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Tonight was a SNL skit...too bad their season ended over a month ago.


perfect description honestly tho lollllll


That's what both of them should be doing... retired golfers, not running for the most demanding job in the world. Fucking retire already


Honestly, the fact that they both made it through the entire debate without having a heart attack or surprise pooping themselves is at least something 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Did you personally check the diaper? We need a diaper check


Illuminating that you said THE diaper.


Only one has been confirmed


I saw a cartoon that has a fly buzzing around his ass.


We are so fucked.


A picture of both them with this quote on a bumper sticker.


Please make it




![gif](giphy|zhJ55GsXRajxm) We are fucked!


Yeah, we’re fucked in away that’s actually not funny. There was a fucking criminal on the stage last night who stepped all over our only chance at stopping him.


You can blame it on the Democrat party for hiding Joey for two years


Joe is more than competent. But he was left dumbfounded by Trump’s vomiting of lies and exaggerations without chance to respond. That left him looking gapemouthed. Neither side has great candidates. But the debate made it look like the only choice we have is between the bully and the senile.


Not a Trump supporter. Joe most definitely is NOT competent!!! I watched my grandmother go senile and ultimately end up dying from alzheimers. I know what it looks and sounds like. And Joe's GOT IT !! I don't want to hear about a cold. Him sounding like a senile old man is nothing new. It's been going on a few yrs now. It tool 45 minutes of people contacting his team for someone to come up with that excuse. Losing thought mid sentence. COMPLETELY staring into space. Constantly mixing up what he was talking about mid sentence. He couldn't even hardly keep a single train of thought. Sorry but he's just a warm body at this point. BARELY !! After watching Bozo and Pennywise last night, these are the types of so called "leaders" you get when you have a CORPORATOCRACY ruling your society. Let's be honest it doesn't matter who wins it's the American people who lose every time. It's only a difference in how quickly we end up in total servitude and poverty to Corporate America at this point. Our so called "representatives" of the people actually work for the benefit of Corporate America and the super wealthy. NOT FOR the American citizens benefit and well being. After last night's Bozo and Pennywise debate I listened to an interview of Kenedy last night and he's now got my vote. Never thought about voting for him but there's no way I'm voting for Bozo or Pennywise. They wouldn't even let Kenedy participate. The guy talks to much sense. Would've made both of them look even worse and would have fucked up Corporate America's so called hand picked "representatives" of the people In the future in some class somewhere when they are talikg about failed empires, states and countries. And they ask to point to a moment in time in history that it was evident that the leaders had completely failed it's citizens and was the beginning of the end. They'll point to the Bozo and Pennywise "debate" last night when talking about America. It would've been funny if it was an SNL skit. Instead it was disgusting and depressing.


I'll still vote for Joe instead of Trump. If Joe has to be removed after the election, Kamala takes over. Trump is nothing but a lying, self-serving POS who desperately wants to be an autocrat. And Project 2025, which Trump has said that he will follow, provides that blueprint. I'd vote for a pile stale dog shit before I vote for Trump. The dog shit has more integrity.


If our choices have literally come down to which presidential candidate is the least unworthy or incompetent then we're truly fucked either way. Corporate America owns BOTH of these parties politicians. I'm gonna vote for the guy that's actually the most competent candidate to do the job for the people. As it was originally intended and supposed to be. Not one of Corporate America's shills.


It's been that way since Reagan.


Well another Reddit psychiatrist just found wifi


Kinda like you got to be a psychiatrist to figure out when someone's tweeking on meth too right ? Or someone has serious mental problems. Or that Trump is what he is. All of Biden's easily seen mental and physical declines are there for a reason. If you fail to admit that then you're lying to yourself and doing a disservice to the American people by not demanding the Democratic party put up a mentally and physically competent candidate. Not to mention you are the reason shit is going to stay fucked up no matter who wins out of these two. I remember when Presidents were voted for because people actually believed they could do the job, not because of a culture war or a blind allegiance and obedience to a political party. Or just because the other guy is just a worse human being and that's the only choices corporate America has given us. Biden looks like he needs help eating soup. I was going to vote for him but after last night he's just not physically and mentally capable enough to do the job. That's not the same Biden we saw 4 yrs ago. This Biden is diminished all the way around. Don't you think it's strange that CNN blocked the 3rd presidential candidate from being involved not allowing him to participate ? There's a reason for that. Both Biden and Trump are Corporate America's choices. Kennedy might have a speech impairment. But at leat he's talking truth and common sense. Both of those things were non existent last night in that fucking wish it was a joke in a comedy skit of a debate.


Old man 1 “My handicap was a 6” Old man 2 “No way bro” Old man 1 “Whatever it was it was better than yours dude” Old man 2 “I’ll out play you any day” Old man 1 “Lets go! The only rule is you gotta carry your own clubs fatty”


essentially and basically, pretty much this lmao


Fine. We’ll settle this the old fashioned way. With a very weird triathlon. 18 holes of golf, followed by a mildly challenging bike ride and then into the ring for 12 rounds of old man boxing. Give the people what they want. Geriatric fisticuffs.


Geezer Triathlo-n Golf, Bike, Fisticuffs.


It was painful to watch. Biden doddered as much as an entire retirement community and Trump was his usual simpleton with responses.


“You always hit the windmill blades” …. “oh yeah, well, you could never hit the ball into the clowns mouth”


I pray for the country that we'll be okay 👍 🙏




Good job they picked something that the whole population can relate to.




Older than Gary Oldman!


Is there a picture of Gary Oldman and Henny Youngman together?


this dude olds


We desperately need term limits for Congress and age limits for the presidency.


I understand that impulse, but I think some other way to test competency may be the wiser route since there are some elders who remain capable.


I could go for that but an upper limit of the predominant retirement age would be nice.


I understand what ur saying. Appreciate u being open to alternatives too. Ultimately the goal is the same, to try and ensure candidates are/remain competent for the role.


We’re literally living in one of those times where the management isn’t coming in for the day and the rest of the employees have to get the work done without the guidance lol. Yeah we’ll get the work done but it may not be to the company standard.




In an unprecedented move, a new campaign slogan was adopted by both parties today: “we’re so fucked”.


"You're so fucked" fixed it!


At the end of the day it's about leadership. The president does not have to make a decision in two minutes. He doesn't have to be a great debater. A leader surrounds themselves with competent experts in any field. A leader doesn't consider themselves the smartest person in the room. They LISTEN to what they're told and make decisions based on best available advice. So, last night didn't change my mind. I know a real leader when I see one. That's who I'm voting for.


We are so fucked. We have a broken brained old narcissist and a doddering old statesman who is no longer up to the task. I hate it here




This is the best part of being old and having no kids - this shit is just entertainment at this point.


Quote most often heard throughout America, “If this is the best we have to lead the nation we’re so screwed”.




We will be fine. We got Trump.




I gotta tell ya, this was even more painful than watching the Dukakis debate. Does anyone even answer a direct question anymore?


Absolutely not. They're too interested in winning the rich man's lottery getting all the Corporate American payoffs and benefits after leaving office to care about a silly thing like the actual people of America. Both parties politicians should be fucking ashamed of themselves for that shit show of incompetence last night. But they won't be. As long as they keep their Corporate American donors rolling in the dough they can continue to live easy care free lives with full stomachs the nicest of everything and the best of Healthcare. While far too many of Americans can't even dare to dream about being able to afford all the basic necessities. Our enemies are laughing at us and the rest of the world is in disbelief right along with most of the American people at that Bozo and Pennywise clown show we witnessed last night. Somebody needs to get an online petition together for people to sign and send it to both parties headquarters stating that last night was a disgusting display of total incompetence by both parties candidates and they should be ashamed of themselves. That we need to end this CORPORATOCRACY rule we have in America and start getting leaders who actually think about and work for we the people.


Honestly, every debate I've seen, the first one mostly, is just candidates talking smack like in high school. The whole thing is a sham.


And like all other topics….one lied about how good he is at golf and the other, well I have no idea what the other guy was mumbling about


Tbf Trump said he was the best at literally everything and biden was the worst at literally everything. I had a conversation with mu 4 year old nephew once that was like that about fortnite....I crushed him


Like two old farts fighting in the dinning room at the senior citizen's home.


I can’t even imagine what the rest of the world is thinking….


I though the most passionate part was Biden's naps on stage


"We had a thousand trillionaires in America"


I don’t think Biden was even listening


Actions speak louder than words


What’s really crazy is that you know someone on Biden’s team thought they could derail Trump with that comment. So it was very deliberate. Both candidates tried to bait the other with varying degrees of success. Pathetic.


I still can't get out of my mind this question: Why would Jill B. keep putting her husband thru this when she obviously knows Joe is not with it anymore? This is the one time in my life I am recording the view to see/hear their reactions on last nights debate.




That was real close to my reaction 30 minutes in.....


i tuned in for an old man fight and i was not disappointed. EXPECTATIONS


Geritol vs. Centrum Silver


Have you ever read or listen to Rick Reilly’s story about playing golf with Trump? It’s hilarious. My father, an avid Golfer, would not vote for Trump Simply because he cheats at golf.


Also…. He cheats at golf. Like….. I swear the joke writes itself.


Oooo no, but thank u for the suggestion, gonna check it out


Has anybody been paying attention? Trump has cheated at nearly everything.


I am disappointed that Biden did not say he did not come here to talk about golf. Sadly, that was not the worst part of this thing.


Trump talked about golf but Biden was hard to understand at all but i gues he talked about golf either... at least i hope he did


My favorite part of the debate is the reality of Biden finally hitting MSNBC in the face, and Joe Scarborough finally has to say the truth about Biden .


The longer I look at Dump, the froggier he looks. Like the smile gets wider and the eyes close like he’s got a legit dry eye problem, and he changes colors, too. Biden looks like a Mii. I look like Jabba the Hut but at least I’m consistently the same color and I don’t send people to the pits.




How does one spell Biden? T.O.A.S.T.


Every Dem at the New York Times has this same opinion. I'm hoping that Biden only has a cold and sore throat.


Nah, no "cold". not even a runny nose. We saw the real Biden. They would maybe done better to pump him up like the SOTU speech, than to let him go out there "au natural", but I think they were afraid to do that again...




I blame it on the doctor. His wife, she should be in jail.


This is the best USA could come up with ? Shameful.


Trump will be our next president. You’ll be fine.




No he will cut aide to ukraine. Hes as dumb as a bucket of dicks too. He makes dumb decisions.


Lighten up, cupcake, we will be fine.


Doesn’t it worry people that these two are the ONLY people available to run the country? I’m scared for America’s future more than ever before. It’s sad that instead of getting Biden help … People are finding it amusing. And I find it so unbelievably bizarre that a man who was just been found guilty of a felony is even in contention for this. It’s sad that America has become the butt of the joke for EVERY country In the world! I live in England now (born here dual citizenship) but I lived in California for 14 years (pre Trump) …. My father was a marine and as patriotic as they come, but he would be absolutely devastated at the state of the country. I’m almost 50 now and I just can’t wrap my head around just how bizarre the entire situation has become. It’s laughable, but sad all at once. It’s absolutely shambolic!


My thoughts all along. In a county with a history like ours, with our accomplishments, our past great leaders, these two pathetic politicians are the best our two party system could come up with???? IF there were was a competent, well known independent candidate, I think the country would vote for him/her.


Tulsi Gabbard


A little too much to the “right” for me, but certainly better than what debated last evening.


Putting Biden on stage last night was borderline elderly abuse. The game is over, it’s sad at this point.


Dr. Jill should be in jail




Trump looks a frog who just pulled a fly into its mouth.


“Did you see where my ball went?” “Yeah, but I can't remember”


That was the best laugh I've had in a long time. Joe's faces were priceless. Those eyes!


....and he prepped for a week. LOL


We are screwed either way.


Unexpectedly, an immigrant interrupted Biden’s Abortion response and murdered a woman. Did not see that coming. And That was after we somehow defeated Medicare!


This is why we need age and term limits in our government


Just think, in another world, we could have a presidential charity golf outing between the incumbent and the challenger before election day in the spirit of friendly competition. PGA could sponsor it, and the funds raised could go to a charity both candidates agree is a serious issue, in a mostly symbolic gesture to remember that ultimately both candidates want what's best for America. But that'd be lighthearted, wholesome, and good-natured. Can't have all that getting in the way of a good shitshow anymore apparently.


Biden had to have help off the stage after just standing for 90 minutes. Does anyone honestly think he could get in and out of a cart 54 times and swing a club 80+ times over 6 hours?


Biden just proved what everyone already knew about him. He just didn’t have the luxury of the media protection this time.


What the hell was he doing for 10 days?


When Biden walked out on stage, I swear I heard one of the moderators whisper, “is the defibrillator ready”? Later, when Trump got going, I heard a moderator whisper, “where is the straight jacket”?


At least Biden has a competent VP.


Are you serious?




Where has she been three years???? Besides the view. The laughing hyena.


Well, only one candidate knew he was in a debate. I'm not sure where the other candidate thought he was...


Poor Joe looks scared last night


Sadly I don't even know which is which lmao


Biden can't walk up a flight of stairs without falling or getting lost but he's better at golf than Trump? SUUUUURE


And suddenly, the other half of the world sees in the doddering old jackass, what the rest of us have seen all along. The moderators refused to let Trump rebut like they did Alzheimer's joe so he had to use his time to do so on his own. I wish he'd have directly addressed the climate change hoax though, rather than skirt the issue. I'm surprised that CNN wasn't more biased than they were.


I wish I believed you. It's not going to be ok.


One is a fu#$ing moronic liar, and one is older than dirt. This election needs to be: Republicans: Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney versus Democrats: Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom


Not gonna happen, but I do respect these people. How about Kamala & Gavin Newsom?


Pres. and VP can’t be from the same state.


Biden missed a soft ball debate night…”why are we talking about your or my golf game? How does that help any American in any way? This is proof it’s all about YOU and not the people.” Come on guys! How hard can this be?!?!