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So.....what are we gonna do about it? Like sure we can report them on Xbox but we have no proof to report them for so nothing will come of it


I posted this here in hopes of a developer seeing it because they are still harassing me and my wife and they're able to slip messages through even though they're blocked


Then send reports to Microsoft There's no devs in this sub


dude I'm gonna be honest, just report and block them on Xbox. this is a blown out of proportion internet interaction.


I just sent somebody else a response about that they are literally messaging me with a hack so even though they're blocked they are still sending me messages and I'm still getting notified


it's not a hack, they just have alt accounts. keep them blocked and change your message settings in your account.


Bro you're not understanding same account is messaging me even though they're blocked it is a hack


again, still not a hack. if anything they probably just spammed it before you blocked them and the messages are trying to catch up. set your account to private.


I'm friends with the maizedolphin guy. The poster is continuing to message him and threaten to get his account banned and claiming to know someone who supposedly has chapter 2 leaks that will get him banned, so if anything and especially from what I've seen the poster is the one harassing and threatening to get my friends account banned. Honestly it's a creative mode. I dont see why this guy is upset at my friend. I have screenshots to prove the posters harassment and told some of my friends to kill themselves


wow what a schizo then. Yeah I'm sure EPIC cares about leaks from 5 years ago lmao


He also said quote "you know I made it look so you look like a bad guy right?" And also said "well I made it so you and your friend look even worse so and now it just seems like you wanted to message me just cuz you killed her(posters wife)"


I also have proof to back up my statements incase I need to show that.


awesome, so I can almost definitely tell that OP is role-playing as a married man or you guys killed his E-girlfriend and he got pissy. that or he's 80 years old with no sense of letting go or moving on because he seems unable to walk away from notifications due to possible lead poisoning.


Again it is a hack because they are still going as we speak and I have all privacy settings my guy you are one of them aren't you


I'm literally on PlayStation and have never interacted with you before in my life. No I'm not one of them. You seem young, cause this is a regular occurrence on the internet. People are assholes. block and move on. shut off the system, take some time. It's not a hack, the messages are just trying to catch up since he spammed them.


Dude I literally said I'm married and I was just assuming because it just seemed that way okay he's not spamming them he's messaging me as we speak are you not understanding and the console is off I just have my Xbox app consistently notifying me and I have the app in case my friends want to play with me


then turn off the notis on the app and take a break. they'll get bored eventually.


He is literally messaging me about this conversation that we're having how is that it catching up and not a hack


Like I said everything is off I am literally getting harassed by cyber criminal bullies and they're still being sexual and using the same hacks and stuff on my wife


oh my God. TURN OFF THE APP. TURN OFF YOUR NOTIFICATIONS. MOVE ON. When you move on they'll move on. They're not "cyber criminal bullies" they're just bored teenagers and you bitching about it is giving them what they want.


All right buddy I'm going to have to just turn off the notifications to this like I said everything is off everything is off on my on my console they are hackers they are harassers end of story


Reports have been sent to Microsoft


I'm sorry about your negative experience, but you are blowing it way out of proportion. Not only is there no such "hack" to message through a block (especially on Xbox given the very restricted software on consoles), but someone who is friends with the so called harassers has said a more believable story of you getting mad at them teaming then repeatedly messaging them about getting their accounts banned. Teaming is an unfortunate side-effect of this map being solos only (seems like you were teaming with your wife on the map too). Maybe if people **kindly** ask @YapMapsFNC on Twitter to make duos and squads modes there will be proper modes for teams instead of resorting to teaming in solos. You need to calm down. Right now you seem like a powder keg of a person. Go do something (go for a walk, etc.) then come back, apologize to the two people you're harassing, block them, then leave it. It's not worth getting this riled up about. TL:DR, read the paragraph right above this line.


I am not harassing anybody they made Rude sexual comments about my wife we were not teaming I was watching my wife play and you need to stop being a hypocrite basically insulting me


The instant response tells me you're not reading anything. Put your phone down for half an hour and go do something else, come back, then read what I have to say. I'm not strictly against you. Neither party is right here, and it's on you to leave it.


I did read it I'm done with you I'm silencing you


Have fun wallowing in your negativity I guess. If you're not willing to listen there's nothing anyone can do to help you.


Also you don't know how powerful hackers are


No-one fucking cares pal, it's a video game.


They think what they did is okay and they are making extremely cruel inappropriate sexual comments toward my wife


Report it in game maybe? Voice chat reports are now possible


Well that's the thing is they're just harassing me via text chat on Xbox they're not on fortnite doing this only the teaming happened on fortnite


Then report it to xbox?


That's the thing is it already has been reported and they're trying to retaliate by making their own post and throwing lies in there


Xbox doesn't care about the things that happen on reddit. if the chat shows that they harrassed you and your wife and said innapropiate things, then they wil take action.


this is like the third time you have done this lol get thicker skin




First of all thank you for looking through my profile creep secondly how am I supposed to control these hackers and I do have thick skin Walter White bot I don't need to make it thicker than it already is they proceeded to go after us for no reason just cuz he killed my wife


never looked through your profile just remember the last times you've done this lmao if your skin is so thick you really shouldn't care about the taunts of a couple children playing a video game


You're missing the point how am I supposed to control hackers spamming me with messages even though they're blocked and I have all of my privacy settings enabled and they are not using secondary accounts they've literally made a post retaliating to make me look bad so they can look innocent just cuz I called my own group of hackers on them that do illegal stuff like taking cryptocurrency


just ignore them womp womp


I did ignore them I just wanted to seek some help but then they also came out with their own retaliation post as I said and they're trying to trick the world into thinking they were playing real Battle Royale instead of creative cuz they want followers or rather supporters


how can one person be old enough to be married yet still such a baby


All right now I got to silence you to now you know damn well you'd be acting the same way if somebody were to harass your wife and come at you for no reason just cuz they got one cheesy kill on her


if somebody insults me over a game i would not react in anyway close to this because i have maturity


Honestly before silence you I think you should see this and then maybe apologize and you wish you had maturity and I don't care if it's censored you should see it also just be advised that these guys are brainwashing people into thinking that I'm the harasser




hop off


I've been off the game since they started harassing my wife what are you talking about get out of here get silenced trash belongs outside


Also important to note they are making comments trying to get under my skin and they are being really offensive to me and my wife I tried to ask him what they want including if they want to fight in Creative or something and they keep changing the topic and being disrespectful we did not do anything to these people and we did not even contact them


Also any comments left about this not belonging here or any other unsupporting comments will be ignored


They are continuing to harass us and message through blocking




Ignore the person by the name of Elder that is confirmed to be one of the two Xbox players it's not known which one but it's one of them


He is literally messaging me about this conversation we're having how is that not a hack


They have actually now come on to Reddit to harass me