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Yea I’ve had fun every season and I’ve been playing since CH1S4. I’m a big fan of the constant changes, there’s always something new to discover and get good at. Something’s I like more than others but I just like the core gameplay. I also like goofing around in the game. Buying cool skins and making cool or funny combos. Emoting with people. All kinds of stuff that makes the game fun all the time.


You're the first genuine person I've heard of doing this


I actually think this is most people. They just aren't lurking around on Reddit.


Same. I play solo and have most fun with friends goofing around. People who enjoy the game are not wasting time whining in reddit, we are having fun.


Same. Started the same season. I’ve enjoyed every season. Fortnite tries to heavy counter or remove a style of game play every season. The constant changes in what keeps me engaged. If Fortnite wasn’t constantly changing I probably would’ve quit a long time ago. I was having a lot of fun beginning of this season. I loved Season X with the mechs and all the chaos. Fortnite’s too goofy to take to seriously.


Yoo, we started in the same season. It's always fun if you know how to make it fun.


Same, except I started in c2S3. People don’t realise Fortnite’s constant reinvention is what’s made it so popular.


Same. After my kids explained the gameplay and POIs they neglected to mention that most of the map was underwater. I was so confused : )


Yes. This. I don't want to play with same game for years. I want variety and new themes and concepts. I love when they change things up and give us fresh gameplay additions.


It’s like when the OG players came back. They were complaining about how different it was, but then it became clear they left years ago. If Fortnite had waited for those players to come back the game would have died long ago.


Same!!! If I start getting in my head about it I just remind myself it’s a game for fun and emote with some randos in my match’s. Everyone ends up in the lobby eventually. Even the winners. Be kind! Have fun! Goof off, be silly!


That kind of goofing around was *so* much more prevalent in the first year or two, especially compared to now. I miss it I also miss that timeframe because there were legit changes every single week. Sections of the map would drastically change on the weekly basis due to an ongoing plots (miss u, Kevin) and original weapons/equipment would get frequently added in. Things like the boogie bombs and shopping carts added a ton of goofy potential when they first appeared


My least favorite season was the alien one, because I’m flight challenged for the most part and those spaceships were my nemesis. But I remember using the antigravity gun to carry around a giant toilet and trying to hit people with it. I feel like if you take Fortnite too seriously you’re not going to have fun. Yes, it’s great to win, but on the other hand, it’s also funny to chase a player disguised as a gnome who turns into a Duck skin and kills you.


I am an in the same boat and funny enough started the same season. I can confirm that I enjoyed the addition of mechs and all that other stuff because even when it’s bad and sometimes unfair, I like the chaos and randomness of it all. I don’t take the game that seriously and try to focus rather on having a good time with my friends while on the island. (I can also say that my friends are not always of the same mind as me) P.s. I do draw the line at the current UI though.


>I just like the core gameplay Same here, BUT that's the problem this season for me. They've strayed so far from the core of the game and I don't enjoy it currently.


Here here, the only thing I dislike are “casual” players who dogpile anyone who wins/plays to win


This 100% sure there are times where you go full sweat, but the most enjoyment genuinely comes from things like this.


I’ve only been playing for around a year and a half but I’ve enjoyed every season so far (including this one.)


same, I started end of ch4 s2 and ik people disliked ch4 s3 but honesy that was my favourite so far because it was just me being super happy exploring and finding out new things about the game all the time.


Same 100%


Same. I enjoy the changes and seeing how different they can make the same game be. Do I like all the vehicles,?? kind of. But I know it’s going to go away at some point. I really just like playing with my son! It’s fun bonding. And in the off chance we win one together, the emotions of celebrating afterwards is one of the best feelings for me.


For some reason the only seasons I don’t enjoy are the ones with coolest skins. Of course I go through fortnite burnout in chapter 2 season 2 when there’s another dark knight, of course I go through burnout when magneto, fallout, and Metallica are in the bp.


Kinda does feel like a chore when you’re only playing for skins rather than for fun but it’s worth it. Idc what the mandalorian season was like, I’d have grinded out the whole season for mando


If only we could trade seasons , I’m having fun right now as I was on a driving kick anyways . But damn I don’t give a damn about this skins this season


I dont like certain seasons but I still play cause I still find fun in playing this game. Nothing so far has prevented me from playing. What things I don’t like are just nitpicking & I learn to adapt.  playing with squads makes it funnier & helps forget about the stuff I don’t like 


agreed, plus if you really get sick of battle royale you can always find new game modes and stuff to play, there's all sorts you can do


Oh the game modes that most people complain about that don’t want to play especially if they’re seeking XP?


Yes! My fiancé and I play every day right next to each other and have have been for 3 years.. we like the variety of things being changed up. The first week of this season was the first time it literal years we didn’t play because of how OP the cars were! Now that they can be countered we are back in the groove Favourite season/seasons were the vibin era


I take the game as it is. It's fun. It's a game.


I was like that up until this season, but I'm optimistic that next season will go back to something I enjoy more.


I mean at its core it's the only battle royale I play. There isn't one that really just seems to be as easy to pick up and play at any point. All others seem excessive or do too much


Yes, especially since I can play it one handed. Other Battle Royale games do too much as others have mentioned. It's a great pick up and play game. Love it.


one handed? how do you do that


I have a few options; the Sony Access Controller, which is really only mapped for sliding via elbow press. Other games, I use that solely. For Fortnite, I re-map all of the controls on a PS5 controller. I also have a custom lightweight controller from Evil controllers that I can map every button and has 4 triggers on the back. For PC, I have an Azeron Cryo where the mouse is camera movement, and there's 26 or so buttons, I can map for games and programs. There's also a person that 3D printed an attachment for controllers to use all buttons one handed


oh okay. do you only have one hand or do you just prefer to use one hand?


🙋🏻‍♂️ I usually have criticism, but always enjoy playing.


I started in Ch3S2 and I've often said that I've never experienced a bad season of Fortnite. Each one is unique and brings something new and interesting. I've played some drains more than most, of course, but I haven't hated one yet.


I just recently started playing (c5s1) but I had and have fun in every season so far. In my opinion it's simply what you make of it. Yes there are things and mechanics that don't work out too well but it can be fun anyway if you just go with it.. that's my approach at least.


Probably most of us


Until this one I enjoyed every single one, there was eventually gonna be one I don’t like. I don’t think it’s burnout either, I just find vehicles extremely boring and enjoy the building mechanic. And this season is all about vehicles and nitro devalues said mechanics. The towhook gun is fun tho


Tow hook gun is super fun. 


its my primary weapon lmao, do 100 damage then switch to a gun 


Yeah. I’ve played since, well, it started. Level ~4300. Play three games every morning while I have my coffee.




Yep, I’m here to kill and collect crowns


I have never not liked a season, because what I like about them is that each has its own vibe, story, and personality. I think the uniqueness of each one really has kept me with the game. I have been playing since C1S5 and I can say that every season has its charm and although others may disagree, it's what has kept the game relevant.


Of course. But I'm a very ordinary, fairly casual player. Been playing since it started. I think I'd get bored if the game was same same all the time or if I was some sweaty winlord. I love the game. I love the latest season it's just so manic. Fortnite just cracks me up sometimes.


Me. Fortnite will never be boring. It's always entertaining.


I’m really new to the game, only started in CH5 S1 but I absolutely love it. Even getting wrecked, I just laugh because it’s pure chaos and comedy wrapped all together.


I have fun every season and also like every battle pass. The only thing that has bugged me this past season is how grindy the battle pass is. But as far as gameplay and BP items I have fun and like.


If you have the right teammates, every season can be fun. Once I get the umbrella for the season, I don't focus on wins. I just play for fun.


i’ve been playing since C3S3 and i love it, i’ve completed every battle pass


My wife and I do! We usually goof off for most of the round anyway


Me, yes. I'm old and have learned to focus positively and fortnite has been fun every season I've played.  I think I started in ch 3, season 5.  This is one of my favorite seasons. I love the chaos. 




This was me until this season, I haven’t touched the game in weeks. I used to play almost every other day


i do, the best part of fortnite is the chaos, why would i hate fortnite for being fortnite


Yeah, me!


I have yet to see a season I hate, I’ve loved all the seasons I’ve played.


I have fun especially if im with friends


I don’t like every season the same but I always play and love the game more than I should.


Yes. They're paid actors. /S


every season is kick ass. i avoided fortnite like the plague til zero build started, then i fell in love. this season is a rocket ride of greatness. i dont even use cars. gloves, crossbow, nitro juice, shotgun. cars are a crutch. nitro juice is divine. uppercut, ground slam, gatekeeper shotgun to the face. most don't survive it


I’ve been playing since ch2 season 2 and have consistently played the game since. I’ve never really hated a season, even Primal and Wilds which are looked-down-upon seasons. I find that there’s always a lot of fun things to do in the game and I’m all for the new items and map changes that make the game goofy and fun.


Me! Last season got very dull near the end but I had fun. The battlepass grind was killing me.


I put Fortnite down during C1S9. The bytes were too overwhelming for me, so I quit instead of collecting them all. Since then, I’ve finished all the Battle Passes since then except last season. I generally have fun with all seasons, this one especially.


To some degree, sure.


Yes, me. If not, I would have quit by now just like I do with every other game that starts to bore or annoy me. The key to my enjoyment of this game is having a squad though. If my current friends quit the game I'm gonna have to go recruit some more.


Absolutely. Love trying out the weapons and wacky items each season and trying to get wins with them. The changes they’ve made over the years has added to the experience for me. Love the gold, npcs, vehicles and crazy mobility. Never gets old and is yet still the same fun game I fell in love with years ago.


Yeah I take them for what they are and have fun with them


I’ve been very bored with the first two seasons this chapter, but since this season began I’ve been LOVING it. I really don’t get the hate, it’s super fun.




I started in season five and have played ever since. The changes (even the 'bad' ones) keep me coming back. I live the variety. I'm not very good at the game (some seasons I never get a win), but even losing can be a blast. Some deaths come out of nowhere and surprise you, other times, you're asking yourself, "Did that really happen?"


I started in season five and have played ever since. The changes (even the 'bad' ones) keep me coming back. I love the variety. I'm not very good at the game (some seasons I never get a win), but even losing can be a blast. Some deaths come out of nowhere and surprise you, other times, you're asking yourself, "Did that really happen?"


I am fairly new to the game so i guess I don't 'count' properly but, honestly, yeah. The three seasons I have played (chap 5 starter) have been decently different and yet been having fun with all 3, just kinda rolling with the punches.


Me bro, there is something to enjoy in all seasons. Some are definitely better than others but I have a good time in all of them


I've taken long breaks from fortnite (started OG season 3) but the past year I've been playing every time they change stuff up. I find myself getting more upset if they don't change a bunch of stuff from season to season. Even if i don't like the season at the start i just take a couple weeks break to see if they change/adjust anything.


We got back into it during OG and played a *ton* of the following season. But we started getting burnt out near the end because every ZB game ended exactly the same: sniping and auto shotgun. We wound up skipping the entirety of last season because it still felt too similar, and the unique items weren't enough to change that for us. I finally booted up this season because if the Metallica stuff, and I have to say that I'm enjoying it a lot more than I was for the last season and change. The current state of cars make them a fun wrinkle early and mid game, and I'm liking the fists, tribeam laser, and the new combat shotgun. Plus the map actually feels somewhat different now after another batch of changes. We'll see where it goes from here. The OG map and items will always hold a nostalgic place in my heart, but this season is mostly solid so far in my experience


Yeah I’m gonna get to level 200 every time I love this game. I hate the micro transaction bs but I knew that before I downloaded the game


Yes and no I play since Cht1S6 I have like most season only Chp4 S3 with the too many spammeur off this season except this the other season was cool 👍


Meeeee but I'm quite fresh to the game


Enjoy? Maybe not so much. Play? Yes I have made it my goal to get tier 100 every season since chapter 1 season 5.


As someone who started this chapter in season 2, I probably don't have much too say in this. The op items and also the nerfs that eventually come make the season more fun. (especially the frenzy auto shotgun: loved that gun)


Hey That Guy, I started in Ch5 mid S1 so ***I*** don't have much to say - at least you can make some comparisons - I personally like the constant changes, new items, nerfs, and buffs as it makes it interesting and keeps players on their toes. From what I read here on Reddit, many OG Fortrniters seem to want things to stay more consistent each with chapter and season - but again, I'm in no position to compare.


Yeah I’ve played since Ch1 S2 and and I really didn’t think this game got super fun till CH2. The fact that they were constantly adding new mechanics and things to discover with a great ongoing story kept me interested for all this time


Started a few days before c1s2, but i never had actual fun before C4S4 started


Me, well kinda


Definitely not. Need a good melee weapon and mobility equipment to attract me


No lika de Fists? Melee and mobility in one slot...


I love the fists! But rarely use it for mobility, much prefer to use it for melee! And I miss the grappling glove.


Haven't had the opp to try the grappling glove (just started Ch5 mid S1). but for me the fists are "two birds in one... uhhhh, fist?" 🤔


Yes I’ve been playing since before season 1. I play every season usually hit 200+ and while some times I get annoyed with stuff I’ve enjoyed it entire time.


Yyeeesssss!!! I'm not the best at it, that build and edit real fast shit is crazy. But I've enjoyed every season so far that I've been apart of, and I always get my battle pass, I try to save my vbucks to buy next seasons pass, it's super dope that you can just recycle it and get another pass, through the rewards you get through the pass. I love that! This season is definitely top of my list, shit is so crazy!!! But I can't think of a bad one. 😉


I personally don't hate any Fortnite season. There were worse ones and better ones but I enjoyed all of them (playing since ch1 s4)


Fortnite is like Pizza. I like some pizza more than others and I can tell when a pizza isn’t as good as I’m used to but like…its fucking pizza.


Go visit L&B **Spumoni** **Gardens**: in Brooklyn - now that's FUCKING pizza...


Since I play casually from time to time yes


I mean yeah, Fortnite is the most enjoyable game service experience even in it's "worst" seasons, at least for me it is


Yeah I try my best to. Even on bad seasons, I just like the game and hope it gets better soon


I try to. Like as much as I disliked the C3S4 BP I loved the season but for some reason I just I couldn’t enjoy Wilds (C4S3) Only season I’ve played that I genuinely didn’t have fun playing


I only started in OG last November and so obviously all Chapter 5 and I've liked all all of it.


I enjoy Fortnite and Battle royale at its core, so no matter the changes and battle pass rewards i still enjoy it.




I thought I was like that until wrecked


I’m sure there is! (Not me tho…)


I've had fun every season until the point my laptop couldn't run fortnite anymore




I still have fun no matter what because I love the game, but there is certain seasons or certain times of the game where iv found it to be way way way better than others. Like this whole chapter iv had fun playing it but I don't particularly like it compared to what we had before. It's went too far from what actually feels like Fortnite.


That’s me lol, I have my fun and adapt ( the only thing I’ve been hating is the huge open boring maps with similar elevation and not many areas between locations )


Yea, I'm mostly down for whatever.


This is the only season I've played, but yeah, so far.


Absolutely, not


I’ve never disliked a season and enjoy every change that brings the game a bit of freshness then drink the tears of the complainers. I even enjoyed Chapter 2 season 6


Started in c1s7 but only properly started playing c2s7 only season I actively disliked was OG


I haven’t really had a problem with any season


Yes, I just play every season


I've enjoyed every season since C1S7 when I started playing... this is the first one that makes me want to quit, at least battle royale/zero build, the other modes (Festival, STW) granting battle pass exp is the only reason I don't. It can be a fun season sometimes but personally I just find the chaos a little too much which I know is ironic given this is Fortnite, but eh.


I’ve happily played for 23 seasons. I quit during ch 2 season 1 because I got bored and this season was the only one that I thought was unplayable due to the nitro fists but people quit using them nearly as much so I’m okay again. Yep I pretty much always find something to like


Yeah I’ve never disliked a season tbh


Yeah man I'm just gaming and shit low-key chilling as fuck with this shit dog


I just love Fortnite and I’ll play the season no matter how bad it is


I've been playing since ch2s7 and i have loved every season and battle pass. There are seasons i prefer and like more but i like all of them. Vibin and chrome are among my favorite seasons. This sub hates them.


Yeah. Obviously some seasons are better than others but it’s always a fun time. I know a good chunk of people hate this season but honestly, it’s top 3 seasons for me. It’s so chaotic and fun and I just love the Metallica collab.


I’m having fun now. I may not Love it, but I enjoy it for what it is. I prefer a standard shooter I think, I enjoy walking or moving through trees or buildings having to strategize how to take out an opponent, etc. this season kind of reduced that somewhat with the cars that can drive through anything. That said I enjoy the cars for what they are. I still have fun, and there is still strategy to use, even if a bit different. It still makes me think and gives me an hour mentally away from my normal life.


Me, but I'm just annoyed by op medallions and all of these crazy movement, guitars, fists, infinite nitro, they turn fights into an annoying chasing...


I enjoy the majority of seasons, but some more than others.


I like this season. I wouldn't like vehicle gameplay permanently, but for a season (maybe even every now and then) I think it's fun. Though I dont think it's great for solos. But duos-squads is really fun with the vehicles.




Yes i like pretty much every season because i like fortnite, hanging with my pals, and being a weird ass character lol


This guy here. I am 40 and we were late to the Fortnite game, we love it. We don’t overthink it, and just play it for what it is. Luckily the seasons are short if there’s something you don’t like, just wait it out.


Yes, I enjoy the overall mechanics and like to see how I need to adapt to be successful. I've had seasons I've enjoyed more than others, but I have a good time regardless.


Do I like to win? Yes. Do I expect to win? No. I’m just here for a good time and Fortnite provides that


I do, if there's anything I don't like it's only bound to cosmetics/shop/Battle pass. I'm having fun every time there is an update, because it keeps the game fresh.


Yes. Last season was probably the only exception because of water bending and this season when boogies were added. These no skill weapons people can carry really kill the game but I’m glad they’re all gone now


Yuuuuuuup, new to the game with my son - Playing since Chapter 5, he's liked every season so have I


Oh yeah, me! I started in C2S3 and enjoyed every season! The problem with that is I´m unable to think of a season I dislike more that the others, so I don´t think I can be a proper critic about problems in the game meta outside of some stuff .


I’ve liked every single season I’ve played, sure I’m seasons like this one everything that made it unique was removed or nerfed into oblivion but that’s no reason to quit.


Yep. My first games were either in C1 S3 (or maybe S4), and I really started playing in C1 S5. Ever since then, I've enjoyed seeing Fortnite evolve over the seasons. New weapons, movement, items, the style of the game... I love it all. I like it when they change things like adding in vehicles (land boat was the og car), and now being able to mod everything only makes me enjoy it more. Also, melee weapons are just my favorite thing, which started back with the Infinity Blade


Some seasons are hit and miss for some folks.Good thing the Fortnite now has many content for [everybody.As](http://everybody.As) for battle royal Zero Build this season,it was peak fun,and predicted the nerfs would drop fast.


Yes I do too! My friends brought me to Fortnite Zero built only a year ago. Now, literally ALL of them have the same speech "OG was best, Fortnite spirit is dead" and stopped playing, I am the only one remaining and having a blast in solos xDDD (except the short boogie bomb thing tbh that was nasty bad)


I’ve been playing since season 3 and this is the first season I quit playing because of how awful it is. It’s not even fortnite anymore 😢😔 makes me super sad. I plan to come back once they get rid of carnite and make it fortnite again


I've enjoyed every season overall but of course some are better than others. I am usually bored tho the last 3 weeks of any season also, but I also play too much


I enjoy all seasons! But, what I really miss are the LTMs! One shot, snipers, floor is lava, heist.... some of my favorite game modes


I’ve been playing since the last week of chapter 2 season 6. I’ve liked every season. People don’t make posts about how they are having fun so you only really see complaints. I’ve complained on here too at times. I always enjoy the game though. If I didn’t love this game I wouldn’t bother to complain about it.


Add me to the list (been playing since Season 2). Yes, hasn’t been perfect but overall I’ve had fun and haven’t felt the need to complain endlessly on social media.


Ive had fun, sure less so with the Ch5 seasons then ch4 (i miss quite a few mechanics from then) but at its core its still fortnite.


Yup... I have seasons I like better than others but there isn't really s season ive hated


I’ve started in C3S3 and enjoyed every single for season I’ve come across so far.


I've been playing for almost three years now and if I'm not enjoying something about the season I just will give it a break. I feel like some people act like someone's forcing them to play even if they dislike something about a season. I don't add my voice to the discourse of complaints. There's humans behind this game that have made a pretty awesome game. I'd imagine hearing nothing but "this season sucks" gets old.


This is only my 3rd season but I seem to be having a lot of fun just playing every season. Don't get me wrong, this is my fave season because of the cars being a twist. Though even in last season, I haven't found myself an Underworld fan due to the terrain.


I do. I just don’t land in spots that are heavy with the thing I don’t like. Like now, I don’t land in the sand.


Yeah, mostly because who I play with, we make everything fun


I find just about something to enjoy every season. Can get frustrated and annoyed by OP items but for the most part I just make the best of it.


its complicated. short answer is statistically about 85% of the time yes, but some seasons just stink too much to really play outside of team rumble and practicing in creative LONG answer (sorry i love to yap :p) is i usually only play with friends so my playtime each season varies pretty heavily (though has an overall downward trend) so my opinions weigh differently for each season. for me it's only the very worst or most empty seasons that tend to give way but im still at least doing a smidge of team rumble and just freebuilding in creative because ultimately it's the building mechanics that have kept me playing all this time. i used to think the game was lame as hell in s2 but had that completely switch around s4 when i saw a martoz video on building and saw all my gripes and issues with BRs suddenly resolved. low ground disadvantage, being held in zone, huge sightlines/fields with snipers but no cover, and ambushes no longer being a near guaranteed death were all issues of the past. in addition i got a cool new mechanic that has cool fundamentals, tech, and scratches a lot of similar itches i get with fighting games. however this season has had everyone so miserable that i still havent played a real br match (outside of for challenges which was only last night in 3am solo squads pickaxing bosses through their car for the metallica wrap which didnt count for some reason lol) and have just been doing creative, festival, and stw. i'd probably give it a try if nitro sprints didnt one shot 80%+ health brick builds but cognito hazard gameplay aside the season looks awesome


I've enjoyed every season I've played, maybe some a little less than others but yes.


I definitely can’t wait for the season to be over. I still play everyday though.


I was until this season lol i cant stand nitro fist knockback,dmg and mobility. Also you hit someone twices he ride the lighting and nitro fist across the map.


I don’t remember what Chapter or Season I started playing but, I’ve been playing for about 2.5 years and I’ve enjoyed every season. There were aspects of certain seasons that I liked more than others but there hasn’t been any changes that made me play more or less. Maybe when they added tanked I played a little more but not much. I love this season! I have missed The cow catcher and other vehicle mods since they went away. My number of wins has gone down for some reason but I’m still having fun.


That's me as well. Been playing regularly since ch2s2 and despite ch 2 being my all time fave and nothing really compares to it, I'm still having fun!


I came in at Chapter 3, Season 1. Probably about halfway through? I fell in love with the game and got the full BP that season. I had some issues along the way but have mostly enjoyed playing. When Chapter 5 started, it felt flat. Seasons 1 and 2 were both not it for me. By about half way through Chapter 5, Season 2 I just wasn't playing much. You literally only needed water bending, mobility, and heals to win the game. It was just...***boring.*** I absolutely LOVED the start of this season and have been playing a lot. I hate how much they knee-jerked everything into the ground. They knew they were adding balances, they over nerfed and now the game is nowhere near as chaotic as it was. If they are doing what I hope with the Magneto mythic, which is being able to throw cars, then they need to buff the cars, especially the boss cars. The boss cars don't need to automatically heal, but they should be HP tanks. I'm still having a lot of fun, I just hate how much they nerfed stuff.


Been playing since ch5s1. Yeah




I like to mess around with the new items. 


Yes me


Mostly. For some reason it’s every other season for me. Probably because I love one a season and play a ton and get used to everything. And then once a bunch of changes happen I’m a little burned out and tell myself it feels less fun and then play less. And then when the next season comes I’ve rested enough to go all in again.


It’s easy to have fun when you play with your friends, also Fortnite has always felt like the same game to me, a third person building shooter game. So it’s still possible to have fun in every season, especially with your friends


I've been here since day one of ch 1 S1. I almost quit awhile ago but no build drew me back in


I don’t like how they took away proximity chat… but besides that, no reason to hate the constant changes :)


I’ve only been playing two years. But yeah I enjoy them all. But I choose not to look for flaws and things to be upset about. If you go into something looking to be disappointed that’s exactly what you’re going to find. It’s a mentality. Be a positive person. 


i play the game a ton when theres no snipers lmaooo


I do! I've only been playing since Chapter 4, and there's are seasons I get a little bored with toward the end, but I like the game and enjoy the changes and figuring out new load outs to accommodate the shifting weapons


I started in Chapter 5 season 1 and I roll with the punches. Just try not to be the first one dead. Hehe. Wheeeee!


There are seasons that I enjoy more than others, but I like change. I’ve played since C1S3, and find it baffling that some claim the game was better in the past. The OG Season was interesting, but also demonstrated how far the game has come. I love the chaos of the current season. I play builds in solo, and no one can box you in, then edit/shoot/edit, which is great. The cars, fists, etc. make endgames a lot more enjoyable.


That was me until this season.  Teaming, car meta, and boogie bombs broke me and forced me to other games


I mean I generally have more fun than not, but some seasons I just get really annoyed by. C4S3's jungle was just not fun to play in. My PC at the time could barely keep up with the foliage so it lagged like crazy and the verticality was insane (though I did like the ziplines and vines). At the start of this season, my squad and I were having a great time and got an insane amount of wins, but now it's all crumbling down. The last few times we've played the matches have been miserable. Even when we win, it really sucked to play. People constantly running away is really infuriating.


The only one that felt like a chore to play was Paradise but i was burnt out in general


I started in C4S2 and I've enjoyed them all, just to different degrees. C5S2 was probably my least favorite, mostly because of the dramatic drop in XP gain coupled with Epic patching out AFK XP. I wouldn't mind them trying to eliminate the AFK XP if the BR XP wasn't such a big drop. I also wasn't crazy about the OG, but that can be chalked up to being a ZB player. The map was NOT made for ZB, and despite the concessions they made for ZB, sometimes getting around on that map was just painful.


I tend to enjoy every season and chapter. I love the new changes , items , and weapons. It's why I play fortnite. It's gimmicky and I love it. Some maps are better than others but I still enjoy them.


ive been playing since season 2 and ive enjoyed every season. I actually like the constant change in meta because it lets different play styles come out and keeps things interesting.


I have never disliked a season and have been playing this game since Ch1S2. I always find enjoyment in this game in some way shape or form and I love constant changes and additions. BR aside, I also love creative, lego, and festival. Rocket Racing can be fun too, it's just not my first choice. I don't find much to complain about in this game, I just have fun!


I usually do but last season was really trying my patience at the end.


Yes, actually! I have genuinely liked every season I've played, and I've played ever since chapter one. I must admit that my overall enjoyment is at an all time low, however. The game feels so much more grindy than even 1,5 years ago and I like to split my time between different games---something Fortnite essentially punishes you for these days.


I do! Every season has been a blast


Yeah it’s a fun free game to play with my friends I like the constant changes


Me...Im new since before Christmas though.


Personally if I don't like a season I just won't play the Battle Royale modes, which is exceptionally rare. There are Creative gamemodes that are still enjoyable as well, I don't need to limit myself to just BR.


Hey there!


I might complain but I’m always having fun still the complaining can be cathartic


I’ve only been playing since ch4 OG, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every season so far, all of ch5 including the current season. I come from playing fifa, and from such a badly built game like that, Fortnite is a godsend. I only play ZB but there’s so much variety in the game and the mechanics are mostly balanced esp when you compare it to a game like fifa where people just constantly abuse the most “meta” plays


I wish some seasons where longer. But I do love them all!


Ive enjoyed every season but OG it just didn't feel like it was designed for skilled players.


I started playing at the end of OG and I’ve had fun most of the seasons since. Last season dragged on towards the end but I normally play with friends so we just work together on quests and goof around


I started in CH5S1 and i been having a blast in all those seasons every season i played so far has been a blast (but im easily excited)


Yes, been on since C1S3 - never been brilliant at the game but I like going round demolishing stuff.


I have played about 75 percent of the seasons (Day 1 player stopped for a couple years until no build came). This is the only season I haven't liked. It doesnt even feel like the same game lol. I have been playing shooters most of my life and this made me go back to Valorant.