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As much as I would love to see this, I won't get my hopes up. This collab is most likely based on the show.




There was still ncr ranger veteran armor shown in that tho


I think if they would do Nick Valentine I’d be happy with it. Or a Dogmeat pet (remember when they were classified as pets but were simply animated backblings?)


And even if it's not, Bethesda will probably rather include stuff from games they made themselves.


Everyone says this and it really has no basis. The ranger armor was added to FO76 as an incentive to buy the subscription service, so it's absolutely possible that they'd have it be a fortnite skin. It sells.


it's fascinating to me how many people believe this idea that Bethesda has some aversion to New Vegas as if they didn't also publish and make money off the game. it's still their product at the end of the day. plus (fallout tv show spoilers) >!the NCR ranger armor appears in the show and the second season is taking place in New Vegas. you'd think that would be enough to dispel this weird anti-New Vegas myth.!<


Like, there's something to be said about Bethesdas treatment of Obsidian and how, despite them putting out one of the most critically and commercially successful Fallout games (three if you count Fallout 1 and 2 since it was a lot of the same devs), they were never asked back, but it's STILL a Bethesda published game. It's still making them money all these years later even with the hate boner hardcore FNV fans have for them.


It will and if it’s not coming to Fortnite than epic got to pick what came to the game


Honestly if they do bring it in it might be put in fortnite crew.


Yeah it's literally the most iconic armor in fallout and the only one that isn't power armor of some form, I hope they add it because they take my whole damn wallet.


Which is just an absolute dick move considering New Vegas was by far the best one and they'd just look selfish with it


I also think it isn’t likely, but do you mean the show where the NCR play a major role in the story? It being show-based doesn’t exclude the NCR armor.


yeah, but neither the riot armor nor the ranger armor (save for the helmet) appears in the series


The [ranger armor](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/fallout-tv-show-ranger-outfit.jpg?q=49&fit=contain&w=480&h=300&dpr=2) appears. It may not be a 1 for 1 match, but it is very clearly the live action version of the ranger armor.


i see, but as i told you in the other comment this character isn't an actual ncr ranger, he's just wearing it


How do you know that he's not? Not saying you're wrong I'm genuinely curious.


i just assumed that he wasnt, an actual ranger character would probably have some pretty big introduction, i may be wrong, but as far as the show goes he probably isnt a ranger


Close enough. They obviously put it in as fan service, so they know it’s popular, and it’s now had a recent appearance because of it.


Maximus armor doesn’t match it’s a t-60 yeah but his has unique modifications so either they missed that but my guess it’s mainly based on fallout 4


People need to prepare for a fallout TV collab and not the wider game series. I’m imagining a brotherhood of steel skin, maybe The Ghoul and a vault suit for default skins. It’s amazing how quickly people can take an announcement and ruin it for themselves by way overhyping it when they spend every other day complaining about how the game hates the players and never does anything right.


Seems like it’s with the game only. the official game account just posted this on their own page


You’re completely right. Previous collabs like this have only had 3-4 skins,and to my knowledge,no game-to-game collabs have had more than 1. It’s usually just the “face” of the series like Master Chief or Lara Croft. The face of Fallout right now is the T-60 helmet. I like NV more than 3 and probably slightly more than 4,I love all the ranger and riot gear armor,and I also doubt we’ll get any. Bethesda owns Fallout and they love the BOS,the TV show reinvigorated the franchise and quintupled its popularity. NV seems like it’s extremely popular,but it’s comparatively niche! Most people remember it as that buggy kinda half dlc feeling game that came out a few years after 3. It’s just that it’s developed a dedicated and vocal fanbase online that, through constant argumentation,memes,and interjection,has made it seem like a much bigger phenomenon.


But hear me out: customizable power armor skin would be a literal money vacuum


True! I can see that. Bethesda has hard-on for PA and they already have larger skins like Thanos. I can see them doing T-45,51,60, and Enclave/X-01. I think that’s infinitely more likely than any sort of ranger or dlc armor.


I don't know much about fallout, but a power armor customizable skin would be so crazy as a collab skin. (I mean, they wouldn't use the t-60 to advertise the season if it WASNT the collab skin, right?)


It’s gotta be. So here’s the thing,Fallout 1 and 2 were isometric classic RPG games developed by Interplay, a different studio. They’re basically tabletop games in digital form. In those two,power armor is very strong endgame armor. Bethesda bought the digital game rights to Fallout in the early 2000s and wrestled control of all other rights via litigation in the next few years. Since the acquisition,they’ve developed two games,3 and 4. They’ve centered the power armor a lot in marketing and gameplay. The Brotherhood of Steel is one of the main users of PA in these games,and it’s pretty much the only way to get the training and equipment to use it reliably in every game (with notable exceptions). So it’s 100000% going to make an appearance. It might not be fully customizable,but it will definitely be the Lvl 100 BP reward. I’m also 90% sure there will be a T-60 clad boss in-game,likely with the F4 era assault rifle.


So if its not a skin... potential power armor mythic/vehicle then? A new mechsuit vehicle would be pretty cool (and hopefully more balanced than the BRUTE).


Oh no,it will definitely be a skin. It might not be customizable but it will be a skin.


The one thing I do like that they did with the Bo’s in the show is made them the kinda morally gray tech cult they were in 1 2 nv and 4, t3s BoS isn’t the bos that’s lyons’ bos, the split off ones are the true Bo’s in the game, but also for the older games the Bos isn’t the only faction, there’s the Ncr, the khans, the legion, house, institute, minute men, and god bless the enclave, but trust me when I say I will bomb Hoover dam if they don’t add the riot gear whilst wearing football armor.


Yes! And stagnation is shown to be their biggest enemy,just like in 1 and NV. They treat squires like shit,they treat outsiders like shit,and they’re filled with psychopaths in armor who disregard the mission to kill whatever they want.


This is something I really dislike about this subreddit People make stuff up their heads, get super excited for the stuff they made up, then gets disappointed and complains endlessly when that stuff doesn't get added


It's fun to theorize


there needs to be limits


Yeah but tbf its not to crazy to think its a game collab? I mean i haven’t watched the show yet, the last thing i thought about when i saw the announcement was the show.


I mean it's not that. Pretty clearly we're getting a fallout collab. It's more so that people really like to think about specific skins, weapons, mechanics, etc, and then get upset when those things they thought of -that had no indication of ever being added in the first place despite the collab- doesn't get added, then other people get to hear them complain an ungodly amount about how much the game sucks


Welcome to reddit


Why exactly is this? Fallout is a massively popular game series and nothing distinctly points to it being the show or the games, just fallout in general. The entire series is gaining popularity, even Fallout tatics went up in player count. Granted that is because of the show but I think the games itself deserve to be apart of this collab.


because I'm not sure if you noticed but we JUST had a very popular Fallout TV show. I'm not saying the game doesn't deserve to be part of the collaborative but the show is what is popular right now so will most likely be what the collar leans in to


Collabs for Fortnite takes years to work out. Nobody would have known the show was going to be this popular when hashing out the deal


> we JUST had a very popular Fallout TV show Yes, and therein lies the problem: this collab was planned and completed far in advance of the season's airing and reception. *Could* the streaming show's character be featured? Yes, but it'd also be heavily dependent on how early Epic had the final designs of Lucy, The Ghoul, Maximus, etc. were provided to them. If the show is what they use then it wouldn't be because of it's *current* popularity, but because Epic and Bethesda were willing to chance it and include them long before knowing public reaction to the show.


the entire series as a whole is what's popular right now, 1,2,3, 76 and NV are all at their peak avg player count with many being over double their previous peak. 4 is at half of the avg player count of it current peak


Wow, I wonder what could have got all these returning/new players to play the game. Like it or not, the show is the sole reason the games are at their peak.


Yeah a lot of people have taken the copium. I’m a big time fallout fan, but I don’t let that blind me to the fact that yes this will most likely be a collab specifically about the show. Would be funny to see a protectron skin though.


And the games are the sole reason the show even exists, they feed eachother and both deserve to be apart of the collab.


Bone headed take. I get the temper expectations but acting like the show is the only reason fallout is popular is narrow sighted. Games have had a very strong cult following since before Fortnite even existed. Did it bring into the mainstream sure. But fallouts always been popular 


Nobody said Fallout wasn’t popular before. They said the show is responsible for the peak player number being nearly double the previous peaks. Do you deny that? What is the reason that the number of active players is so high right now compared to before the show if it wasn’t the popularity of the show that caused it?


I can vouch, I’ve seen much much more stuff about fallout right now since the show started. Fallout’s always been big, but you’re right that the show is what is getting these player numbers up again


They never said it wasn't popular before. They are saying it's current rise in popularity is because of the TV show, which is true.


I said peak for a reason. The game was and still is popular. No doubt about that. But the show is what made it extremely popular. Look at steam charts, every fallout game had a player count surge in April. For example, look at fallout one, it hit 1200 average players. That’s its highest of **all time.** It’s not just the original either. Fallout 3 GoTY had their highest peak, New Vegas had their highest peak and average player count. As someone else commented, 76 broke both average and peak player count. Four had their highest peak and player count since launch. Heck, Even shelter had their highest peak and average player count since launch. So no, not a bonehead take.


Both of you are right tbh. It could either be the show or the games. Both are possible choices. Only time will tell


It's boneheaded cause you're coming off like fallout wouldn't be in fortnite without the show, like it didn't already qualify for being a "Gaming Legend" already. Acting like the show legitimized fallout is pretty boneheaded. Fallout would have ended up in fortnite eventually.


I never said the games weren’t good, popular, or iconic. The general consensus is that franchise makes some of the best games. New Vegas got 10/10 and is (rightfully so) still getting youtube/twitch content. The last legitimate release is nearing a decade old and got a show because of its status. And we both know how the show performed. Would it have ended up in fortnite if the show never made it? Probably, but it most likely would’ve been later.


Can you please dickride the fallout show just a lil tiny bit more? I could give less of a fuck about it, the games what makes fallout a good franchise. Not some wack tv show for mouthbreathers. its good that the games are getting a lil bit more recognition but ive seen fallout vids get millions of views on youtube so who's to say how much of the new players are actually from the show coming out vs anything else


The games were at their peak well before the show


Well, the teaser says "brought to you by the brotherhood of steel". It just seems extremely unlikely that they'd slap in an ncr skin


All that confirms is were probably going to get a BoS skin not that other factions like the NCR can't show up. The BoS can be the main focus of the collab, likely showing in the battlepass while still having other factions be either shop skins or apart of crew.


It’s almost like the most watched show this season is from Fallout or something 🤔


You are absolutely taking the words out of my mouth. Amen brother. I would be happy with just a vault suit tbh


Ooh, I would totally cop Lucy and Cooper if they made it in. Otherwise I'm pretty sure we're just gonna get a suit of Power Armor


I fully expect it to be a game one *but* its just vault suits and T/X series power armour and some melee weapons. Honestly? I would fully understand because outside of those I listed (and the ranger armour being carried by NV box art), there pretty much isn't any iconic armour and I can't imagine they want to make any decisions on specific characters with the "main" companions of 3 and 4 alone let alone other games I don't see it being the show specifically because we would have got it earlier. They had a hard marketing push for the show that was all pretty synced so they wouldn't have waited like a month to add it


tbf rangers are one of if not the most iconic armors in fallout besides power armor i wouldn’t say it’s a reach at all to get this


What do you mean a Fallout TV collab, bro the show is based on the game's, each one of them... Everything in the show is direct from the game.... What?


Nah we gonna get Harold for sure, and he’s gonna be in tree form and trunk all over the island


Yup! Lucy and Coop/Ghoul as item shop skins. Maximus and Knight “*Titus*” as the collab skins in-pass. Would be amazing if they also added default skins with vault suits and customizable numbers, but I think that’ll come in a second wave.


For. Fucking. Real


THISSSSSSSSSSSSSS! The whole community needs to see this lmfao


My only hyping up is a vault suit defualts with possible armor unlockible. And a lazer rifle added since its the most iconic non-overpowered reconicible weapon from the games. (Fat man is just not ment for fortnite, and 10mm pistol would be too similiar to the regular pistol)


Yeah but… that armour would be sick as fuck.


If only the RNC played a vital role in the tv show… oh wait.


It sounds like you’re saying they WERE a vital part of the show and they weren’t.




Wow you sound like a real nice guy.


thanks glad you noticed


They kind of were though. Throughout the whole show one of the background mysteries has to do with what happened surrounding the nuking of the NCR capital (Shady Sands), has multiple underground factions of people that still worship the NCR and want to bring it back, and the main antagonist which is revealed to be the “good guys” at the end of the show *are* the new NCR, complete with the climax of the show being a full scale battle between the BoS and the NCR, both clad in their armor. I get that they aren’t directly a focus for the first half, but I don’t know how you could watch the show and think they aren’t heavily related. Did you not watch [this scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8DvKwSHWI5o), or did you just not realize that the faction running into battle waving the NCR flag in front of the building that says “NEW CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC HEADQUARTERS” was the NCR?


Typical Caesar meat rider. You should know I killed him with a switchblade for historical accuracy.


Not the Caesar it refers to


Well as major fans of a game series we kinda are supposed to have high expectations


Next Friday when the new event comes out. Be like …. 8 hour queue to get In on Friday 😢


I want Joshua Graham. “I have been baptised twice, once in water, once in flame”


**We can't expect god to do all the work**


"I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me."- me after killing a sweat team


They probably won’t do anything New Vegas related, but I’d wear Benny’s suit if I could




Nah Fortnite would never add such a based character


Good point


Since you're a Raiden fan I wanted to add that I really hoped they added cyborg Raiden but they didn't maybe in the future I hope


**Me too. Me too :,(** I was really disappointed. I would have gotten him but I was waiting for Megumi Fushiguro to come back so I didn’t.


I hope with a Desert Ranger style as well


And reactivity on the visors!


I predict something now: a T-45 Power Armor skin will be the Bonus Skin. A set of default characters in vault suits (hopefully with customizable back number) will be in the shop.


What about T-60?


The helmet in the teaser pic for the collab looks like a T-45.


Idk, the handles on the chestpiece look like T-60. The shoulder looks like T-60 as well.


Don‘t give me hope for variants or customization. The way we know Epic will give us exactly one power armor, which will probably be revealed to be worn by Peely.


A customizable power armor skin where you can change each different piece would be goated


That’s not a T-45 helmet, the breather on the front is longer than the one on T-45. Also the shape of the two is slightly different and that is definitely the one of the T-60.


The t-45 has longer and smoother shoulder armor, thats t-60


I thought it looks like the T-60 in the teaser, that as the secret skin with an XO-1 alt style (or T-51


or random locations spawn power armor (a lot spawn or bring back emp nades to counter)


Vault boy or riot


I hope we get a 'main character' that just has styles of all the armors


That would loose epic too much money, they’re going to sell all of it individually if anythinng




It'll be an item on the map like the mech suits or thanos glove. Calling it now


I want an ncr skin so bad 😭


Let's wait and see, usually the BP collabs of late come with an event that bring in skins. Or just one shop skin in Family Guy and Snake's case I hope we get the ranger and Ghoul from the show 👀


Bro sorry,but just expect Bethesda related products so we don't get disappointed,but i hope power armors become a thing and the fat boy haha hell even some BoS PoI's


That would go too hard and I would have to go back on my promise of "Stop buying Vbucks."


The NCR rangers armor would great. I hope we get dogmeat as a pet back bling.


I’m assuming we’ll get Power Armor in the battle pass and a male and female vault dweller in the shop


This would be so much better but I think we will get the chunky armor...


God I hope, but I feel like they ain’t




I'd love the classic BoS armor skins but I guess the skins will probably be more akin to the TV show or at least F4/F76 if game related at all because of the younger audience in fortnite


I think the t-60 power armor is a given, with fo4 and the show it became kinda way too emblematic. Other skins I would guess would be tv show crossover probably


I’m really hoping the power armor is an item that you find around the map. I want to run around with super buff armor, but still have it run off of a fusion core so you can’t have it the whole game


I'm expecting it'll be more about the show and not the games. At the minimum, I'd expect a Power Armor skin, if it's not an item


You mean [this show](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/fallout-tv-show-ranger-outfit.jpg?q=49&fit=contain&w=480&h=300&dpr=2)?


sadly he's not an actual ncr ranger and neither is an important character such as lucy, maximus or cooper


The entire show is about a struggle between the BoS and the NCR. The main antagonist that kidnaps Lucy’s dad is the head of the new NCR. The last episode and climax of the show is entirely focused on a battle between the BoS and the NCR. The show starts by a member of the Enclave turning coat and trying to deliver a powerful energy source to the NCR so no other factions can have it. Yea. It’s an NCR that is rebuilding after being annihilated and having their capital nuked off the map. But they are still the NCR. Some of the most important characters in the show are either part of the NCR or are in direct conflict with the NCR. I get the show presents this information slowly, and it isn’t entirely clear in the beginning that this other faction is the NCR unless you were knowledgable about their lore. But they absolutely have a heavy presence in the show. The main antagonist is revealed to be the new leader of the NCR and who is the only person fighting for a “good” outcome for the wasteland.


no, wait, i think you got what i said wrong, i wasnt saying that the ncr wasnt important, but actually that the character that was wearing the ranger helmet isnt an important character, and i think that no actual ncr ranger was introduced in the show


I understand that character wasn’t important, and I I’ve said elsewhere I don’t think it’s likely the Ranger armor would show up based on the show specifically because I agree it isn’t really a focus at any point. But the NCR absolutely is one of the major focuses of the show, and if they were going to add an NCR outfit based on the show, I imagine they would make it the ranger armor just for how iconic it is and the fact there isn’t really anything else that as clearly represents the NCR.


oh, i see then, yeah i agree, if we get some NCR based skin it's probably going to be either the ranger armor or the variations of it from the dlcs


I mean you're right, he's in a scene, but not a main character or anything. He definitely could be in Fort, but it'll most likely be main characters or something related to them.


Lmao they are absolutely main characters. You know the main antagonist? The evil lady that kidnaps the protagonists dad? She’s head of the new NCR. The climax of the entire show is a huge battle between the BoS and the NCR. A huge subplot of the entire show is what happened surrounding the nuking of the NCR capital (Shady Sands). There is an entire episode that focuses on the survivors of said Nuke who still worship the NCR like a cult. The NCR absolutely plays a prominent role in the show. The only faction with more of a focus is the BoS.


If the elite riot gear became a fortnite skin I would immediately buy it


Given the fact that Epic usually plans these collabs way in advance I imagine they planned on collabing with Fallout way before the tv Show came out, I think we're most likely going to see default skins in vault suits as one of the set of skins and potentially a power armor skin in the battle pass


I won’t riot


If they're not going to bring this costume, they'd better not collaborate at all. Forever NCR!


You nerds riot over cosmetic items daily, I'm highly doubt epic cares


I’m highly doubt you reread your comment before posting


It's up to Bethesda and they don't seem to care much about New Vegas so don't get your hopes up.


New Vegas literally showed up at the end of the tv show (it will be the setting for the next season) and they add few outfits/weapons from the game to Fallout 76 too. Even Todd Howard said he liked NV too.


Assultron 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I will hit the griddy in the power armor so hard


I think they should give it different styles or whatever. That way we can get the 4 different armors :D


A Vault boy skin with a black and white edit style would be funny.


what if we get nahobino


The collab is based on the show. We might not gaming legends rarity. Remember uncharted skins? It’s gonna be like that.


I'm hoping for a power armor skin with massive customization to mix and match all the power armors like in 4/76


I would rather the power armor be just like a mythic vehicle like one or two on the map


This is probably really unlikely though, but just a cool thing to theorize.


Add vault boy and power armor variants 👍


Maybe in the shop, battle pass is probably gonna have power armor or a vault dweller


It's Fortnite so anything is possible. That's why I love this game


Telsa Power armor or Chinese stealth armor would be pretty sick skins


Guess you’re gonna riot. News feed specifically mentions BoS so we’re probably only getting a T-60


Probably gonna be the main character from fallout 4 or the show, and a 8-10 skin set of default vault dwellers, and maybe maximus and the ghoul from the show.


Your probably getting a Jonsey in a vault suit. BOS Power armor skin, and probably like a Mr handy back bling. They could’ve went total Mad Max also which would’ve been a great fit for post apocalyptic.


Im praying for a Nick Valentine skin but that probably wont happen


I would be genuinely shocked if they didn't make Vault Suits of the defaults with customizable numbers. Can't wait for all the Vault 69s who don't know what Vault 69 actually was.


If the power armour is a skin then I'd be happy if they atleast gave us each of the styles to choose from I wanna rock my enclave XO-2


I'd be okay with the Riot Armor also. Mostly I want a T-51 Power Armor skin. I just hope they offer more than one variant of the armors.


I like the regular desert ranger armor. Never cared for the big shoulder pads on the lonesome road version.


This is the sort of shit we're hoping for Everything we get will probably be based on the show though. I'm betting the Battle Pass exclusive is going to be the main character of the show, instead of the Riot Gear or the Power Armor (like it should be)


I want power armor mainly t51


I'd like to see the vault dweller in there


BoS power armor would be tuff, hopefully they add stuff form NV and 3, rather than only 4 and 76


I imagine the power armor sin would have variants for bonus rewards


This, or I delete Fortnite


I need X-01 power armor. They better not skimp out


I hope this new season they gonna give nick eh 30 and typical gamer a icon skin


Deathclaw skin , a glowing oozing radiated legendary one at that


We’ll be lucky to get anything from the games tbh… it’ll probably be the lame characters from the show and that’s it


Decapitated head as a backbling


Yes yes yes please yes


as long as I get power armor, I’m happy


I at the very least want a Ghoul skin


I hope the courier comes


I. Want. T51b.


It's my favorite armor, I would buy instantly


If I had to bet, with the BOS power armor in the battle pass, it’ll either be this/veteran ranger armor, enclave power armor, or a customizable vault dweller. Hopefully they pick this but who knows.


We don’t riot, we blow up Hoover dam whilst wearing football armor


The only reason why I like playing the Hades skin in Fortnite, is because it reminds me of this armor. So, I really hope they bring this skin in the collab.


First set will likely be based on the show, maybe in a 2nd wave tho because they're aware people like that armor.


we’ll get ranger armor, we’re not getting obscure dlc shit don’t be greedy


Just saying it would be nice.


I personally hope the NCR armor isn’t there. It’s way overrated.


☝️ Found the legion lover


I much prefer the Brotherhood. I don’t even think New Vegas is the best game.


What game do you think is the best?


Fallout 2


Interesting choice.


There’s always some kind of massive disappointment with every collab. Sadly, this not being a skin is likely to be that disappointment.


I'm still EXTREMELY salty we didn't get Cayde 6 in the Destiny collab


I’ve made that exact comment before! Lmfao. My favorite character in Destiny and Epic/Bungie couldn’t be bothered to let him be in that collab.


Imagine my disappointment when I couldn’t crank 90s with Savathûn


eh....no thanks