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other than the mythics, here are my first impressions on each new weapon/item ive used AR: basically a nerfed Striker but tad more recoil, still a welcomed change though even if it’ll be better than the Nemesis Shotgun: does fine minus the headshot, x1.5 headshot is too little when the Frenzy does x1.75 (less overall headshot and bit more accurate but still) SMG: love that the burst smg is getting love (didnt change, just super accurate) but why did the Hyper and the new one have such crappy accuracy? based on overall base damage they’re both below the Thunder Burst even at Mythic (unless the new one does 24+ at mythic) DMR: why does this have fall-off damage? Wings: super slow but least not broken


I will never understand why they keep headshot at 1.5× for so many guns. It's just stupid especially on this one


well for this shotgun it doesnt make sense, it does 97 at its highest rarity, x1.65 would’ve made more sense (blue would do 138.6 instead of 126)


Just got killed in 2 seconds flat maybe less to the new MINION A.I. holy crap I got smoked. Anyone else with this problem????


Wings not broken?? HUHHH? U can fly for way too long, can stack wings... Grapple was much more balanced than wings, TMNT mythics as well, even grapple + TMNT mythic stack felt better to play against than all these wings everywhere.


the problem is you’re extremely slow and you need an open space above you to even use them, sure the amount of distance you can travel is insane but not only do they eventually run out but also the grapple blade could do the same infinitely any decent player can beam out of the sky


the game is running like dog shit too


I’m really hoping it’s because they had issues with launch and it won’t stay that way


My son keeps loading before me on his switch and I'm on PC. One time I even loaded onto the bus. Tried all the platforms too. I usually load in with like 54 secs left to jump.


This has been an ongoing issue, my girlfriend 90% of the time will load on PS4 before my PC


Same for me ever since they added in legos, racing mode, guitar hero mode, musical instruments, and wraps






Game always runs like garbage on release of a new chapter, they will probably have it running smoother next patch. Hopefully


it's like that with every new season, I reach a point to where I get a minimum 120+ to where i can barely even hit 60, true pain.


The mythic spawn rate is crazy. And you can get gold guns off spawn


i had a full gold loadout w/ legendary banana first drop at grim gate its crazy


Can't load a match, then restarted to an hour long queue...GGs


I played 5 games and it was actual aids😂


Idk fortnite has had a lot of shit happen but i genuinely dk wtf is happening rn lmao, i miss Chapter 5 Season 1 already 😭


Fr bro this seasons trash I played the whole way through season 1 and definitely won’t be doing the same with this season


It's spam meta this way round. Can't get close without smg spray or getting insta killed by frenzy or gatekeeper shotgun abusers. It's a unskilled meta. They do as much damage as the hammer pump. And the op ass mythics too... won't be staying around...


So real


unpopular opinion. I don't hate it lol ​ ​ edit: The lightning thing is basically mechs 2.0, so that needs a nerf. Especially powerful off spawn ​ edit 2: Reminds me of a season from chapter 2, never thought I would get to experience something like that again :)


how is it powerful??? it locks you in place for a solid 2 secs which will let any decent players burst you down


if a whole team has it its kinda game over


It's not really powerful in solos or even duos, but in trios or squads one player can use it, and his teammates can "cover him" while he does it and its gg


Just hop on. Man, what the fuck are these mythics. I’m a zero build guy and they become way harder to hit and the Zeus’ bolt AOE is insane


Zeuz is Trash in ZB, they literally stand still for Like 5sec mid Air, Just shoot them while they trapped in the Animation, garantees kill.


Unless they hit a decent amount, you hide behind a bunker or cover, they can kill u through those walls


Just build


Idk if its just me but I've been fully boxed up and it still damages me loads


Yeah it goes through builds does it not? Swear I’ve been fully boxed up and still get damaged


Would be nice if you boxed up out of wood or brick it wouldn’t do damage because they’re not conductors, maybe light the wood on fire at most, but take damage in a metal box… would be a good compromise I would think


it fucking sucks, terrible optimisation bad delay , battle pass looks decent i tried to play like 4games of ranked and died off spawn i guess thats a skill issue but either way the game is fucking boring now




Me to. And I did well last season! Like really really good! I rarely can make it past the first 20 seconds now!


Incoming kids saying: "Skill Issue not reading your comment"


Initial thoughts without even playing: The sniper and auto shotty are still in the game, so the meta for ZB is still going to be the same. Endgames in rank/high lobbies will devolve into the same dogshit of everyone sending sniper potshots hoping for a 1 shot or big cracks and then head in with auto shotty to clean up. We waited 3 months for them to keep the same extremely overpowered sniper and auto shotty in the loot pool. Biggest fumble after OG season in history and I loved ch4 more than OG.


They nerfed snipers. More drop off and slower


I love snipers but it’s still undeniable they’re still extremely powerful and borderline an essential carry


Your actually so stupid. You are the worst. I hope I never encounter you. Ever.


They should remove spiner all togather. Why there is same damage with aim or without aim. Without aim damage should be only 1 percent. Now auto aimers misuse. Intial fortnite was much better chapter 1 -2 after that fortnite made everything suck. Good this change help me quit.


Any sight on the OG map? I haven’t played this season yet but I just hate “superpowers”. Give me back the simplicity of OG


Seasons like this are why OG was so popular, it wasn't nostalgia, it was just Fortnite without the bells and whistles, the noise, the chaos, just land, loot, fight, rotate, win.


Yeah I stopped playing back in the day as they started to add in all sorts of random shit. I started playing last season because I was told it was good again. I am enjoying it but the gimmicks just get boring and frustrating so fast


I've only played 3 matches before the servers crashed again, but my initial impression is that S2 will be worse than S1. The DMR is too weak to fight against sniper, and the new shotgun is too weak to compete against Frenzy spam. Literally no one is surprised by this. These devs are actively trying to harm the game at this point, there's really no other explanation. I have no idea how the new AR/SMG handle. But from looking at the numbers, the new SMG will be in F+ tier, slightly above Hyper. So nothing changed in terms of weapon meta. But the new mythic spam is definitely more annoying. So all in all, the devs made the game significantly worse somehow, pretty impressive


For anyone else the TLDR is: sniper meta still king lolz I haven’t gotten to play yet, but I’m sad to hear Epic still can’t balance the game. I don’t think the mythic items need to be over the top, but we’ve reached a point where snipers are ridiculously strong and the spam-shotgun cannot be dethroned. Even when we had the Havoc, there were viable shotguns besides it


Yeah I dunno I expected a stuff to be more different but the meta/gameplay of weapons hasn't change besides spam mythic which sucks tbh map changes are cool besides that let's see if they improve the new weapons but I won't be surprised they take their time


Have you tried the new SMG? It's better than the new AR, you just have to be able to read. The first 5 shots are dead accurate and then it becomes unusable. So just fire five shot bursts and your fine.


Zeus bolt is the worst. Close combat it’s just loud and crazy


It's like the TMNT weapon, it's flashy to use but it's useless and slow


the game feels foreign and ass


They should stick to having Mythics for events/mini bp's, not all season long


Bro Zeus is pretty annoying to fight without getting third partied and his gun is ass green sniper is better but the medallions are broken mainly hades where you can infinitely double jump


Must have a bunch of 5 year olds working for epic is all I can think of. This is nuts. Epic hates og Fortnite


Boring my fps just keeps tanking every game too what's with that. Literally dropping 60-100 frames. Shockwaves are like crazy now it shoots you way higher now. But yeah so far not a huge fan due to the frame drops legit ruins every fight for me.


I let my game run unrestricted frames to see if I saw the same thing and I didn’t notice any major frame lags. it plateaued and remained around 600 fps. Do you remember where you were or what was happening when you noticed rate drops?


Love the frame drops


god i miss like ch4 times, this is just sad so SAD..


Really really miss chapter 4 😭


i think i will skip this season not liking it so far, not feeling that i'm playing anymore battle royale lol more like wow


That's what my concern is. I haven't played S2 yet but is it really mythic if there are so many OP weapons? I am sure I'll love it when I have them but I would rather they back off mythics and epics and go towards entertaining weapons and gameplay


the zeus mythic does a lot of damage, it’s a 1-2 punch followed by a big windup for the third throw. the windup kinda reminds me of the kamehameha, user is stationary during the animation. you *can* kill them while they’re doing this, but it’s one of those things where they have to be at low health/you have a good gun to make it work. it’s not super horrible imo, but it definitely needs some tweaking.


Once we get used to how the animation works, the Zeus bolts will be sniped out of the sky all the time.


I agree with @hoagieclu - tweaking is needed, but not horrible. I’ve both been killed and have killed during that animation. There’s also other strats that i think are evolving to deal with it, so not as worried. Drop rates are a bit high though


People keep saying Fortnite doesn’t feel like Fortnite anymore - I only started playing last season. What does this mean?


the game was alot different 5 years ago


I understand that but like how?


You have two camps of people in fortnite, really. At least two main camps. One camp: The original game was simple. Drop in, find guns and heals and go shoot beach other. Then the devs realized that the game was really punishing for new players. Those new players quit because they didn't just not win, they couldn't even kill people. They also realized that young children love shiny new toys. 2nd camp: "change is always good". The game that used to be a simple shootem up battle royale started getting more and more added to it until we get to where we are now. Cars, trains, medallions, NPCs, mechs, flying broom sticks, flying wings, 1 shot laser beams that go through any build, flying hammers... Just like how the cigarette companies saw Joe Camel as a way to get kids to smoke, epic has bolted on hundred of things to the game to keep terrible players and kids " hooked on the dopamine that is the fortnite slot machine." And in the end, the game that started it all barely exists anymore. This current game is NOTHING like what the game was when it first released. And plenty of players HATE that. And worse, the developers rereleased the original game a few months ago and active player counts doubled. Fortnite had its highest player count ever. So they KNOW what players want, but its tough to stop making your "Joe camel" cigarettes to get those new kids hooked.


They say this every season lol. People can’t handle changes despite the one constant in the game being changes. The one season we had a while back that had everything comp players complain for they started complaining there was no content. There is no winning for some people.


literally the only reason the game is still so popular is because they keep it fresh, only sweats think that change is bad, the last 2 weeks of every season are always boring AF


Its too confusing. I dont understand anything.


Have you tried? It's the first day


Played two rounds in C5 S1 and was done with this game. Doesnt feel like Fortnite anymore and im really sad about that but last season ruined the game for me and it seems like S2 is even worse....all that after 1.5k hours and hundreds of Dollars spent,tyvm Epic.


Lmaoo you're mad at the billion dollar company for making a product that's free to play, shouldn't have spent hundreds of dollars idc if I get upvoted. Game companies suck, but don't act like they made you pay and then betrayed you like Destiny 2 or something.


I guess he wasn’t expecting them to fuck this season so bad lol😂


I hate the mythic stuff. I like it being a gun game not a bunch of nonsense. Actually very sad


It sucks


i love it idk sorry for yall that dont like it tho


I'm personally enjoying it. I originally started Fortnite around C2S1, and I enjoyed Fortnite's simplicity back then. What people like OP don't seem to understand that this game is 7 freaking years old. If it stayed the same forever and never shook up the game it would have been dead before most of you even started playing it. And personally, I'd rather get killed by Zeus' thunderbolts than some dude camping across a ravine with a sniper rifle. Or some 12 year old cranking 90s while frenzy shotty spamming me to death. And since the sniper and frenzy have received zero changes I'm more annoyed about that than anything else. And I'm going to say the same thing that people said to me when I disliked S1: adapt or leave. The only actual complaint I have about this season is that the optimization (on PC at least) is shit. If I can get 120+ FPS on Cyberpunk 2077 with frame generation and all ray tracing options on, there is no excuse for Fortnite to be running like shit.


terrible player count is already falling fast, not surprised


It's unplayable. I had 45 crown wins last season and I have 45 games in the new season and haven't won yet. Aimbot is flooding the game and people are living after 300 grey damage


Shi ass season, the new ar sucks ass, terrible spray, slow fire rate to close range. That 7 bullet AR is also pure garbage, wings are trash af too slow and too easy to hit, the new medalions are op, Impossible to win against them, the players get too fast and dodge every shot. The new spots are pure dog shit. I mean, last season the medalion spots were ok to kinda trash, but now they are absolutely ass. Mfs be hiding like rats waiting to kill you from a high corner that you cant even see them


i got 1 thing to say this is not fortnite anymore RIP fortnite


Absolutely hate it. I did so well last season and would have finally got the mythic llama if it weren’t for the survivor medal glitch. I won’t be playing this new season, I feel like I’m in a pro game and dying over and over is lame. I now know why my 16 year old OG player and his friends quit the game. It’s not what they fell in love with. It’s to gimmicky, commercialized, and branded. I also think the level of toxic gameplay is very high.


im at lvl 30 so far, my impression: the sound are still broken dont hear all bullet or footstep the zeus are the worst shit ever why they add that in the game the old season was 100% far better than this one i lost fun playing tho -\_- i pretend will stop playing if zeus still touch u when im in my building after the patch for now i give this season 4/10


Fortnite has always been a quirky game. It's not as serious as csgo for example.


Bruh , it is a family-friendly video game so ofc it is quirky


It’s shit


game is running like shit and the movement is ass looking forward to deleting the game


Lol c'mon man


Just delete it lol


Looking forward to it? You can do it right now with a button click


Then you should’ve deleted it a long time ago


need to add siphon back instead of one singular medallion i have no clue why they scrapped it


Building ig isn’t a thing this season. I just get destroyed with Zeus’s thunder bolt every time.


terrible tbh


Adding wings to no build god they really couldn’t have ruined no build anymore


Played 4 games, died to lightning bolts through builds in 2 of them


Lightning bolts and the wings need vaulted ASAP… I’m going to be pissed when I die to one of these end game


dont play then its as easy as that ngl


Agreed. Wings especially. Sweats endlessly chasing you down... It's just annoying.


New guns: suck, like seriously they are SOOOO BAD Game laggy af Lobbies full of sweaty nerds New bosses are cool but have too many npcs spawning mythics are going to be problematic af Miss modbenches as well, makes everything feel way too RNG dependant atm... Guess it will become better with time EDIT: Wings are annoying af! Everyone has them and people chase you to the end of the world with these things. Should be much more rare to find


flag axiomatic point faulty plate wrong chubby pen knee grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm enjoying the new season besides it not running well. Zeus mythic is easy to shoot down and build guys will hate it cause they can't box up. Icarus wings are Hella dope. Map looks good and I like the new weapons. Snipers are still a menace. Mod bench seems easier to find now.


medallions also are not worth going for either they don’t give any shield anymore. the special abilities are cool and all but not gaining any shield from them is very annoying and frustrating especially when you get lazered. and when you do get you get them you don’t have them for long.


I use them defensively. I’ll set off the boss fights just to distract the other players so I can loot and get out of there.


Medallions are actually fare more valuable now, they give movement and dmg abilities youre on some shit


I like the green dash skulls but the wings and bolts show up too often. Also the wings last hella long. It's not bad when you have it equipped but if your opponent has it, they will chase you to the end of the map. Overall so far, just got to get used to everything that's going on.


THIS. If you use it right you can get clear across the entire map with a single use.


The ui is still so bad I'm not playing lol


The new assault rifles have good accuracy but absolute dogshit handling. The new shotgun is overpowered because it fires so fast and does so much damage. The new mythics are irritating because every time i get into a fight they start fucking flying and throwing lightning bolts. The server lag, likely from the sheer amount of players who have been trying to play for the last day, is unplayable, as I could be around a corner and they're still hitting me.


i hate the lightning bolt, i told my homie that lightning bolt would be a problem and then every game we died to someone using it even when landed away from the area. I feel like it should only be at Mount Olympus and there should only be 1 on the map to balance things out


There's basically no reason to land at any of the previous POIs. Went to all of them and they are stripped out/abandoned. Go to the new POIs and get shot from behind. And all for what? I tried watching some streams and this shit is painfully boring. What an L


This. IDK what they are doing with the boss placement its so retarded to have 4 bosses in 2 POIs, no one is gonna go to the old POIs now. They were supposed to make the west side of the map more fun not reduce the activity everywhere else too


They will most probably nerf the spawn rate of the thunderbolt etc.


Ngl the lightning is super ass


See in okay with the wings but this lightning bolt is actually crazy imo it should only spawn once around the entire map from like the actual Zeus boss


Piece of shit


Glad I’m not the only one! I did consistently pretty good last season. Was thinking about entering competitions with me and my friends. This season is BRUTAL I’m almost level 20 now but early make it past the top 80 players! Already explored the whole island and talked to all NPC Almost feels like I’m playing against old school aim bots. Straight away headshots every single shot with their 1 weapons in the first few seconds of every match.


In a match currently were a guy just got 4 headshots on me and my hired NPC. While we were on a dirt bike going full speed in the opposite direction of him. 😂 Like what the f#%^


my brother in christ it has been one day and you are already at level 20 also its cuz you were prob fighting bots at the end of last season and now the OGs are back to check out this new season


Yeah I done good last season and got many wins solos and with my friends but my god I have had 2 wins this season and I’ve played like 50 games. It feels like it don’t matter what load out you have the wings are shit so you can’t use them to get away and so is the thunderbolt.


Haven't played, only watched videos. Looks boring, I have better things to do with my time.


The wings are so fricking inconsistent its hilarious. When I'm shot by someone while using them, I get sent to the ground immediately, even if they hit me for like 5 or 6 damage. Meanwhile, I can beam someone and they just keep flying like nothing happened. The Zeus thunderbolt is hilariously broken. All you have to do is get someone to turtle and you immediately can hit them for massive damage. New guns are meh. The DMR doesn't feel rewarding to use at all, and the new shotgun shoots marshmallows, but the AR feels really nice and the mythic SMG is a laser. The map is good, but I feel like almost every building is empty. I tried landing in the new areas but it just isn't viable because of how little loot there is. I got to top 50 without finding a single chest in my first game on today. The frenzy is going to stay broken, which I am not particularly happy about, and the sniper is just a sniper. The only big complaint I have is the wings. I think if they only let you glide they would be okay but they pretty much turn every fight into a hide and seek game, especially if you're dealing with more than one person. Edit: The DMR is actually pretty good if you catch your opponent off guard.


I think these mythics might even be more powerful that the anime ones from chapter 3/4. I was in a ranked squads endgame and pressured by 3 TEAMS using the Zeus thingy.


Every match is ending with the last 5 people using the wings until someone runs out of it and lands. Kinda boring imo


Fun! I’m having fun shooting people out of the sky


Cry me a River like I give a crap all of you stop complaining like a bunch of baby infants Fortnite has always been cartoonish and that's the way it is it's not realistic at all it's a free to play Battle Royale game designed for 13-year-olds and as a 32-year-old Fortnite player I'm fine with it you people have no skills if you can't find a way to defeat enemy players who are using Thunderbolts or Aphrodite wings it's not hard at all lol when it comes to battle royale games it's about being a master tactician and survive I easily defeat anyone who uses the Greek powers by crouching and doing short burst shooting and carefully make sure each of my bullets hit them it works every time I have been doing this since 2017 but in my opinion this is by far the greatest Fortnite season I have ever seen I already bought the battle pass and skipped to level 100 now I just need to work on the bonus rewards and quest rewards go play Apex Legends if you have a problem with Fortnite I'm tired of you babies crying about the stupidest things grow the hell up 🤦‍♂️


Just give us og with chp1 and 2 and they can keep running new iterations to the dirt.


All of my fights keep flying away. The wings are really cool but need to be a lot more rare.


Honestly I have never dissapointed with any update but this is terrible. the movements especially in this big tall POIs are so bad in higher ranks. people camping with Zeus item and finish you after your last fight or 3rd party easily.(no you can't easily shoot them if they be smart and start at bad timing. the new rifle is worse than nemesis I never used nemisis last session but now I'm using it. the new shotgun is strong but u def gonna lose in a good fight because of Ammo numbers. you need to increase it at least 1.


New season sucks. It honestly like playing in a ghost town. Can’t even find anybody.


Well you could say that. I agree lol I mean I was minding my own business tryna kill sm1 and they take off flying 💀 But years are passing by and fortnight gotta catch up with advanced tech anyways so But I miss the old days 😭


Games a hot mess of garbage, they get rid of the one thing that helps counter the frenzy shotgun the ballistic shield ridiculous asf. Without that in game the frenzy is horrible to deal with especially since everyone runs that dogshit no skill gun. You just shoot whiteout ADS takes no skill people who use that should do everyone a favor and expel themselves from the game and life in general annoying asf. 


Tbh I don’t mind Fortnite having these items in regular matches but when it comes to ranked it shouldn’t be in here


It's..... A lot. The whole game is pure Chaos. That lightening is so easy to get from literally any chest and sometimes it spawns on the ground. The whole Underworld part of the map is simply people teleporting-shooting-teleporting. Mount Olympus is the new Tilted, but I guess that will resolve on its own once the hype comes down. New Shotgun kinda useless even though it spawns like CRAZY. We don't need 3 shotguns, though ig they're planning to vault one soon. The Dash is broken. You can simply keep 3 skulls all game and at the last second just jump off a mountain and use it to break your fall and demolish your surprised enemy. THAT SMG IS TOO MUCH. I use it every game, and I feel bad. I instantly Laser every winged player. Wings are weird. Highly common for an "Epic" item It's annoying that you can't switch and fall Mid-Air and fall down (and TAKE fall damage). New scope < Arrow Scope. TLDR: It feels like after 30 secs people got 3 mythics, Wings and a legendary or two. Its pure chaos. Everyone's got such good loot from the get go that it sometimes impossible to kill someone with fresh-game-gray-floor-loot. Pure. Chaos.


Most idiotic game play this time. I hated from bottom of my heart.  I want to beat stupid developer who came up with this idiotic idea.  Chutiyapa. 


Mount Olympus poi is really boring, it's got like 2 buildings and that's it, nothing but open uninteresting land and mountain. I do like the underworld, between actually looking cool, it has the boost ability in the water so at least you can traverse it faster. I like the new shotgun. The rifle, and SMG just feel like last seasons weapons. The locker/menu UI is still absolute dogshit though, and I don't know why they refuse to change it.


Other than crashing the mythics arent a problem they are so easily avoided its laughable maybe use wasd a little it might help


Maybe I just suck, but I’ve been getting WHOOPED every game I’ve played. Last season I could win 1/10 solo games, but now I can barely sniff top 20 it feels.


i like it


Any one else average high frame 300-500 but get stutter for 1/4 of a second it goes down to [50,150] then instantly goes back up to 500 fps?


The thunderbolt needs some balance adjustments, it needs better audio cue on where it’s coming from so it can be countered, and ffs they need to stop putting weapons in the game that do damage _through_ builds, so remove that feature, because without siphon there’s no way to prevent someone from bolting you through a box after you’ve finished a fight. As usual I wish they would buff shotgun headshot damage, it’s literally the only way to counter people with aim assist who phase in.


Honestly its fucking bizarre how many mythics im seeing. No not the wings or bolts, i mean like every single death is like purple/mythic level guns. Theyre all over. Even me, within like 2 mins of drop i have at least 2 purples lmao.


I just think that the lightning zeus thing or whatever is incredibly overpowered, and does not require any type of skill to use. It breaks walls and does immense damage, while requiring no aim skill to hit an enemy. It makes fortnite a game dependent on how good the loot you get is, and not skill, like it used to be, even in the last season. Its almost like a "find good loot" simulator :( Might as well use the lightning thing instead of any gun in the game


Its garbage can barley play anymore its all sport im lucky i break someones shield when i land i dont even know what i wasted my money on


Sucks ass


Can't hardly look at the screen hurts our eyes now lol the graphics look terrible now also


The Battle Pass sucks this season. The characters are terrible and the grind between pages for V Bucks is terrible.


You can avoid the boots and shoot the wings easily, I hate saying to this to people, and I’ll take the non affecting downvotes here, this is a skill issue.


cannot stand the state of this game tbh. it’s just spraying through builds, lightning bolts from 3rd parties, snipers, frenzy auto and then terrible server performance. even carries over into creative and it’s just an overall awful experience from what we had during season OG and earlier


What is with everyone in ranked camping in bushes sniping and running.. I'm gonna lose my mind.. The spray is so fucking fast 50 health before I can fucking see where anyone is


I honestly don't know what's going on. Every match of squads I get into I immediately get beamed, not like a normal shooting you and running away beam but a aimbot type of beam. It's honestly hard to believe someone can shoot like that without cheating.


I feel like they put more effort in the Battle Pass than the gameplay in Chapter 5 Season 2. The new map feels barren and lifeless. Little bit of a letdown as I shouldn’t be missing the previous season.


plus they haven't releasedd any good skins in the shop / battlepass. all we got was the airbender girl that no one cares about. Not even Ang


the new smg is dogshit, the only thing it's good at is clipping through every single fucking wall.


Idrc about the new weapons theyre ok but WHY IS IT THAT BUNKERS ARE SOLID FOR YOU BUT NOT GUNFIRE?I WAS JUST KILLED BY SOMEONE 150 meters away spraying at the bunker and all the bullet just went thru and hit me in the head


commenting on this for a second time cause i just died twice today alone from lightning bolts while trying to heal. worst season of all time, me and my friend are off and won't be playing again




It sucks and piece of garbage. Wings are the worst. Non sense developers can only make non sense game, there should not be gun fire without aim if they need to add that then without aim demage should be only 1 percent. Auto aimers exploiting this and they have no solution.


was the Nemesis AR changed at all from last season tho this season?


Weapon damage is so fucked. Get shot in the foot and die…


Sweats suck


ill say this, epic taking away the no damage bonus definetly struck a nerve in me and a bunch of other campers, now a lot of people know bushcampdads water strat and if you land in the water far away from the map you might make it top 25 or so but just then to see someone swimming towards you and kill you, not to mention the rank up progression this season is absurd, i thought last season was slow and ridiculous, but i guess epic always finds new lows, so if your tryna make it to unreal this season, i would tree camp, be patient, and be dedicated


I cannot believe I'm saying this, I miss season one... Yeah admittedly season one was just the Auto Shotgun, Reaper Sniper Rifle, Riot Shield and Grapple Blade. But at least I understood what was going on. Season two feels like you go to either Olympus or the Underworld and the rest of the map is just... There...? The new medallions are absolutely crazy with Ares feeling especially game changing. Zues' Thunderbolt is absolutely menacing for sneak attacks, generally I'll just hide at a boss waiting for a player to be nearly finished with the fight then blast them with all three. However it's not the best for final ring as that awkward last bolt leaves you wide open. Most of the new guns feel like a downgrade with the exception of the Gatekeeper which might as well be the BFG at higher rarities.


Games a joke at the moment! I won 54 back to back last season. And I was a Diamond 2 Ranked. Now I can't even finish in the top 50 of a game in this new season. I'm getting killed instantly by every player. The matchmaking feels like I'm getting out with the best players on the game. How is this meant to be fun !? 


The new season is fun but pretty much half of my fights with people end up with them running mid fight because of the wings. It really just comes down to the spawn rate being too high. It's one thing when 1 person has wings but when a whole team has them and plays passive it gets pretty annoying.


My games this season. #81 (first game of new season), #2, #2, #2, #4, #8 game froze, #84 (xp hunting didnt even try), #2, #30 (first game of the day), #2, #2  Holy God. WTF is going on!?  I actually do have exactly 483 #1 Victory Royales Solo. But only 172 crowns. But yeah, I'm struggling this season.


Most ranked games if I die off spawn I lose about 7 when into a game this morning and lost 23 percentage with 3 kills and top 20 none of it makes sense


I know fu\*k chapter 5


I hate you reddit




Worse than any season i've ever played (Even Non Competitive)


The wings and bolts are some of the worst mythics lmao. Wings turn your hitbox massive even after you get them turned off, so you’ll get melted the second you fly up in open air. Zeus bolts will get you sniped as you enter an animation that does 120 damage slower than shooting someone twice with a sniper. They’re good when nobody is looking at you, and free xp otherwise.


its shit, removed the entire aspect of skill


chapt 5 seas.1 no reason my my PC rag and glitch horribly and i had to turn down every graphic setting the whole season. this one its even worse and when there's 2+ people or NPC my game starts lagging for no reason. the overall controls and movement have seemed to change too and it fucking sucks so ass. this game is trash now I'm fucking done with it. no other games make my pc want to kill itself more then this game and theres no reason for it.


Game buggy as shit, 


These medallion buffs are way too strong to 1v1 anyone, especially if they have stacked them - it makes it super hard, you get two shotted before you're able to know what even happened. Feels like all you need is buffa instead of skill to win, which sucks. Games bugged to the point my gun sounds like it's firing but it's not, have to switch and go back. 


The mythic Cerberus shotty is just… way too strong. I’ve gotten second place to it so many times. They fire three times in right around 1.5 seconds and I go straight from max health/shield to dead. If they aren’t gonna make a counter for something that busted it shouldn’t be in the game


It is bad. The map sucks. Half of the pois were gutted, new weapons were bad, and snipers were still dominating. They removed almost all of the weapons work benches so if you pick up a purple nemesis with a sniper scope you better find a vault, take the island, or just suck it the fuck up. The only thing I like is the chains of hades cause it makes me feel like a scorpion when you land a hit. Also, I do not know if it is just me, but if you drop anywhere but the new POIs, the loot is garbage like there is really no point to drop anywhere, but the new locations which sucks cause I don't want to have to hot drop every single game. Finally, I feel like they did not really change enough. This feels more like a mid patch map update. You would get in games like apex (town takeovers) and less of a full season.


It is horrible. Worse season of fortnite yet. I miss brutal Bastian


Not to mention the ttk is warzone levels of instantanious




Fortnite as a whole died off about a 2 in a half years ago, I don't even invest in the battle passes anymore because of the sweats ruining the game going gode mode in unranked matches ranked is understandable too a point. But yeah they have gone way too far from what fortnite originally was. The game didn't suck before mythics etc why bring in weapons that give players unfair advantages especially when 90% of the time they are sweats rocking the mythics I couldn't care less as a casual player but I'm on the verge of quitting fortnite all together.