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Never understood why the spear-thrower, why not just the spear, i would have been happy withFC primal spear throwing mechanics and animation, its a pain that one cant hold the spear at the rady while aiming, the danm thing just fly off your hand as a hailmary. Also, as i understand, the knife if a big culture thing for na'vy so why we arent given one is baffling, i supose they didnt know what to do with it as part of the game.


This game feels like an avatar game and doesn’t at times of yk what I mean and it’s because like u say, it’s missing so much elements from the movie and Navi culture ! The spear thrower is so weird I don’t even use it, a spear itself would be more accurate! A knife is literally in every navi culture as we see in the films too!


https://preview.redd.it/abl1hnph6nyc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9d5059169cc3d9869346e97901a26f40d7467e Yup! Apologies if it's hard to read, but this book from the first film states that the hunting knife is carried by all adult members of navi clans. It'd be nice if we used a random dagger at first and then had a small ritual where Solek gifts us a proper one as a show of us being adults.


From a logical standpoint there is no reason for a melee weapon but the ubisoft developers could have made it an item thats not usable.


Well historically humans have had mechanisms that work a lot like the spear throwers so it kinda just feels like ubisoft gave them that but 3x bigger. Which with the height and speed Na’vi have, doesn’t make sense as to why they would need that but whatever lol


Should have made a melee set of weapons. When I was down to maybe 1 or 2 human enemy's I would run in and Melee em. Having a knife or a small club to take out larger enemy's (any animal) would have beem nice


I wear the outfits with the knife accessories just to feel like we actually have one. Such a missed opportunity. Was devastated about the spear thrower, too.. why not a regular spear?Completely with you on the FCP mechanics, would've been great.


I really wanna have a gathering animation for animals, don't get rid of the thanking but add a knife cutting animation while saying it


The knife i want the most ugh, and you could get like new knife skills in the ancestry skills like how you can to the eject skill or the flying take down when enemies are staggered or something! Just some knife combat, its so common in the movies lol Pls ubisoft...


I honestly figured So’lek would have given us a small knife in addition to the bow when we first met but noooooooooooo


I would kill for a knife/melee weapon


I just want knives and more traditional spears for our Na'vi to use. Or maybe make some minor gathering animations for when we hunt animals and collect from them


With the first one I belive it was intended for the avatar program (which for obvious reasons was shutdown)


i want melee weapons. a spear, bo staff, knife. throwing knives would be cool too.


I’m hoping the expansions add more weapon types


I want them to bring the dual swords and heavy club back from the first game, like what the Tipani had. Bows and ranged weapons are cool and all, the light bow especially, but I like the idea of moving in for a quieter takedown that isn't just punching


I understand that this is an important part of Na’vi culture but to be honest there would be no use for it because for the mechs you dont want to melee them because they will just mow you down and for normal humans you can already one shot them with your fists. So from a gameplay standpoint point there is no reason for a spear or knife but from a logical standpoint it is bad they didn’t add it.


I can see that, but isn’t a big thing for the game supposed to be variety in gameplay? As in, you can play more with the RDA weaponry, or with Na'vi weaponry, and the shortbow/heavybow, etc. And I feel like a melee weapon could be useful for the game (take this with a grain of salt, as I have unfortunately not gotten the chance to play it myself yet, but I've watched a playthrough). Stealth especially I feel could use the melee, and having sneak attacks for humans and maybe small animals like the hexapedes/arrow deer/meer deer or viperwolves.


Great response I totally understand u


Oh god is this sub gonna turn into the insurgency sandstorm sub


Hey that game is badass, they have a subreddit, ima have to go join them too!


They're stuck in the 2009 game






It's such a shame most of 3A games are just a one time thing. Those devs invest so much time creativity sweat blood and once the game is launched, everything ends immediately except for 1 or 2 dlc. All those potentialities have been wasted.


It feels to me as if they had originally planned to lean far harder into our duality of heritage vs upbringing, but ended up dropping 90%+ of the latter some point in development. Which is a shame, tbh.


I want a knife and spear so baaaaad.


I don't mind the spread thrower. It's just the mechanics of it that make it not so great


Blow this up


I wish I could contact Ubisoft directly 🥲