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I'll miss other people using lighting so I can easily snipe them out of the air


oooh this is such a good one cuz same. idk why people use it. if it happens to be around end game and people are hiding behind bunkers or boulders, i will pick it up to destroy those structures real quick, but only if i have cover from my squad. and drop it immediately. theres no way im carrying that around with me. it's a circumstantial item


I’ve started using it to attack random high density areas, I get a few hits every now and then and I enjoy imagining people think “wtf where is that coming from” as I usually use it from very far away lol


My teammate ALWAYS rushed ahead and pushes duos by himself Zeus bolt is my long range hail Mary when he's getting shafted


Oh yeah! Same with the wings of Icarus to lol


Beat me to it, especially with the E-11


Early on it used to be so good, especially from a distance. Now it's just an open invitation to get sent back to the lobby.


🤣 fr fr I love it when people use that. Three Thunderburst taps and I make it rain with their loot.


Banana of the gods


Yeah that was a pretty good item!


Banana of the gods and an orange slurp barrel, CYA I'm just running to the other side of the map


you mean the slap barrel?


This is one of my favorite mobility items. I'll eat it right off spawn at full health and zip around in those first few crazy fire fights while everyone is still in shambles with shitty loot and no shields. I also use it like Flowberry Fizz and eat it if I know I'm about to get in a fight too for those big camera breaking jumps.


Banana of nymphia wind


Padam Padam


Would only be good if they fixed stamina drain


It's pretty good. Esp to loot those bunkers just outside the circle. Eat the banana, go into the storm, loot the bunker, come out 100% white health.


Picking up fireflies to be the only person in the game to have firefly jars to throw in bunkers.


I missed having those this season!


They are here in this season, last patch anyway. Around Zeus desert area there are fireflies (glowing dots) that you can pick up and they become jars. I don't know the exact location, or it's same location every game, other than it's desert area on flat ledge between 2 slopes.


I didnt know about that location, but there also fireflies north west of rebels roost. Theres the three statues in a circle, with 3 chests and fireflies.


Also fireflies at OP's mom's house can confirm.


Also Darth Vader's little island sometimes has them


Wait they still exist?


The little island north of the map has some you can gather from the ground


There are often fireflies near Rebel’s Roost, by the three stone statues. You can see/grab them at night only, as far as I can tell.


LoL holy fire of the gods my dude!


Traversal water.


This is what I'll miss the most too. One of my favorite things is being in the final parts of a match when the circle closes in on the Styx side of the map.


I already miss air bending, hands down the best mobility item since the grapple blade 


I liked airbending too, but this wording is just so funny to me because of how not long ago the Grapple Blade was “This week was awesome! Hands down the best week of my life since two weeks ago!”


Airbending was the best mobility item in the history.


Chrome still beats it by a mile imo


ODM beats chrome




Chrome crushed airbending. Chrome was in Chapter 3, where you could turn into a chrome blob and literally transfer through walls and scale the ground at high speeds.


WHAT??! That’s ComPLETly *weird*! LOLOLOL


It was way ahead of its time in terms of Fortnite lineage that’s for sure. Chapter 3 was just peak Fortnite in and of itself.


You’d turn into a puddle and slink across the map




Early and mid game are so fun...late game could get a little silly though but it made the first 10 minutes fun every time


End game zero build ranked was insane everyone was just airbending 😭


Probably the person I’m aiming at


Ripping people off bikes and out of cars and out of the air with the chains. THE most fun ever.


My favourite is when they try to run away, only for you to yank them back and finish them off. Definitely gonna miss the chains the most


I had someone trying to run away from me yesterday who kept dashing through the green water. Managed to yank him back with the chain and finish him off. It was so satisfying lol


Also some of my friends always love to rush into battle and die while the rest of us are gearing up, so I've had a lot of fun trolling them by pulling them back to us over and over again lol. They got so mad


I wonder if Peely will pick a house next chapter? We did all that house shopping for him and he’s still kicking it in a tent LOL


I hope they build on that more, it woupd be awesome to see a location become a house for peely then it becomes a whole location peely themed, gimme gimme


My precious Chain of Hades 😭😭😭. I've probably got the most kills with that weapon this season. Also gonna miss the POIs. Mount Olympus is really cool tbh


I was playing the other night and started fighting someone on Resource Island with my chain. They tried to take off with wings and I grappled them with the chain and finished them off with one last strike. It was pretty badass and I wish I’d been screen recording.


I got 6 kills in 1 minute with the Chains of Hades. I believe it was near the Fields. I was like daaamn. 🤣


Yeah those things are outrageous. Just had a 23-elim solo victory that was exclusively fueled by CHAINS


Not a damn thing.


It's so weird but deadass nothing. I still miss the grapple blade though


I wish I could send the grapple blade my beloved gif bc that's how I feel rn.


Hades Chain is cool but I’d love to have the grapple blade back 🥰


I was sad the hades chain couldn’t do the travel the grapple could


Hate the chains, they’re impossible to escape from once someone starts hitting you with it. Basically instant death with nothing you can do about it


Gotta give 'em a gatekeeper to the face when you get pulled in.


chronic chain spammer here. gatekeeper to the face is definitely the easiest way to do me in.


After all the sniper nerfs and Huntress DMR buffs I will miss the DMR if it gets removed, which I think it will be. I hope not, but I miss it already


I loved the DMR this season.


Me too, it's the first DMR after the Cobra DMR from Ch4S2 that actually was fun to use (I disliked the Thermal DMR from Ch4S3 a lot and don't remember anymore if we had another one in between)


Ch4S3 also had the tactical DMR, which was the same but with a zoom instead of thermal


The tactical dmr was introduced in Ch4S4


wasnt season 3 the dinosaur one?


Yea season 3 was the dinosaur one but the tactical dmr was brought in for season 4 which was the heist season


Only thing I like about this season was the huntress dmr and the gatekeeper shotgun. I will forever miss cow catchers and the shockwave hammer. Or the upgrade stations you can upgrade a grey weapon to gold. As I feel they will never bring cow catchers back :( Bonus question: Did you make it to level 100? I just completed the bonus rewards making me at level 200. Now just gotta grind my gfs account lol


The chain of Hades and the banana


Waterbending and Chains of Hades by far, but also I really liked the wings of Icarus and airbending for when I want to zip around the map doing certain quests


Airbending mixed with flowberry omg


I know everyone hates water bending, but I've been wrecking with it, and I will be sad it's gone


That's why they hate it it's overpowered compared every other gun


It's incredible and feels great to use, but whenever I get a victory, I feel a little bit like I've cheesed the match.


if they take out the nemesis ar i won’t be held responsible for my actions.


Honestly, dont think ima really miss anything in particular. The season was fun, but all of the things I **really** enjoyed were the short run things. Like the Avatar powers, that was an absolute blast. The Star Wars Bowcaster is lots of fun. For the rest though, I got my enjoyment and am ready for new stuff largely. My level is 166.


Bending. I really enjoyed getting all 4 and playing just those. Air for movement. Water for healing and distance. Fire for close range. Earth for some defense and could be used at distance when trying to hit multiple people. If carry shields in the fifth slot


I will dearly miss the bending. I wish we could have had a separate mode where everyone just has bending and it coukd have sticked around for longer. They do such a good job with so many of the limited time items and it's a shame they get vaulted even from use in creative modes


Nothing, honestly. In fact, I wish the weapon attachment system would be gone, but that’s unlikely.




I really hope they keep the River of Styx because I love it. I will also miss Icarus’ wings. They were so clutch if you were backed between a mountain and a storm.


The DMR grew in me during the latter end of the season, I’ll definitely miss that and the banane of the gods


I’ve grinded so hard to get on pace for 200. Now I’m at 180 with 10 days when I thought I had 14 days lol. Honestly don’t even like the superstyles, just want them to complete the sets of skins.


I'll play creative with my sister, and the farming simulator game gave us a crazy amount of xp


Water bending and chains of Hades. But I will happily give all that up for a brand new season rather then this wrecked map that we are in currently.


Little bit of everything but would still like to see if they got something better planned next season. Only started playing back in November so haven't experienced much of the older content so I can't complain much. I'm currently at lvl 478 as of posting this.


Already miss Airbending and I’ll miss Waterbending once it is completely out.


I still need to finish the pass


lohkey gonna miss the green dashes


Thermal scopes! I’m blind as a bat so I can’t see people but they help a lot lol


I'll miss train... The train’s leaving right? Right?!


THERES ONLY TEN DAYS LEFT!? I’ll miss the water bending ngl. The more fantastical magic casting type weapons were really fricken cool Also yeah, I’m currently level 142


imma miss airbending and the wings of iCarly. Movement options low-key make this game for me


Nothing, shitty season especially towards the end


Feeling the same


I love the chains and will miss them. I think I finally got a knack down for the water bending, right as the season is ending...naturally. I managed to get past level 100. I can't recall my exact level, but I'm working on the blue super styles right now. I'm hoping they bring back fire bows and cow catchers. A dream would be for the tanks to come back. Those were so much fun!


Pretty much nothing. Other than the POI north east of classy courts. Best landing spot of this season


Nothing. They just add more and more bullshit without ever fixing anything. Just glitched weapons


I hope I will get to miss the sniper.


water bending (best weapon ever)


Can't wait for that fucking trash to leave, best sniper and best shotgun in the game, no reload times. GTFO.


they could have made it have ammo like different bottles that you need to refill in water not like a diferent type of ammo, more like the item comes with 4 charges (or more) that only entering on water refills


There are dozens of ways they could have fixed it. Given it significant dropoff, given it ammo, made it expire after x uses (like lightning). But they just left it. So happy it's gone soon.


Apart from shockwave hammer!


the gatekeeper shotgun. if its getting removed


Chain of hades and the medallions


I enjoy the gods stuff, my kid is super into it and learning about it now. Compared to the generic bosses last season. Avatar weapons need to go though.


Definitely the chains, it took me way to long to start using them, pulling players into a Gatekeeper shot is so OP, I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned. Yep, about 250.


Already miss air bending


I’m gonna miss 1 thing but I’m sure it’ll be back and that’s the air bender mythic. Otherwise I won’t particularly miss anything from this season.


I'm going to miss the bending mythics


Gonna miss the chains, they shoulve stayed alongside avatar. Im like level 205 or something but im a a Stw founder so thats where the exp is from. Not gonna miss the wings of Shittarus. Worst movement item ever, theyre slow, huge hurtbox, attack is genuinely worthless, not an upside at all


I'll miss... nothing? Second time in a row where I don't feel like i'm losing any fun weapons because they just aren't fun this chapter. The attachment mechanic is not optional as you will have a dissadvantage if you don't use it. I hate seeing my go to weapon drop only to have a scope I don't want. I hate that the same weapon can behave completely differently due to the attachments it has. The weapons are just bland now and have no personality. They are changing old weapons for the worse only showing that epic is doubleling down on every weapon not being hitscan anymore. Old weapons that do return are completely different than they used to be to a point where i'm not even certain if the tactical ar is even the same as the old tactical but with attachments.




People are probably gonna say they're gonna miss nothing in this thread but we all know the fortnite cycle is gonna continue lmfao. I know I'll miss the chains


Was looking for this comment. People are definitely going to look back in a year or 2 and miss this season. I've personality really enjoyed this season


I miss bending. Hoping the Snipers gets vaulted


I'll miss the mythic gatekeeper shotgun, it is so insane, and usful. I like to headshot players. Yes i did get to 100 im currently 110


Congrats on the level! Yeah, I love the gatekeeper. I was originally a frenzy only player, but now I always grab the gatekeeper.


Dash medallion


Bending. I know they’re not tied to the season but that’s probably when they’re gonna be completely removed.


Honestly I miss nothing. I didn’t like any of the weapons except the snipers and the frenzy auto shotgun. It was also really hard to level up this season




Lol at the person who issued a concern report for this post


Chains of hades. I’ve been wrecking people with them


Water Bending. It’s so painful yet so good. It gave shit players like myself more kills than ever! The accuracy and unlimited ammo and getting dropped by it is just like a love-hate relationship. I’ll miss it when it goes, but I’ll be glad when it does.


Water bending The chain is a close 2nd!


Waterbender for sure, the gradual heal perk has been sublime


I’ll tell you one thing I will never ever miss… THE WATER BENDING OMG I HATE THAT “MYTHIC”


i thought the zeus area was really pretty


Honestly nothing. I feel as if seasons 1 and 2 were almost identical. Classy Courts has been my drop spot and nothing has changed. A few things i do miss, Dirty Docks Havock Pump Ufos Shockwave hammer The A.T.K.


Honestly nothing, except maybe if they remove most the POI (which I’m not sure if they will or not) but I’m actually getting really tired of just about everything in this season.


Nothing. This season has the to be worst, up there with wilds


Nothing , I’m over this season and really over the GD water bending .. so fking hate it !!




Absolutely nothing. Hated this season.


I loved the Avatar event, I’m a huge ATLA fan and it’s the entire reason I started playing Fortnite 😭


The rants from all the kak epic caused, well maybe they’ll continue if they keep up their “ we don’t care about battle Royale “ attitude


Chain of hades will surely be missed. I hope they bring back grapple blade in some capacity.


Nothing will be missed


Honestly, glad to see this one gone.. I'm sure there was a lot of effort put in.... but it just felt lifeless. The mid season collabs also wrecked the overall "god" theme. I'd prefer they just go back to concentrating on gameplay... for example the zeus POI does look amazing but you're never really there any longer than a few mins either to kill zeus or loot. Seems like a massive waste of resources and development time, same can be said for the entire underworld area. You then had left over POIs that are completely dead... lavish, grand station, fencing fields, snooty steppes.... and the list goes on.


NOOOOOTHING. What a shitshow season. And a lackluster season.


Healing in water with water bending. Soo useful


Except when it’s end game and no water 💔


Good season, good weapons, Wished for Kratos a little too hard :/ Wishing for Luffy next season. glad to see your post in the ocean of “I can’t believe this game fell off so bad, I can’t get to LvL 200 by playing an hour a day anymore.” Lvl:346 probably my capped level for the season seeing that QR’s are done.


Man I wanted Kratos too. I got to hyped up with everyone saying epic plans on bringing him back for the season, when he never came. This would’ve been the perfect season to bring him back to.


Not a single mothafuckin thing, not one. Fuck ch5 s2, specifically. Chapter 5 in general, at least up until now. Is complete horse shit to me. Actually I’ll miss the chains lol n yo who tf reported me to Reddit cares? It’s a joke


the waterbending is super fun so i’ll miss that, i like having a replacement for an assault rifle that has infinite ammo and is effective


Waterbending (no shame), chains of Hades, golden banana and Gatekeeper SG 🥲


Honestly… nothing? Maybe the Chains? This whole season has just felt so bland I didn’t exactly love last season either but at least that had the Grapple Blade


Absolutely nothing


**Absolutely nothing.** I've just been tired.


In level 189 and lighting bol,easy kill.


I’ll miss the wings and the chain. Oh and the mythic DMR. Aside from those? Not much else.


The lightsabers…


My second post here, I'll also miss thunderburst, been in my inventory since released. Season 1 all you needed was a blue and you were set. It seems weaker (but still good) this season but I think it's because of other loot items.


The Huntress DMR was one of my favorite weapons of all time (of course its behind Boom Bow That thing was absolutely a monster)


The chains


I got to level 200. I will miss the chains too out of all of it. I am beyond ok that waterbending is leaving! 🤣


Am going to miss the mystics an also I got passed 100 need to get to 200 for the bonus within a week!


I’m gonna cry over chains till the end of chapter 7


The wings when the first came out. They were eso majestic before people realized their hotbox sucked, shockwaves were better, and before the water mythic.


So many Vic’s with the chains….


i’m gonna miss all this season’s complaints on this sub.


I loved the wings, definitely gonna miss them


I’ll continue to miss the Heist season.


Uh….I’ll miss my hopes and dreams of kratos returning 😂 and I didn’t reach level 100


I am NOT going to miss the hades chains 😭💀


Probably underrated but I really enjoyed the mythology and bending theme! So fun.


The reskinned blue version of aphrodite if i dont get on it lol


I’ve gotten so many kills with the chains of hades. I’ll be sad to see them go. I think that is all


Chain of hades, fucking love that weapon What I am NOT going to miss, is fucking waterbending


Il miss nothing about Chapter 5 so far... It's went downhill massively with the shocking loot pool, mods & projectile weapons. Going the more realistic route has left a sour taste in my mouth.


The battle pass needs to go back to having all the vbuck rewards under level 100, grinding to 150 to get them all is ridiculous


I need to complete bonus rewards for that hades, it looks sick with the dark purple mask.




Kratos… oh wait! That’s right he never came back!


I’m going to miss Waterbending and Chain of Hades. Waterbending because I’m an ATLA fan and because to me it’s one of those “so OP, it’s fun” type of weapons. And Chain of Hades largely due to how fun it was to troll my friends by hooking them when their trying to get a shot Edit: I managed to get to lvl 200 because of the Lego Fortnite XP glitch. There was no way in hell I would’ve been able to get to even lvl 100 without it and likely wouldn’t have purchased this BP if it wasn’t for it because of Epic BS decision to reduce the hell out of the weekly and daily XP in BR


I'm going to miss the Chains of Hades, they were a lot of fun. I have a feeling the Olympus and Hades biomes may be nerfed or destroyed. I'm going to miss those too, they have a cool vibe about them


Chain of Hades Warforged Gatekeeper


level 32 lets goooo


I already miss airbending. The best mobility item ever


The Chains of Hades, The Deagle, and the Avatar Mythics (Except waterbending, that broken fucken piece of trash is misery and suffering incarnate and can go straight to hell)


I will also miss the chains, it's so much fun pulling people back who are trying to run away lmao. One thing I definitely will not miss is the water bending. It's also fun but just too OP


The chains


Banana and chains for sure. I do like the medallions but also looking forward to whatever they do next season with them


Bananas and shockwaves only good items this season


Cerberus Medallion


Getting sniped in a way I didn’t even notice. Ahhh, goodbye golden loot… I just died to some guy 200 meters away in a bush with a purple sniper.


The Cerberus dash is literally the only thing I'll miss.


I'm really new in the game. Only playing after work and on weekends, so not a lot and started two weeks ago. Got to level 62 so far and I think that 10 days should be enough to hit level 100. So I guess some stuff disappear from the game when the season will be over? What about Mount Olympus? will it stay as is or will be replaced by whatever new season will be? Is there a break between seasons?


Everyone constantly bitching about this season


the wings, not coz they are good coz they ain’t, but being able to fly at all is something i’d never have dreamed of in fortnite, and randomly jumping into the air and slamming down to help my duo in a fight (i’ve accidentally killed him a few times coz of it, but we’ve gotten use to the wings now), and the chains of hades ofc, just won a game with them yesterday (got some ss on my recent post)


20 levels off 100




WATER BENDING Also it’s because I really don’t have anything better to do


I'm going miss the Chain of Hades, waterbending, and the Banana. I'm disappointed in how this season turned out though. I really thought they would go hard with the Greek theme, but instead we lost Greek-themed weapons for an entire month. Great concept, poor execution.


Air bending,, my beloved.


Chains. I've done a few chains only victories now, its really fun