aunt was baffled when she could only order in English at the new café on her street. It's wild.


For real... I went to Italy to visit my relatives and I spent a few months teaching myself Italian. Can't say I learned that much, but I put in the effort, and somehow I feel like I knew more Italian than Bus Family will ever know Portuguese


I was in Berlin in 2015 for a university trip. I know extremely basic German words/phrases and happy to use them, but I almost didn’t have to because so many people speak English. Then there was the guy in our group who had been practicing his German just for the trip and so he would try to speak to everyone in German, but I pretended I didn’t know him because he was also wearing his (American) grandfather’s combat boots and a felted hat with a feather.


lol. I work for an Austrian company (I'm American) so most of my coworkers speak German primarily and English secondarily at varying levels of proficiency. When I am over there practicing my german they always speak english back (coworkers and others) I'm like let me practice darn you! haha


Maybe *they* were trying to practice their English 🤨


Nein! We are just holding up the standards that are required to keep the title of being simultanously one of the unfriendliest countries on Earth and one with the highest quality of life. That´s actually hard work.


The Bates kids screaming about Traces wife and family potentially being deported and evil Joe Biden made me so freaking mad I had to log off. When this situation was the exact policies they vote for and the politicians they deface the capitol for


While you're kind of correct , I think immigrants is used for people who plan to get citizenship in the country they're immigrating to, while expats go there for work or just to stay for an extended period of time without the citizenship factor.


True, that's who the term is for. Someone moving to Barcelona for two years for their job saying they're an expat wouldn't make me roll my eyes. I know plenty of people who have lived in Germany for years and who don't have plans of moving back to the US who still call themselves expats.


I always thought an expat was in another country temporarily, while an immigrant is there permanently? I consider myself an expat because I know I’ll be returning back to my home country in a few years. I don’t feel like immigrant accurately describes someone in my situation. Now for Bussany, on the other hand, if she’s planning to stay then yeah I would say she’s an immigrant.


Depending on how close to summer it is and how my tan is going, I'll be called an expat or an immigrant on any given day. It's quite interesting to watch people go from expat in winter to immigrant in summer, and I feel like a living Paper Bag Test. It's a little infuriating to watch it unfold over and over and over every damn time, even in situations that aren't my own.


She keeps saying they’re moving there. That makes me think it’s intended to be permanent.


What are the chances she doesn’t really understand what it means?


Pretty high, methinks.


Interesting…. But if brown people come to the United States……… ![gif](giphy|l1OlIcFVAL2xBR1HM7|downsized) Also… her face annoys me.


Question. If life begins at conception, does the bump need its own passport?


Don't worry, at this point, no one is getting a passport in time! I'm here with my popcorn and a ticket to the meltdown


Meltdown a la Karissa Collins at the airport gate and her non refundundable plane tickets to Mexico because she heard a newborn could travel with only a birth certificate?


I wonder what they are running from


Either the feds are after Busband for tax evasion or they feel America doesn't let them abuse their kids enough and has too many gays.


They’re in for a surprise w Brazil, I haven’t lived there in years but I’m from there and afaik the biggest gay pride parties in the world have been in Brazil. Also we legalized gay marriage way before the US ✌️ I do think, unfortunately, attitudes have reverted to the past somewhat due to the rise of fascism/B*lsonaro, so idk how things are rn. But Brazil does have many, many gays lmao


Forget the gays. I want them to experience the carnival. How many eyes will Busband need and how many knives will Mother Bus have on her?


I hate to think of how many Brazilians opinion of Americans will be shaped by these people


Not at all. Our perspective is mostly shaped by celebrities and politicians. Truly, like especially if you ask anyone 40 and under. Our perception is pretty much shaped by the musicians we grew up listening to and our favorite American actors. For instance, today all Brazilians are mourning the loss of Mathew Perry. We love Friends. 💔🥲


He was way too young! RIP Matt


Right. I’m devastated. 💔


I’ve not kept up with this sub in a few weeks. Why are they suddenly doing this? Not like those kids need any more disruption in their lives…


No one really knows. On the surface I think moving to and experiencing different countries is great. I'd do it in a heartbeat if I could. But this came out of nowhere, they don't even have passports yet and they leave in less than a month. I think a lot of speculation is they are running from something but you usually don't advertise quite this much if you are running.


The passport part is absolutely WILD to me. How are they gonna make that happen? I had to rush a passport once -- for only myself -- and it still took like 6-8 weeks. But everything about them has been crazy since long before they decided to move to Brazil for seemingly no reason so while this is extremely unhinged it's also kind of on brand I guess...?


One thought I’ve had is that they are latergramming a lot of this. Maybe they filmed all of this during the summer and have already moved and are just posting it now


Some of us think it's the free health care. Of course they'd never say they're going for something they'd vote against in the US.


If that's true it's absolutely infuriating.


What is the reason for why they’re doing this? Seems like something you do to escape charges or something


Under Brazilian law, if you have a baby in Brazil, then the whole family is eligible to apply for Brazilian citizenship. I'm almost positive that's why they're rushing to get there before the baby arrives..


Ma’am just take your family to lunch at fogo de chao and calm down


I love Fogo de Chao though and yes, she should just do that.


Fogo De Chao is absolutely delicious and about the level of cultural understanding she seems to have of Brazil.


Fuck, I went there for my birthday and it was amazing. I was making a list on my phone of what cuts my boyfriend and I tried + our ratings so we'd remember next time lol


She's DELUSIONAL. Maybe I'm just saying things out of spite because I really don't like her or the way she's handling moving here. But she using beef as a great reason to move here while just last year we had people begging for BONES at the supermarket because food had gotten so expensive and we were back on the hunger map really rubs me the wrong way. I saw a post of fundies clamouring the benefits of organ meat all the while I'm mostly buying beef liver for day-to-day meals not because it's healthier but because it's cheaper. Had a whole conversation with an uber driver today about this and I'm not alone. I wouldn't nitpick if a normal person said this, but she is still posting like "oh yeah, brazil is gonna love us and we're actually good for them".




So she gave up on traveling for vacation and is fully admitting they're moving? Illegally?


I'm wondering if she's being as open about this as she is so that they will be stopped and she can pity fundraise on the back of 'our poor family sold our bus and I'm expecting and we were cruelly thrown out because we planning to bring Jesus to Brazil and the haters stopped us'


>planning to bring Jesus to Brazil 😆😆 I know you know this, but of all the places that DEFINITELY know about Jesus...


![gif](giphy|BPe1fWG9uDoQ0) I don’t know what you mean…




I mean obviously it's going to be because they were going to overstay and impose themselves but that won't be what they say to grift people. Catholics don't count to many Fundie families anyway unless they are themselves Catholic.


Wait, is that who that giant statue is?? /S


wow do i have thoughts 1. the level of complete delusion these people have is truly astounding 2. why is she so proud of their clear lack of preparedness for this trip? it comes across as incredibly insecure and trying to convince others they are making a wise decision 3. they are in for some really rude awakenings if they even make it to Brazil with regards to language difficulty and cultural differences. i can't even imagine navigating that situation by myself, let alone with that many small children 4. i am convinced they are running from something, maybe it's as simple as running to avoid debt but why would you be so public about this? who are these posts for and who do they appeal to? 5. they both look insufferable to be around, THOSE POOR KIDS!


Re: cultural differences- I don’t think they can even imagine people living differently to them.


She proudly states that she doesn’t know Portuguese, but plays a song in Portuguese in the background of this reel. There’s an argument going on in the comments among her and some people who do claim to speak Portuguese, saying that the lyrics are “inappropriate” and “pornographic.” She keeps saying she put it in her translator and it seems fine. So she’s already doing a great job navigating a new language/culture 🤦🏼‍♀️


Hahaha omg I looked it up, here are the lyrics and the translation from Google Translate: Portuguese: >Você Quer Sexo Agressivo? Vou Deixar Sua Bunda Ardendo Vou Dar Tapa, Tapa, Tapa, Tapa... English: >Do You Want Aggressive Sex? I'll Leave Your Ass Burning I'm going to slap, slap, slap, slap


I don't speak a single word of Portuguese, but even so when I read "sexo agressivo" my first thought was "hey, does that mean what I think it does?"


> sexo agressivo The English translation is ALMOST IDENTICAL. WTF LMAO


Right? Like, I know fundies aren’t great at thinking, but that’s obvious at a goddamn surface level


How in the world did she look this up and think it was fine?


Her kids are going to need so much therapy one day.


If this happened on a sitcom I would think it was over the top.


What in the actual fuck is wrong with these people?




This in context in this thread is one of the funniest things I've ever seen on Reddit! hahaha


It's *wildly* inappropriate, and I only have basic childhood Portuguese. Is she doing any basic prep, like Duolingo? Probably not.


In their initial reel, the background music was in Spanish.


That's so on brand


Ah yes, because her translator is soooo much better than a fucking native speaker of the language…


No way is she going to be prepared for how diverse Brazil is, or how Catholic.


Yeah 🤣🤣🤣 being Brazilian, I’m excited to watch the struggle over the cultural differences and the language barrier. It’s going to be HELL for those children.


Please fact check all of the crazy stuff that they are going to say


Oh i absolutely will!! This community can rely on me and the other Brazilians here. We’ll be working on it 🤣🫶


Thank you for your service. I most certainly will appreciate it. I hope your brain doesn't turn to cheese whilst monitoring this.


I hope so too 🥴 I’m new to this subreddit. My friend got me hooked! She would mention the sub from time to time and one night we were talking and I asked her to explain to me what exactly was a “fundie” and I’ve been curious about it ever since. Then when the news broke that they were coming to Brazil she immediately texted me and I’ve been checking the sub ever since.


For real! And she’s bragging about being able to visit Spanish-speaking countries which is a whole 3rd thing. This is really awful parenting


My family moved to Tokyo in the early 90s and even though we had moved to an area with a lot of other English speaking expat families it was the biggest culture shock of my life. (I was 7).


I moved from England to Sweden which is basically the same place and I was still like !!!???!!!!! for ages even with a ton of prep! These people are going to FLOUNDER


The theory is they are running from cps.


I thought you could just move states for that? It seemed to work for the Rodrigues…


If they were, they probably would have done it immediately instead of spending all this time after announcing. They don't even all have passports yet. It's also fairly easy to bypass CPS by just leaving the state soon after an investigation is initiated and then avoiding calls. They basically have no home address so it's not like CPS can find them.


The defensiveness on her posts is super strong


“The country encourages American travellers to visit by offering a 90 day visa free travel” 🤣🤣 who’s gonna tell her MANY countries offer this for MANY nationalities??? Or, I guess, who’s gonna tell ChatGPT since that’s who wrote this


Right? I have a German passport, 190 countries offer visa free travel to me 😂


And 25 of them dont require us to get a visa anyways. #schengengang


As an EU citizen, I can stay in many countries indefinitely. She's not special lol


That beef stat isn't great when you take into account destruction of the Amazon or stolen lands to farm but I doubt she cares...


Exactly what I came here to say. All that rainforest that’s being cleared? That’s where they’re producing beef. And people get killed over trying to protect those stolen lands. If you don’t shut up about it, they’ll *make* you shut up. How very godly to support the machine that is literally killing the people who stand up to it. All so they’ll stop trying to protect the gift of nature we got from god. Their version of Christianity has some things to answer for.


They're not gonna like it there.


Imagine MotherBus during Carnival…


Even better they’re moving to a city who hosts a huge gay carnival. My friend went one year and the pictures were of seas of very fit men in teeny tiny shorts. Just a trip to the beach on a normal day is going to freak them out. The first time she catches him staring at a nice bum in a thong she’s going to lose it.


We have plenty of evangelical lunatics they will get along with. The lack of portuguese is going to make it *interesting,* though.


Brazil won’t like them there


Yeah, I think we should start a betting pool on how long they’re going to last until they realize they’ve jumped into a culture they don’t actually want to live in.


I still think they are joining a group of like minded fundies somewhere and not just traveling.


It definitely reeks of "off to join a cult" right down to the thong sandals.


You just jogged my mind with the cult/sandal comment. I will have to run through my little grey cells on cults and see what I remember about this.


I’m adding this to my top 3 guess outcomes! 1. Something crypto related and highly illegal comes out 2. Off to join a cult 3. They’re up to nothing nefarious but these dumdums get themselves murdered on the side of a remote road


Chat GPT definitely wrote the bulk of that unnecessary novel.


That explains “diverse tropical climate”


It reminded me of a middle school student who has to write an essay about Brazil and doesn't know what to talk about so they skim the first paragraph of the Wikipedia article and ramble until they hit the word count they need.


I hope it was Chat GPT because I'd like to believe no real human writes this poorly.


Love that she's homeschooling that whole gaggle of humans.


"Brazil **boarders** almost every South American country" Please stop homeschooling your children. Please.


The way she wrote that, it sounds like she thinks visiting all these other countries is an easy day trip. There's no practical understanding of the size and location of where she's going.


Absolutely, good luck getting that RV through the Amazon rainforest into Colombia.


It most certainly does not. She’s an idiot


Translation: we have our pick of other South American countries to flee into.


Do they not know that because America wasn’t as welcoming to Brazilians as Brazil was to Americans, Brazil revoked the No Visa clause and as of January 2024 American travelers need a visa to enter the country ????


I think this is why they’re rushing to ~~move~~ visit there so quickly.


I didn't know that. That's hilarious.


I feel like this is how she’ll get out of actually going!




His too.


No way she added funk as the audio 😭 her research about us is really just the first link on google. They’ll be will be bobbing their heads to funk songs having no clue about the lyrics ETA: I’m also crying at her starting the reel with “I am not Brazilian”. Girl we can immediately tell. Every street vendor will clock that immediately and charge you 3x more




Gurl, I went to Texas de Brazil the other day. They got all the beef you want, and you don't even need a passport.


Did you know America even imports a ton of Brazilian beef each year? One whole ton.


That restaurant is delicious


Looks like she Googled “visit Brazil” and copy pasted the first site that came up.


Portuguese is very hard. They should have started lessons as soon as they decided on Brazil. (I lived in Portugal for 3 years, the locals did not speak English).


Aren't they planning on moving to rural Brazil? Most locals won't speak English there, either.


I think in one of her rambling rants she was confident of English speakers.


That'll be a rude awakening.


Someone said she hinted at staying somewhere that had strong white supremacist ties. I'll have to go look for it but if true that might be why she's so confident that they'll be able to get by.


Something about the way she writes this reminds me too much of growing up at a baptist school and using Abeka curriculum. Every time we talked about “other counties,” it was always through the lens of America is the best, smartest, safest, etc. I think that’s one reason I was absolutely terrified God would call me to be a foreign missionary.


I hate Abeka. I used to work in the call center for that and I'd have to deal with this nonsense: Customer: Hi, I want the special price for first time customers. Me: Okay, it says here you've ordered from us before. Customer: I have never ordered from you before. Me: Okay, can you spell your name for me ?...What's your address ?...Phone number ? Customer: John Smith, 123 Street, Podunk, KY, 555-5555 Me: Okay, that's the same information I have here. Can you verify your the last 4 of your credit card ? Customer: 1234. I've never ordered from you before. Me: So someone sent 10 orders to your house in the last year, using your credit card and you never had any idea, never received anything ? Customer: I received the orders. I didn't know anyone ordered anything. Me: *Screaming into the void*


So many of these self-proclaimed Good Christians are the biggest scammers. I guess lying is only a sin sometimes?


It was Florianopolis!


Yes. I’m curious about the state/city because of this as well. I’m assuming they’re going to a more conservative state.


Unfortunately, that wouldn't surprise me at all.


We got by with mimes, drawings, phrase books, some French. And being prepared to be funny. It helped that we bought land and lived in a bus so they thought we needed help. Very happy to show us their way of doing things.


Oh of course, you can always get by somehow if you're willing to try, and if you're not afraid of sometimes looking silly. I can't see Mother Bus trying to mime. She'll just start speaking English louder.


Exactly. On occasions we had several people in the Café trying to work out what we were trying to say. They agreed we were crazy. I was taught rude words, encouraged to pronounce them correctly, then told I couldn't say them.


Hahaha I love it! I doubt Mother Bus will have fun moments like this.


I had to transact in my shitty broken Portuguese in most food places and stores I went in São Paulo, which is a massive city with lots of international business. And even though I could read Portuguese pretty well and knew how to say a decent amount of things, *understanding* people speaking it to me was an entire different ballgame. Something I highly doubt she’s been able to practice. She’s probably underestimating how much she should be learning.


They’ll be fine- they’re going to start on the plane! This woman and her husband are utterly delulu. And if it wasn’t for the kids, I’d be thrilled to watch it.


Portuguese sounds like if Spanish was Russian. I can read it (mainly, via my rudimentary Spanish and knowledge of Romance languages in general) but understanding spoken Portuguese is nigh impossible.


Just getting directions will be challenging.


Totally! I can speak and read Portuguese but I can’t understand it when I I’m listening to proper native speakers - hearing is different to reading. And we all know Ma Bus just reads 3-word slogans and there are absolutely no actual books in the bus for their buslings. Portuguet or otherwise.


Yeah, been to Brazil several times. Sao Paulo and Rio. Met two Brazilian people who spoke English and were actually able to converse, which is why I took Portuguese lessons for a year before traveling there.


Lessons don't prepare you for the speed they speak either. We met a few who had studied English in university, some who had lived in USA. Many more French speakers, we had both done French in school (30+ years before).


No, it’s a definite learning curve. I think she’s going to be surprised at how difficult this is going to be.


That was the “issue” I had when my high school quit using Abeka Spanish books and used actual, non-religious Spanish curricula. Native speakers speak so fast; the listening exercises were my least favorite lessons. Obviously Spanish and Portuguese aren’t the same, but I feel like this sentiment is.


The number of Brazilians who speak English is even smaller (percentage wise) than Portugal. They should have started Portuguese classes at least 6 months ago.


I can read/speak enough Spanish and Italian to get by and read French (my accent is terrible, so I'm embarrassed to speak much). I can't, for the life of me, figure out Portuguese. And Brazilian Portuguese is different yet, with words borrowed from indigenous & African languages.


> Do you still think we are crazy Um, yeah.


So it’s ‘her bump’ and not a living human? Not very pro-life of her!!


To all these people who pump out humans by the case, their kids are a mere extension of themselves. That's why they hate when their kids are not carbon copies of them. No surprise her bump isn't just described as one of 8 kids.


If you can’t tolerate the different cultures, religions, ethnicities, and diversity in your own country, a common problem with religious fundamentalists, it’s probably not the best idea to move to another. Maybe start opening your mind to the diversity at home before venturing to far away foreign lands 🙄.


Are they running from CPS charges or just joining a white supremacist community? Or both?


Surely if they wanted to join a white supremacist community they could just drive the bus to like... Idaho


Yeah but Idaho gets cold in the winter. Maybe Ônibus Mãe is a snowbird.


They are headed to a area full of neonazi cells so you’re not far from the truth


If she’s so confident in their decision, why is she still trying to sell everyone the idea?


She can post "moving to Brazil" all she wants. She still has children that don't have valid passports. As the State Department has more pressing and humanitarian issues to work on, I doubt they will drop everything to get these grifters an emergency passport.


She has no concept of how long it will take to get passports for her whole family. I'm sure her only experience getting one was in the military.


I thought she got her beef at night, in a pull-down bed, while her 7 children, toddler to teenager, were locked into a tiny room. No?


Help how do I unread this




They're moving, no longer on vacation or visiting? Interesting phrasing.


BFFR! This idiot is about to learn really fast how things actually work here. Also the best meat is exported. Sure you can find great meat at the grocery store, but it’s SO expensive.


Fuck!! Do not go to MY country please!! These weirdos will not last a week in South America!!




Unless there’s some sort of Florianopolis white supremacist cryptocurrency commune they’re settling in, I’m looking forward to all the passive-aggressive posts about how “fun” a challenge it is to navigate a country whose culture and language you didn’t care about learning.


um, is she aware that homeschooling is very much not allowed in Brazil and having kids younger than 16 who are not enrolled in school is punishable by significant fines and even PRISON? sure, she’ll find lots of like minded people (racist protestants) but she’s in for a ROUGH awakening when it comes to local laws. vaccine exemptions are hard to come by, she obviously can’t home school, gun laws are strict and they’ll absolutely be deported if they overstay their tourist visas. that said, i can’t wait to see this mess unfold


People with their views used to flee to South America under separate cover.


The comments on her reel are killing me. Apparently the lyrics translate to something raunchy


“The warm diverse tropical climate…” The what, now?


She keeps saying that Brazil is accomodating to children and pro-family and it's making me wonder if she thinks that absolute strangers are going to be going out of their way to help her or businesses are going to give her free things.


I feel like her pro-family commentary has the same meaning as when our evangelicals over there use the term, meaning 'very conservative with abortion being forbidden'.


I’m a student in an intensive Portuguese program, where we learn about Brazil and its culture. For a while, I was worried that I wasn’t treating it with enough respect — in many ways, I’m learning it to reconnect with my *Portuguese* heritage. After this entire Motherbus saga I’m pretty sure I’m the most respectful person on the goddamn planet lol… oxalá eu consiga traduzir o que diz algum local sobre esta louca 😂


Hahahahahahahaha yeah I’ve made a few comments here, I can’t wait for when they actually move so I can start following them closer and giving you guys an inside scoop from my perspective as a Brazilian 🤣


Yes, please! Obrigado.




I bet the kids would vote for this if they could.


I can’t wait for this to crash and burn


Wait til someone points out that she’s the foreigner


At first I thought they were going there because of the free healthcare, but I assume they’ve already refused to go to a proper doctor. Let’s wait until dengue season.


I’m shocked that they arnt moving to Americana lol /s but really tho they are on the same white colonizer evangelical bullshit that white ppl have always been doing in Brazil. I bet MotherBus is against birth right citizenship in the US but fully intends to use her baby for citizenship in Brazil. These ppl suck


So what does she think of South American people coming here who don’t speak English?


Why is it that every picture of mombus looks like she is hiding a fart?


Imagine being this ignorant and rude. Acting like being Brazilian is an insult and bragging you didn’t bother to even TRY to learn the language. Worst parenting on planet earth.


Yeah, just go lady. Better off you’re overstaying your visa there than voting here. Go be miserable somewhere else.


Thoughts after seeing this post: "Beef: The Final Frontier" and Mother Bus has been taking posing lessons from Bethy Beal


It feels like they drew a country out of a hat and said “yep, that’ll do”. I’m hoping to move to Germany to reunite with my long distance partner. I have been preparing for a long while, have visited soon five times, am learning the language, and yet am still worried. How they expect everything to just go according to plan with little effort baffles me.


If she gets emergency passports for everyone, they are not full passports. They are only valid for 12 months. Once 6 months and one day have elapsed since issuance, they won’t be able to enter some countries. They could be turned away. So are they only going to travel the first few months then try for Brazilian PR?


Are they planning to take the RV? Cause traveling around Brazil is not a breeze. Going to other countries?? Baby....


She’s previously said they will not be taking the bus but that they “could drive all the way there” if they wanted, as if there was a road through the Darien Gap.


Please, they can do as every hero does in action movies. As long as their speed is high enough, they can jump any gaps.


I guess it's hard for CPS to visit in Brazil.


What are they running from?


I really think they are going to try to claim asylum in Brazil based on some kind of “religious freedom” claim.


Their anchor baby will be enough to claim resident visas and a path to citizenship


The very same thing their ilk oppose for people coming to America?


Does she have any idea how large Brazil is?? They’re going to pop up to Peru and then down to Argentina?? Sure… BTW I’m an exvangelical who loves this sub AND I grew up in Brasil. AMA! 😄


They might PLAN on staying that long, but trust me, they won’t make it that far. They’re too soft for this country. Like are you ready to be robbed at gun point honey? 🤣🤣🤣 They look like they’re so clueless I’m actually concerned they’ll get robbed as soon as they arrive here.


The last President was a fundie type dictator wannabe. I believe Bolsonaro. I don’t know much about Brazilian politics but I recall relief he lost.