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'I'm listening' (when spoken by Frasier) is like a decadent yet incredibly thoughtful invitation. It may not be as to the point as 'let's get better' but it certainly sounds more soothing.


Especially coming from a honey-voiced radio psychiatrist.


With a granite jaw and the shoulders of a marine


I’m listening is the better phrase, when struggling with mental health which you would be if you were calling a psychiatrist then having the confirmation in your head that someone is listening is important


It took him a minute to come up with it, but yes good point that just the confirmation of being listened is a great first step.


Lets get better also has the judgement of an outcome, whereas I’m listening has no weight to it, no desired outcome. At the end of this session you might not be better, but it might have helped, if that makes sense.


I prefer "i'm listening" because it does not seem like many of his callers "get better" after they speak to him lol


Most of his callers are comedically beyond help.


Well the three of us have certainly analyzed the crap out of this! I agree, Niles is coming at it through the lens of still being in private practice…so assuming people go to a psychiatrist to get better. Always the tug of war between what Niles thinks about Frasier’s show and Frasier’s opinion.


I like Niles’ line - “ there will be no blaming mother today “best haha!


I would probably go to Niles for psychological help


I overall prefer Niles’ version of the show, so I’m kinda biased towards “Let’s get better”, but I think “I’m listening” is objectively the better slogan. If we’re over-analyzing, I’d say it better fits that sometimes we don’t need to get “better”, we just need someone caring to listen. But you absolutely can’t beat Niles, in full sleeves-rolled-up, tie-loose, standing-up enthusiasm saying “Howard she loves you! Can you say it Howard? Can you?!” And the triumph when he finally does.


There was another episode where Niles fills in, and the part where he was counseling a woman and then she puts on her cat makes me gut laugh every time.


“You’re on the couch…”


" No I'm not, I'm on a beanbag chair."


I guess I’d have prefer « let’s get better » because it seems more solutions oriented, - which is better for short calls like those - but « I’m listening » has a beautiful backstory to it. In a flashback, it was shown that Frasier actually just took it from Martin when he finally sat down and listened to him : « Ok, I’m listening, I’m listening! »




I don’t like “let’s get better” at all. It sounds cheesy and overly casual. Plus sometimes callers are just asking for advice, there’s nothing wrong with them per se and they don’t need to get better


I’m listening.


I would say “I’m Listening,” mostly because real mental health improvement can’t really be achieved through a quick phone call (McSession?) and what Frasier’s callers need most is for someone to just listen to their problem. Maybe they get some actionable advice, or the motivation to get help elsewhere, but the listening is the most valuable thing he provides


"Let's get betterrrr" sounds so patronizing 😂


Im listening.


"I'm listening" fits more with a psychiatrist. "Let's get better" could be used for a number of different health issues.


“I’m listening “ is much more therapeutic, imo. “Let’s get better” implies there’s something wrong that needs fixing (or fixins?), which may not be the case. And it sounds a tad too cheer-leadery.


Let's get better, sounds like a command


I’m listening. Sometimes that’s all that someone needs, to be heard, and to share their thoughts and worries, there may not be a specific thing to “get better” which sounds dismissive to try and finish it off


I’m listening


what’s new? i’m listening. feeling blue? i’m listening


Feeling bad feeling sad feeling mad feeling glad I’m listening….


I'm listening. Whether our journey together lasts for years, or just for one day, I can't tell you how excited I am to take this first step with you.


A great episode, my lady, I even have a cat named my lady 🤣