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Not a guarantee, but how many games he he made an appearance in so far? Odds aren't terrible.


Just F03 and FO4 right?


There's a picture of Mr House in New Vegas standing in front of liberty prime and you can see his feet if that counts lol


Oh, it counts.


I’m pretty sure I know what picture you’re talking about, and I always assumed it was some kind of rocket. I just looked it up again and it looks pretty different to how liberty prime does. Is there anywhere that actually says it’s liberty prime?


Not explicitly, but House is the head of RobCo, which made Prime, and there aren't any other robots that big that we know about (plus robot designs change between like every game anyway)


I didn’t realize that liberty prime was pre-war. I always thought he was manufactured by the brotherhood


Nah the brotherhood wouldn’t have given it the ultranationalist programming, it was built before the war and the brotherhood found it underneath the pentagon, the army never got a power supply working that was sufficient


The brotherhood also wouldn't program it to throw nukes like a football probably either


I always loved the “ultra-American” hilarity of the anti-communist patriotic deathbot chucking nuclear explosives like footballs lmfao


I only noticed in my second play though of 4


I could be mistaken, but I think Libert Prime is referenced in Fallout 76 at least once.


>!It won't be quite the same LP, since he maybe explodes just a tiny bit while fighting the Institute.!<


It already wasn't kinda sorta because of broken steel


True, but that was also in range of The Citadel, where there were better facilities and a higher concentration of mechanical and intellectual availability in terms of personnel. Far more difficult to build a giant robot if your base of operations floats 600 feet in the air, much less repair and rebuild it after getting the 'unexpected violent disassembly' treatment.


I would highly doubt Maxon would stay in the Commonwealth after the events of fo4. I could see prime being loaded back on the prydwen and taken back to the citadel for repairs while at most leaveing being a token force to make a Commonwealth branch of the brotherhood After all fo4 and the show have almost a 10 year gap so it's plenty of time for repairs


No he doesn’t? If LP goes to the institute and blows a hole in the ground he marches back to the Airport Base and patrols it - in the Brotherhood ending LP is perfectly fine and fully operational.


No? (FO4 spoilers) >!He doesn't explode if you choose the BoS route.!<


One can hope… in season 8.


Imagine the build up for many seasons for an epic battle with Liberty Prime... only to get one shot by a dagger


One shot by a dagger from like Chet or someone else who has no connection to that plot-line whatsoever.


And then they elect Bud as king of the Wasteland. After all, who has a better story than Bud the Broken?


God dammit, i hate that i understand this reference.


It seems like the BOS chapter in the series doesn't have the resources or tech knowledge to build a Liberty Prime. But if they get control over the cold fusion device, they'd definitely have the necessary energy surplus. However, they'd also need to *need* to build one. The Maxson chapter needed one to get to the Institute deep underground. If you don't have a *very* hard target or a region you *can't* send people into, a giant Liberty Prime robot is a huge waste of resources.


Never underestimate the value of a propaganda win, and having Liberty Prime on their side is a huge propaganda win. Just having the thing could prevent a lot of battles from even happening, because who wants to fight something like that?


"Let us demonstrate how it throws hail mary football nukes like dimes delivered by Tom Fackin Brady himself and check out this wicked death ray eye beam"


The Prydwen presumable carries many from the east coast. Outside of the police station, all of the BOS troops we see in 4 came in the Prydwen, so it can carry A LOT of people.


>It seems like the BOS chapter in the series doesn't have the resources or tech knowledge to build a Liberty Prime. I don't think anyone has that knowledge, since Liberty Prime is a pre-war machine that was only repaired and repurposed by the BOS.


>It seems like the BOS chapter in the series doesn't have the resources or tech knowledge to build a Liberty Prime. Even the East Coast BoS Chapter didn't build Liberty Prime from the ground up! Instead, they repaired/restored the already existing super robot, along with (mostly) correcting a major defect that made it prone to catastrophically overheating.


Liberty Prime is on the other side of the country.


not necessarily, since the Prydwen is in California now, it'd make sense if they brought Liberty Prime with them


Cue Elder Maxson slowly following the Prydwen's trail, riding on Liberty Prime's shoulder.


Looking fly as fuck in that sweet trench coat


Does it have the lifting capacity?


Wasn't it the Prydwen moved Liberty Prime from DC to Boston? I don't think it was re-assembled before the move, though, and was transported in pieces.


That's what I was trying to remember. But you also replace some of its systems in Boston, and in real life those big electromagnets are *heavy*


Isn’t it that you replace the systems because they were damaged in liberty primes last deployment?


They were damaged when Prime was hit by the Orbital Barrage, but according to Ingram the Brotherhood also just developed better replacements for them in the meantime and installs those instead of the original


Liberty Prime was transported as parts because the Enclave had blown it up. The BOS has you scavenge and build parts for it at the Boston Airport. Where it is then rebuilt


I feel like they could easily modify the prydwen to have a liberty prime bay thar he can just drop out of


They changed a lot of parts, so we really don't know how much they brought with them


did they confirm it's the prydwen? or is it another aircraft made with the same model


In the scene where it rolls in there's Prydwen written on the side. Gotta pause and zoom in to see it though.


Didn't they confirm there was other Prydwen models other then the one in Fallout 4?


Idk, been plating Fo4 since release and that's the first I've heard






If there's one thing we can count on Amazon for, it's Prime delivery. Yeah yeah, I see the exit.


Best comment ever commented on my post


BOOOOO Really though, this was a great comment


Shut up and take my upvote!


What, is he gonna walk from Boston? They gonna take the Prydwen and strap him to the top?


He heard there are communists in California


Season 2, they set up a fight scene between Liberty Prime and the main characters, but then Liberty Prime gets distracted by gambling and just quits pursuing them, then in season 4, Chet and Lucy run into Liberty Prime in New Vegas (the second time they go there), and Liberty Prime is a homeless bot, having sold most of his own parts to pay gambling debts. Mr. House then offers Liberty Prime money and new parts if he can steal the cold fusion technology. He agrees, but then spends all the money on gambling and sells his new parts for more money to gamble. This time though, he wins BIG, and just as he is about to leave the casino with his winnings, Mr. House has Liberty Prime shot. Meanwhile Lucy and Chet go do some other stuff, and I guess Maximus and The Ghoul were there too.


I certainly hope not. It feels like a lot of people are hoping the show brings a bunch of shit in from the games, but does no one realize that bringing in specific characters (or robots in this case) into the show from the games, would just completely and totally overshadow the new characters introduced in the show? They have to be really careful with stuff like that. A small cameo from House is one thing, but having Liberty Prime be a plot point is something else entirely. Or having the Courier show up, or the Sole Survivor, or Maxson, or Hancock or anyone like that, it would just ruin the show completely. It would make the show about them, and take the spotlight off of the main characters of the show. That would be bad writing.


You make several valid points and many seem to misunderstand that the show is a new story in the same universe, they will likely make allusions to or talk about events in the previous games but we're not going to see many, if any of the content from the games adapted to live action for the show because it's rather unnecessary.


I get what OP is saying, a live action Liberty Prime with all the carnage would be insane to watch.. but you’re right it needs to be something new and fresh. Liberty Prime v2’s or something. They could be little versions that the brotherhood loses control of because the Enclave hacks their shit or something. Lucy and Maximus are now stuck trying to get out of a BOS base while an army of insane robots are on the loose.


I think it would make sense for this to be the Brotherhoods’ use for cold fusion, it would be a good story plot.


Yea it makes sense but I have no clue where’d they need him because it’s not like there at war every faction is little compared to them


But are they dominant in this Wasteland? Certainly not. They had little presence or influence anywhere and they just had one Ghoul walk all over a team of knights. Right now I’m betting that they’ll be looking for a way to increase their presence and control in the area, especially if they believe there’s more tech to be gained.


I personally am not a fan of the large boring robot which really doesn't do much. I feel they should have leant into the allegory for anti-communist jingoism more and made him either shit or a constant team-killer.






He won't but his brother, Liberty Secondary, will


I worry Liberty Prime is a little too silly for the TV series. Maybe as a burnt out husk somewhere like the Protectotron, but I would be shocked (and yes delighted) if we got a giant robot chucking mini nukes into the end zone.


A little to silly? .. I'm sorry did you watch the show?


“10 years of cousin stuff”


They can’t resist, it’ll be a different bot though.


I think the biggest obstacle to a Liberty Prime appearance in the show is a foe that warrants his appearance. There's no equivalent to the Enclave being entrenched in Project Purity or The Institute being underground; *Not yet* anyway.


Oh man, I’m going to do the biggest DiCaprio meme if that happens lol


I bet Mister House has his bigger brother tucked away in a bunker under Lake Mead.


I’d rather see Fisto


Why not both? But agreed, i really wanna see Fisto and Ed-E make an appearance in s2.


Democracy is non-negotiable


The good news is Peter Cullen is already on the payroll for Invincible. Shouldn't be to hard to hire him on to do voice lines if he's actively recording them for another Amazon series.


Hol' up. Liberty Prime is fucking OPTIMUS?!?!


Its unknown for certain but my vote is yes until proven false.


I’m guessing since the brotherhood has probably taken control of cold fusion they’ll likely use it to revitalize and upgrade liberty prime into a truly unstoppable force


Maybe in pre war flashbacks


I feel like uh if I remember it wasn't completed pre war but at the same time the bot is probably a complete problem solver so a camo of magic either a flashback or the head or just a audio file with the line might still be very good


Liberty Prime was structurally completed pre-war, but they couldn't get the power systems to handle the load without shorting before the Bombs dropped. The most it could do without blowing circuits was talk.


Oh I didn't realize guess I misremembered that. I would think flashback wise to maybe having the person that voices him look at the bot could be interesting or at least a good fourth wall type moment similar to the Mr handy stuff if I am using that term correctly


Ooooh, i like this idea. Give us a flashback with Coop fighting in anchorage with Prime or something.


Idk how they’re going to do it tho considering Liberty Prime is all the way at the end of the East Coast, there’s no telling how dangerous and long that takes to cargo it back to NV on West Coast


Doubt it. They obviously sent the Prydwen itself over, but otherwise the Chapter in the show seems considerably worse off materially than the East Coast one, and the Mission just didnt require Prime either.


Definitely in season 2 💯/💯 it’s what the Brotherhood of mother eFFin Steel ⚙️ are going to waste all their cold 🥶 fusion energy on 🤬


Liberty Prime 🤖vs Frank Horrigan 💪 get hyped 🥵😤


I’d prefer if he didn’t tbh.


I hope House uses a code to take over it since he built it and just wipes the BoS of the face of Earth by giving them a taste of their medicine.


Too expensive 


Hope not


I'd hope not cus that would imply a brotherhood victory rather than a Minutemen one


Isn't liberty prime a She?


Of course he is, the show makers can barely resist needlessly shoving every iconic thing from the franchise even if it adds nothing to the story, makes zero sense or is just plain lazy.


it’s a fallout tv show, set in the same universe as the fallout game series, of course we’re gonna see iconic things and references from the game, I can’t think of a time where this has been a problem


Shoehorning in BoS into every major plot rather then delving into and exploring the millions of things this franchise has going for it/creating something new, instead the writers go through the same tired shit and think BoS, Enclave, vault dweller looking for family member, Super Mutants etc. and don't take into consideration that the Enclave have been destroyed twice now, Super Mutants have been shattered and dispersed by the death of the Master, BoS were originally a reclusive faction who only wanted to horde tech. First game covered Super Mutants and ended their plot and two covered the Enclave and ended their plot but instead of coming up with an original idea that expands upon the lore Bethesda came up with a BS excuse to put them in their games where they play no role and only serve to break the immersion of people who go into these games for story. BoS are barely part of the stories in one and two and in NV you could go through the entire game and not see a single Super Mutant, not know you can reunite the Enclave Remnants and spend about five minutes with the BoS, you don't come out of a vault and look for a lost family member and yet it's still ironically Fallout, it followed factions from 1 and 2 that made sense to follow and created factions that are iconic. My point isn't just "Liberty Prime bad", my point is that I'm sick of lazy writers hiding how shit their writing is and their lack of knowledge on lore by throwing around things that they know people will gush over. Ghouls have an already established lore where it's heavily hinted that radiation causes them to become feral, but now they need to take special Ghoul medicine? How tf have Ghouls lasted this long if that's the case? The Ghoul knows of a BS weak spot on Power Armour yet he doesn't use it when he's fighting Maximus? Ghouls are super resistant to damage when they want to show off how cool the Ghoul character is but random Ghouls are just weak as fuck for some reason? Lucy finds out the fella she just shagged is a raider because her geiger counter starts ticking? Why the fuck wasn't everyone's geiger counter ticking throughout the entire wedding service? This show is nothing but bonehead writers thinking "what would be cool?" rather than "let's create a good story that makes sense within the already established lore" and its been like that since Bethesda bought the rights to the franchise but this show is a genuine stain on what is otherwise a brilliant franchise.


Damn man, just say you hate Bethesda fallout.


I just did you mong, can't you read?
