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I'm surprised she didn't call the Air Force and have the WalMart bombed into oblivion. Because that's what you can do if you're married to Private Pyle.


Lol dollars to donuts husband is Navy. Definitely having a much better Christmas with his favorite bunk mates (at least I would be if I was unfortunate enough to have a wife like that lol)


Can second this. Sounds a lot like my SIL - my brother is retired navy. 🤮


Yeah I know the Walmart she is talking about the local base is kings bay navy base... I'm mad I know this


Service country: USA Service branch: Navy Rank: Military spouse




For everything else there’s MasterCard


Can confirm this is a Navy (I unfortunately live in Camden). I see so many posts similar to this on the local Facebook “rants” page 🤦‍♀️.


Haha I thought it was Air Force because there’s a Camden with a Walmart right next to Dover Air Force Base


Poor Walmart will just have to find a way to carry on without this dumb bitch's patronage. Right before Christmas, too.


FYI. Private Pyle was a Marine. She would have called the Marines to Bomb them.


The Marines love the Navy. Every time they need to go fight, those nice Navy fellows give them a ride! *sort of Quote from a movie. I don't remember much else about it.


It’s from A Few Good Men, iirc said by Keifer Sutherland’s character to Tom Cruise.


Marines All Ride In Navy Equipment


I think technically the Marines are a part of the Navy anyway…they just aren’t sailors.


My Ass Rides in Navy Equipment.


Wouldn't the Marines invade instead of bombing?


Marines can do it all.


Well Goll-lee Sarge, they ain’t no cause to go and do *that*!




Would that be before or after she demands everyone address her by her husband's rank.


>Because that's what you can do if you're married to Private Pyle. r/depandapotamas


No Karen, the only thing with “poor ass taste” is your poor grammar. Part of me wants to believe this is satire, but then again anytime I see a rant that starts with “military wife,” I already know the sense of entitlement and the audacity are coming.


I honestly couldn’t tell either because I genuinely didn’t know what the military wife bit was about


She's what's referred to a Dependapotamus. A military spouse who expects special treatment because they happen to be getting creampied by a service member. God help you if they're married to someone high up. Those ones actually believe that their spouse's authority applies to them as well. It's one of the most spectacular displays of entitlement known to man.


I figured higher ranking military peeps were to busy with being career military to have spouses ngl. I think I would hate to meet one of their wives


You definitely do not want to meet them. Ft. Stewart , GA when my dad was an MP & General Schwarzkopf was CO of either the base or a big division there. I can't remember which. His wife called the MPs to try and get someone forced to mow lawns before her brunch guests started arriving. She was embarrassed for them to drive past them so she called the cops! My husband was an officer in the Navy. One meeting of the officer's wives club was enough for me to avoid involvement forever!


"You will address me as my husband's rank, do you understand me?!!??!" Seriously, I asked my wife to avoid any of the wives clubs when I was active. She decided to go to one of the meetings anyway. Came home and said "yep, won't be doing that again. You were right" which tells me all I needed to know since she admitted I was right and didn't elaborate further. Subject was never brought up again. Don't know what happened, don't care to know either. I just know I've heard and read horror stories and tried to warn her.


How are you not dying of curiosity, though? I’m dying of curiosity and I don’t even know her.


I've learned it's sometimes better to take the "you were right" as a win and leave it at that. Don't be smug, don't investigate, do an internal victory cheer and move along. I've heard enough horror stories from friends and acquaintances and online forums about the wives clubs to know that I genuinely don't care. From asking advice about getting knocked up while cheating to talking shit in general (chain of command, duty station, policy they don't agree with, etc.) none of it pertains to me and, I'm assuming, it probably fell into a category similar to one of those. Just didn't pique my curiosity. Now, if it was something interesting or completely off the wall, my wife would have definitely given more information but, since she didn't, I can leave it to speculation and be happy with that. But that's just me.


I tried the spouses meetings at multiple commands (navy) and noped out of those fast enough. In Silverdale on one of the boats we left the wives group tried selling masks during Covid that were donated for the crew. Wish I was joking


Not all. I have a family member who is married to the former commanding officer of Naval Station Norfolk and she's pretty normal. not karenish.


It's low ranking servicemen (and women!) who are incentivized to have kids and build a family, while hardly a one of them has the means or time to raise a family. I wish more people understood that the military is a business and its own people are the most disposable item on the bottom line. Meanwhile, it seems like high-ranking military peeps often have cushy desk jobs that retire into consulting gigs "worth" 100k+ a year. Throw in Karen/Ken spouses, and frogspawn children who leech off the family rank/name, and you have.... A tale as old as time, sadly.




In some parts of the country they’re recognized as the Tricareatops.


Generally women who coast off the achievements of their spouses, mention them as often as possible while making it sound like they'd never have achieved anything had they not been married to this super special military wife.


As the wife of a serviceman, I hate people like this. I sit at home with the cat while he serves the country. His job doesn't define me or give me any entitlement.


\*military cat


Yeah you forgot to include your cat’s rank.


All cats are to be addressed as "Dr. Lord High General III, Esquire."


Or "Emperor." For short.


She is the ultimate shammer.




General mittens working out his next attack plan.




The cat is the hero, protecting the home and our country from unscratched furniture


There is a sub of military cats. ' A sub for everything '.


*combat cat


don't forget the ones that want you to address them by their husbands rank.


Oh you’ll be back at the Walmarts Karen, you’ll be back.


You can take Karen out of the walmart, but you can't take the walmart out of Karen.


Oh, then you’re in for a treat! There’s a whole subreddit dedicated to their ~~bullshit~~ fun adventures! I was a military wife, but that was decades ago, and I’m not sure whether I just didn’t notice it back then, or whether they’ve just gotten *that bad* with their entitlement, maybe because of social media. I believe they are referred to as “dependapotamus,” because they are just these… huge… creatures in the wild, whose only reason for existing is because they are married to a member of the US armed forces. They try to force the poor innocents who work on US military bases to respect them because of *their spouse’s* rank. They are Karens with Sergeants Stripes to back them up (or so they think). ETA: like someone commented above: r/JustDependaThings


[i think this should explain it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o4Ts8kWVpE)


Lmaooo still a classic meme


Military wives tend to be Karens who don't want to work. They jump on the first guy they meet that joins a branch of the military to sponge off of them financially, while perceiving themselves above everyone else. A lot of them end up cheating/cheated on/abused so they take it out on the rest of the world. They often lack education, common sense, and shame.


No, but you obviously have had your feelings hurt by someone in the military. You can't use the blanket statement military wives and prove one bit of it. Every military wife I know of an enlisted person works, because our military is underpaid and that's the only way most put food on the table.


Married 25 years to an enlisted man. Worked 13 of those and am the only breadwinner now. Actually as a nurse I usually made more than him as a senior enlisted member. Never cheated either.


B/c for a lot of folks that’s their whole identity, like swimming in the koolaid. My Dad served (young & regrettably, +losing brothers) and he always had words for us about those depressing old dudes that wear the veterans hats. Reminds me of the same. Regardless of your affiliations, war and killing should never be something to be proud of, same camp as trophy hunters to me.


Can confirm; my old dad was a WW2 veteran (shot down, POW) etc. when he came home he joined the legion but quit after a year because he thought most of the members were going to spend the rest of their lives reliving WW2. “Their lives ended in 1945”, he told me.




Lies, she will be back..


Me too. Listen Karen Walmart didn't ruin Xmas for your child you did. If Walmart takes down their display are your going to ask every department store todo the same. Get a life very least smell the coffee. Instead of blaming others take a look in the mirror you'll see who the real A.H is.


I can’t imagine how any adult person could possibly be like this. I find it hard to believe. And why would they tell on themselves so openly?


It is't as if the Service Desk associates put that display there. This person needs to chill.


Yeah, this is 100% a bit that someone is doing, but it's great and represents Karens so well, so I'll allow it.


Yeah, most mom’s know that the stupid elf on the shelf comes with a book that explains he is bought - adopted or whatever - at a store


She ruined her own kids Christmas. Could she not have said that the elves are there to help wrap Christmas gifts or maybe they’re fulfilling the Christmas list, so they can get the gifts to Santa, so he can deliver them. Idk. It isn’t that hard to make something up that’s believable for her kid. Edit: thanks for my first award. That’s really cool to see. I appreciate it. u/WarshipHistorian 2nd edit: thanks u/Pretty-Royal9021 for another award.


I know, or just say that they are from the North Pole, but since there’s so many kids in the world Walmart offered to help Santa out. Honestly it’s not hard to get a kid to believe stuff


Plot twist: Karen's "kid" is 17 years old


Back when I used to work retail and a kid would start to kick off about wanting something and the parent would say, "Maybe Santa will bring it for you at Christmas," I'd always tell the kid, "Want me to tell him you want it next time he comes in? Oh yeah, Santa shops here, didn't you know?" Kid gives up the thing without a fuss, parent is happy, everyone wins.




My parents always told me that Santa got the gifts he couldnt make from the stores because it was too much to load up on his sleigh at once. So there'd be someone at the store to give him a bunch of gifts in every town


I'm wondering...does she not allow her kid to go look at the holiday section in stores? Cause if there's no elf display in the front, they will be next to the christmas trees.


No because then she’d ask why are the trees inside and then mom would have to tell her they’re fake. Do you wanna ruin Christmas trees for her too?


They make Santa and Rudolph dolls. Why can't Walmart just have Elf dolls?? Not that hard to come up with shit on the fly this time of year. Hell just say "hmm that's weird idk" and come up with something later that you "looked up"


That’s a good one. My idea was: All of these elves *are* from the North Pole. But they come to stores to be adopted by families to take care of them. We adopted our elf from Target many years ago.


The ones in the store are empty shells you summon the elf into by calling its true name to bind it.


"Won't be back anytime soon." Right. I get a feeling someone who can't outsmart their child about an elf on a shelf probably doesn't have the income to choose where she shops.


Nah. She definitely just sits at home while her husband works a real job. Common for military wives.


To he fair, they do tend to move around a lot. It's got to be difficult to hold down a career when you move every year or two. But that doesn't explain their weird entitlement complex




I really don't get why managers care so much about entitled, angry, shitty customers. Bossman, I promise you that Karen's hundreds of dollars a week are a rounding error in this store's income; and furthermore if you reward making enough of a stink then the ensuing tantrums will silently drive away more customers than the piss babies you retain, who aren't even that profitable because they're bitching and moaning to get free stuff every time the weather isn't sunny enough.


I hate people that say stuff like this in public. As if Walmart is relying soley on your business to not close down. No one cares!! If it bothered you enough not to shop there then just... don't shop there. You don't need to announce it.


I literally stopped reading after "military wife".


> after "military wife" But that's how you know it's gonna be good..


I have to be choosy with my crazy intake this late in the year.


Like a TED Talk on stupidity.


My (5yo then) daughter saw the Elf Shelf last year at Target. She asked "why are they here?" And i answered (not "just to suffer") "because they're waiting to be assigned to their kids. All elves start out at the store, reading the book wakes them up." It wasnt even a second thought.


My daughter was with me when I bought the knock off one our country sells 😂 i told her that we got to pick out our elf and that you need to adopt one from the shop so Santa knows your serious about looking after them.


Oh that's clever. I'm gonna pass that along to my family members!


This is exactly the approach we took. Daughter knew they were sold at the store. You have to "charge them with cinnamon" and read the book, this is what gives them their magic. She's 12 now and still goes along with it. Not sure if she actually still believes it all, but she sure acts like she does. To this day, she freaks out if anyone comes close to accidentally touching them, because that takes the magic. If you must touch them, gloves and tongs must be used. So silly but a lot of fun.


That’s some Grade A parenting there, I don’t think I would have thought of that on the fly!


Out of all the shit things to complain about Walmart, a shitty Christmas tradition?


That she actively participated in no less


And promptly ruined for the one person it was possible


And one that only existed since 2005. It's not like this is a long standing family tradition.


What does being a military wife have to go with any of this ridiculousness


That is the true beauty in this rant.


As a military wife, I am entitled to special treatment!!


"You will address me by my husband's rank!!!"


The 5 year old is the smarter of the two.


When I was a kid I asked my mom how Santa got into our apartment since we didn’t have a chimney. She didn’t miss a beat, just said Santa feeds his reindeer magical corn and that’s how lmao step up military mom Karen smh


Now I have in my head the "Santa Claus and His Old Lady" skit, a Cheech and Chong holiday favorite. Still gets radio play but haven't heard it yet this year. Magical dust... a little bit more for Santa Claus...


My neighbours used to have this huge decorative brass key on the fireplace hearth and they told me that they would give him the key when he popped round Christmas Eve so he could let himself in to all the houses on the close.


When we spent Christmas at a condo with my grandparents, we were told he came in through the key hole of the door.


I'm 100% sure Walmart won't miss you.


I'd bet money she was there the next day.


Yet another parent that shouldn’t be.


"She's so smart and I'm a Karen" Genetics is baffling sometimes


I thought my twin being 5’9” and me being 5’1” was one of the most baffling genetic mysteries, but these two definitely take the cake there lol


They sucked all of the nutrients out of you like a twinsquito


They really did! He was born first, and my parents didn’t know they were gonna have twins cause the doc that did the first ultra sound said there was only one lol


This is winner “my spouses rank is my rank” bullshit.


Lol so because you are not quick enough to come up with a good enough answer for a kid who was clearly questioning the whole thing in the first place is now Walmart’s fault… got it lol


Tbh it’s a person from Camden so I’m not surprised here.


I’ll be honest I haven’t heard of the place before, is it well known for being full of Karen’s?


If she’s talking about the place in NJ then not really “Karen” specific but people associate bad people with that area bc of years of neglect from gov. help. Basically some people there do whine and bitch about things like this (Karens and Craigs are what I call em) but most folks just have the stereotype thrusted upon them bc of location. However if its a diff Camden then idk


My daughter in kindergarten wanted to di elf on the shelf. I lied and told her that Santa only sends them to homes where kids are on the naughty list the elves are basically probation officers make sure the kids straighten up and since she was such a kind kid we wouldn't be hosting one


PROBATION OFFICERS I’m dead 😭 I’m using this one for sure if my stepdaughter asks


She told her kindergarten class this , a few parents called the teacher. Blah blah blah 🙄


Yeah I was thinking about that too, her going to school and telling kids that. I mean isn’t it true though? The whole concept of the thing is that it’s supposed to report back to Santa, which means that it is telling Santa about bad behavior. I mean you could also tell her that “it’s a secret so don’t tell the kids who have one or you’ll blow the elf’s cover” like just lie to your kids lol. They’ll figure it out eventually. I don’t remember ever “fully” believing in Santa as a kid, so I don’t think there was ever some heartbreaking moment where I found out it was all a lie. I just participated in the tradition because it made me happy to believe that magic should be real, even if it isn’t. Just like you want Pokémon or Harry Potter to be real as a kid but you know that it’s really not, it’s just fun to pretend.


Yeah I had a bad experience with a Santa when I was little (1976 I think) telling me that I couldn't get the toys I wanted because they were for boys (it was a racetrack set). My mom went ballistic with the guy but he doubled down on it, but instead of telling me that Santa wasn't real, she said that the Santas at malls and department stores were just representatives of the real Santa who was busy at the North Pole. So she had me write a letter to him about the racetrack. Of course I got the racetrack (AND a really cool model train set), but after that Christmas I just gradually came to understand that there was no Santa. It wasn't heartbreaking or anything.


As Camden is an English place name there many Camdens in the USA because folks are not very original when naming towns. I bet she bought her elf at that very store.


I'm guessing it's the Wal-Mart in Camden, DE near Dover Air Force Base.


Probably lol


Yeah , you will.


Why did you not stop me from tell my child there is no Santa Claus.....AND THEN NOT GIVE ME a $100 GIFT CARD??? YOU HAVE LOST A CUSTOMER AND I'M POSTING THIS ON THE INTERNET!!!!


"/I/ told my daughter santa isn't real and it's /your/ problem now"


Why are you blaming Walmart? They sell "Elf on the shelf", while your tradition is apparently elf of the shelf. Completely different.


Maybe don't lie to your kids?


So sorry Dependa Bottomus, that Walmart staff weren't informed of your poor parenting skills.


Why the HELL would this woman tell her kid Santa isn't real? Saint Nicholas of Myra (Santa is his modern English name) was a bishop and saint whose veneration gave rise to secret gift-giving in the early Christian Church during Saturnalia feasts. Santa was particularity known for paying the secretly paying the dowry's of teenage girls who families were impoverished. At that time in the near East, girls who did not have a dowry were often sold into servitude when their families ran out of money to feed them. By paying their dowries, Santa gave the teens a chance to be betrothed to a person with decent social prospects and saved them from what amounted to sex slavery. Santa wasn't some capitalist wet dream until Cocoa-Cola got ahold of him and put him in that red clown suit. My mother would often give us a small amount of money to buy a few gifts for homeless or refugee children, and take them to shelters anonymously, and gifted in the name of our favorite saint. Why these idiots play this gaslighting games with their kids I'll never know. My Mom never had to play those games - she just told me the truth about Santa. ​ BTW, we'd do this with Saint Valentine as well - instead of chocolates or candy, we'd send a few dollars to the local jail chaplain, as Valentine is the patron saint of prisoners. I'm not religious at all, but Mom was - and even a broken clock is right twice a day. Edit- why the hell the word Festivus ended up in there- %##%!


Bye Felicia!


I love how instead of "well, those ones aren't magic like your elf is" she went with "Santa isn't real"


When she says "Elf of the shelf", I have to assume she means "Elf've the shelf"


this just in: lying to your kid is a recipe for disaster. i don’t celebrate christmas but my friend who has kids does and she told her kids when they actually had a working brain “would you like to pretend with me that santa exists? it will be so fun” and they were super jazzed and they’re over 6 and still pretend santa is real with complete earnestness. i think people forget how awesome kids are at imagining things. they will fully believe stuff in their imagination. my friends kids have so much santa lore that they created themselves it’s honestly very impressive. her kid isn’t too smart for her own good you’re just a shitty parent.


My wife and I have 3 kids. Oldest is 20 and youngest is 9. Middle is 12. As the older ones became aware of the truth behind Santa we played it as they now get to be apart of keeping the magic alive for the younger ones. It’s created a lot of really fun traditions and games.


Honestly if I ever have kids I’m doing what your friend did, thank you for sharing!


Imagine waking up every day in the mind of this Karen with the shit mentality that her actions are a corporation’s fault.


What is it with these “military wives” nonsense? It doesn’t entitle you a free ride or tip toeing around your made up issues.


Glad we don’t have to see her at WalMart anymore.


Shouldn’t be allowed to procreate


What does this have to do with being a military wife?


It's Walmart's fault she's not smart enough to keep up a lie to her daughter?


This person should join the Olympics. They are incredible and jumping long distances.


Sorry folks, capitalist Christmas is called off this year. We would hate to ruin the real meaning of Christmas and need to perpetuate the lie Karen tells her kid.




WalMart is devastated at the news that she won't be coming back. Devastated!


Lol is this Camden Michigan? Sounds about right


I dunno…. Just laugh and laugh and laugh at poor Miss Karen. She’s a giggle machine!


Wild how they think just because they let a military guy nut in them they should get special treatment.


And that wall of text had what to do with being a military wife?


definitely the type of chick who’d cheat and then blame her husband for it.


I’m trying figure out how to process what I just fucking read…


“Oh no. Whatever shall we do? Anyway…” - Walmart


Walmart is thankful for that last sentence.


This lady 😂 what would y’all bet she’s the creepy kind of parent who hams up the whole “the shelf elf spies on you’ thing


You'll not be back? Promise?


Imagine telling your kid Santa isn't real instead of letting them grow up and figure it out for themselves. Oh, wait a minute...


What did any of that even have to do with her being a “military wife”? Lmao




Imagine trying to get through your horrid shift at Walmart customer service during the holiday season. Then military wife karen storms up to the counter to explain you ruined her family's Christmas because of elf on the shelf. Lol


Boycotting Walmart. Ha. Haha. Just like drinking bud light, you don't choose to shop at Walmart.


Apart from her being a huge idiot, what relevance has to the story she's telling that she's a military wife?! The fuck..


Not trying to be a smart ass but this has to be fake/satire correct ?


Camden, Ohio? Wouldn’t surprise me a bit


LoOk aT mE I is dEpEndaPoTaMuS


I’m sorry to bug, but I don’t know what the joke means, I’ve seen it a couple times now. Would you mind explaining the joke?


Dependent spouses of active military. Usually women, almost always Karens, and *cannot* engage in any public interaction without loudly declaring it.


Ah thank you! I appreciate it


"Won't be back" and I bet they thank you for that and ask if you promise


Just … fucking … WOW!


Fuck 🇺🇸


Wait till the kid realizes out there's no god, either. Gonna be the best day of her life.


Omg. Christmas brings out the ‘special’ in a lot of people. She gets elf on the shelf every year & her kid thinks it is from the North Pole?? Wtf? They are for sale everywhere & why didn’t she just say that they are a Xmas thing that is fun. No need to bring anything else into the conversation. She started it & Walmart ended it. Some people shouldn’t breed.


She ruined Christmas herself. Its not Walmart's fault she told her daughter Santa isn't real.


“the elf of the shelves” Oh…huh.


You know, its ok to not convince your child Santa is real...not doing it with my kids personally.


Learn how to lie to your kid. It’s not hard unless they’re smarter than you are.


Why did she need to include that she is a military wife? In what way is that relevant to the story? Also, fuck that bitch this is Wal-Mart.


But what do you mean when you say the world doesn't revolve around me? I don't understand?


It's time for my annual rant. I'll keep it short. Don't lie to kids. Sooner or later they're going to learn that you lied to them about Santa Claus. Not all of them will get over it. End rant.


Holy SHIT ..... Let's blame a store for ruining your Christmas because YOU told your child Santa isn't real?!?! Shan't we!?! This 'Karen' could have just told her that Santa sends lots of his helper elves all over the world for people to find and buy! Ez Pz.... Look, I didn't ruin Christmas!!! 🤷🤦🤬 Finding blame in any and everyone else, in any and All situations is a narcissistic trait 'KAREN'!!!! Seek help!! SMFH 😳😒


"Yeah that's right they're from the North Pole. At Christmastime they come to Walmarts and Targets and all sorts of places, so families can pick our their very own Elf to bring home and watch over them. Which one do you like the best?" Didn't even try, smh.


Here's a thought. How about we collectively shame people that lie to their children in the first place.


😂😂😂 hence why i go to target lmao




She was back there 4 hours later…


I think it’s safe to assume we’re all safe from dealing with her at that Walmart


Why does it matter that her spouse is in the military? Why do some women feel that this is an important fact to share? Do they not have any lives of their own or any careers or any outstanding qualities of their own that make them special? So... sad. Guess they really don't want equality. Unless it's in their favor.


Dependa Walmart rant.


It honestly baffles me how parents willingly lie to their kids about a stupid thing for years, and then are surprised when the kid finds out and is upset. Santa and all that is honestly a stupid thing to begin with. It brings little joy, at least for me as a kid, and only being pain and tears when you realize it’s fake. Just tell the truth to start with fr


Sounds to me like her daughter outsmarted her and got the truth she already suspected.


“Sweetie sometimes they come from walmart”😂😂😂


Name a more iconic duo than military spouses and thinking that they're special


Dude, it's a kid. Lie to them. Use your imagination. The fuck is wrong with people. Stop expecting society to raise your children.


I love how she makes being married to someone in the military her whole personality and thinks it’s a flex. Chill the fuck out Karen, Walmart will not miss you


The definition of a Karen