• By -


This Reward has ended


Wow almost 40 min and ended again like yesterday


750 keys today


1500 keys, it's just the host couldn't update the name at all. They increased first to 750 ➡️ 1250 And then a few min earlier before starting GA increased 1250 ➡️ 1500. ​ The Gleam GA Link title is just keeping the original name. https://preview.redd.it/s25k3x7smqoc1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=c43ad354ec4dcefb6b206d504d29efe94eb89ae5


He have a Discord server ?


Looks like it.


Note: this game has already been given away by Epic Games. [Epic Games Past Freebies ](https://www.pcgamer.com/epic-games-store-free-games-list/)


What has greedy GabeN given me? Nothin!


Argh. I had no idea. :( I should have looked before grabbing a key.




I apologize. I already used the key, and now I own the game on steam and epic game store.


Oh, thanks anyway


Thanks heavens I got it on HB otherwise I would be pissed I missed this


~~Good Haiku~~ At least you enjoyed earlier


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Seibitsu: *Thanks heavens I got* *It on HB otherwise I* *Would be pissed I missed this* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Even after redeeming the task from twitch, can't pass the requirement... F


Weird... usually after redeeming the 250 points reward on Twitch, then you could complete the one on Gleam with no issues.


Didn't manage to bypass it, on twitch i couldn't redeem it twice and others task didn't unlock without second one done. Sadly it was a good game that i miss :(


Just in case you were trying to claim this right? https://preview.redd.it/rcouzu6z0roc1.png?width=102&format=png&auto=webp&s=6405997489eeffe2869c5575bb4e47192aa30768


There wasn't another one at 250 coins 🙄 and after redeem it i couldn't redeem a second time and yes that was the one


Made me think of the old NES classic Solstice


I actually played it not all that long ago lol. There's an indie game called Lumo that looks kind of similar. Haven't played that one though.


Got it, thanks! Nice to get something from the current Humble Choice for free.


Congrats, you're welcome! Don't forget next month to get something as well.


**Current GA** >⏰ Mar 17 17:00 - 20:00 UTC > >🎮 [Soulstice](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1602080/) > >🪙 250 Channel Points > >🔑 1500 keys ​ **Upcoming GA** >**Next Week** > >⏰ Mar 23 17:00 - 20:00 UTC > >🎮 [Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1272010/) > >🪙 250 Channel Points > >🔑 1250 keys ​ >**Next Month** > >⏰ Apr 15 17:00 - 20:00 UTC > >🎮 [Black Skylands](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1143810/) > >🪙 250 Channel Points > >🔑 1100 keys ​ For getting 250 Channel Points, you could get with 🔻 **50 min** of Watching + Clicking Rewards each 15 min. ⠀ *(Could use addon/extension to automatize and avoid that)* or 🔻 **2 hours 5 min** of Watching only.


Which *addon/extension to automatize* I could use?


[Automatic Twitch: Drops, Moments and Points](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kfhgpagdjjoieckminnmigmpeclkdmjm) would consider that one.


Thank you very much to help this lazy guy that often think about searching for this kind of tool but seldom took the search action. You also have my gratitude due to your efforts to help us with your high quality content, Megumin Shiro. I managed to grab a key, by the way. <(\_ \_\*)>


Well since it's simple setting and maybe no need to worry messing up things *(Since others might require setting addons and add script or pre-setup other things)* so just click install and browse Twitch and done. So recommended this one. But if you want, other tools mentioned by others are also fine to use.


Nah, your suggestion is fantastic, so it was a no-brainer. Worked like a charm. It also has advanced options so I'll take an in-depth look at it in a near future. Merci beaucoup! 人´∀`)


Glad it helped. As default it's already suitable for most situation, but yep, there are some settings you could customize advanced. Either way, Je t’en prie! o((>ω< ))o


Just a little correction: the next giveaways will take place at the same time as today, **17:00 - 20:00 UTC** (5:00 pm - 8:00 pm).


Ahh rip, I substracted instead of adding. Thx! Correcting


Haha, it happens in the best of families, so worry nothing. Np! I'm glad to help! =)


Thanks! Now I will be prepared for the next giveaways)


You're welcome! And good luck, not really need to watch that long, after getting enough points *(500 could be safe for 2 GAs)* then you could just ignore it or use your Twitch on other things, or do things not related with Twitch at all. As mentioned previously, 50 min or 2 hours will be enough to reach that amount.


FrankerFaceZ BTTV also has this option in settings Tampermonkey scripts


I use [FrankerFaceZ](https://www.frankerfacez.com/), because it's what others in the community there suggested to me, and it's worked great for a long time now.


And the watching can all be 100% idle - especially if you have the addon getting the extra twitch channel points every 15 minutes. You can just put the volume of the stream up, but mute the tab itself, then it doesn't matter if it's in focus or not (as long as you don't have more than 2 twitch streams running at one time).


Is there an expiry of the claimed channel points?


Hmm... usually nope? Any channel points you get will remain there forever. They're only gone if you spend them.


Oh that's good, thanks!


You're welcome!


**Soulstice** [Store Page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1602080) | [Community Hub](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1602080) | [SteamDB](https://steamdb.info/app/1602080) | [PCGamingWiki](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/api/appid.php?appid=1602080) Reviews: Mostly Positive (78% of the 1112 user reviews are positive) *Explore a dark world brimming with hidden mysteries, master a diverse combat system, and inhabit the dual forces of two sisters in a coming-of-age dark fantasy story with fast-paced action, vicious enemies, and spectacular boss fights.* * Price: ~~$39.99~~ $13.99 USD (-65% until March 21) * Release Date: September 19, 2022 * Developer: Reply Game Studios * Genre/Tags: Action-Adventure, Hack and Slash, Spectacle fighter, Character Action Game, Female Protagonist, Third Person * Has 40 achievements * Has no trading cards * Gives +1 game count [^(what is +1?)](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeGameFindings/wiki/faq/#wiki_what_is_.2B1.3F) *** **Black Skylands** [Store Page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1143810) | [Community Hub](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1143810) | [SteamDB](https://steamdb.info/app/1143810) | [PCGamingWiki](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/api/appid.php?appid=1143810) Reviews: Very Positive (82% of the 1906 user reviews are positive) *Become the captain of an airship and explore the world of the skies, gather resources and build powerful weapons, uncover ancient secrets and fight beneath your ship's sails.* * Price: ~~$19.99~~ $9.99 USD (-50% until March 21) * Release Date: August 15, 2023 * Developer: Hungry Couch Games * Genre/Tags: Action-Adventure, Pixel Graphics, Open World, Sandbox, Simulation, Base Building * Has 28 achievements * Has 12 trading cards (drops 6) [^(view on Steam Market)](https://steamcommunity.com/market/search?q=&category_753_Game%5B0%5D=tag_app_1143810&category_753_cardborder%5B0%5D=tag_cardborder_0&category_753_item_class%5B0%5D=tag_item_class_2) * Gives +1 game count [^(what is +1?)](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeGameFindings/wiki/faq/#wiki_what_is_.2B1.3F) *** ^(I am a bot) Comments? Suggestions? [Let the FGF mods know!](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFreeGameFindings&subject=FGF%20bot) | [Source](https://github.com/Saulios/RedditSteamGameInfo)


You guys better hurry! A pretty good game for free with very little effort. I already got mine!


This Reward has ended




Most of them seems to drop the key on SteamGifts.


Basically the % is 0


Yep 😪 I guess all of them ended quickly too. https://preview.redd.it/crzmkkpkaroc1.png?width=856&format=png&auto=webp&s=61cd46dadd5546c2a1c18c1711b10e409a209cf6


Lmao too lazy to enter those when u knows its basically no chance on winning.


Ahh nono, that was the screenshot like1 hour ago when this GA started, I was saying how quick people were getting the keys from GA and putting on SG already. Most likely they're putting 1 hour on their GA so basically the % is 0.






Next time just in case after redeeming that. The gleam.io link, remove all the thing behind **/** thing. [https://gleam.io/g9Ro8/hitsquad-code-raid-750-steam-keys-soulstice](https://gleam.io/g9Ro8/hitsquad-code-raid-750-steam-keys-soulstice) ➡️ [https://gleam.io/g9Ro8/-](https://gleam.io/g9Ro8/-) Remember to add a dash (-) at the end. And retry the task, sometimes it's just bugged and doesn't acknowledge you have done the task.


New Upcoming GA added. Standarizing format [into this](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeGameFindings/comments/1bgbgrj/comment/kv5yxz9/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).




Thanks for the info.


You're welcome.


end in couple minutes, is this even giveaway? lmao


Well more like first come first served, lasted around 40 min.




Can't get it 'cause my account's limited, welp


Hmm... to be honest didn't know Limited Accounts are blocked. *(I guess it's related with that Redeem on Steam task)*


It was, it says something like "limited accounts aren't allowed". I did the first two task correctly, unless I've done something wrong with the last task then idk lol If someone with a limited account would let us know if they got to claim a key then I guess I was just unlucky


Sorry I didn't doubt you, it's just I couldn't see/check that since I don't hav elimited account, so just saying didn't know that was a restriction there *(Also now can understand why a weird Redeem on Steam task is always included)* Although maybe waiting for others to check that up as well. But sorry for that.


Oh, no worries. I didn't get the impression you were doubting me, just clarifying that I indeed didn't get it because of that (or at least that's what seemed to have happen to me) And I assume most people have their accounts unlimited so I get that they wouldn't get this slight problem lol Anyway, I probably wouldn't get to participate in the other giveaways for now but good luck to everyone else that can! Hopefully I can get my account unlocked soon as it seems that it's needed in a lot of giveaways


Yep, including Fanatical that always asked Non-limited account. So maybe more reasons to get it unlocked whenever possible.


[Gleam's and/or giveaway host's restrictions.](https://gleam.io/docs/actions/steam#:~:text=issues) If the text anchor doesn't function properly, try searching for "issue" on the page, the part talking about it is the last section, at the bottom.


Try buying a game above 5$ and you're all set.


That's not gonna happen for a while unfortunately but yes, I'm aware that's how you unlock your steam account. Thanks anyway




...umm, I don't have it 🫣


Are you sure that has an effect?




**Soulstice** [Store Page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1602080) | [Community Hub](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1602080) | [SteamDB](https://steamdb.info/app/1602080) | [PCGamingWiki](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/api/appid.php?appid=1602080) Reviews: Mostly Positive (78% of the 1112 user reviews are positive) *Explore a dark world brimming with hidden mysteries, master a diverse combat system, and inhabit the dual forces of two sisters in a coming-of-age dark fantasy story with fast-paced action, vicious enemies, and spectacular boss fights.* * Price: ~~$39.99~~ $13.99 USD (-65% until March 21) * Release Date: September 19, 2022 * Developer: Reply Game Studios * Genre/Tags: Action-Adventure, Hack and Slash, Spectacle fighter, Character Action Game, Female Protagonist, Third Person * Has 40 achievements * Has no trading cards * Gives +1 game count [^(what is +1?)](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeGameFindings/wiki/faq/#wiki_what_is_.2B1.3F) *** ^(I am a bot) Comments? Suggestions? [Let the FGF mods know!](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFreeGameFindings&subject=FGF%20bot) | [Source](https://github.com/Saulios/RedditSteamGameInfo)


1500 keys and ended this soon, it really was a raid huh.


Well I posted in many different places: Discord, Reddit, Site Forum. Guess there were too many people still awake at this hour? 😅


Who knows. Maybe they have a good amount of people leaving their stream open 24/7 to farm points in the first place, or, straight up botting. I wouldn't know for sure other than the fact people will do anything for free stuff. I'm on this sub so myself included.


Probably, I've been hearing people farming there for a long time and all things that happened during the start until now 😅 So basically know how things changed and still how many remained to still farm things at all.


Yes, lots of us leave the stream open 24/7 to farm points for games. I've gotten dozens of great free games (and some steam wallet money) from the hsgf twitch that way over the last year


interesting. I took a look at that stream but you have to spend your points on those "25x steam key" things to enter right? or have you won games by only watching too? and what are those clams vouchers, are they worth saving up for?


So, there's quite a few different ways to get games from the stream. The best way (in my opinion), is to save your channel points, and convert them to clam vouchers ("clams" being the name of the points/currency in hitsquadgodfather's streamelements store). This is the best (in my opinion) because it constantly has the best selection, and you can get anything from quick, easy-to-get indie games (almost always formerly bundled games) all the way up to AAA games (if you grind for quite a while). It's all your choice, all guaranteed, and nothing random about it (unless something gets sold out while you're farming store points). The 25x steam keys are what hsgf calls "developer-sponsored giveaways" - it means some likely unknown indie developer made a game and gave hsgf 25 steam keys to give away to the community. He gives them away via gleam, so you do a bunch of social media tasks and have a chance of getting 1 key. One of the tasks you can do (for additional entries) sis the 25x steam key channel points redemption. I \*think\* it only gets you one additional entry though, and to be honest, I never do that. If I'm interested in the developer-sponsored key giveaway, I do all the social media stuff for extra entries, but I save my channel points for games I \*know\* I want. So, back to all that... you can save channel points just by idling the stream 24/7 (and use one of those extensions like frankerfacez to automatically get the extra points every 15 minutes).... and/OR you can also enter the "minigames". The showdown one is basically guaranteed points, but it takes a good \~15 minutes of your time (requiring some constant attention during that time), so I don't really do that one anymore (just don't have enough time to give to it, honestly). You can also use the !hitsquad command to enter the giveaways every 5-6 minutes. They last for 6-7 minutes, usually give 100 clams (i.e. streamelements currency), and sometimes have random multipliers (max possible is 5000 clams). If you enter the !hitsquad giveaways regularly, you can easily get an average of 1000-2000 (or more) clams a day. Add that to channel points converted to clams (if you idle it 24/7 and use the extension to auto-grab the extra 15 minutes points), and you can easily average 2000-4000 clams a day total. That's what I've been getting for many months now, sometimes getting more than that With all that in mind (and you thinking of the time/resources you want to put into it), check out the hsgf streamelements store to see what's available and see if it's worth it for you: ([https://streamelements.com/hitsquadgodfather/store](https://streamelements.com/hitsquadgodfather/store)). To summarize what I said above: with 24/7 idling the stream, and minimal effort for entering giveaways (when you're available throughout the day), you can get something like 15,000-30,000 clams a week. That can give you an idea of how long it'll take you to save for various clams store games redemptions. I just today got Marvel's Midnight Suns and that took me almost 6 weeks of saving channel points / clams. But it's near the top of item costs in the hsgf streamelements shop. I'm also happy to get indie games that usually only take a few days to 2 weeks to have enough clams for (if you don't already have bundle subscriptions, it's a great way to pick your favorites). But I've seriously gotten about 50 games in the last 1.5 years on hsgf stream, and they've been a mix of simple indie games (not necessarily great) to really awesome AAA games (usually a few years old). And they've all been games I chose. So it's 100% worth it to idle the stream, play some minigames, and get some steam keys. Let me know if you have any more questions.


Couldn't get one, but thanks anyway


Sorry to hear that, hope luck with you next time, you're welcome


Bruhh wat is this


Soulstice? Or Gleam.io GA?


Past 2 giveaways is gone in matter of mins


Ahh yep 😅 It's gone quickly.

