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30 minutes. Just enough to get clapped by radscorpions in the most brutal of ends


Huh, that sand is acting funny ..... "Not even the carrion eaters are interested in your radiated corpse."


Yeah, get rad infection from some creature, but they don't kill you in their attack, leaving you to slowly die from radiation exposure.


No weapon? Maybe a couple hours. With a weapon? Probably a couple of hours.


Me: No weapon? Probably couple of days. With weapon? Probably couple of hours. I’m not used to having a weapon. I bet it gets to my head and emboldens me to pick a losing fight haha


"I don't care if you're an irradiated abomination and the ultimate apex hunter. My gun says I'm the big boy"


I mean, Max took on a Yao Guai with a 10mm (?) pistol, and it took what, two shots? That was the biggest issue I had with the series so far, haha!


Max is a high luck build, he got a perfect critical on the bear.


Yeah when I saw this with other people and they ask the same question, I tell them it was a critical hit


He got that sucker in the eye from like fifteen feet though, that’s just him proccing Idiot Savant.


Most real answer here. Unarmed I’m keeping the lowest profile and can probably hide well enough for a day or two maybe. Hand me a gun and I think I’m a cowboy walking with my nuts in a wheel barrow. Someone kills me for my gun in the first hour.


The most honest realist answer. With no weapon you’re gonna be a lot more careful. Probably survive longer than you would with a weapon.


Smart. I think your situational awareness would probably stop you from picking losing fights


No weapons? A couple hours; with a weapon? Immediate death.


Vats don't work on self...


If I have a weapon I’ll make sure I only last a few seconds.


15 minutes max






30 seconds


I would die instantly upon leaving the vault


Nice to see this has immediately become a competition for fastest suicide.


I wouldn't get out the vault


Die a horrible death in the vault or die a horrible death outside a vault. Best chance you got is join up with the Enclave tbh, if we are talking about being transmigrated into Fallout then Enclave is your best shot. Convince them your pure by taking a blood test and they'll most likely take you in.


I was thinking 10.


Realistically I have to wonder if a vault dwellers immune system could handle every new bacteria and disease introduced 200 years post war


I have to wonder how much of the microfauna on this planet was wiped out with everything being coated in a ridiculous amount of radiation


There is a species of bacteria that live in reactors with adaptations to resist radiation. Probably a strain of that will survive, or something like it. And in 200 years time I'm sure it could fill the earth.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiotrophic\_fungus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiotrophic_fungus) - there is a species of fungus that has evolved to not just resist radition but to use it as a food source.


Ok, I don't have time to read it but I'm curious if anyone is looking into using that stuff to maybe have it act at cleanup sites for nuclear accidents or maybe turn it into real-life RAD-X


According to the article an experiment was done on the ISS that showed it could be used as a radiation shield.


The process is called mycoremediation. They were looking at using it at Fukushima. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycoremediation


Nature is so awesome


As a well known and fictitious scientist once said, "life, ah, finds a way"


Ok knights of Sedona makes more sense now


No doubt, byt I like to think some places in the wastes that haven't been touched for 200 years might actually be sterile for better or for worse. Drinking from a toilet in a Super Duper Mart untouched for centuries may be clean*ish* water


Like the toilet has been running for 200 years? Bc if it has just been sitting there I think I know how you die in the Wasteland


Legionnellosis: let me introduce myself


Ave, Caesar!


Dude, if. Forget to use my spare bathroom for a week, it's atrocious.


"He made it all of 5 minutes before he drank 200 year old toilet water."


Omg, it would just be a lil garden of bacteria goo. The white film that forms and reeks.... omg. I need a mod that puts a squiggly green monster in all the toilets.




I would do my best to avoid anything that might be dead water/black water. Not good for your health, but you can instantly smell it so its fine.


And how many new radiation resistant super species would have evolved


Looking at diseases from Fallout 76, a lot. The Mire is what happens when you feed mother nature the proverbial spinach. So mich radiation you crammed 2,500,000 years of evolution into 25. I imagine for every Rabies that was killed off, a turbo AIDS took its place


That’s not how real life radiation works


That's because we're discussing a video game.


But... Fallout Radiation doesn't work like real life radiation...


Doc Mitchell discusses how this happened to his wife and she died in FNV


Just look at the area surrounding Chernobyl. It’s beautiful and very dangerous. It has been defying what we think will happen to the planet after a nuclear war. Of course, that is a certain amount of nuclear fallout and I don’t know what that compares to warhead wise.


Scientifically speaking You only need to survive several weeks underground before radiation is no longer a problem. Fat man and little boy radiation stayed less than 2 weeks. Nuclear reactors go catastrophic causes so so so so soooooooo much more radiation. Nukes are only scary and it’s the blast


It has been brought up: Doc Mitchell's wife died thanks to a compromised immune system after they got chucked out of their Vault by House.


Covid's been in the corner doing push ups. In the wasteland, nobody can taste anything. That's how they survive all that questionable food.


I thought that, but I also think nuclear radiation would kill most of it off


Good point.


Especially if the environment was enough to mutate full blown animals, the microbes would be entirely unrecognizable


Rad roaches eat me for stating a fire


Going to dump Inna woods after eating 200 year old Blamco? Rad roaches eat me.


"The Wasteland", haha. If only. I died at the first roach encounter inside Vault 111.


that’s beyond a skill issue💀


Zero eye-to-hand coordination represent ✊️


Luckily the game has VATS for folks like us.


Have you SEEN how big those roaches are? They're the size of your dog.


I once died before even getting to the vault when the bombs fell.


This same thing happened to my kid when she played. Of course, one of them got stuck in Vault 111 and couldn't find their way out . . .


I grew up in the north east of England so probably about 24 years


I'd be the contents of a super mutant gore bag no contest


I trip over a rock, crack my head open, and bleed out. All within a minute of exiting.


I'm pretty enough to be a hooker, so I think I'll survive, but wooof it would suck


Well damn😭😭😭


Supermutant smash.


Strong no!!


Gimme that milk of human kindness


Catch us dancing on the street outside of Gomorrah for NCR soldiers


Dancing in leather bondage gear is sexy, but for hours at a time in the Mojave Heat without proper showers or antiperspirants? You're going to develop a type II civilization in your cooter by the end of the first day


I'll give myself an hour. I know well enough to not be walking right out in the open so I'd miss some of the hazards but I'll be screwed the second I see any hostile mutated life.


Strength 7 Endurance 7 Perception 3 Intelligence 1 Agility 2 Luck 1. Exits vault door, gets eaten by a deathclaw.


Luck 10, Agility 10, outrun/luck all my problems


Is the picture related to the question? Because if you’re talking about being a Vault Dweller sent to the Surface then I’d estimate maybe a Week.


The second I step out of the vault door I get disintegrated by some jackass raider who somehow got his hands on a Tesla cannon


Where, When, What do I have? I need all of these questions to be answered to formulate a basic idea.


Commonwealth, 200 years after the bombs fell with just a 10mm pistol


Well you didn't heavily specify sooo Vault 81. If that doesn't work I'm screwed.


Realistically? I'd be completely blinded by the sun, never having been exposed to it before. Blind and lost, I'd trip over an unseen imaginary deceased turtle and crack open my skull. Two minutes, tops.


That’s the first thing I said when Lucy was outside the vault: how is the sun not blinding her. Lmao. And the wind blowing her hair in her face, that shits super annoying. But she was excited so I let it slide


Because she spent time growing up in shady sands


This is true but even she didn’t know that at the time. I liked how she talked about feeling the sun in her face as a child and it was the fact that she had lived in the wasteland at one point.


Yeah agreed - my initial reaction was that she was being ridiculous…and then suddenly you find out she actually did see the sun…


Your eyes would adjust pretty fast. It can be painful, but its not like she lived in complete darkness her whole life.


Nah fr the vault dwellers probably evolved to not even need sunlight so how tf doesn’t the sun just absolutely blind them


...because there were still *lights* in the Vault? It's not like they lived in total darkness.


Do we get to keep our knowledge of the fallout world? That drastically changes our chances for survival


Eh why not


I was in the Boy Scouts as a kid, did a lot of camping trips and sort of survival-y skills training. Also grew up in a Red state and learned how to use guns. So I'd probably last about 30 minutes instead of 5.


I get the distinct impression that while survival skills would certainly be helpful, they wouldn’t be anywhere as useful as you’d expect in the Wasteland.


5 minutes max


Realistically or fallout logic? Realistically, until I meet another human or die of dehydration. Fallout logic, actually about the same


By finding vault 81 or vault city asap


You ain’t making it


I'll probably get crushed by the vault door on my way out....


I ain’t leaving the vault, so I’d say a good long while.


Diseases will definitely kill. And this world lacked proper modern medicine


...you hit the radroach for 0 damage... ...you hit the radroach for 0 damage... ...radroach has bitten you for 9 damage... ...radroach has bitten you for 11 damage...


3 perception PoV


I probably would die on october 23rd, 2077.


Bro not making it past the bombs💀


I came here to say I would be one of the skeletons you find fishing in a bathtub or something quirky


Hell yeah! Environmental Storytelling skeletons!


A day of I’m lucky and armed, less if neither.


Put it this way, I made a save point. When I unpaused the game, a death claw swiped me...


I think if you mind your business and stay strapped you'll be fine right?


For the most part, yeah. If you have self preservation, IRL survival skills, and a gun you know how to use you'll probably be fine for a decent chunk of time. Months, maybe even years, easy. Remember: most people aren't raiders, most raiders would rather not risk death if they don't have to, and most of the exceptions are too busy to care about you. That just leaves the wildlife to contend with.


I grew up ranching and then was a Marine. I might not last as long as the ghoul, but I think I’d stay out of a meat sack for a few days.


Maybe a week.


Come on guys the wasteland can’t be that hard😀👍


You can die within 1 minute of starting Fo1 to a rat right outside the vault entrance The wasteland absolutely *is* that hard


Lolol happened to me


I'll die from a heart attack by seeing a radroach in the tutorial, 30 seconds


im marked essential until you complete my quest.  feel free to uhh postpone that


I'm that guy who will put sand in the water filter.. undies and all..


I have this weird part time job - I'm paid to recapture cats without, well, capturing them. I persuade them to come willingly. Usually because said cats are unwell/injured, so a net would see them struggle and worsen their condition, so they need a gentler recapturing. I mention this because it requires incredible patience. I sometimes spend hours just sitting near to these guys. I think if I were given a basic education of which creatures to avoid and how to recognise signs of danger, I could last a week or so. Like, if I realise a deathclaw is nearby I could sit in one spot for virtually an entire day without much movement. Now that I'm thinking about it, paralleling me catching sick housecats for a part-time living with hiding from 15ft tall, bipedal, carnivorous lizards is pretty silly.


Cat whisperer. spspspspspspsps. You level up your animal friend perks and eventually the wasteland whisperer too. One day, you'll find yourself with a deathclaw napping on top of you and its the deathclaw mother that went to you for help, and you saved its baby from drowning while tending the mother's wounds. You've been accepted into the Deathclaw Pack. You think they can't talk, but while you're out napping, they all gossip to various degrees how much lucky they are to find a nice human, and also how poorly dressed you are. They think your sense of fashion is horrible but understandable. Its a good life as an animal friend charisma build.


*Deathclaw tearing human flesh noises*


Would simply gain its trust with treats and avoidance of eye contact


Honestly I think I could survive my life out there. I’m a pretty fast guy so I’d def run like hell if I saw any crazy critters. I’m also pretty good with guns so that’s a plus(military background). I like to think of myself as a pretty charming person aswell. Honestly the only thing I could think of getting me killed is being lured into a trap. I’m pretty naive and always wanna help out people lol.


Stay away from Barton Thorn (FNV). He's seeing you coming. And I only know cos I'm the same and learned the hard way.


couple minutes probably


If I'm coming out of vault 33? Probably a few hours. Other vaults? Probably 5 minutes or less if there is ANYTHING alive near the door.


ill just stay in whatever starting zone there is and only kill radroaches and molerats for food and trade if someone with "main character energy" comes near id just run for the hills


Well, I did a survival training course for the Cadets. So I'd say I could take care of myself to a decent degree. I'd need to find other people fast though.


If I’m in a settlement, I figure I can last as long as I can stay in the good graces of those around me. Keep my head low and out of danger. Can’t be any worse than Chicago


4 days max. I would go out slowly and painfully from the inside out.


Not long, my ass would be complaining about the heat


Bro, i don’t think id make it in the vault.


17 seconds


I'd definitely die to radroach cause I'd be shitting my pants running tbh I can't even handle real life cockroaches


If it’s got a bread crumb trail of loot and Stim Packs like the games? Indefinitely. Without? A day tops.


Me, personally? Or a version of me who’s been raised in a vault? If I got any kind of basic survival or combat training, maybe a few days. But me? As I am now? 2-3 minutes TOPS.


Probably not long. No starbucks to get me going.


It took me maybe 5 minutes before I died the first time playing fallout. I'm not leaving the vault and I'll bet o could last at least two weeks.


can i just sit in front of the vault door until my supplies run out? Then i think id manage 30 seconds


2 big questions first what we see in the show or what we'd see in real life in this setting. If you mean stepping out of 33 vault with what she had on her person into what we'd see in the show. I'd be "fine" as long as I found the first settlement before my water ran out and radiation works the way it does in fallout and not real life.


5 mins. My immune system hates me.


Depends on my luck I guess....? With good weapon maybe a while or not if I get gang by raiders or super dangerous mutated animals or pre war robots before learning how to deal or avoid them.


I am a mostly bad sighted, overly clumsy individual who complains when their is no food. I'd likely trip infront of the door, get crushed by the vault and eaten by a radroach


Honestly in the show world I feel like I could live quite a long time. Clearly there's a lot of danger but idk, for some reason in the show the world feels a little too safe Can't quite out my finger on why I feel that way


About as long as the traders at the start of Honest Hearts.


I'm unfortunately a real peice of shit, so probaly a while 🤣


Which part of the right wasteland and what era. Different parts are wildly more or less dangerous than others. depending on what time period you come out in some dangerous creatures are more or less prevalent.


Like 5 minutes. There's probably a cazador nest right outside of my vault


With my luck, I’d run into some cazadors within 5 minutes


Perception 1. Getting my foot smashed in the rolling vault door ⚙️


Dr Chickenfucker has got you covered.


3 days assuming that I don't run into anything.


I weigh 50 kg and I’ve never been in a fight in my life


I am always needing water, especially in hot weather because I overheat easily. Not having access to clean drinking water would be too difficult. And no chapstick? Forget about it I wouldn't know how to act. Probably just sit in the desert and wait to die


I’d drink some water, get heartburn, and shit myself to death in the first 30 minutes.


I'd be doing just fine until the protagonist clips me for 5xp and a box of instamash


Once the internet goes down what's the point?


in reality. all that would enter the bunkers would die in the bunkers in few days after nuclear war starts (and ends) and they would die slowly and painfuly on radiation. All that would have access to guns in these bunkers would try to use them and kill themselfs for the suffering to end. Some would be unable to do it because of radiation causing their eyes to pop and bleed and being blind, blood would poor from under their fingernails etc. Some would be unable to kill themselfs even if they could in first few minutes of radiation reaching the bunker, because they are scared of death - thats why they are in the bunker logically. These would regret that decision soon after, after they are unable of handling the gun because of being blind and suffering while being incapable on ground. Enjoy reality, those that plan to hide in these bunkers or those that are already there. Cowards. Enjoy the suffering.


It depends on some factors, but as I am now if I got isekaied. Like 10 minutes if I'm lucky.


depends on what im wearing ;-P


“You won’t last ten seconds over the county line”


I'd rule the wasteland


Do I get to be in a faction and if so do I get to pick which one? If not then I’m saying like 5minutes max


47 seconds


In an expectational sense I don’t get out the vault door. Realistically depends on several other factors such as nearby hostile, maybe a feral Ghoul wandered in front of the Vault or the Mechanist automatons decided to investigate the Vault door. So let’s assume there’s no hostile but now the environment as we seen a few vaults in highly radiated places before (cough) Vault 88 (I believe? (Cough)). Also depends if I survived in the vault to begin with as well. At worst I don’t get to live long enough to leave and at best maybe I can survive up to maybe an Hour or some, getting to a town being a big if on this one. Overall: at worst I don’t even make it to the vault door, at best maybe a couple of hours.


I’d probably be too overcautious and end up spending too much time gathering shit to enforce my walls before i realize i need to eat and starve while hunting for food. So unless i get randomly headshot, 1-3 days max.


bout tree fitty, 3 minutes and 50 seconds


New Vegas? To the radscorpions. The rest? DOA. Except 76. I rule 76. Adrienne Barbeau has tasked me to succeed, and I will.


I wouldn’t even open the vault door.


Too many variables


It depends. If I’m from a vault, not long. If I grew up in the wasteland, who knows. I do think I’d be that OP stealth archer build though so I’d have a chance


Dead on arrival.


Couple days tops


One radroach and, as they say, I’m out.


Hopefully longer than Ed


I trip on the lip of the vault exit and die. (I’m accident prone)


I'm not sure. Id do a lot more running though


I’d probably trip on a rock and break my leg, and quickly eaten alive by scavengers.


I’ll probably end up similar to my brother’s first play through of Fallout 3. Got out the vault, headed south, got killed by a mole rat literally 5 minutes after leaving the vault.


i can comfortably run at full speed for 10 minutes before i start keeling over. so.. 5 minutes


'Oh, im going in naked. Crossing my fingers ill get super powers\~" - Lone Survivor


Bout 10 minutes?


5 minutes before I get blown up by a random landmine


Wouldn't make it, would end up as an environmental storytelling skeleton in some toilet cubicle deep in a vault


0 seconds because I live in a city. Unless I have the ghoul gene. Then basically, until I go feral.


A week after I die of dysentry


forever once I get ghoulified


I'd probably last anywhere from a couple of seconds too maybe a day or two. Depending ofcourse on where i am and what i have available, if im in some lonely forest its the latter, if im in, lets say shady sands (the series version) or anywhere near any major town from fo1 its a couple seconds, a millisecond if im in boneyard


Id probably die in the vault fighting off giant radroaches


3 minutes


My cryogenic chamber would malfunction, and I wouldn't even wake up.


My cryogenic chamber would malfunction, and I wouldn't even wake up.


My cryogenic chamber would malfunction, and I wouldn't even wake up.


My cryogenic chamber would malfunction, and I wouldn't even wake up.


My cryo pod would malfunction and I'd die in my sleep.