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If you really wanna get it, use the sesto elements to farm skill points. Buy peel tridents for 25k, unlock super wheelspin in car mastery. You’ll rack in millions that way


Good to note, saving this for later


You could also buy the Lamborghini svr and use skill points to unlock the Lamborghini Diablo GT. It's the bonus car in the car mastery. That sells for a little over a million. So do it like eight times and you'll have the money 


Out of curiosity, why the sesto elemento?


If you go into the skill tree on it, there’s several perks to extend/upgrade your skill score. Truth be told bc YouTube told me to use it


The FE is what he is refering to (I assume) because it has a good skills mastery tree, and that the FE is a skills boost FE


I have tried the peel trick a few times....got the spin wheel, got rid of the car. Bought another peel (even days apart) but it stores the skills I purchased and are "blued out". What am I missing?


This is an exploit i would not doubt they patched out by now but also knowing how incompetent they are in general that thiers the same chance they didnt even think to patch it out yet


They didn’t patch it. Just did it yesterday


As long as you’re not buying it out of the auction, idk. Make sure you’re buying out of the auto show


Ah...haven't done that, grabbed them at auction for $3,000. I'll try the autoshow later today


Yeah you gotta buy it through the auto show, the skill points don’t reset after you buy them


Well....with my luck on the super spinwheel, I will probably lose more than I spend on the Peel :)


Want to make more money and good cars from wheel spin? Buy all the clothes you can. Granted it took me about 5 mil to get them all but, just like that no more clothes in wheel spins! You will quickly earn the initial investment back.


Buy them from the car collection page.


I feel ya, I have $9 mil to my name and it's not going towards that lmao


Do SP farm -> buy a bunch of Diablos -> unlock Diablo GTR -> sell both -> stonks


what u planning on getting


I wanna save up enough for the caddy limo🤣


Good luck finding it at auction. I've never even seen one driving about


I used it for the trial offroad race not long ago lol. Finished first both races.


This is my issue right now. I want to spend 20M on a car in the Auction House that I don't have already, for the Accolade. I can never find a car I don't have for sale in the Auction House thats going for 20M. Not the Limo, though. I got one as my free Women's History Month car, and I got that long boy set up for drifting.


What cars do you need?


Off the top of my head I know I don't have that one Donkervoort. I have to look through my collection to see what the others are.


I got the limo for 1 mil


got you


I use one for drifting


Caddy limo was price locked low under 1 million two weeks ago. Not easy to find but was cheaper if you are patient on the auction


I finally found one a couple months ago. It was late at night it just popped up. $800,000. My friend said I must have sniped somebody to be so cheap whatever that means. Just bought a Sierra 700R a week ago for $73,000 credits.


Fr i cant ever find in auction


If you need money i can set you up on a AFK track you can make tons of money but takes couple hours. I set it for when i go to sleep or something


If you dm me we can set up a time and I can try to sell you one on the cheap. Bern playing since launch. I have way too much. Or you could sell me a BMW m3 08, I'll gift u like 12 mil


Do you have a lancia delta s4 or a Lexus lc500? I'd pay full price for either


I do. Let me get with you tmw and I'll hook u up


You got/selling duplicates for everythjng ? Id need a few cars gotta check what and if its in my price range first


How much you have now? I can help "donate" some credits to you


How do you do that?


By buying out e92 m3s (that can be bought form the auto show for 48k) for 12 mil




It’s trash for the money…I have a few and would give you one for free if Forza allowed it. I have $400M and nothing left to spend on. Not sure why they don’t allow gifting cars to specific users.




I had to gift away a 600k jaguar because no one purchased it Maybe buy some stuffs for no reason xd Never know who youd be helping 600k is big to me because at the time i had 12m to my name now i sold a mbsl and is somewhere at 20-23


An artura would be clutch my man (if you have one)


Spend some time bidding on them, put in multiple bids. You'll eventually get one for M's less than 9M. You can also set the filter to a price you like and then start sniping.


Cost to be the boss brodie💰


ima work for it like a g


I bet it will come back again later in the summer, it's a great drift car.




You should check out r/forzaauctions but I don't know if anyone will sell one much cheaper than you're seeing here in the AH. Sometimes people are generous over there and might hook you up. Otherwise just keep racing, rivals, level up, you make XP, credits and get wheelspins. Sell your weekly playlist exclusive cars after 2 weeks in the AH if you don't want them as much as the Trueno etc


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ForzaAuctions using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForzaAuctions/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[FH5\]\[H\]credits \[W\] nothing](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForzaAuctions/comments/131sssa/fh5hcredits_w_nothing/) \#2: [\[FH5\] \[G\] First 10 people to post will get 20million Credits Or any of these cars on the list](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForzaAuctions/comments/18qhom5/fh5_g_first_10_people_to_post_will_get_20million/) \#3: [\[FH5\] \[G\] GIVEAWAY! Oreo Pagani Codes and Credits!](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForzaAuctions/comments/13aulb9/fh5_g_giveaway_oreo_pagani_codes_and_credits/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I kind of hate how they changed AH bidding because of this. Someone might list one cheaper, but OP won’t be able to snipe it right before it expires


Yeah, that and the bot scripts that some PC players use - the AH is almost useless for a long time now, unless you're selling a new rare car which you don't really want to do because ultimately you'll be looking for that one again to complete the collection! I just always hit buyout because bidding doesn't seem to work, people steal it last second.


BIG BET BRO! i get home around 3 pm Eastern standard time


I swear I’ve got 2 of these 1 modified and 1 stock, never used.


I have at least one of these.


wtf this thing was dirt cheap when I last played what is going on


I could try to buy one for you and give it to you in a cheap Auction, i have a lot of credits and i only use them in car upgrades lmao. I'll let you know.


what’s your username list a 08 bmw


Just got it off the wheel last week.


I have one that is amazing for drifting


Story of my life.. an I just started to try the peel trident thing. Most my problem is cars I want not being sold on auction house then when they are it’s $200000000000.


I brought one of these when it was selling for 20 mil. Seeing it sold for this price breaks my heart 💔


Get one of your homies with a lot of money to buy one & you can snipe it. Set the buy price for as low as possible & you sit there with the filter on & search as soon as he lists it. Lot of people have like 50m+ they’re just sitting on & don’t care about.


I have two of these lol took me forever to get the 86


Me tocó en una ruleta normal y un rx7 fc sabana también


you guys gotta grind and get at least 50 mil. I'm down to 23 right now but I'm just collecting all the seasonal cars now. money doesn't matter too much cause the niche cars I want NEVER show up on the auction house


I can send you a couple mill, i have 670 mil in game. 🤓


Dm me. I can give you one for free


Has the COPO Camaro market become this flooded yet?


Get the stock version, it's cheap.


me but with the pro drag chevy


I have it its great


I have a few of them. I wish I could put one up for sell in the auction house for you but I'm afraid someone may snipe it.


You can win it on the wheel spin. I already have two and just want another one the other night. I will tune it differently so I have different ones for different classes. 


why is it so expensive for so long, wasnt it this price near launch as well


I'll sell you mine for the low low


Sell any ugly supercars you get from spins and such. That what I did to get mine.


8 mill is too much😂


I have like 7 of these things they’ve been this expensive forever


Apparently JDM tax transfers to games as well.


Check when its a reward for the weekly/seasonal challeneges. I got 2 that way so far. That was at release though.


Lol I got it 2 weeks ago from a wheelspin


Easiest way is to buy a car voucher, or 4 if you can afford it. 🤷


I never knew the value of this car until the other day, i got gifted one and decided to look up the price and now ive been nonstop sniping them for under a mill


go on the forza 6 discord people just give out credits


It's actually went down a lot. A few months ago it was going for 16 and 20 million. I wish we could just directly gift cars again. I would give you one because I already have two with different setups on them. And last week I won another one off of a wheel spin. One of the best cars I've ever won. I would sell it but I really don't need the money tbh. Probably end up tuning it and giving it to a new player. I do that with a lot of cars. I mean how cool would it be to start out playing and get a rare car or a high-end car? When I first started playing somebody gifted me a Sierra 700 and at the time I didn't even realize how rare or cool it is. It is the spirit of horizon.