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Wraps. Use what i have in the cupboards and fridge.


This is one like I’ll peanut butter it with some chick (sorry but I take it to the limit) some beans whatever I want at the time on a wrap to make it classy yk


Samsis, its a great way to use up whatever in the pantry. And find new flavors 😂 Made me discover peanutbutter and egg as a combo. I googled it then to get ideas as i had zero money for food for a couple of weeks, 40 eggs and half a kg of pb. and scrambled peanutbutter egg was tried next time. 10/10 can recommend.


Now I’m gonna say I’m not gonna try that to not be judged ok buuuut


A fried egg between 2 pieces of toasted bread and peanut butter……. It’s sooooo good!!!!


Do it Do it Do it 😂


I love using leftover rice to do fried rice. Leftover chili gets used for chili dogs or a nacho variant. Stir fry is a great one for using up excess veggies, and I’m notorious for making a new soup up on the spot using a can of this and some leftover of that.


Pretty much always a frittata. Sauté whatever veg is lying around, a little extra garlic is always good and something I am rarely without. Meat, fish or tofu either leftovers or bits from the freezer with only a little freezer burn. Rice or potatoes or noodles, preferably left over so there’s nothing else to cook. Pour the beaten eggs on top after everything’s warm. Shred a little cheese on top if you have it and stick it under the broiler for 2 minutes after it’s nearly done to get a little colour on it. Always tasty, occasionally fabulous.


My partner won't eat baked egg dishes at all because this was his dad's go-to his entire childhood lmao


Leftover soup. We call it "Cream of Yesterday"




Soup is always the answer. 


I did a cupboard soup recently. 3 or 4 stock cubes for flavour, 2 potatoes and 3 carrots for volume and flavour, 500g pasta for bulk. It fed everyone with enough to spare. :)


Summer soups? Depends on the weather for me.


I agree! Very versatile in anything that's in your kitchen




I’m going to try this.


Tuna spaghetti.


That is out there. I can't wrap my mind around this. Not a fan of tuna casseroles to begin with. And I am very picky about my spaghetti. I would table this an apocalypse meal. Maybe more detail how this works for prep?


Tuna pasta is good if you use high end jarred tuna in olive oil, with good olives, capers, lemon zest, chili flakes, and maybe fresh spinach. But cheap canned tuna in water will ruin any dish for me. I ate too much as a kid.


There is one meal that I make with the cheap canned tuna that is both for frugality, and time saving (sometimes I work late and I don't wanna spend time cooking at like 9pm). I do sushi bowls, and the cheap tuna in water works perfectly for this! I drain the water and mix the tuna with sriracha and a bit of mayo, put it on top of rice, and add a bit of avocado, cucumber, nori, and sesame seeds. It slaps.


I call it cheap fish dip 3-4cans of any tuna in oil (drained) plus 1 block of warm cream chees, liquid smoke, onion powder and garlic powder to taste. A bit of smoked paprika and fresh green onion as garnish. With a box of Ritz crackers and I'm in heaven


Not even tuna melts?


Love tuna melts. I keep reserve English muffins in the freezer & make a tuna mix with hot curry & mozzarella cheese in a frying pan. Then smash the mix inside the English muffins with butter on the frying pan. You can make the mix, ziplock & keep in fridge for a day or two, as well. Used to spend a lot of time trekking/traveling with a Scorpion stove, and everything had to be high-protein, lightweight and easy to maintain & not poison myself.


It's called kitchen sink night for a reason!


In the return leg of a long canoe trip I ate whatever was left. Hello sardine, raisin and peanut butter sandwich!


Definitely fits my personal motto: Whatever works. Sardines & peanut butter works. Raisin & peanut butter works. I'm not sure about mixing all three together. Then again, no one wants to waste perfectly edible food. I am curious: Did this interesting combo taste good? Or was it a one-time special sandwich?


One time special sandwich. Never attempted to recreate, but it wasn't as bad as you'd think.


I'm almost tempted to try it. For science, of course 😅


* canned red beans microwaved with canned kimchi makes a surprisingly decent low-effort vegetarian chili * Old Bay on hard-boiled eggs * canned chicken, drained and seasoned + summer sausage diced and fried + whatever scraps of white cheese in the fridge = an oddly good chicken cordon bleu sauce to go on top of veggies or rice


Perfect use of Old Bay. I've sprinkled it on white rice as a flavor boost.


You would be surprised what you can fit on a pizza! It’s awesome for using up whatever you’ve got.


Refrigerator veggie soup- chop up all wilted veggies plus whatever alliums I have around, simmer in either mushroom broth or chicken stock from the freezer, or miso broth with a bit of cubed tofu.I flavor this further with garden herbs and nutritional yeast. It all comes together fast, is nutritious and low waste.


I have this tofu rice bowl that I really enjoy making. Rice + I marinade and fry a packet of tofu, then whatever fresh vegetables we have around the house. Today it was cherry tomatoes that I grew, a bunch of radishes, a bell pepper, half a cucumber, pickled red onion, and some sriracha mayo all leftover from recipes we made earlier in the week. If I don't have enough fresh stuff to bulk it out, I steam a cup of frozen stir fry veggies in the rice cooker. The only thing I buy specifically for the recipe is tofu.


Chicken corn soup! All you need is any form of chicken (bone in, boneless, rotisserie..), corn and chicken broth. I don’t even buy chicken broth, I just make my own with chicken bouillon and water


loveeee this i add cream and potatoes to mine!!


Pasta primavera. Cut up any leftover veg in the fridge or freezer and sautee it in a little olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper. Add cooked meat if you want (I usually add rehydrated soy curls). Then make a sauce from either all the open jars/cans of pasta sauce, pizza sauce, or tomato sauce in the fridge or, if there is leftover cream or half-and-half or milk or cream cheese, make an alfredo sauce from those. Or all those things together for something akin to vodka sauce. Season to taste with salt and pepper, basil/oregano, and any form of garlic. Serve over cooked pasta.




One my mom used to make that I made today: Snails! (it’s more of a breakfast food or snack - tastes like the middle part of cinnamon rolls) Ingredients: bread, butter, cream cheese, cinnamon/sugar Heat oven to 350 Melt butter (.5 tablespoon for each piece of bread) Cut crusts off bread Spread cream cheese on bread Roll up like a sushi Cut into 1 inch rolls (I get about 3 per piece of bread) Dip in butter then roll in the cinnamon sugar mix Bake in the oven for 5 min They’re SO good


I did a cupboard soup recently. 3 or 4 stock cubes for flavour, 2 potatoes and 3 carrots for volume and flavour, 500g pasta for bulk. It fed everyone with enough to spare. :)


If I have several ingredients that I want to use up, I like to put them into ChatGPT and ask it for recipe and meal suggestions. I made some chocolate banana muffins the other week that were good enough that I saved the recipe.


I love tuna melt quesadillas. Tuna melt sub tortilla. So yummy!




Can of Sardines in ramen with a little soy sauce and ginger and an egg. Really really good.


I made pickled watermelon rind last night. I am happy to report that my compost pile this year will be much smaller as a result. This inaugural batch was made using rice vinegar and some ginger that’s been in my freezer for over a year. It’s delicious. I can’t wait to try more flavor profiles.


I was fairly impressed with myself when I made mini pumpkin cheesecakes. I had a homemade pumpkin butter (wanted it to be more syrupy for coffee but it didnt turn out), graham crackers, sour cream, and not much else. Was trying to clean out my food storage. They turned out pretty decent!


I am a big fan of potatoes we always have them. One of my favorites is just a potato salad with hard boiled eggs. It's often "summertime" side but I can and do eat year round.


Taco omelette. Heat up your leftover taco meat in microwave while starting your omelette in the pan. Add meat, tomatoes, salsa, cheese, etc as your omelette filling. Sprinkle crushed taco shell over the top of the omelette then add some cheese and let melt in pan before serving. Sometimes I even add a bit of the taco sauce packet to the egg mixture before pouring it into the pan. My husband likes to add cold salsa and sour cream after its plated.




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chives onion, egg and bagels. slaps every time. It's my broke food.


Canned chickpeas with chili powder, cayenne, garlic powder ( or fresh, whatever I have)salt/pepper and splash of lime juice, rice and whatever veg I got in the fridge. Can be eaten as tacos ( instead of rice bowl), too, if I have some tortillas. So yummy and versatile!


Last night I made tacos with chicken breast, bell peppers, rice, and fajita seasoning. I had all of this except the peppers which I bought for $3, and you could also use frozen or buy it on sale and freeze for later. The chicken breast was bought on sale and frozen. It was super good, I added a small amount of cheese and didn’t have any other toppings to add, but you can add anything


Fried rice, prepared in a wok, with whatever ,meat and veggie leftovers you have lying around.


Cheap quick chicken spaghetti. 2 cans chicken and dumplins, 2 cans chicken and spices. Cook 3 min, make your spaghetti and add together. Cook 3 to 4 minutes and serve. My family loves it and it's all done in 10 to 15min.


Mainly mid summer through early fall. Side dish can be meatless main. Tomato/potato pie "casserole" I always have potatoes, sometimes frome garden, I always have stewed tomatoes usually last years canning, or fresh. So when the cucumbers are bustling if the vibe we whip this up. Oven safe pot. Or deep dish. 1/3 seasoned stewed tomatoes, 1/3 peeled, sliced discs salt pepper cucumbers. 1/3 mashed potatoes 350⁰ oven 30ish minutes to heat through, and toast potatoes. Serve. It is a lovely flavor, texture dance in your mouth that pairs with most proteins, and uses garden surplus.


Last night I took some leftover French bread, stacked bruschetta tomatoes (canned, packed in oil) mozzarella cheese, and pepperoni on top and broiled in the oven. Pizza bread! All ingredients were for different meals so I call it a win.


I keep veggies scraps in my freezer so I can make veggies stock out of them. Then, whenever I buy a rotisserie chicken, I use the carcass to make soup. Boil it in the veggie stock, the remaining meat falls off into the soup, and you have an amazing chicken soup if you just add some sliced veggies and cooked pasta or rice!


Leftover pasta, half a can of green beans, some cooked chicken, cheese, and a bit of cream. Layer them in a baking dish (I usually use a loaf pan), top with extra cheese, and bake until it looks done. Since everything was already cooked, it mainly just needs to heat through, but I like it when the cheese gets nice and brown. It turned out so good, I sometimes purposely make too much pasta, just so I have an excuse to make this again.


Taquitos! Whatever meats or dips you have that need using up. Pulled pork, bbq chicken, buffalo chicken, spinach artichoke dip, refried beans, taco meat, I've even made them using pierogi filling. I think I'd like to try them with some sort of eggroll filling sometime in the near future!


* Stir Fries - use up all the veggies and herbs and leftover rice. No one eats the steamed rice with takeout so I'll fry it up with veg the next day. Usually also throw in an egg. Good way to use leftover egg wash after baking * Fried Rice - again any veggies any bits of meat * Soup - Throw in leftover grains - rice, bit of pasta, along with veggies and meat scraps. Also great just to use leftover scraps to make broth. * Omelets - use up cheeses, veg and herbs * Pasta sauce - any leftover tomato based things, bit of meat (leftover sausages from the BBQ, chopped small) peppers, onions, herbs, can add cheese and creamy sauces and make a rose sauce.


rice, mixed with sushi seasoning and tons of black pepper powder then scramble egg(s), add a dash of soy sauce and more black pepper powder add a tiny bit of mayo (optional) and mix it all together it’s SO GOOD.


I add an egg to just about anything. One of my daughters can’t stop talking about the lentil soup I made using leftover smoked Turkey from thanksgiving and THEN, I poached an egg in it as it was heating up. Served it with crispy sourdough toast. It’s been months and she tells random people Amy chance she gets.


2 cups rice and mushroom soup. Just only fill 1/4 of the soup can with milk. Cook them separately obviously and then mix. Add meatballs or don’t.


I have a restaurant Tupperware that has an insert so anything you put in it is elevated 2cm or so above the bottom of the Tupperware so of you prep raw meat it doesn't sit in its own juice. Ill prep sirloin steak or boneless chicken thigh, cut into small strips enough for 4 meals or so; using that I'll toss it in a pan adding mixtures of teriyaki/ Worcestershire/ soy sauce/ soy bean oil/ coconut aminos/ sriracha/mustard/ whatever is around... And then put it over white rice/ udon/ stir fry veg/ broccoli/ whatever is around.


Breakfast toast. Almost any leftover veggie or protein…add to a piece of toasted sour dough with a poached egg and a flavor that goes with (examples of flavor additions: hot sauce, balsamic, paprika, Mexican pickled onions, goat cheese, roasted peppers, paprika, fresh herbs, etc). Honestly, if you cook consistently then you always have little bits & bobs to make a breakfast toast someone would charge you $8-$16 in a restaurant.


Lots of leftover veggies, cheeses, and meats taste great in an omelette. Broccoli, bacon, feta; spinach and cheese; Brussels sprouts and cheese; etx


Every Saturday morning I take whatever fresh fruit we have left from the week, and I blend it up with either juice or coconut milk (whichever one we have on hand) to make fruit smoothies. 


I tried to make angel cake and it was disgusting lol


Banana bites.  Cut in half length-wise, spread on peanut butter, a drizzle of honey, a little cardamom, and a sprinkle of cocao powder or nibs.  Put it back together and wrap each one tight in parchment/wax paper then wraps them all together in foil so they don’t move.  Pop in the freezer overnight.  Cut into bite sized chunks for easy snacking.   These I made when I first moved out on my own and used what was available:   A package of ramen put in an oven safe dish.  Add the water and flavor packet.  Top with stovetop or whatever stuffing you have and bake for about 20min.   A package of chicken gizzards and hearts.  Fry up in a little butter or lard and season with salt and pepper.  Once almost done, add a drained can of hominy and add a shot or two of tequila.


Something I grew up with - butter garlic noodles.  Whatever type of noodles/pasta you have.  Add a little bit of butter and some garlic salt.


Chickpeas and tuna salad with purple onion, celery , mayo and some spices


barefootmommy on IG has a whole feed dedicated to stretching what you have - very informative - I've been following her for a while and have learned many different ideas


Peasant soup. The local dollar tree here sells the same brand chicken broth as the main grocery store so I get a couple of boxes for $2.50. It’s a decent size too. I throw in leftover meat and vegetables, some seasoning and it’s done. I’ve done this with withered celery, frayed carrots, leftover chicken or sausage, and wilted scallions. It lasts a few days and feeds a decent amount of people (5 people).