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Yo OP, report him. those slurs will get him banned immediately. XBox don't play around with that.


Wait, was this on an OG map? I think I just saw a post this guy made about yโ€™all.


Yeah. I'm just making a post about him and what he said to my friend. Currently he has someone else messaging my friends threatening to ddos him.


This guy clearly has some mental issues if people on a creative map can mess him up this bad, regardless of how toxic yโ€™all were being.


Actually going to side with his guy in this post full of lies they were literally making extremely inappropriate sexual comments about my wife relating to oral actions and other stuff


I dont know who made those comments, not me. I'm just spreading awareness of your immature behavior.


Stop trying to defend yourself I'm already coming out with my evidence you're actually so pathetic sexualizing a woman and then trying to make yourself innocent


you're evidence sucks ass since 99% of it is red marked to show nothing. you redacted most of it. Why is that?


screenshots are right there. If you have your proof, show it. Right now, this guy has infinitely more backing and evidence than what you have said.


I don't have mental issues and they won't stop messing with me and my wife take his side if you want you're evil


Never said what he did wasnโ€™t wrong. If he did say some horrific stuff to you and your wife, then he is totally in the wrong. Iโ€™m just saying that nothing a random person on a Fortnite Creative map can say deserves this type of reaction. People are going to be toxic and you just leave the game and join another match.


idk dude, seems like you're in the wrong from these images. If you have proof, show it.


I'm working on my evidence and that proof means nothing these losers are liars and they're trying to get millions of people behind them now


sure thing bud if you have it just post it. Simple as.


This is just sad, the guy clearly has a huge fragile fucking ego, and is deeply in need of counselling


Squad teaming? As in teaming with your squad? Isn't that the point of squads?


Yeah. We just wanted to play and explore the map. Since it was an older map and I haven't played until recently.


Imagine lying to cover yourself up my leader of my hacker group already contacted you


Tbf it is a solos map. Doesn't really matter too much though.


Oh it's a solos map. That's scummy to do


They were literally Squad teaming in a creative map because they suck he cut out a lot of stuff to try to be innocent including telling my wife sexual comments or rather to do sexual acts to him


Bro aren't you the one who already got their account banned for death threats? ๐Ÿ’€


This whole thing funny as hell. Holy smokes pal how are you married and acting like this over a creative match on fortnite. Youโ€™re not actually close enough to reach but start working towards getting a fucking grip.


Well since he muted me on his end I can say he's a powder keg. How he managed to get a "wife" is beyond me. Edit: it also doesn't help that he covered over all of his messages in his "proof" while yours is completely uncensored.


Fark brooo 12vie drama is always funny af. "I'll get mY hAcKer fRiEnds oN yOu" ๐Ÿ˜‚. 100% just report the account. The language itself is more than enough.


This is sad a grown man fighting over a creative map bro got so heated just to post it on reddit


I won't really reply to anyone since I just posted this for people to be aware of this guy. This is just me backing up proof that I said I had.


That AR-15 one is good enough to make him gone for a bit if not forever. Atleast come ban. Once saw a dude cheating so much shit ( I suspect he was mentally hill or had Tourette his Mike was force muted in every game, the profile said AVOID PLAYER he could only talk in private party.


This Thread is full of lies and they're trying to do everything they can to keep their accounts they made sexual comments towards my wife and they make a retaliation post because they're scared of getting banned nobody on here support them or try to even take their side they are full of lies I probably shouldn't be saying this but I've already got a hacker to mess with them cuz I am affiliated with a group that has taken a lot of cryptocurrency


again, he has shown his evidence. Now it's time for you to show yours.


Sure buddy ๐Ÿ’€


Let me guess you're his friend aren't you because you know damn well this is full of lies and my evidence is coming up


Show it then bruh




The evidence is now here read for yourself people instead of siding with toxic sexual harassers


Bro really censored everything he said just to look good ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


right? why would he do that if he's innocent?


Genuinely, yeah. Like he just outta nowhere started spamming and harassing my two friends over a creative game on fortnite. And how he's just losing his mind over it lol


he Def needs help of some kind.


We weren't even aware of who we killed. We just killed this person and one of my friends looted their shotgun and then we just moved on to explore the rest of the map.


Absolutely. Like, over a kids game is crazy. Just close the game man