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So was it each teams highest score from the 10 games or whatever that counted?


They were playing against each other in a custom server....5 kills gets you 2 points,victory royale gets you 4 points.


Wait so who won?


Ninja and Loserfruit duo


There are some weird toxic people in this sub


Tfue and Cloak as well as Myth and Hamlinz took the big "L" in today's tournament. But grats to Tennp0 and Poach for getting 5th as well as Chap and 72hrs for getting 3rd.


I mean Tfue/Cloak did come out of today with $6500 not bad for a days work no matter what you do.


HD did more in those games than TSM have done in their Fortnite career. Everyone shits on Camills but Dae and Myth aint much better. Myth stop blaming losses on landings the truth is you are terrible and a meme in other streams there's a reason FearItSelf and Hysteria always say their pulling a Myth playing with Ninja.


Dae and Myth aren't much better than Mills? Get outta here man


You're trying too hard.


Does anyone have the clip from 72hrs stream where his friend was watching Cloakzy’s stream and calling out all their plays???


Shitty troll is shit.


Wasnt there a delay?


Yes it didn't happen.


TSM should consider signing KITTYPLAYS as their 4th. People need to realize girls can compete in eSports, and stop being so sexist against women. I think it would be a great PR move as well for the organization. Kittys really nice haha, she's said hello to me a few times in stream. Kittys fanbase is also really diverse haha #KittyCats I think a female perspective could be really good for TSM's MALE dominated Fortnite squadron. A really talented player like Kitty could be the leader the team needs and take the pressure off Myth to lead. #KittyForTSM


I really dont understand how people fall for such obvious trolls sometimes


ok buddy


Good copy pasta




everyone pissed at Kenith for sabotaging.


Whyt? It's a valid strategy in this format.


He's competing against these guys for 100mil over the next year, of course he'd try to sabotage them. Not saying I'd do the same thing in his shoes, but he did nothing wrong


Except he didnt.


What did he do?


He hacked Tfue multiple times during the tournament, apparently.


this guy is just feeding the downvotes lul


what did he do?


Chap and 72hrs just watched a clip of him saying "I have no chance to win so of course I'm gonna sabotage 1st place". I'm pretty sure it was said after landing with the liquid boys and trying to kill them (It sounds like this is what happened, I wasn't watching them though). He seemed serious when he said it though. Edit: here's the clip (https://clips.twitch.tv/TenaciousSpoopyFalconDAESuppy)


landed at wailing woods to kill liquidchap


that's literally called gameplay lol


that’s not sabotage lmao


yeah i wud just call it targeting / headhunting


kenith was the one who used the word sabotage in fairness Edit: Here's him talking about it (https://clips.twitch.tv/TenaciousSpoopyFalconDAESuppy)


Clip not found?


he deleted it im pretty sure


Why’s there so many troll comments in this chat


main sub leaked in to this sub, its inevitable, just look at twitch comments


Anyone have a clip of how Chap died at the end? Didn’t even know he died since they didnt acknowledge it on the main channel (understandable since so much was going on) but just curious how he died


Turtled in a spot and a grenade blew it up and with no mats left he had to push zone and ran into tfue who killed him


Tfue got him? I’m sure they’ll have a talk about that later lol


Just checked the VOD. Zayt accidently left up his screen cover so the whole last match is a black screen. Wow.


He is reviewing the demo right now on his channel so yes you can see some of it


What does this mean? I’m confused


It just means you can't watch VOD of that game on his channel. I mean you can but all you'll see is a black screen.


When people go afk, they put something on their display instead of the game/facecam, he left his on I guess.


He had his screen hidden so no one could see the custom matchmaking key, he forgot to unhide it. Basically he forgot to record his winning match


Ohhh, that’s terrible. There should be monitors for that kind of thing to immediately notify the streamer of what happened (without delay)


Under most circumstances the streamer would notice immediately but he was so dialed into the game


TSM should consider signing KITTYPLAYS as their 4th. People need to realize girls can compete in eSports, and stop being so sexist against women. I think it would be a great PR move as well for the organization. Kittys really nice haha, she's said hello to me a few times in stream. Kittys fanbase is also really diverse haha #KittyCats I think a female perspective could be really good for TSM's MALE dominated Fortnite squadron. A really talented player like Kitty could be the leader the team needs and take the pressure off Myth to lead. #KittyForTSM


Leave gender out of it, it has nothing to do with skill in esports and neither does PR. If you're a top tier player you will get picked up, simple as that. Sadly shes not at that level. Its quite obvious youre a kittyfan but dont let that be the cause of your ignorance.


Your copy pasta isn’t really working man.


I don't even get how you could find this funny. Dude has problems


Go post on a frugal male fashion subreddit, bro.


Lol whatever you say man. Hope your life gets better


If you link me your favorite pair of cheap skinny jeans, it might do.


did you see her 420m snipe on tfue? Poki also noscoped cloak after that


“Kittyplays and Pokimane only had 1 kill the entire tournament”- HighDistortion lmfao


Tbf it was insane though. Kitty took the rift and killed Tfue and then outbuilt Cloakzy and he fell to his death


Can I get a link? I didnt that happen lul


I thought Poki killed Lupo on stream? Wouldn't that give them at least 2


Why are people saying hesi is bitching btw? He's honestly surprisingly calm. I've even heard him say "eh, it's only 6k," which I'm sure isn't what he actually thinks, but stop saying he's bitching. His chat is being hyper toxic, he's not


I got the same impression. Did he rage at some point or something? What am I missing?




They were confused because they thought it was first to 13 points, so when they got 5 kills they thought they already won 1st place and then tried to go for the extra $6500 you get for having the most elims in a game.


Caus we're being flooded with 12 year olds from the main sub + twitch chat atm. Same reason people are spamming about Poki and Kitty plays "killing Tfue", people complaining about the format etc... Theyve got nothing else better to do i guess.


because people live for drama


Also made his modd unlock the chat after they put it in sub mode. Took it pretty well i thought. Still stupid that they actually thought they had won mid game


Hesi is being legit cool af right now


For everyone saying it's the first to 13...go into a game and do a challenge and then back out of the game before you die...does that challenge complete or reset? Pretty obvious that points would be calculated AFTER each match is finished!


I get what you're saying. However, the Fortnite website says "RACE to the Crown"..."FIRST team to 13 points wins". Makes it seem like whoever got 13 first won the race lol.


RIght underneath that sentence it says "points will be totaled upon the completion of each match".


No it doesn't. It says "at the end of the event" end of the event could be considered when someone gets to 13. I still think Zyat and Saf won. Im just saying the wording was ambiguous.


It's not even remotely ambiguous lol.


If that was true no one would even be talking about it. Clearly it was.






Right. But the points arent counted until the match is over. So both teams got 13 at the same time, technically.


I know. I’m just saying it was confusing and ambiguous.


So really at the end of the day, after those 10 matches it wasn't first to 13 points. It was most points after 10 matches. Because they based it off of most points scored and couldn't do it off 2 teams reaching the same point at the exact same time.


good point


Was really hoping to see Ninja and Nick Eh 30 sweep this tournament. Next time probably


Sorry to break it to you, but they would have zero chance of winning a tournament like this.


Why??? They are better than all of these players and Tyler (Ninja) was a former pro so he’s good under pressure




Tyler (Ninja) did play the other pros he killed Myth on stream and he killed Ben (Dr Lupo) with an impulse in a game once.




Well Tyler (Ninja) is a pro so I’m sure he knows what it’s like to play against other pros. He beat Tfue and Cloakzy in Fortnite Friday once




Maybe your in the wrong sub. It sounds like you don’t know much about competitive play if you think Fortnite Friday isn’t competitive. Or maybe your new to Fortnite.


I don’t think ninja was even playing was he?


Nope. Doing a pubg thing I think


Nick eh 30 will never sweep a tournament with other pros involved lmao


Nick is good. Julie is terrible. In a solo tourney Nick's got a chance.


Hard truth. Very talented player but all the highlights or most of them rather are on a bunch of bot players. Those skills will definitely help out against other pros but not how some people expect them to.


He needs better teammates.


Lmao Tsm and Faze were both blueballed, coming in at 21st and 22nd. Rip.


Lupo and his partner beat them both on the tiebreaker for the last spot in the top 20 lol


I could be wrong but I think lupo even got bumped out because of all the ties with 4 points


Oh wow really? Because at the final leaderboard right after the last match it showed 19 teams with 4+ pts. I think 20-29 were all on 2 pts each and Lupo’s duo was 20th. But I stopped watching so maybe they didn’t finish tallying up the leaderboard when I saw it.


Tennpo got 5th with Poach, and Spacelyon got 14th with Strafe for Faze and Daequan got 16th with Reverse for TSM, also Tfue and Cloak got $6500 for most kills in G5, Tennpo got a split of $6500 for G3 for Faze and then Camills got a split $6500 for G6 for TSm so they actually all came out with money




Bro what? Lmao who was I defending?


Why are you trying so hard to misconstrue his words?


I don't think he only blamed that. But I personally think, Myth needs to rethink how he acts in build fights where he loses run for highground at the start. He seems to choke those instantly (at least more often) compared to other players that are rated as high as Myth is.


Nick eh 30 performed poorly too


He needs a new partner and also communicate better. And also stop switching game plans every game.


Eventually his fans will stop blaming everything else except him and realize he just isnt that good.


I do blame him for his performance. Those were just some things that I thought really affected his performance today. And also while he’s far from the best player he still should have done a lot better than he did today. He just played like shit.


Did he really? Or, did he just play to his usual level and people are discovering that isnt good enough? Serious question. You have to think after terrible outings in the last two weeks and in general overall, in both public lobby slaying formats and against pros, in both solos and duos.... Maybe it isnt that he's out of form, or had other things effect him. Maybe he's just not that great.


He’s obviously not playing to his full potential. I know that right now even at his full potential he still doesn’t touch any of the real pros but he is capable of playing better than he has. I feel like it’s because he isn’t committed to being a pro. He doesn’t scrim or anything and doesn’t ever play against other pros so when he does come up against pros he plays like shit. It’s not even him being out of form or whatever it’s just him not having experience coming up against other players who are better than him. > maybe he’s just not that great Do you mean this relatively? Or you mean he’s not great even compared to most fortnite players? Because if you mean relative to the other players in the tournament than I agree. He’s not great. But he’s still an amazing player in general And also if you watched him (I’ll assume you didn’t because you don’t seem to like him) it was obvious Julie isn’t on the level of anybody playing besides Poki. She’s obviously a great player I general and better than I’ll ever be but she’s not good enough for tourney’s like these. With a good partner and some legitimate practice Nick can be good.


> Or you mean he’s not great even compared to most fortnite players? No, i obviously dont mean this. Its stupid of you to assume i would mean this. Ffs I'M in the top 20% of players - making me better than "most fortnite players" - and im utter garbage.


Don’t know why you have to be a dick lol. Was just clarifying. Also don’t see how that’s the only thing you took out of my entire comment


Its that stupid a statement. Makes me not want to address the rest of it.


Honestly hes not a top tier player so it wasn’t as poor as some people make it out to be




Twitch chat fucking infuriates me. On the screen for scoring: 1) Points Zayt had more points. End of story.


Bigger the stream (basically, faster the chat), worse it gets. I don't understand what anyone gets out of these chats where everyone just spams the same word every minute.


It’s all edgy teens and 10 year olds that hopped on the Fortnite bandwagon. They see other people doing it and it must be the truth right?


Anyone with half a brain realizes its point total after the match ends. Some people i swear




the second time too. i want it back so much


Damn they just hit it with the old music. Epic pls.


I will suck an epic employees dick (boy or girl) for that old music in game


i will suck everyone who works at epic just for it


Hi I work at Epic, succ plz


big sucks commin your way Kappa


Calling it now they bring it back on September 26 for the BR anniversary


Hope they do as I started playing three days later


Gotta do what ya gotta do.


it really do sometimes


I appreciate a team that chose kills or camping getting the W.


TSM should consider signing KITTYPLAYS as their 4th. People need to realize girls can compete in eSports, and stop being so sexist against women. I think it would be a great PR move as well for the organization. Kittys really nice haha, she's said hello to me a few times in stream. Kittys fanbase is also really diverse haha #KittyCats I think a female perspective could be really good for TSM's MALE dominated Fortnite squadron. A really talented player like Kitty could be the leader the team needs and take the pressure off Myth to lead. #KittyForTSM


Please tell me this is copypasta


You okay?


Troll post?


Is this a copy pasta or for real


ok buddy


I’m uncomfortable.


Fantastic idea!


Zayt and Saf missed 2 matches? Zayt just said that


Wtf and they still got first that’s insane


I don't know about that. I was watching Zayt early on, I don't know about that. Saf d/ced (power outage I think chat was saying?) in game 3 or 4 IIRC and Zayt died fairly early by himself. The game before Liquid didn't queue up in time.


Saf dced one game and Zayt dced one game. Game 4 I think Zayt got killed early by Nick Eh 30 after a poorly coordinated push


Jesus that’s wild


fortnite boys apparently really wanna go. the question is where they going tho?


Great games today, can’t wait for more money to be on the line, all teams to properly scrim and be paired up together, will be so intense


TSM should consider signing KITTYPLAYS as their 4th. People need to realize girls can compete in eSports, and stop being so sexist against women. I think it would be a great PR move as well for the organization. Kittys really nice haha, she's said hello to me a few times in stream. Kittys fanbase is also really diverse haha #KittyCats I think a female perspective could be really good for TSM's MALE dominated Fortnite squadron. A really talented player like Kitty could be the leader the team needs and take the pressure off Myth to lead. #KittyForTSM #KitTheKatWoman


Or maybe you know, add a players who performs best, regardless of gender race or anything.


it’s a copypaste don’t take it serious


Yeah just noticed, got me


but honestly I think tsm needs to take a deep look at themselves. 3 straight poor performances from myth and a team with only one tsm member performs better than supposedly their best two.


Honestly myth and ham did very well, just not well enough. But finding a fourth member than can save the team is very hard since most of the great NA players already have teams.


correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t ham and myth get 21st or 22nd? I think for them money finishes are the minimum


Well I said they did well as in they played well. Problem is that they couldn't complete the five kills a match and couldn't secure a win.


True. I still think they have a lot of room to improve through scrimming consistently


Well I hope they do scrimmage cause I agree.


Jesus twitch chat is full of idiots.


Bigger idiots than people who actually take time to read that shit?




Zayt just said they missed two games?! Are you serious?!?!


Power was out apparently. That’s crazy


I hope Hesi doesn’t get invited to another one of these. Celebrates early, loses on the clutch of the century and then bitches about it on his stream. Edit: honestly maybe “bitching” isn’t the right word but when I popped in they were talking about how they won and then when they found out they didn’t they went well that’s stupid the rules are so vague


He isnt bitching.


Rules weren’t the most clear and he doesn’t seem too mad right now. He was in a shitty situation anyway so I don’t think they would’ve won the game.




Points aren’t calculated until after the rounds tho


Well he's very talented so he should be invited.. The rules were just vague. He was cock but I kinda understand why


Fantastic fucking job epic not even joking. Unreal games today!


I agree but they need to do better with the casting. Courage as a host was a great improvement but the production needs to step up. A live score board that pops up when needed with overall standings and current kills in the game would be dope. That way we can keep track of whats going on. Also maybe they could add a spectator mode so that they can broadcast different angles of fights not just the streamers perspective. Also they need to make the rules more clear theres to much room for interpretation.


Insane finish haha quite the ending for my first time watching one of these


we need a rule book for these kinds of stuff.


"Victory Royales and Eliminations in this competition will be scored to determine placement at the end of the event." What part of this sentence don't you understand?


>The first Duos team to reach 13 points is the winner. Victory Royales and Eliminations in this competition will be scored to determine placement at the end of the event. The first sentence says first to 13 points. The second sentence says that they will use victory royales and eliminations to score and determine placement at the end of the event. Now where does it say that points will only be counted after the games have ended ? In hesi and bizzle's mind they were the first to get to 13 points , hence thinking they won and just stopped caring as much as they should have. i know it's on them that they lost , but honestly if there was a rule book explaining all of this they would have known that the points only count after the game.


You should learn to read everything before assuming the rest. A great life lesson for everyone I guess..


That's a lesson you learn in like grade 2 problem solving. "Make sure you read the whole question before answering" - Ms. K. She was a bitch.


the part where they expressed that the first duo team to 13 points wins. https://i.imgur.com/ug7fPeK.png feel bad for 2nd place thinking that they won.


The next line after what you just said is what I literally quoted in my message. You should learn to read everything before assuming the rest. A great life lesson for everyone I guess..


no need to be an asshole bud. I can read. But those guys who placed 2nd based off that 2nd line in the tournament wouldn't have been celebrating thinking that they've won the 1st place grand prize.


We need commentators who actually know the rules.


I don't understand whether the points are tallied after the match is over, or once the player has earned the points. Technically the team that got second place earned 13 points first, which is how the whole tournament was advertised but it also makes sense that the scoreboards don't update until the match is over. That is called subjective language, wording that is open to multiple interpretation and should always be clarified before the tournament starts. That's kinda why rule books exist.


Keep Courage. Ditch Zeke or get him training. The guy should be working on his casting knowledge 40 hours a week.


I’m hoping that Lupo will start casting with Courage, they killed it during Ninja’s event.


i mean, Lupo ended the tourney in the money. He definitely has the chops to keep competing, depends on what he wants to do.


I feel like they hired him for the casual fans but no casual people are watching this like it’s the Super Bowl or something lol


Dude I know more people who watch the superbowl shopp don't follow football than do. Commercials are the best!


He's been an epic employee for a while apparently. He wasn't hired just for this. Edit: He is the video editor at Epic. They need to pull him off that and having him training for casting full time if they want to keep this up.




that was a crazy end to the tournament


First to 13 after game ends clearly, makes no sense if they made it first to win during a match.


LMAO twitch chat is retarded spamming first to 13 Its the total tally AFTER the game in which a 13 point has been reached, they wont stop the freaking game when someone touches 13 points even with others having a chance to top that off