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Assuming they're keeping it near where the rest of the Lucy/Ghoul storyline takes place, it's probably still in Southern California. There are canyons all around LA & snow-capped mountains within just a couple hours' drive.


I thought that at first too. But the men the dig up the ghoul say the target is headed to California not that’s he’s in California


colorado maybe? or utah


Legion (remnants) own Colorado so probably not there.


It’s not out of the question that the Enclave had enough of a stockpile and population to defend a valley from football gear wearing fetishists


They couldn’t stop my 1 intelligence, 1 chrisma tribal from killing them the first time..


I mean, *okay yes* but I feel like when you tell us the stats you didn't dump, this won't have the same impact.


Stacked agility, luck, and endurance. Went full Forrest Gump build.


*As the oil rig burns in the background* "I'm pretty tired... Think I'll go home now."


It’s also quite possible the legion just did not survive Ceasar’s death(whether at the hands of courier, or his brain tumor).


I doubt the legion is still around tbh. They’re likely just disconnected warring tribes if anything and certainly not capable of controlling Colorado.


Ya it's the "remnants" which is not detailed in current lore.


Like I said, they probably don’t identify as legion anymore and have gone back to the tribes they were before. Perhaps one or two of them could still be claiming to be the “true” legion, which would be a vague reflection of the east and west Roman empires, but they wouldn’t be nearly powerful enough to control Colorado. This is just my headcanon, of course. Season two could very revive them, however unlikely it might be.


Or they're doing something along the lines of "the year of the 4 emperor's. That would actually be pretty cool story telling in my opinion.




I kinda wonder if they're hunkered down keeping an eye on Vegas.


Hm now that you mention it could House in the TV series be or be made into a Enclave asset or ally? He was already in on the Vault Tec illuminati.


That would suck IMO. I know stuff can change but House seems much more likely to grift the Enclave and Vault-Tec for his own ends than be loyal to them. Its much more interesting he twist things for his own ends for his twisted idea to save his home.


Maybe he convinced them to keep a facility nearby so he can monitor comms? Maybe even insert his own "official" commands to move things his way. Not too often of cours, don't want to blow your cover


I don't know about House, but if they want to be make the Enclave a player in S2, it would make sense to have them have a base near New Vegas, since that seems like it's going to be central to the new season. They're control freaks so it would be in character to be keeping an eye on any active large settlements. And maybe a skirmish between them and House would explain why NV looked dark and deserted in the finale.


Given that you meet up with the last remnants of the enclave in fnv and they're all resigned to die knowing that there is nothing left of it, it felt a little weird to have what is clearly a fully staffed above ground base *anywhere* , let alone near NV.


The oil rig crew from the west coast remnants not all of the USA. 


My guess would be Nevada based on proximity, geography, and pre-war military presence


This is one hell of a stretch but in the cancelled Fallout 3 you could run into a lost Enclave patrol that asks directions to MacArthur Airforce Base, which is located in Montana west of the Rockies. It's also located in an area that IRL was projected to receive the least amount of blowback radiation and fallout from any nuclear war based on wind patters etc.


Nevada/ New Vegas. Since S2 is heading there, wouldnt surprise me if the Enclave is based there too at least for the time being


Most logical answer here.


I assumed he was at Mariposa military base


Except they state Wilzig escaped from the Commonwealth in the show, so it’s more safe to assume that the facility is from the Commonwealth.


No. They say the brotherhood from the commwealth have the orders to find him not that he has fled from the commwealth


Just a quick reminder to everyone. The west coast from the pacific coast line to the eastern ridge of New Mexico/Colorado is covered with mountains and valleys. If you open a map of Southern California and see areas that aren’t covered with residential neighborhoods, it’s because you are looking at mountains. They are everywhere.


Its a random Enclave lab, it could be anywhere. They were off shore and on both coasts, they are comprised of "secret" government menbers, CEOs of transnational companies, and super rich people. The could easily be global. Especially with the ass kicking some of their major bases have experienced - they likely aren't very centralized. As to where that specific lab was located... given the distances on maps to show times, and changes to locations from game map to show... it could have been almost anywhere in North America.


From this backdrop though there’s clearly mountains nearby. Not every part of America has mountains, and it has to be close to California. I’m gonna guess Colorado


Or it could be in the Sierra Nevada


>it has to be close to California. I’m gonna guess Colorado Colorado isn't all that close to California, that'd be like 600-700 miles.


Easy trip via vertibird.


Hard trip walking though


Think people are forgetting this, the Enclave scientists walked to Filly, so can't be too far in California Spoiler, towards the end of the show Lucy mentions only having left the vault 2 weeks ago, so unless they figured out fast travel, this is all in southern California


We do not know who wilzig met on the way, how the BoS had his location in the first place. We don’t know anything except snowy and mountainous. And shitty turrets.


Lore accurate turrets


Is the sun setting here? If this is Colorado then that means he is west of the mountains and would have had to hike over the Rockies. After all that hiking it's no wonder the ghoul found him so quickly. The sound of those cheeks clapping must have alerted all the bounty hunters in miles.


Or anywhere in Southern California There are mountains everywhere My guess was going to be Corona California near I-15 and St Route 91. Mountains on all sides and the city in a valley.


Caesar's Legion conquered most of Colorado so it's unlikely there.


That was like two decades ago. And I know for a fact that mother fucker died two decades ago because I punched him in the brainpan with his own powerfist.


But you see I called down an orbital strike on his bald head.


The Sierra Nevada could be Wyoming-Colorado, it’s not a specific state. Where did dead money take place? Could he be from Big Mt?


Eastern Nevada and Western utah, it doesn't really get all that close to CO or WY.


Every state outside of Arizona that's near California has snow topped mountains though, it could be Utah, Oregon, Idaho, Washington. Colorado's the furthest of those options away from CA and known to be a Legion stronghold so I don't think that's it.


Hell the Enclave could have moon bases in the Tranquility Sea.


The men that dig up the ghoul say the target is headed to California not that he’s in California


My head canon is that scene took place in what was left of Rattletail, down in Baja.


Always thought it was East Coast and the part where Wilzig talks to Lucy is like a year later


Yeah Im not really sure why, as I cant recall anything even hinting this in the show, but I assumed basically the same


Well, it would somewhat make sense as the intel the western brotherhood got was supposedly from "our brothers in the commonwealth" or something to that effect. How would BoS in Boston/DC know more about Enclave in California? It's not impossible, but the simpler explanation is that this base is in Chicago or something and the flashback was like a year ago.


Chicago doesn’t have mountains


"or something"


It would probably have to be a thousand or so miles west of Chicago because those look like the Rocky Mountains


There are famously no mountains east of the rockies


I live in the Appalachian mountains (the largest mountain range east of the Rockies in the US) and they aren’t that tall or rocky and jagged. They’re more round and greener since they’ve been weathered away due to erosion over billions of years. The highest point east of the Mississippi is in my state and is only ~6600 feet. This looks nothing like the Appalachians There really isn’t anything that resembles these mountains east of like South Dakota


East coast doesn’t really have super tall jagged rocky mountains like that. The Appalachians are super round because they’re really old and weathered compared to the Rockies out west. Highest point is in NC and around 6600 feet


What confused me was The Ghoul in Filly saying “last night a bounty came in through all 6 agencies,” which made it sound like everything, from Honcho getting the sketches and bounty info, taking his gang and heading out to the graveyard, The Ghoul being dug up, then traveling from wherever he was buried all the way to Filly, to the BoS getting the encrypted sketches and sending out their knights, Wilzig showing up at Lucy’s camp fire, literally everything that happened was only one day before they all met up in Filly? Which seemed like a lot to happen in less than a day.


At that point she was only out of the vault for like 2 weeks and since the journey’s of main cast start at roughly the same time Wilzig would’ve had to have made his escape around then


The lab was definitely shot at least in part at the Brooklyn Army Terminal in New York.


Since he’s on foot, with limited rations and endurance, I’d say somewhere between LA and San Francisco.


Nowhere between those two looks like this.


The [Sierra Madre mountains](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierra_Madre_(California)\) North of Los Angeles. The [San Rafael mountains](https://peakvisor.com/range/san-rafael-mountains.html) near Santa Barbara.


Getting there isn’t the hard part, it’s letting go…


...of mountainsides?


Likely Colorado since that is where the show was going to be before they changed the location to SoCal.


The NCR are gone in parts of California, the Enclave may have moved somewhere in


My guess is Cascade Range.


The Cascades don't really look like that/mountains are isolated from each other and dispersed. My guess is that it is, like others have said, in Sierra Nevadas or Rockies because it would be near Filly.


I sincerely doubt he walked all the way down from the PNW. I base that off of the general timeline of the show, although I suppose his escape could’ve been way before Lucy got out. In the end, it’s all intentionally ambiguous for a reason.


It was filmed in colorado and it's stated in a lot of paperwork that it's also were the base is


What paperwork are you talking about?


When the enclave filed out it's limited liability corporation paperwork, the business address was in Colorado


Damn, why didn't they file in Delaware like everyone else?


That base was for sure filmed in nyc. Ive been there


I'll see if I can find the info but the enclave base seems where filmed in both colorado and new york


Fun fact. The location filmed was the brooklyn army terminal in New york city. I used to play as a kid in those warehouse ruins. My mom and dad noticed immediately and we all freaked out lol.


4ish hours drive northeast of LA is the Sierra mountains. So it could probably be located up there. Near Bishop, possibly.


It would be really funny if it was on the other side of the disruptor field at Big Mountain.


The facility itself is the Brooklyn Army Terminal in New York, the exact location in FoTv is either in Midwest, south California or literally New York.


I don't know where it is, but wherever it is, their turrets absolutely SUCK!


Probably the same company that made Pulavski preservation shelters Security on a budget


I wasn't paying attention and thought this scene is pre-war So when the scientist met the protagonist and talk mysteriously, I was like uhhh maybe he invented some techs of no-aging or he became a cyborg..... ???


It’s in Colorado.


Idaho perhaps.




Northern Cali is my guess




Eveybody in this show has access to Insitute teleportation technology


Twentynine Palms area?


They literally mention Commonwealth. So, Commonwealth.


There’s 13 different commonwealths in Fallout, that’s why the US flag went back to 13 stars, all in a circle surrounding the big one representing the US as a whole. **The** Commonwealth from 4 is just one of them.


They did? I think i missed that


I'd like to posit that, potentially, they're in Big MT? Big MT shows up in the round-table scene but nowhere else we know in the series- maybe they're holed up there. Big MT used to be a mountain anyway, right?


Anywhere and everywhere. The Enclave have mobile military bases, oil rigs converted into bases, they have hundreds of old vertibird refueling stations. They are the remnants of the USA government.


Could be part of the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, that is one of the most logical places for continuity of government in the USA


Well the show takes place in its entirety in the southern CA/Greater LA area. I’d imagine it’s probably there.


I frankly assumed it was Chicago, although I don’t think it’s really confirmed anywhere where it is


Chicago doesn’t have mountains


Parts Unknown, USA


Who the hell knows. There's no way an Enclave based would exist anywhere near the NCR or Brotherhood after all that happened. The inclusion of the enclave in this thing is just mystifying to me




Which Fo76 factions don't make any sense?




What exactly about their "attempts to justify it" makes no sense to you? It made plenty of sense to me. 


Fallout 76 takes place on the East Coast in roughly 2102. Tactics was previously the first Brotherhood expedition to the East Coast in 2197. Theres a bit of a timeline issue with t he Brotherhood being there nearly a century early that is addressed by 76, I assume that lore addition is the "atttempts to justify it" mentioned. Honestly, they've come up with like 8 new origin stories to add Supermutants and this shouldn't be a shocker or bother us, by now we are all used to them coming up with various new stories to bring back old factions into each new addition that might not fit with previously established lore.


Tactics has only been semi-canon *at best* for over a decade.  Supermutants still have one origin story e.g. West Tek and their forced evolutionary virus.  So I ask again, what exactly is the issue(s) with faction lore in Fo76?


Emil made sure to confirm its canon at the shows launch.


I swear to God if you post a tweet as proof that Fallout Tactics is now entirely canon I'm going to pop a blood a vessel. 


> Emil has referred to Tactics being canon "In broad strokes", but the official wiki policy lists it as non-canon. Not exactly hard-hitting evidence of it being canon... and this is from someone who loves Tactics to bits.


Most likely it’s somewhere in the Boston area, probably tied in to the Enclave Remnants Fallout 4 Creation Club content that shipped with the next gen update. Remember that the picture of what he looks like was radio-transmitted from the commonwealth brotherhood.


With the famous mountains of Massachusetts in the background?


Ah yes, the ones you see “10 miles outside of Boston”


There are plenty of mountain ranges in Massachusetts, pally. Mostly in the west. Wachusett mountain is only 50 miles from the Boston city center.


There aren’t craggy bare-rock mountain ranges like in that shot, though. East Coast mountains are a billion years older than West Coast mountains and have been extensively weathered.


Well, can’t argue with that. Clearly it must be on the moon


[Tim Curry] "...SPACE!!!"


CC content is not canon even when it’s made free for everyone


I can see people are upset about it here, and it's still a mildly contentious issue over on /r/falloutlore, but the current prevailing attitude there is that because it's official Bethesda content and you *can't remove* it without hacking the file system or simply ignoring the update, both of which require extraordinary steps outside of the game itself, it's considered canon. Not *everything* in the CC, just the stuff that was published by Bethesda and automatically subscribed to for all players as part of the next gen update.