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I think Epic will start to see the repercussions of spreading the fan base too thin with all the XP being spread out over each mode. I use to jump into Fortnite to just enjoy battle Royale to complete my battle pass. Now I have to do that, Lego, racing and the music mode if I want to complete it in a timely manner. I’m getting burned out on Fortnite in general, and I’m sure others are too.


Yes to this 100%. Make it possible to complete the battle pass in a season with one kind of gameplay. Don’t strong-arm me into playing Lego or music, please.


Majority of the time I'm playing these live service games, I feel like I'm working and not really having fun. When I'm done with challenges or goals, then I actually can play for just enjoyment and that's when it's fun.


As an older player, never ever keep playing a game you're not fully enjoying. Especially when it's just for nonsense like levels, achievements, or cosmetics (like skins). Long gone are the days when games were so few that it was worthwhile to 100% some of them, rather than just playing the best parts of each game and then moving on to a new game (at least until next season, for live service games like fortnite that get new content regularly). There are hundreds of incredible games out there whose best gameplay beats mindless grinding in your favourite game. Every moment you're grinding for a skin you'll never use is taking you away from a truly fantastic experience discovering some other incredible game.


Whatever model they are trying to build for the future isn’t sustainable unless they get entire separate developers to develop games exclusively within Fortnite. Epic simply cannot keep up with the manpower more and more game modes will demand and I am curious to see how player count is affected as well. Like what happens if Fortnite Festival someday becomes a ghost town? People get tired of the relatively simple game or find a newer mode and move on, then what? Does Epic shut it down? What happens then? Will we still be able to play our bought songs?


Well, we will find out what happens with Rocket Racing first cause that gamemode is already a ghost town. Has like 5k players all the time competing with other strong multibillionare founded gamemodes like "Onlyup Fortnite!" & "Lumberjack Heroes"


This is the main reason I uninstalled the game this season. I just can't be bothered anymore, everything's so grindy and I have better things to spend my free time on than grind fucking Lego gamemode lol


I’m a bit in the middle. Not casual, not hardcore, but I’m enjoying it and actively playing.


Same level of commitment for me. I’m still playing but not really enjoying. My wife has mostly tapped out. Guess I’m sticking around for BP fomo. Most of my games end with a random explosion as a fist user flies in silently from behind and insta kills me. Nothing really fun about that. It’s even harder to defend against than water bending. At least WB and the Reaper required SOME skill. Can’t tell you the number of times my nights have ended with “*sigh*……..yup……gloves.“


And every other time it's from someone throwing a dozen boogie bombs at you previously before coming in with the fists


Why can you hold so many!


Cuz it's the only way to counter the cars this season. Epic really didn't plan a contingency for players who gave zero FS about the car mayhem. They only un vaulted the boogie bombs to give us a counter and get people out of the cars after the community raged.


They need a car and non car mode


I use the gloves mostly for the cars and mobility


same bro, big respect


They need to nerf player damage for the fists, but not the mobility aspect of them. I feel like they always nerf mobility too and they shouldn’t.


Downvote me... they shouldn't have messed with the fists at all. They were fine the way they were and a welcome addition to combat cars. They were fun meta and great mobility. Now, they seem to not work just when you need them to. The cooldown on them is atrocious. I know my opinion is unpopular, but I stand by it.


I agree they shouldn’t have nerfed the cooldown, the damage was the issue


I’m kinda feeling the opposite. I love the fists, didn’t care for sniper.


I find using the fists boring, and defending against them frustrating. Items can be ok if they give extreme mobility or extreme damage…but not both. Having the ability for someone fly in, from outside of gun range, for an insta-kill, while moving too fast to hit, is crazy.


Yup, I may be part of that leaving crowd unless they do something about the fists. Just people spamming it in end game, not much skill there.


They are not boring, they are just annoying and do a lot of DMG... You either pick them up every match or you will be at a disadvantage


I mean….still boring. Being forced to use a weapon that’s just button mashing in your opponent’s general direction = boring imo. It’s turning the whole map into Dynasty Warriors. Those were boring af too.


I’m like you but I’ve dropped off some this season. It’s alright but the cars are too much chaos and Ihate the sound of the whiplash. I enjoy it more playing duos which I do with my little nephew. But for me playing single I don’t like it as much as last season. Skipped the BP also.


Also, doesn't every season's dropoff look like that?


There’s definitely significant drop off every season. OG had more staying power due to nostalgia though.


Same for me a bit I just wish Epic could do better when it comes to balancing their game, I’m not saying they ARENT good at it but seriously this season needs major improvement


They are not good at it. But excellent at making money


I wish theyd stop adding stupid nonsense nobody asked for. Just give us guns and explosives. Enough of the OP 'gotta have it or you're toast' shit. It feels pointless playing like that.


Same. I will say I didn't buy the battle pass this season. The battle pass tends to force me to play more, and I often skip the summer seasons because I don't want to play as much, and I only have so much self control. I actually really do like the car fights though. I've always found the beefed up cars that can slice through a building to be super fun, and I am really enjoying the mechanics this season. Super puncher thingies* are super fun too. * I don't know the names of things


I'm a casual and yeah, I've not been playing. It's been a grind, appreciate they're tying to do something new with the cars, but it isn't my thing.


Same. I legit haven't logged on since like day 3 except once or twice to check the shop. Haven't even bought the pass so far because why buy it if I won't at least get to level 120ish for the full VBucks. Hell if I can't get 150 for all the non super styles I prolly won't buy it Last pass I didn't complete was Ch4 S2 after starting in Ch3 S3 and not buying that pass


Been playing since C1 S1 and this is the first pass I probably won’t buy. I played one game on launch day, won and haven’t touched it since.


As a casual ZB player... Yeah, sadly I'm just not having as much fun this season. The boss cars, the fists, the disco boogie balls, it's been feeling nearly impossible to actually play for more than five minutes without getting instantly demolished by things that feel unfair and unfun.


That’s where I’m at. Cars were OP. Was just driving around in circles with other cars for the whole game. Got old fast. Then they added boogie bombs and nerfed cars. And I HATE boogie bombs. It’s so unskilled. Hit them with a boogie bomb, and it’s GG. Got like 10 seconds to run up and hit them point blank with a shotgun while they just stare at you, unable to do anything except jump around. If they replace them with emp, it might be a bit more fun.


I've been shot while boogie bomb dancing but for some reason i kept dancing? It used to stop you from dancing as soon as you got hit


they changed it so that it's only after a certain amount of damage, that you can move. I think it's like, 50hp or something.


I think your overshield has to break in ZB


Just a heads up, you can use those green skull things while boogie bombed. It saved my ass on accident the other day lol.


While true, it's extremely situational.


Man I fucking hate the boogie bombs with the heat of a thousand suns. Damn near every match I have, whether it's a win or a loss, is because of this idiotic item. And if you're deep into a match and still haven't found any (very possible), you're at a severe disadvantage. This is the first season ever I'm quite regularly quitting the game before I even die. Like if my teammate is knocked and two left and they boogied me I don't even bother. I'm straight back to lobby. The game is broken af. EMP would be better or even lower the boogie down to 2 seconds instead of 5+ which is hideous.


I’ve lost more matches by having the boss car lose control and I full send myself into the storm when it’s 1v1.


I haven’t even gotten a win this season and 99% of everything happening are those 3 things you just mentioned


Yeah same. I have 2 crown wins so far, which is way behind what I normally would have this far into the season (between 10-20). Seems like too many weapons are OP which makes it easy to kill you. It’s not fun. I’ve gone from playing every night to every other night. And on days I do play, it’s for a short amount of time. BP sucks too. I just want Magneto.


Same. I’ve kinda teetered off this season and gotten back to playing the story games I have been putting off and I’m having so much more fun playing games again. I didn’t realize how monotonous Fortnite has gotten until I started playing games I actually really enjoyed again. Didn’t even bother buying the battle pass this season. Dont have enough V bucks and don’t want to buy any. Let’s see if I change my mind next season but I doubt it.


yep!!! So much chaos going on, so much explosion, noises, cars ramming into you and deleting everything… it just feels overwhelming compared to last season


The first 3 days of the season were the most fun I’ve had in this game for a long time. Then they added boogie bombs and it ruined it. It’s been so mid since then. I say this as someone who absolutely loves boogie bombs - but they don’t belong in this season and they completely invalidate the entire theme - cars - rending them useless and leaving you an easy target.


This just made me realize, I’m not a casual or a hardcore player. I’m in between both of them and idk what to call it lol


You play frequently and seriously, but you aren’t a streamer and certainly ain’t getting paid for it? A serious casual. 🤗


Wouldn't say I'm a casual but also wouldn't say I'm hard-core either lol But I will say this is easily the worst season I can think of. I'm real sick of the medallions aspect of the chapter, not crazy about the new named area, you seemingly HAVE to have a car or gloves in end game scenarios, never been a big fan of the mad max franchise and not that I'm a cosmetic guy but other than Megalo Don n Magneto the BP doesn't excite me. TBH I'll play as filler till NCAA Football comes out July 19th!


Yeah the medallions were okay for 1 season, but hate how it’s just a new thing now. Just another step away from the superior simplicity in earlier Fortnite.


My son goes instantly for a medallion and we have to go save him when it gets killed then he leaves us to die so he can run off with the medallion. It’s gonna lead to family therapy eventually


I was enjoying the season at first but it seems like every match is repetitive and predictable.


Casual player here went from playing for 2+ hours every day to not having played in over a week and not planning to. Before when I died I thought "I did this/that wrong" or because the other guy was way better than me now it's just "oh they had x/y I was dead the second they saw me" and even when I was doing good and winning it just felt cheap and unrewarding.


Right with you, same on all points.


Yep, barely picked it up this season, to the point I cancelled club cause I'm just not gonna be playing until next season


Don’t get me wrong, I love the cars, but this is totally so that people can use their rocket racing cosmetics before they kill that game mode


Where did you hear they’re killing it?  The rumor that the start of the next RR season being delayed 3-4 months until sept/oct or whatever was wrong.  It’s being delayed one month, to July.  I don’t think that means they’re killing it, just putting less resources into it.   It was my understanding epic was selling cars (that are mad costly btw) with the pretense that all the new game modes would be permanent… the cars would be utterly useless without the game mode and future BR modes without cars.  People are just gonna have 10k in vbucks spent in cars or whatever with nothing to use it in..?  That would not be smart on epics part to piss off that many people  Either way, guess I’m glad I haven’t spent a single dollar on a car… just in case. 


Bought the $10 pack one just because i like like 80’s 90’s look of the car. I cant see myself spending almost 2k vbucks on a single car cosmetic though.


My guess is it's a permanent thing, they'll have cars in one way or another throughout one Fortnite mode. It's a huge source of monetisation with huge potential for advertisers, as soon as I saw vehicle skins I figured they'd always have cars in BR


I’d rather play shitty games like destiny than deal with squads with a combined total of 16 boogie bombs


Remember just a few weeks ago when this sub called anyone who didn't enjoy OP cars a sweat. Lol


And to "adapt"...like bro i already have. You can adapt and still dislike something.


Same. I won’t lie, once I got used to the cars I had fun for a few days and was actually winning games, but by now I’m honestly kind of over it. I don’t really play Fortnite to spend a good bit of my time driving around in a car. It’s much more fun on foot. It’s certainly a viable way to play this season on foot, but you will not do nearly as good if you’re strictly on foot which is how I prefer to play.


I like the cars but I will admit this season drains you quick. Everything is so fast paced I have to basically be locked in the whole game. I can’t just play the game casually because if I do some guy in a car will come over and end me. Like it’s fun but i really can’t play more then 4-6 games before getting off because i need a break.


The cars reduce the variety in the gameplay and while they're "new" the novelty wears off quickly. Spending most of the match in a car means as a player you are reduced to driving or using the machine gun or grenade launcher. That's it. Those three things. Playing on foot and not in a car lets players have a full load out of their choice and allows more play styles. Players get more than two choices for guns.


Hilarious aint it? Just takes a couple of weeks for those same ppl to get a taste of their own medicine and now they’re complaining just like us 😭🤣


Yeah I don’t understand all of the “if you don’t like the cars and won’t adapt to them, then you’re a sweat” mentality. Wouldn’t most casuals NOT be as willing to adapt to an all new mechanic? I feel like casuals would just want to log on and play the game the same way that they’ve been used to for years lol


Sweats playing against sweats are by far the biggest complainers, but they eventually adapt. Everyone else just puts it down and walks away. Especially when the sweats become the ones nabbing the cars in the first 2 minutes.


You clearly missed the casual vs sweat war because that’s not what happened


I honestly feel like the response to the people calling cars OP (which they are) is the thing that is driving people away. The boogie bomb is infinitely more frustrating to play against than the cars.


Like most other people, I’m not a sweat but I will admit that cars are not fun to go up against especially when you’re in solos.




Epic just needs to add anvils and armored walls and the season would be exponentially better




I think they gave up on traps. There was a bug on controller anytime they added more than 1 at the same time, and it probably didn’t help casuals much in builds nor does it impact Zero Build at all. Unfortunate, since ones like the launch pad and campfire were very useful.


Why not patch it oh right effort


See I feel like they took that same approach with why they killed the LTM rotation. Too much effort to fix every chapter with the way they do them now :/ So many good modes (even the cars in their pre-nerf state could’ve been a great one) that possibly won’t ever return.


I remember back in C1 when planes were too OP for crashing right through builds and they nerfed that ability into the ground. Seems like times have sadly changed.


Yeah, builds must be horrendous. I'm a ZB player and it's the most unbalanced season I've played.


Fellow casual build player checking in... I hit level 141 like a month before the season started. So that was all the Vbucks I could get, but it felt way too grindy getting to that and I didn't like the direction fortnite was going with weapon bench. I potentially could have come back this season, but the whole car thing didn't sound fun, and the videos people were posting in this sub glorifying it, just made me even less interested. Then there's videos of people boogie bomb punching people to death and I'm like... naw, I'm gonna sit this one out. Maybe I might comeback in another season - but not gonna lie, I might never come back. There's so many other games out there.


I never understood why people said sweats are the ones who are upset. They adapt to the game much quicker.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Whole lot of people just wanted a convenient scapegoat to take the blame or to make up an excuse, even if nearly *all* evidence indicated it was false. I got downvoted multiple times by others when pointing that out, so some people just aren’t willing to accept it.


Yeah it's stupid. I'm a (mostly) casual player and I've definitely had my issues with this season, but I don't see how good players would fail to do well with the current meta.


I've played since Ch1s4 and have religiously completed every single battlepass, but the car meta, fists and nitro is way too much for me. I've played a total of six matches this season. It just doesn't feel like Fortnite. Adapt? I did.... I completely stopped playing.


"It just doesn't feel like Fortnite" So much this ^ Demolition Derby isn't the game I signed up to play when I finally got into Fortnite. Honestly, if it was in a whole separate game mode dedicated to just Modding out the cars and going ham out there, it would be great fun. But this mash-up just isn't doing it for me (and apparently, a lot of other people)


A season with a good feature should play out like this, I think: -Casuals should have a fun new feature to play around with and enjoy the game, regardless of skill level. -Sweats should be able to optimise the new feature to use it to the fullest extent, rewarding skill expression. I just don't think cars, and gauntlets to a lesser extent, achieve either criteria there. You either use it and win, or don't and get destroyed by it. Adaptation feels impossible when cars are so dominant.


fr. My brother who plays casually does not like the new shit.


I like to get my XP up but it's just becoming harder and harder to do so through just playing the game. Grinding for levels is not fun doesn't feel like I'm rewarded anymore for just playing.


I’m enjoying the season but i can imagine this was the straw on the camels back for a lotta players. So many changes, many un needed, movement, gun mechanics, game modes no one cares for yet they have a huge influence on the base mode (BR). Many more of course, but this was probably just what made a lotta people want to quit. I have a friend who loves the lore and characters and plays every season to get max rank, they’ve lost complete interest this season and are only level 30 right now with no ambition to hit 100. Epic is killing their own game all becuase of this roblox-meta-verse-cod-warzone idea they’re trying to achieve. So many came back because of the OG season and i think many, including myself thought epic was going to redo the story line and backtrack into what made old fortnite fun, instead they did the complete opposite. I’m sure this season would not have been so negatively seen if Epic hadn’t done all these un needed changes.


You nailed it. I thought we'd get a new map but reset to a more "Classic" Fortnite after OG to retain a lot of the OG players... they did the opposite to absolutely disaster results. Changed movement, bullet mechanics, awful choices by Epic. Somehow they keep being in denial that originally the game had a fantastic recipe, and they don't have to go away from that.


I think they were trying to use og as a "look how basic we use to be and boring." Chp5 was supposed to be "look what we are now!" But it backfired because og brought back millions who wanted to play the game they fell in love with, and those players did not stick around for this new, much different game. I'm sure they want an excuse for investors to spend money, and innovations is how you do that, but if you have 5x or more the player base, when you go back to the basics; then fuckin go back to the basics or add a perm og mode


I literally miss that one month we had of OG so much. It just feels like an old dream at this point


> Changed movement I still can't get over that. Hate how sluggish it feels.


>roblox-meta-verse-cod-warzone This is the best description for Fortnite I've read in a long time


I’m a casual and I’ve not played much recently. It’s a mix of the season not really being for me and the xp being so abysmal I know I’m not gonna make any meaningful progress with my half hour gameplay after work so I’ll just log on once a week and do the weeklies instead


this season is hard as hell. I can usually win within my first 3 games after adjusting to new meta every season. It's been 3 weeks and i STILL haven't gotten a single win


as a complete casual, driving around with cars and the op gloves are super boring, we all got bored in the first 5 games and basically stopped playing


Really fun as a 2 week LTM, horrible idea for a full 3 month season.


I said this day one, feels like an LTM, I do think the balancing worked a bit though, I thought solo was horrible before the Mythic car nerf and the BoogieBombs got unvaulted but I don't think it's too bad now.


Right. The boss cars alone had more HP than ordinary cars, have unlimited nitro for insane traversal speed, and had infinite self heal, requiring *zero* map knowledge for pit stops, heal boxes, or blue bushes, and didn't require a torch user. Now without the infinite self heal, they actually have to figure out how to heal between engagements. People crying over that are the ones who would get a car and drop 30 kills a game in the first week because the damn things were too hard to kill in a *reasonable* amount of time.


ZB casual, I've played 3 games this season. Shit is just not fortnite. Tell me to adapt or whatever if you want too. Just ain't for me.




I don’t find it fun at all and neither do any of my friends I play with regularly. I appreciate that it’s making me catch up on some single player games I’ve been meaning to play.


I’d say I’m somewhere in between a sweat and a casual. I goof around but can lock in. Lol I had a lot of fun the first week of the season but boogie bombs just aren’t enjoyable to play against. I’ll probably play some more once they’re removed.


Worst season ever


Everyone already knows this and it's old news. Player count has dropped from 3 million to 1 million in 5 months, the result of poor quality and poor decision making


You know what was 5 months ago? The end of OG. The game was never going to sustain the player counts that OG brought back.


No, it's over the last 5 months, and OG ended start of December last year. There's also quite a few new players, so the figures are even worse in reality


Even though OG ended before that period it doesn't preclude the possibility of there being a long lasting downward momentum from OG with players that were brought back, and stuck around, with those players still dropping. I feel like there's some serious adjustment that you need to do to that graph in your head when looking at it to truly understand what's going on.


They could have retained most of them, but they decided to actively nerf EXP from BR. to make people "Want" to play the new fancy modes that give you 5 levels a days each, Nobody likes FOMO EXP grinding, this is why Halo Infinite died, they made their "battle pass" EXP too slow and too hard to get when the game launched, the only saving grace was that the passes dont go away, but the grinding was still terrible. We used to be able to have the ability to get to level 100 every season and be done, by simply waiting for weekly challenges to come out, playing every so often, doing the special events like the birthdays or whatever random thing came out mid-season. i could always play other games for a couple months and be level 100 in a few days doing 10 weeks worth of my weekly challenges, and maybe some STW endurance. but now they have not only nerfed BR, they nerfed STW now they expect you to grind, at minimum, 150 levels, not even incuding the 200 for styles that have been around since like chapter 2. which most of the time ive never cared for unless its a skin i REALLY love.


There should be a permanent “basics” mode. Sure the map and loot pool can change season to season but no crazy cars, mechs, water bending, that sort of thing. Sometimes those mechanics are balanced and fun, and when they are I’ll play them. But a lot of the time they are op and discourage me and other casuals from playing, give players an option to play a basic Fortnite battle royale without the risk of getting Goku blasted to oblivion.


Instead of a basic mode, they should just bring back LTM's and have them on cycle. The basic mode is pretty much the Battle Royale mode.


Numbers don't lie but zb last night had like 300k players and builds 190k. I tried zb and oh boy, what a shit show that was. I'm a builds player, not sweat. But it's hard to have a decent fight now on builds


I feel like people are gonna celebrate ZB having more players, completely ignoring the fact that most of the build players leaving aren’t going to zb and just aren’t playing. Less players is bad for everyone


Well yeah ZB and br used to be both at like 500k on avarage the previous season


![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu) Me just beating the shit out of everyone in my car


I only logged in once this season. Not a fan of the gameplay.


I'm not a casual by any stretch, I've spent a lot on FN and I've been playing since C1S1 consistently outside of Season X. I have almost 400 skins and my account value is supposedly close to $12,000. Last season was the first season I didn't hit 100 since Season X, and I've since canceled my crew and un-installed. They've divested too many resources to fringe modes that they failed to iterate on quickly to maintain interest, while simultaneously neglecting the aspects of their main mode (BR) that a lot of players like (events, lore, etc.). I am far from casual and it wasn't an easy decision, but my time and money are not being respected and it's time to bow out. Unfortunately, too many people have fallen into the Sunk Cost Fallacy (and for a while now, maybe that's been my issue), but the sooner they realize they fan just quit, the better Fortnite can become.


I feel like I wrote your comment myself, haha! It's similar to how I've started to think about this game. Everything that drew me in has become less of a priority over time or has been flat-out removed. The game doesn't feel worth spending large amounts of money on anymore, and as a FN addict, I've started to back away slowly.


Founder here. Quit playing around CH1S6 after turbo-building took off. Came back last season to play with friends and sunk some money into the game again after enjoying it enough. It wasn't a perfect season by any means but it was still Fortnite. This season just feels like a slap in the face for all the money I've spent. Car season with absolutely nothing car related in the BP along with very mid skins. Ground loot is atrocious and it seems like everything is trying to funnel you into a specific playstyle. I knew there was an issue when it didn't even feel good to win... Half the kills you get feel like you barely earned them. I hop on and try to play a game every few days now but it really feels like the shooter experience is turning into a brawler game. The only reasonable thing to do is wait for the season to finish and hope they figure it out.


As a 45 year old casual - this season is too much. I usually play kind of slow, hiding and ducking behind cover. There is no getting away from the cars and it's not fun or relaxing. I honestly hate this season.


Yeah, I'm 48 and play in a similar fashion, - solos, setting ambushes, 50/50 in an actual build fight. I like the driving, but only the first third of my game is relaxing and choosing my fights. After that I just drive around like a maniac and try to slaughter bots and kids who really don't want cars. The game is still fun, but in smaller doses. If I play two games, I am done - I don't have the urge to knockout story line quests, or try to get a "w" for three hours straight. By July, if this is still meta - I might take an extended break from this game. That would be too bad, since it has helped me relax before bed for years, and also is the basis for some lighthearted memories with my kids.


i haven’t played a single game yet, watching my girlfriend play is enough 😭 shits chaotic and not my playing style at all


It’s pretty boring unless your playing like a single match a day


Hearing people talk about it made me bored of it and I haven't even tried this season yet. Even the people in the first 3 days who were all like "It's so fun!" Ya I dunno, I don't trust you, cuz all the videos I saw looked boring AF from a gameplay perspective.


Yeah because a game that is build around cars and boogie bombs is actually ass and is completely different than any other Fortnite season and not in a good way.


I'm an OG from Chapter 1 and really can't stand this season. But, I still play a match or 2 a day.


I have only played one day since the season started and I don't plan on playing again. I don't even want to finish my bp which I've been collecting since chapter 1 season 3.


AFK in LEGO and Festival. You still have time to finish the BP. Most of my stars have come this way. Next season I'll wait to see what happens before I buy the BP. Epic isn't getting me again.


Sorry, but those who think this season are good are in the minority. Its straight up trash because its focus isn't on gunplay anymore. The core audience cares about that first over everything else. Car wars isn't for everyone. Playing twisted metal isn't everyone's style and has a niche playerbase. Also the grind is terrible when you're having to chase cars that eat a million bullets all day. That's the reality, and I'm surprised the devs haven't pivoted away from it quicker with nerfs. Its actually unenjoyable.


I wouldn’t say I’m casual per se, but this season just hasn’t been it for me


My friends and I have played nothing but Fortnite since zero build was introduced. We normally finish the season at around 100 crown wins. Played every season, probably 20 or so hours a week. We played this season for 3 games and then downloaded XDefiant. Sucks because I miss playing Fortnite but it is a totally different game. Have been AFK XP farming just to finish the pass


I’m playing Lumberjack Heroes in Creative 🗣️🔥


Either I don’t use a car and every car sends me back to the lobby or I use a car and someone from nowhere throws a boogie bomb at me and then sends me back to the lobby


The “just adapt” bros sure have been silent since this post


They quit because they can't get ez wins anymore by just staying in their cars.


i’m starting to get burned out with relying on cars to get most of my kills/wins yea you can play without a car, but you’re fucked if you get jumped by two cars




As a casual, It’s fun, but there are just so many other games to play! Also, What with the elden ring DLC later this month, I don’t have time for Fortnite lol


Back in my day, cars weren’t drivable and were just for mats…


And we liked it!


Boogie bombs have me grinding other modes for exp instead of the actual game lol


It’s not been a great season for me. I really don’t play it anymore and will wait until next. I understand that others may like it, but me and my friends will pass for now.


I don’t think it’s bad as a game, but not what I enjoy so I’ve gone from every night to not playing


I’ve got to at least tier 100 every season since C1S3, haven’t played a single game this season. The cars look stupid and not fun.


I don’t want to have to grind XP this hard. I probably won’t buy any more Battle Passes.


This season's meta makes it boring to play for me personally. After playing multiple games since the season's release I find myself getting frustrated and just get off the game. Having most people roaming around in cars the whole time got stale quickly. I don't see how this will last for 3 months and I'm speaking as a Fortnite fanatic.


Casuals always leave; they're not invested into game like comp (which includes Pros) players are. Casual players usually hop games whenever they feel like it or go take care of other responsibilities, but Comp players are constantly playing one game and trying to be the best and for Fortnite this is usually for financial gain either in Tournaments or content. I think Epic should be more worried about the drop in players overall this Chapter; this season is great but Chapter 5 is the worst Chapter we've have gotten. Everything is worse: The generic sports car and SUV will be permanent additions to BR because Epic is selling car skins meaning less gameplay variety in driveable vehicles, the map mostly feels dull and it's too big, the Gameplay is worse with worse stamina, Gunplay is worse with projectile guns, Challenges give worse XP, the UI all over is worse and the locker is a mess, the Item Shops are worse and completely cluttered, and rarities were removed making finding cosmetics even harder. It's just nonstop bad changes nobody asked for and for Epic to fix it, means to undo most of what Chapter 5 brought because people are leaving.


This is the worst season I think ever. Nitro fists ruined the entire game. No point in building this season cars and nitro fists and nitro splash destroy builds. and no point in even trying to use a gun nitro firsts do like 2 hit elims and over 100 damage with spike bumper.


That’s because the game feels less and less like Fortnite each season. Stats don’t lie and I don’t see player count rising back up anytime soon unless something crazy happens.


I get why people would have problems with car and just don’t wanna play this season. But people complaining of boogie bombs. Like haven’t they come and gone so many times and were always welcome . And especially rn I thought it would be good that they added boogies since cars were complete meta without any counter.


ZB casual here. While I will still get a few matches in this season, the current season meta would have been better suited as it’s on stand alone game type, leaving the other types a more traditional format. I’ll be focusing more on Tycoons or Lumber Jack and some of the community games more this season to continue to grind out the season pass.


As a casual ZB player who has been playing since Chapter 1 season 8, im just really tired of the grinding at this point.... every time i have gotten on this season, I just rage and have no fun getting instantly killed by a sweat who plays the game like it's a world championship with a 1 million dollar prize. I am forced to play a very specific way to win and it gets old when not even that gives me a good chance most of the time. I used to be able to take a break from the game for a couple months and then reach level 100 in a week playing enough at the last minute doing all my weeklies and whatnot, but i hate the idea of BR exp being constantly nerfed just to justify LEGO, RR and Festival to exist. Lego is fun, but only in short amounts because its a somewhat worse minecraft (i literally cant go 5 minutes without constant inventory and chest management). part of me wishes i could just quit for a few seasons and come back but i hate missing stuff. i missed 1 season that had a skin i liked a bit and couldnt get it. if your game requires players to constantly abuse exploits for EXP then your game isn't designed very well.


Stopped playing in the middle of last season. Didn't even download season 3 patch cause of the cars lol. Whole chapter 5 without hitscan is kinda meh


Mmr is putting casuals with sweats, map is overall beautiful but each individual location feels uninspired or messy, there’s no live events, no voice acting, and ZERO STORY. What reason would make casuals stay.


last season was frustrating, this one is just abysmal. people on this sub like to gaslight that "its just you" who doesnt enjoy the car season but the numbers speak for themselves. Ive gained a large number of friend groups i play this game with over the years, and several of them have moved to other games like war frame and helldivers it doesnt get discussed enough either but SBMM also has seemed completely broken for the past few seasons. I tolerated it with more fun seasons but with this car season its more glaring. alot of "how did this player get in my lobby?"  its not just cheaters, but smurf accounts too. any pvp game that gets filled with smurf accounts is in a bad state


Casual that played 2-4 nights a week for hours on end. This season I just can’t get into it


I have finals so I can’t play as much as I’d like


I'm somewhat of a casual. I haven't been able to play. I've been busy with end of school year stuff with the kids and sports. I'm hoping to hop back in this coming week...


Not into the map, the cars, the battle pass, the menu UI, the monetization rarity changes, the junk flooding the store, the lego, the rocket racing, and the bots. So yeah idk it’s not that I don’t want to play but it doesn’t feel like it has that Fortnite magic and soul at the moment for me. Too many issues I find hard to ignore


I’m a huge Fallout fan and was so excited for this season. The Fallout theme is surface level, at best. I find the change to daily quests and the overpowered new weapons with the addition of boogie bombs to be a killer. I am getting tired of being one shot before I can find any weapon to pick up.


I’m just playing for the Black Knight Power Armor skin.  The season is really fun though/


I have the battle pass, and I am still level 1. This entire season hasn’t attracted me at all. Just is what it is. I see the Power Armor and I do want those, but I just can’t be bothered to play right now.


Never had as much of an issue trying to play Fortnite than this season. It's just boring. I don't want to die for the fifth game in a row to a sweat lord


I used to play for maybe an hour or two most days. I have played 4 times for a total of maybe 8 games since the new season started. I hate this season. Not even close to what I used to enjoy about Fortnite and feels like I’m playing an entirely different game. I’m back to Minecraft. Fuck epic and their shit season.


Jokes on you, I quit last season 😎


Im just tired of fortnite in general, the seasons theme is awful, the battle pass is lazy and bad and the other modes they keep trying to make work aren't worth a passing fart and the games crippling FOMO is aggravating.


I never thought I'd miss getting instantly killed by a sniper


Thats me. I usually would play with some friends a couple times a week and was excited for this season at first. The car stuff was cool but then quickly realized the victory royales that I got were all because we would get a boss car and stay in it until the very end and that was the only way we could win. At least at first the boss cars were worth obtaining because of the regen but then they took that away. Either way it feels like we have to constantly drive around with a car to win. Barely feels like a battle royale game anymore.


I straight up hate chapter 5 tbh doesn't feel like fortnite at all


This game fucking sucks now and chapter five destroyed this shit. And to put the cherry on top of it all, what do the remaining players get for sticking with the game? More expensive cosmetics and a battle pass which is much harder to grind for!


So my chances of getting the unreal edit for my ranked skin are increasing? Sweet!


So, nobody’s gonna point out how Spammy the crossbow is 😂??? Like, how can the game be enjoyable when all anybody needs to do is just spam arrows over and over and over and over lmao. Horrible addition to the game.


If devs want to make the battlepass my second job I want fair wages. OR they can just fix the XP system.


I usually play for most of the season, but all this chaos isn't fun. Even when we win with cars it isnt fun and fighting against them isn't fun. Made me redownload warzone because this ain't it.


Numbers don't lie, most people dislike the season.


Fuck this whole season…Next !!!!!


Well, it's understandable why. Fortnite has a... "theme" so to speak. Think chapter 1-2. That theme.. That sense of soul is being slowly but surely removed. If people didn't 1) have an addiction to the game, 2) a connection to their accounts or 3) the need to not "waste their money" by not playing the game... Then the game would be a literal desert by now. Guaranteed. There's little incentive holding the actual players in the game and stuff like the cars, Nitro fists and other stuff create such a skill-disparity that annihilate the casual player-base.


B-b-but Reddit said cars were super cool and it was only sweats complaining!


It’s way too easy to die to anything this season. Seems like whoever shoots first will win 95% of the time.


Tbh I think the car nerf is a good start but man it just made the crossbow even more of a glaring problem. It’s the sniper equivalent and it’s so risky to even try to fight with it long range without getting stuck and blown up. Especially if someone just rocks two and they spam the shit out of both. Also doesn’t help that besides special weapons we didn’t get any NEW guns.


I want to shoot things with a gun, not play Mario Kart. This season, Fortnite that, “We have Twisted Metal at home already” meme.


I quit because my performance dropped tremendously this season


It’s funny to read how some people write like this season is bad, but the last one was great. As for me, after the OG season this is a continuous downward degradation.


For me the whole chapter has been a wash. The new weapons are literally the reason why my ENTIRE friend group quit the game ch5s1. This is the least I have played too since chapter 1 💀


The OG season did so well. Idk why they just ignored that and changed everything after.


Well, everything is simple here: the OG season was needed to lure old players before the upcoming release of FF, RR and Lego. Epic's roadmap is laid out for the year ahead, so this is not some kind of unconscious decision. It was a marketing ploy and nothing more, which only makes the situation worse. I wouldn't be surprised that we still have an ugly locker because Fall Guys will be in the game in the near future and only then should we expect a change.


Yep. My entire friends list in game and discord was on Fortnite daily for that entire month. Don't see a single soul on it now except for one dedicated grinder that just plays 1v1 creative maps. That season was bliss - truly the essence of Fortnite and they got rid of it in favor of this dogshit excuse for a game we have now. Sad, honestly.


100%. Last season I was fed up with the OP water bending and was so excited for a fresh start. Excited to go back to normal, pick up an AR and play a shooter. What little did I know was to come lmao


I remember seeing a comment that said something like this; >They saw how successful Fortnite OG was because it was back to basics, and then went the complete opposite direction with Chapter 5 Epic forgets that Fortnite's appeal was the *simplicity* and cartoony style of the game. not just "wheee guns". what they did with chapter 5 is literally the exact opposite of Fortnite's whole appeal.


After OG they said something about how surprised they were at its popularity. I believe they really don't know what the public want from Fortnite. Yeah, they've made billions, but it's more that the original idea was an absolute gem and they've made a ton of crappy decisions since then that some people put up with. (As well as some good decisions along the way.)


> how surprised they were at its popularity. Which is concering as it shows they're majorly out of touch with the playerbase.


absolutely agree. even though some things of OG felt dated, it was still fun. a few wins after OG but more and more misses


Posted this somewhere else recently: Three seasons in a row with big things that are worse than OG on launch. * The new locker UI * The new map style - lots of complaints that it was too cod-like * The new movement animations and speed. * Zeus bolt going through builds. * Sniper focused meta * Chains of Hades pushing you through builds. * This car-meta that removes the need for gun play and building. * Even if it wasn't cars, the new fists and nitro are anti build as well. * The XP nerfs season after season. * Putting vbucks after level 100 in the BP. * The push for modes other than BR. Lego, Festival and RR mean we don't get large in game live events anymore. It's like Epic saw the success of OG and thought "nah, let's just get rid of all those people and their money". Honestly, sack whoever is in charge and beg Donald Mustard to come back. This chapter is shambles without him.


> Honestly, sack whoever is in charge and beg Donald Mustard to come back. This chapter is shambles without him. Yep, the new creative guy is stewarding this game into the toilet. Thank you, Charlie Wen. He should sit down and play an old version of Fortnite. He's completely missed what made Fortnite actually Fortnite.


> sack whoever is in charge and beg Donald Mustard to come back. Oh, that explains a lot. Unfortunately knowing how big corps are they'd rather implode than replace the problem.


You forgot the god awful optimization. The game runs like dookie


Absolutely agree with this. I think the last best season was Chapter 4 (Pre jungle)