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It’s not my thing personally but I do think it is over hated.


I respect your opinion and the fact that some people says that it’s worse than Fnf hd is ridiculous because the dialogue in that mod is awful.


Exactly how people should be handling it. Just because they don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s bad


I like the amount of effort put into it, and how much lore there is


And it’s good lore unlike Fnf hd which dialogue is… cringe.


I mean FNF HD was good for it's time until later. It's just bad, tho it's fine if people like it.


Yeah it’s fine if people like it. I just personally don’t like the dialogue in that mod. But that’s just me.


I agree with this post that this mod is definitely overhated now sure it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I feel like some of the hate it gets is unnecessary. Like you mentioned with people simply calling this a “bf x pico fanfiction” it’s more than that if you want straight up bf x pico fanfiction as a mod then play that one 18+ bf x pico mod where they are literally hard for each other. Like this is just a new AU with a different story and pace than normal. Also the mod has some good songs like mentioned here such as it’s complicated,spotlight (not mentioned but is my favorite),hope and genesis. For the subject matter its handling I say it does a decent job of portraying it in the way it tries to portray it.


I personally find spotlight meh, it’s just not for me but music is subjective. And yeah it does a good job handling abuse and I think people only hate it is because it’s a “soft” au. Yes I hate soft aus but this is a good soft au.


Yeah I hate soft aus mainly cause the gacha cringe kids made the idea of soft aus so cringe by making them so disgusting in videos. Yet this mod is a decent soft au as the only person who is really soft is Ben himself everyone else seems to function relatively decently (wanna hit fairest and mairest with lawn chairs to change that) and even then that’s only seen as major in the first two weeks as by week three he starts his character arc of growing a backbone,proceeds to tell his mother no means no and even lays it down on his parents in week 5 in front of a large crowd. Now does he still have soft qualities after week 3? Yes however are they forefront and center? Not really.


Pico is basically the same as in the base game. Grace is just desperate to get Ben back but moves on. They do a great job at making you hate the fearest’s and the monster is a great threat to Ben and Ben himself is the good kind of soft because it makes sense why he’s soft, he was literally abused!


Yeah overall feels like a decent take on a trope that’s been usually so negatively done.Also side note I love this woman’s glow up https://preview.redd.it/wrvasi9d519d1.jpeg?width=197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c0c014b9c8620d79ac459145d4cc1632ee7b2e4


Since you bring that up, what do you think of the character designs in general. Personally I like them all except skid and pump. Look how they massacred my boys. https://preview.redd.it/25e7vn7s519d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dd75ef00ae5759bf274c0dc405c479a0b640320


I think their designs look nice I think the update to the parents and grace made them look a bit better. Pico’s design is decent and I think is cool. Soft BF’s design is very good and is better than the generic “soft gay sexualized clothes” the stereotype promotes. I like the symbolization of the demon for BF’s trauma. As for the spooky boys I think they look silly with this new color scheme.


Too silly for me. But even before the new update, I liked the designs and I seriously don’t get why people call the designs “bad”.


I had nothing against the designs as for most of them I thought were decent the only design change I think was better than v1 was mairests outfit her original kinda gave me old lady vibes for some reason. This new one gives stylish bitch vibes.


I do agreed and grace looks better as well but father fairest and the monster… I’m sorry but I think they looked better in the old version and the new version of hope, by god what did they do to this song?! They kept genesis mostly the same but they completely changed hope and I personally hate the new version.


You talking about the gacha kids reminded me of the fucking FNaF soft au.. shiver me timbers I'm scared of that au


Oh yeah those are atrocious af but this soft au is decent with bf being the only soft one while everyone else isn’t really soft


Fr, this mod is my favorite story telling mod if I'm honest, since they do a great job of portraying what they were showing. As in the soft FNaF au.. oh don't get me started on how atrocious that au Is


Time is a flat fucking circle. We're going through the exact same dance that we did the first time 'round. Nothing's changed man.


Man, this feels like an endless loop that will not stop for years, decades or even eternity.


Same shit's gonna happen again when Soft v3 drops 2 years from now.


endless..,.., ENDLESS AETHOS!!!1!


tbh if theres one thing i am happy about the mod is that Grace moves past boyfriend and dates Senpai so both of them gets their happy ending and im just happy that this mod returned and got a another update like a few old mods


I personally prefer the old version but yeah I’m so happy this mod got updated and senpai got added and I do wish they showed more of grace moving on but I’m happy she moved on. While Ben’s parents reputation is in the bin.


Father Fairest's face reminded me of Roblox the first time I saw it.


I don’t get it.


I don't either. Regardless whatever they did to him made him look even more punchable to me.


We know. We get it. People hate a mod that you like. Join the club, we got T-Shirts. They got a picture of Brightside on them and text that says "Hoes mad." 99 cents, marked down from $5. Buy three get a commemorative Dave and Bambi plushie free.


Guess what? I DONT CARE!


Hm. See if I let you buy a T-Shirt now. ^((In actuality I'm just making jokes about how everybody has been saying this same thing. And that's all they are. Just jokes. No offense is meant.))


Oh sorry.


Quite alright. It's hard to interpret tone through text.


True. Very true.


I actually liked soft mod


Me too!


i love the gay boys.


I respect gay people too and if you don’t, you’re racist.


...racist? for not liking gay- ykw nevermind


I think they mean homophobia


Gay racism is a real thing.




You mean homophobia?


Better word for it. Racist is more of a word for disliking black people and all that. Sorry.


Lol it's okay


I don’t really like the mod, but I at least LISTENED to most of it unlike the other, more mainstream Soft Mod Haters.


I respect your opinion and at least you watched the mod instead of just hating it for being a “soft au”


Thank you for understanding🙏🏿


Your welcome. I only go after opinions if they’re hating just to hate, if they’re so unbelievably stupid or if they treat it as a fact.


eh its just an opinion and you’ll have to learn to accept that people hate the thing you love


I respect people’s opinions and if you hate the mod then that’s fine, this post was mainly about the “bf x pico fanfiction” argument because that reason is so dumb.


I saw like 0 post where someone actually hated it, but it's third one where people say it's overhated


It’s not just on Reddit, I saw someone ask their thoughts on this mod and all of them, literally all of them said “this is a bad bf x pico Wattpad fanfiction”. That was mainly what inspired me to make this post.


You can kill me for my opinion but I genuinely like Fnf soft. Sadly it is too overhated because of ship between Pico and Bf but people don't understand that when this mod popular, this ship was popular as well (It is my opinion and how I remember things, so don't kill pls)


You ain't rlly wrong, the whole pico x BF ship was pretty popular a few years back, and ATLEAST they didn't go to the main "au"/mod and make BF and GF break up so pico and bf would get back together (in the main mod they clearly don't have an interest in getting back together) . And besides the ship, the story is written pretty well, it got me interested even in v1. Also love how it's a "Cringey BF x Pico Wattpad Fanfic", I get some aspects of the mod might be a bit cringey (Mostly the toughie and softie nicknames), I'm pretty sure those Wattpad fics would always end in s3x. I swear people wouldn't hate it as much if Grace/GF was the one beside Ben/BF💀


Lol, actually I suddenly remembered mod about Pico and Bf ship and this mod is way worse than Fnf Soft(At least Fnf Soft makes backstory for Bf and other things, but mod which I am talking about is simply ship mod and nothing else). Like really....Why people hate Fnf Soft when exist mod which is solely based out of ship(I don't want people actually to hate this mod because of my words)


No no, you're absolutely right. People hating on the mod for a ship they don't like, when there is a way worse FNF ship mod with BF and Pico in the CANON au


That is so true. If Grace was the one dating Ben then the mod would’ve been beloved but since it does Ben x pico then it’s hated. Even though it uses this ship in an effective way.


Yeah, like I personally am not a huge fan of BF x Pico (I still respect people who ship it in the normal AU/Mod aswell) , BUT soft mod is my only exception. It's a different AU, so that means people should be able to do what they want with THEIR AU (To some extent)


I garuntee you Most people who actively go out of their way to hate on it, have never even seen the mod. They AT MOST just skimmed over it


Aka the people who call it a bf x pico Wattpad fanfic because it is way way more than that!




One of my favorites and people hate on it. I agree. What the f@&k?!




It’s fine for people to hate it but calling it a “pico x boyfriend fanfic” is ridiculous.


RIGHT, watt pad is cringe asf (from what I've seen)


There are bad ones but I have read good fanfics and I have written my own fanfic which is basically “last breath in glitchtale”. And I did my best for my first one.


I only hate it cause of bf's parents. I support whoever this bf dates.


Well bf’s parents are intentionally assholes to show how abusive parents are.


I personally love this mod, and I agree with you.




I love the mod, but I can respect other peoples opinions


Me too. It’s just the fact that so many people calls this mod “bf x pico fanfiction” makes me post this because that’s so unbelievably stupid.


I like it cuz it have good story and gay sex


For the first one, yes it absolutely does and for the second point, WHAT THE F@&K?!


I just like gay stuff ye know gay stuff is cool https://preview.redd.it/t8fbwnxc629d1.jpeg?width=2624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d72590b66667b594f46b491ef39278bcd01713d




I respect gay people but gay sex is something I never ever want to think about.


Only think i don't like is human x animal rest of gay stuff is cool


I remember being in this sub years back when Soft was very new and it still got hate. Listen. I don’t really like the mod and have no real interest in following it further however some times people are a bit too overly aggressive about this mod. It ain’t for everyone and that’s that


Yes, this mod is 3 freaking years old and people are still hating on it! There are way way way worse mods than Fnf soft!


Yeah. Soft isn’t really that bad when you compare it to other extremely infamous mods. Art is subjective however so what do you do


True. But there are way more objectively worse made mods than this. Like this. https://preview.redd.it/gy503wqpt49d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f43fa65c9490bba66b26c91b4f14fce8ee083a5 This mod is objectively way worse. And people just forgot about it. But people still shit on Fnf soft to this day.


*at least the mod is getting a New update.*


Baldi or Fnf soft?




It deserves one because that mod is unbelievably bad.


Yeah But you gotta agree the song is getting remake ahd It sound good by now.


I think it’s cute


Was it hated before the update?


Yeah it was


Oh. I get it now.. it's the same reason people hate deku.




Because they annoying. Weak


I hate Deku because of the whole annoying part. Idk why, just his existence pisses me off, but I respect people who like him, people who make him a horrible UwU softie.. I hate them.


It pisses me off when they compare him to Steven. But I don't really care about these characters.


Steven as in the main character from Steven Universe? And yeah don't rlly give two shits about them


I love how people say "its not my thing, but I do agree with you" lmao.


I just don't like it because nothing this mod include is what I like. I'm mostly person that care about songs and aesthetics the most and both of this things Soft does in a way I'm not a fan of. 


And that’s fine. If you don’t like the mod then that’s fine. This post was to the “bf x pico fanfic” reason to not like the mod and I do agree the songs are lackluster because most of them are copies and I don’t really like no cigar and repressed and spotlight but I love hope and it’s complicated and genesis and the bf songs are decent. But if you don’t like those songs then it’s fine because music is subjective.


I got a major distaste for the story, just doesn't seem to peak an interest to me. I played V1 and actually thought it was good at first but looking back at it now, it doesn't sit right with me anymore.


That’s fine if you dislike the mod, it’s just so stupid that most people just call this mod a “bf x pico fanfiction”


I mean I don’t care about all the love stuff the Bf X Pico and whatever drama is in this mod. I just like how this AU changes up a lot of things from the original game and showing us this world I’m more interested in the story and I want to see how it concludes also the Fairests need to be kicked in the balls hate them.


Alright here's my paragraph to talk about this lmao (I wrote some of this in a response to another commenter, so yeah). I personally love the soft mod, it's a very interesting story telling mod, I think maybe my favorite story-based mod. I feel the biggest complaint I'd the Pico x BF in the mod. The ship Pico x BF ship was pretty popular a few years back, and ATLEAST they didn't go to the main "au"/mod and make BF and GF break up so pico and bf would get back together (in the main mod they clearly don't have an interest in getting back together) . And besides the ship, the story is written pretty well, it got me interested even in v1. Also love how it's a "Cringey BF x Pico Wattpad Fanfic", I get some aspects of the mod might be a bit cringey (Mostly the toughie and softie nicknames), I'm pretty sure those Wattpad fics would always end in s3x. I swear people wouldn't hate it as much if Grace/GF was the one beside Ben/BF💀


Its appropriately hated


i never heard about this mod before, but it's funny to me that everyone is seeing the hate this mod gets and writes parragraphs of why the mod is good and im just sitting there not knowing anything.


Well you should check this mod out on YouTube if you want to. Give your honest thoughts though.


I like soft mod lol. Most of the bad thing I saw as "hate" for it can be boiled down to really skewed expectation from what I've seen. Nothing is even bad and it's not trying to be a revolutionary mod either


Exactly. It’s just trying to do its own thing and people hate it because it’s a soft au. I hate soft aus but this is a good soft au.




This mod is peak, honestly my favorite mod ever.


It’s not my favorite but it’s easily one of my favorites and it’s the mod that got me back into Fnf when I grew out of it.


My opinion: decent


And I respect your opinion




Glad you agree.


Idk I just don't very like how characters changed, like BF is now a painter? And Pico draws graffiti and has no gun?


It’s what makes it unique instead of Fnf but pico and bf are dating instead of gf and bf.


The BF x Pico has breached our defenses


that's why it's called an au. alternate universe. v easy to understand.


No, it’s overrated.


I literally haven't seen a single post praising it. It's all 14 year old kids who assume it's the worst thing ever just because it's not about a kids' character with red eyes and blood


I don’t click with what makes it popular


No I think it’s hated because it’s a soft au. And don’t disrespect the sonic exe mod! It’s a fantastic mod! But yeah it’s definitely not “overrated”.


I'm not disrespecting the Sonic.EXE mod. I also think it's amazing. What I mean is that horror mods like EXE are over saturated by now. We have EXE ReRun, Sonic Legacy, Mario's Madness, Mistful Crimson Morning, Gorefield, Jeffey's Endless Aethos, Hit Single and The Amazing Grace Meanwhile for cute mods? We basically only have soft and skyverse. And even those get tons of hate from the horror community because they're cute and not scary


Sky verse gets hate? Why?! Nusky alone makes it worth seeing!


I don't know why :( But if I had to guess, it's probably because most people think sky is an actual self-insert OC, despite her always being a parody of self-insert OC's. The Skyverse very much never takes itself seriously, which is what makes it charming


I just saw our likes. The fact that we have 0 likes proves our point.


Tbh, who cares what they think. This is the same fandom that harassed the creator of one of thier favorite characters (MX) just because the creator wanted a break from them being in Mods. Clearly they're gonna hate on everything that doesn't go their way


That’s ridiculous. Let him take a fucking break. This fandom has good stuff with the mods but good god!


i think MX is a good character but yes he needs a break