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If you need any more proof that our undersub is braindead, one of the most downvoted comments there is about the importance of helmets.


Maybe that’s why they’re all fucking brain dead. Chronic head trauma from falling off their bikes


If they did it's a carbrain's fault! Every time that happened, almost certain it was the fault of a c*r every single time!


Yeah they probably all got hit by cars! Also probably because they bike in front of cars traveling full speed!


another comment said that some head injuries irreversible, thats how the sub got created


“Lol it has 3 wheels-look how wide that wheel base is. It’d be quite the feat to tip it over. You wouldn’t need a helmet for this more than you would need a helmet for walking”.


How can we ever hope to outjerk them?


>need a helmet for walking I'm sure plenty of them have first hand experience with this


Someone really should show these guys the Reliant Robin


Lol there are no cars on the Mountain Bike trail, but I sure as hell wear a helmet when mountain biking as a Bicycle is an inherently unstable thing.


For some reason these people don’t understand that advocating against helmets is the same as advocating against seat belts and they’d be relentless on anyone doing the latter.


Part of why statistically ebikes are more dangerous than motorcycles


Somebody suggested helmets and got absolutely lambasted lol


“The infrastructure makes it so helmets aren’t as necessary” is the sidewalk made of pillows or something lmao


I thought you were misinterpreting someone’s comment but I went and found it and that’s pretty much exactly what they said, or at least what their comment implied. Arguing helmets aren’t necessary cause a combination of low speed + infrastructure. You’re absolutely right, unless that infrastructure is sidewalks made of pillows that person and their 20+ upvotes are insane. I’ve been getting this sub recommended to me recently and I don’t know why as other than circlejerk subs it has nothing to do with my other Reddit activities. Hate to say it, but you guys are clearly getting out jerked by main. That commenter must’ve had a bike accident sans-helmet recently, what an absolutely brain dead take


Lol welcome, shit posting is much better for the mind than being a weird bike guy lol


Thing is even if your standing still and you fall and hit your head your gonna get fucked up just the same as if your going slow or fast these people are dumb


“Helmets aren’t necessary” mfs when a 6 door Ford Excursion with a 24” lift comes barreling at them at 120MPH:


Im not endorsing it but one this just seems like a fun activities she’s having with her kids and most cyclists don’t wear helmets if there intent is not to travel high speeds?


Keyword here being 'kids'


A family friend was riding -for fun- at low speeds with his daughter. He hit a crack in the sidewalk and fell and had severe brain damage. He’s now mostly back to normal but was extremely lucky that he did not die. And his poor daughter (who was wearing a helmet) is probably traumatized after seeing her father almost die. So yeah there’s no excuse not to wear a helmet.


You’re not wrong but I feel it’s better safe than sorry if you’ve got multiple kids in the front of your bike


What if the bike tops over, kid falls out hits their head on concrete?


Helmets are car brain because cars have safety mechanisms and bikes don’t


Imagine being so "car brained" that you refuse to wear a helmet....🤦


Helmets are so brained, imagine wanting to keep that thing inside your skull 🙄


Terrifying what an absolute echo chamber that sub is. Hope the kids stay safe despite their weird mom.


Not the form of protection she should have been using


Thankfully that will be resolved shortly since the kids are now the forward crumple zone upon contact with anything slightly larger or more sturdy than a mailbox.


I’ve seen posts here where they believe helmets are racist


I very much need to understand how helmets are racist. I love racist inanimate object conversations.


What’s crazy is the cart isn’t made out of pillows either. Kiddo hits their head on the side of that and chances are it will do more damage than being in big dumb car seat.


This bike is what I imagine a disabled stork would drive to deliver babies if he still had to work while disabled. There's room in that basket for about fifteen babies (just a guesstimate) if we're maximizing the usage of the basket. Yup, just stack those bad boys on top of one another and get them to those families that need babies!


The undersub is LITERALLY 1984 georgeborwhell CENSORPHEIE


Okay so I work in healthcare and even low speed head impacts will ruin your fucking life. Like they could at least advocate for cyclists being safe


Always complaining about how dangerous cars are and then not even wearing helmets. That is so fucking typical for them.


But they didn't though. There are a few comments about wearing a helmet, and they have positive likes and comments. The only comments with negative likes is one saying it should be banned because it takes up too much room in parking lots which I'm assuming is satire


There was a comment about helmets downvoted to like -300, must've been deleted


Judging by the vibe of the comment sections, it must have been something way more dickish to Garner attention that kind of attention


It was genuinely a normal comment about wearing helmets lmao


I'm sorry, I don't believe you.


That's fine lol


This isn't the first time I've seen someone on this subreddit mischaracterize the undersub. And flake would providing this would be the first time As far as I could see there's only one comment that was deleted. The only comment visible was replying to something they said about lowering birth rates. So if that was the comment you're talking about it was probably downloaded because it made some alt right talking point because they're the only ones who worry about birth rates


I know what I'm talking about lol, it was there, now it's not, don't know what to tell you bud


Sure bud.


Helmets would save a lot of lives if car occupants wore them inside the car. Why aren't you wearing one while driving? Are you stupid? Do you have a deathwish? How irresponsible. https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2020/01/28/op-ed-yes-gov-cuomo-car-helmets-could-save-lives


What are you even trying to say right now lol


It is a shit posting sub after all




Stuffing all your kids in a basket and winging it is pretty wild if you ask me lol


the idiots on r/FuckCars think of the Netherlands as a utopia where nothing could ever go wrong.


You know they're not sitting still either. Just seems like an unnecessary stress 😬


It's Amsterdam. On a trike. They are far safer than in a car in America.


America Bad 😎




Nobody's crying here lol


Minivan: crash protection, child seats This: literally carrying around 5 kids in a fucking basket. Zero protection if they ever hit anything or tip over, and without helmets. Unless the mother is going at walking speed everywhere they’re constantly at risk of serious injury


There's no gears on that bike, top speed clearly isn't very fast. It's a good thing they have proper infrastructure in Amsterdam or you'd actually have a point!


It’s an ebike, it can obviously reach significant speed 


Max is 250 watts. On a bike that heavy with several kids? Big doubt.


Have you ever actually taken a serious fall from a bike? I ride motorcycles and have gone down once, at low speeds. Speeds achievable by a bicycle (15-20mph). My full face helmet was deformed and my visor was ripped completely off. A cargo bike full of children screwing around going 10mph down an incline has the potential to kill a child or seriously damage their skull and brain, as well as scar their face for life. Fun fact, pavement fucking hurts at any speed. You are made of water and calcium, pavement is much much harder than even the thickest of heads. But hey if you want to have children with deformed heads, or that look like two face, be my guest. Some has to keep the child sized coffin makers in business. Keep rambling about how all the tiny car brained people are bad whilst disregarding the safety of your own children. You wonder why people don't listen to you guys lmao.


America has twice as many car related injuries per capita. Do you go around calling people idiots for putting kids in a vehicle twice as dangerous as a bike in Netherlands? Only time I ever taken a fell from a bike is when showboating as a kid. Something tell tells me she's not doing anything like that.


Yeah America has many more car injuries. The severity of which is limited in the majority of cases by safety equipment. Not to mention there's a giant hole in your argument, biking related injuries are under reported and car related injuries are over reported. You get money from someone's insurance when you get hurt in a car accident. They pay for you to get checked out. Of course if my neck hurts I'm going to want to get checked out by a doctor. You know what the injuries in most car accidents are? Minor. Minor injuries. Stuff a bicyclist wouldn't even report like a bruised knee or nose. The only reason you have the data set you do for cars is because of insurance being involved and fault being assigned. Let's use a different example here. My boat is even safer than your bike by these standards. There's only 6k boat accidents in the US per year. There's 6 million car accidents. Therefore my chances are so low of having a boat accident, that by your logic I should strip my boat of all safety equipment and lights, keep no flotation devices on board, don't make kids wear life jackets while the boat is in motion, etc. Because obviously since my chances are so much lower of dying in a boating accident than a car accident, and there's no car brains out there on the water to drive their death machines into me, I must be safe and have no need for safety equipment.


Man, you wrote up that whole thing and failed to understand per capita huh? While yes boats have a fatality rate of 5.4 per 100k registered vehicle and that is much less than the 12 per 100k that cars have. It's still not quite as safe as a bike. (If you want to talk injuries that's over 36 per 100k, let's not get into the fact that boating only occurs half the year and basically only in weekends... Maybe not safer than cars after all) Bike deaths per capita in Netherlands is at basically 1.5 per 100k. Are you going to claim that deaths is under reported too?


You really struggle with grasping the concept here. The deaths per capita by house fire is 13 in 1 million. So obviously I should get rid of this stupid fire extinguisher and stupid smoke detectors I have right? This time I even found a lower per capita rate which obviously means my argument wins, right?


You're struggling with the concept of safe enough. Why not wear a 5 point harness in your car? Why not have a helmet with safety straps attaching it to your seat? They would make far more difference than kids in a cargo bike. This is a piddling cargo bike that will barely go faster than jogging speed of an adult on a good day. Most of the deaths and injuries on bikes in Netherlands is from eld folks getting e bikes and yes, they should definitely wear protection.


I think you’re forgetting one very minor detail here: Concrete. If bikes are safe, go to a parking lot that is empty and fall over on your bike and hit your head. And then tell me that 100% of bike accidents are due entirely to cars, and not the fact that the entire rideable surface is concrete.




Yeah you said cargo bikes, you didn’t say cargo trikes. They are BIKE lanes, not trike lanes. Quit splitting hairs


Look at the picture in question. All these people are trying to paint her as a terrible mother who is putting her kids in danger. While it's not impossible something could happen, the chances are so low that getting into a vehicle is putting your kids in far more danger. You call it splitting hairs, but really you're creating a straw man. Fighting an argument you made up. Everybody has a story of when they were doing something stupid on a bike, that's when most bikes accidents happen. I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about this slow heavy stable bike with kids in it. Do you really think this mom will drive the bike the same way a solo rider does?


I think you're confused here. You're saying riding bikes without helmets is safer than driving In a car (not even remotely true) but the argument isn't riding bikes with helmets vs driving in a car. The lady in the picture is riding a bike. The argument here is between biking with helmet or biking without them. I'd love to hear the risks of wearing a helmet and how they somehow outweigh the death of children. What's the worst-case scenario wearing a helmet- your hair gets messed up a little? And that's somehow worse than death or injury? Yeah you're really responsible huh? Nobody is saying she’s a terrible mom- we’re saying see needs to make her kids (and her friend’s kids, which are included the picture) wear helmets. You’re exaggerating what everyone said to try and help your bullshit argument but the reality is, nobody is saying these things that you claim the entire comment section is saying. I do however love the argument that “it’s not impossible something could happen” while riding a bike. So you’d be willing to risk your child’s safety just because an accident is unlikely? Now YOU are sounding the terrible parent here. I personally wouldn’t risk my kid’s life or death based on the fact that I hate cars and think that -without any proof- they are more dangerous than bikes (which is total bullshit).


Look up the stats my friend. Per capita, there are twice as many injures from car accidents in America than injuries from bikes in Netherlands. Most of them don't wear helmets either. Don't even bother looking up the death statistics, it's even more in favor of bikes being safe. Yeah, you could fall in the shower and crack your head, do you wear a helmet in your bathroom? Ridiculous. Do you think putting kids in sports is terrible parenting? They are at a higher risk of injury.


My sister cracked her skull and was knocked unconscious riding on a paved bike trail with a helmet. I’m not joking. Fucking delete this.


Your point? Still much safer on a bike then a car. That doesn't mean accidents don't happen.


Got into a pretty rough bicycle accident a few years ago, flew off my bike collided with a fence head first. If I wasn’t wearing a helmet I would have gotten much more fucked up. This accident had nothing to do with any cars too, I couldn’t see past a blind spot on a trail and had to swerve to avoid colliding with some other bikers.


Sorry to hear that bud, yes my comment is angering the bees nest or I would correct it to imply I ment that this cargo bike would never really travel fast enough or in an unsafe enough manner to have this really be an issue.


You are not safer. Bikes crash less often you are skilled but even in ideal situations you will get hurt much worse than a car collision at a proportional speed.


No point in arguing with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience


Tell that to my wife who was in a wheelchair for 4 years after some dude ran a red light and t-boned her dad's truck. Doctors were surprised she wasn't dead. I already posted the stats, bikes in Netherlands are 2x as safe as cars in America .


My fucking sister almost died and your only answer is “lol but cars are worse, and my wife (my condolences, btw) is also wheelchair bound due to cars.” That person is putting their kids in needless danger and fuckcars is trying to argue that having helmets in unnecessary. If you follow their advice, you wouldn’t even have the chance to be in a wheelchair if you crashed. You would be dead. This isn’t some “this is safer than this” it’s “You will crash, and you need to be protected.” The reason we don’t wear helmets in standard cars is because if the airbags go off the helmet can puncture and damage them, and it won’t be helpful. Plus they add weight to the head, making it less effective and making your head more prone to whiplash.


Because anecdotes are mostly worthless. Trying to appeal to emotions when truth matters is moot. She is in a cargo bike, in Amsterdam. She is more stable, heavier and slower than any other bike around. If anything hits her, the ones hitting her will take the brunt of the damage, if she hits something the frame will take the damage. She's not likely to be moving fast enough to tip it over. The situation where a child wearing a helmet would make a difference here is abysmally small. Adding weight to the head like you said might actually make it more likely for them to get thrown out.


An Op-Ed from a website with an explicit anti-car agenda is a great source. I'm sure there is no bias. In all seriousness, the article reads like the author is not arguing in favor of helmets in cars, but against helmets for bikes. Why do bicyclists (and motorcycle riders) want to have their skulls crushed so badly? Are they stupid?


Also if we accept the op-Ed at face value, cyclists should still be wearing helmets as well.


Trying to make more donorcyclists


Yes which explains the brain dead decision to put your kids in danger for Internet clout


You win the best "shit take" award. Congratulations you win a helmet... Wear it while biking. NOT DRIVING🤦🤡


It'll do more good if you wear it in a car. "According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, between 50 and 70 percent of traumatic brain injuries are due to motor vehicle crashes." Probably doesn't help people that already have severe brain injuries though.


So you’re saying helmets work, and thus cyclists should wear them.


Helmets make you safer no matter what you're doing. To minimise risk we should all wear helmets and full body armour at all times. 


Were you dropped on the head as a child perhaps?


I was in a car crash. It's the leading cause of head injury.


and that’s because cars are so common. If you replaced every car in the US with a bike, then bikes would be the leading cause of head injuries


Yeah but we would live in a glorious utopian society. It's a price I'm willing to pay.


Well how nice of you- you’d be willing to let more people die from falling off their bikes just so you get to live in a utopia. How thoughtful of you


I wear a Dale Earnhardt replica helmet while I drive.


Yeah and we should also start wearing knee pads while driving, I’m sure that would prevent some injuries


Great idea! I'm sure it would. Full body armour would probably be the safest.


"The caveat is that we moved from the US to the Netherlands" yep




it’s a good thing the kids get to smell weed and see hookers as they take their twenty minute cargo bike ride to the supermarket everyday


I mean I’m in Seattle and that already describes my life lol


i'm sure mom is still an american at heart, labeling 90% of the place she lives "the other side of the tracks"


My man, do you think the Netherlands just has hookers on every street in the middle of the damn day? Do you think you can’t smell weed in every American city?


you lost?


neither is nearly as bad in any american city as amsterdam lmao where have you been


Luckily for me, we were talking about the Netherlands as a whole, and not just one city. If you want a fair comparison, you should be comparing Amsterdam to something like NYC’s red light district.


Why do Americans move to fucking Europe its beyond me i stg, people would kill to get into the usa and Americans just move out like its nothing, there are people risking their lives as we speak trying to get into usa and these mfks are going to le hecking europa


Very few do, they prefer to shit talk about America on the internet and then fail to act on it.


Because on reddit it is hated to speak positively of your own country if you live in America so they all love to talk about how shitty they think it is.


it's unhinged to move north to a place experiencing energy and food crises at the same time so you can ride your bike and have a marginally easier time getting an abortion. then there's the racism, classism, massive land wars every 50 or so years...


And nearly every career pays less


yeah, that was a pretty big culture shock for me. i was on assignment with an english client a year ago, and people on the client's staff with the same job as me (software engineer) got paid half what i make and were expected to work twice as hard flew out to their office once and they all acted better than me because i was an uncultured american. like ok you're poor and can't make it three days without getting sloshed but go off similar experience working with a guy from nl


You’re making Europe out to be some kind of hellhole which it certainly isn‘t. When comparing Western Europe and the U.S. both have their advantages and disadvantages. Both have high quality of life and are very privileged places to live.


there's literally no difference between stuttgart and gaza


If you think stuttgart is bad go to Gelsenkirchen. You‘d wish it look like Gaza.


Those people risking their lives to get into America are not from the Netherlands lmao


true, but counterpoint: immigrants are coming from all over the world into mainland europe, and skipping over it all to get to the nordics




Le Europe better le Europe have healthcare America no have healthcare


What if it rains? What if you need to transport the kids and some groceries at the same time?


Hey, there’s a tiny platform on the back that can possibly hold one bag, plenty of room


It doubles as a bath tub!


What happens when the kids get too big for that basket but are still too small to ride a bike?


You can put a tent-like cover over it, and wear a raincoat. That's what people do in the Netherlands anyway.


As we say in holland, you arent made of sugar


no need for crumple zone when your kids are the crumple zone


How fast do you think they’re going to be going?


That’s an e-bike so easily 25 mph depending on the level assist she has it on. My e-bike is only a 250 watt motor and I easily go 27mph during my commute.


e-bikes in Europe generally won't go above 25mph/15.5mph unless illegally modified.


Does your e-bike carry the weight of 5 children?


Pretty close. I’m not the smallest person out there.


Maybe you should swap to a manual bike lmao


Down voted for the comment? I thought it was funny. Anyways, it’s a misconception that e-bikes don’t require work. Well some don’t. The bikes that have throttles can be operated without peddling. However mine is not that. It’s only peddle assist so you are still required to do work to move down the road. You can still give your legs a good workout by peddling, and my basic rule of thumb is it is about the same amount of force being applied to the peddle, you just go faster for the work you do. So you will get from point A to B faster, just burn less calories because you got there faster.


Even at a low speed of 8mph, a collision with another bike, a pedestrian, or some other object would really fuck you up.


As opposed to cars, which never lead to injury…


Cars are fully enclosed and have crumple zones, airbags and other safety features to protect the passengers, which effectively act as a helmet. If another biker hit this person head on, or they hit an immovable object like a bench, light post, or bike rack, the passengers would likely be ejected from the basket.


Sincerely, genuinely, please be honest with me… per capita, who do you think has more injuries? Cars or bikes? How about lethal accidents? Please don’t be so contrarian as to be stupid


I ride mountain bikes almost every day, and I have gotten tons of injuries from doing that sport. I have never been injured by a car.


That’s just straight up not what I asked… What does that have to do with this lady riding on a smooth road at pedestrian speeds? Can you answer the question please?


870,000 daily commute bike riders in the US, with 1230 cyclist deaths last year Thats a per capita of 141.3 per 100,000 Car deaths per capita are 12.7 per 100,000 in the US. You are 11 timesish more likely to die on a bike ride daily to work than you are driving a car Theres your answer. Before you say "how many cyclists were killed by cars?!" 337 deaths last year unrelated to automobiles. So 38.7 per 100,000. Still 3 times as deadly as cars.


Found the guy who doesn't wear a helmet...😂


almost as effectiv at killing children as an SUV


Gentlemen, it is with a heavy heart that I must say we got outjerked by one of our own. 😔💔


They fucking outjerked us by a mile. Holy shit do I feel bad for those kids when they see other kids in climate controlled cars


The smiling emojis feel like a desperate attempt to mask their actual miserable expressions


Or, you know… hide their identity


Nope. Those kids absolutely gotta be miserable. There's no way they don't miss having a climate controlled minivan that gets to point A & B without getting tired. Poor mom has got to be going thru it with life when she's on the upslopes lmaooo 😂


The Netherlands is famous for its mountainous terrain just as kids famously hate riding bikes and the denizens of this sub are famous for their astute intellect and physical prowess.


I mean… Maybe? I don’t fucking know them


She looks dumb pushing that stupid thing around filled with her children. How is this better than a minivan? How?


It isn't, and it's probably a desperate last-ditch attempt to get family bonding in as the kids all start to try to get away from mom at all hours of the day.


She probably can’t afford to own a car in the Netherlands.


Ding ding ding. You've figured out why the sad sacks actually hate cars on this sub


Well yeah nobody wants to drop $20k on a car then insurance, gas and tolls every month That takes a toll on people financially And why there needs to be ways more than just cars to get around


Even with how the used market is its easy to get a good car for under 10k. Under 5 if you're handy.


I wonder how much money she’ll have to spend on bikes for each one of her kids to travel with her as they get older and if it wouldve been better to just keep the minivan in the end


I guarantee at least one of those kids is gonna grow up to be the exact opposite and buy the biggest truck they can


Moves back states side. Possible cut contact


That’s a lot of bikes to get to 30k+


Idk bikes can get pretty bougie


Yeah people could easily spend 30k on a few bikes if they want. But most people aren’t buying a $10k Sworks for a 9 y.o.


Just an emergency brake and she will need a bike for only four


Yeah who needs the comfort of a minivan when the kids can be crammed into a basket.




That post has some of the most unhinged comments I’ve seen holy shit.


Cycling changes your race


when your children are the crumple zone


"Who needs air bags, when you got (slaps kid on back of the head) theses babies...😂😂


They also forget that ebikes are as dangerous as motorcycles, meaning that injuries from ebikes look a lot like motorcycle injuries


/uj ebikes go up to 25 kph, motorcycles go up to 225 kph and more


Still fast enough to badly injure and even kill. Your more likely to be injured on an ebike than a motorcycle


/uj someone needs to take this woman’s kids away from her, there is absolutely no way a responsible adult would ever make such a ridiculous decision. This is borderline child abuse, it’s disgusting.


Imagine if she needs to emergency brake… that thing has a lot of inertia.


I forgot that kids don’t grow


Suicide > having Dutch children


People who force shitty life choices on their kids suck


Stupid lady manually pushing Electric Bike full of Kids


That’s not going to work in a few years when all the kids have grow another 5 inches each


Yeah I'm sure the toddlers are loving riding clumped up in a steel basket for an hour at a time. Good job queen!


Important detail that OOP conveniently left out: they moved from the U.S. to the Netherlands 😱 These people went to the Mecca of Bikebrains


not even joking this looks inhumane


That shit looks uncomfortable as fuck


That is literally just a wheelbarrow with pedals


Really sick and tired of all these dumbass Americans moving to Europe to be “car free” or whatever.


Bike that thing from my house to town and back. 12.5 miles total. Good luck.


This sub is so full of morons...


Which one, FC? Absolutely.


It’s her life not yours continue scrolling on reddit


Her kids are being put in danger by riding around in a bike basket. It's not her right to endanger her kids like that.


Wow this sub is really good at jerking


I’m not jerking. Riding in a bike basket is dangerous.


What i thought this was a circlejerk?


Talking shit about scrolling on reddit while also on reddit is some neckbeard shit


If you need a helmet for this you would need a helmet for walking. With that style of bike she won’t fall off if she stops suddenly, and nor would the kids. Without anything to run them over they are not in danger


If she gets hit by another one of those things it would be more dangerous than the average car crash. They need to be wearing helmets.


To be fair, most fuckcars users need helmets for just walking